247 research outputs found

    Sistema vestible para la medición de alcohol en sudor

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    Las pruebas de alcoholemia realizadas revelan un gran incremento en la ingesta de alcohol por parte de los conductores en los últimos años. Debido a la gran tasa de alcoholemia, y el gran lastre que supone esto para la sociedad, se ha decidido desarrollar un sistema complementario a las técnicas ya usadas en estos controles de carretera. El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Máster es el de crear un sistema vestible que mida alcohol utilizando el dispositivo Arduino Lilypad diseñado especialmente para proyectos e-Textil y vestibles. Para su desarrollo ha sido necesario que nuestro sistema contase con un bloque de adquisición de datos, a través de un biosensor, y acondicionamiento de los mismos por medio de un potenciostato; un bloque de procesamiento y adecuación de la señal; un bloque de distribución que permitirá la transmisión de los datos vía Bluetooth a una aplicación móvil para su representación en tiempo real y un bloque que alimente nuestro sistema. Tanto el biosensor, el equipo químico como el sistema de referencia utilizado en este trabajo ha sido cedido por el Departamento de Química Analítica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.Along the last years, blood alcohol level tests realized revealed a considerable increase in the alcohol intake by car drivers. Due to the high alcohol levels and the relevant burden this cause to society; it has been decided to develop a complementary system to the already available control techniques used in roadblocks. The objective of this final master project is creating a wearable system that measures the alcohol using Lilypad Arduino especially designed for e-Textil and wearables. For its development it has been needed that our system includes an acquisition block of data through a biosensor and conditioning them through a potentiostat; a procedure and adequacy signal block; a distribution block that permits the data transmission through Bluetooth to a mobile application for its representativeness in real time and a block that feeds our system. The biosensor, the chemical equipment, as well as, the reference system used in this project has been provided by the analytical chemistry department of the University Complutense of Madrid

    Caracterización experimental de canales direccionales de Radio a 5.5, 3.3 y 2.4 GHz en diferentes entornos

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    El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es el de realizar una campaña de medidas para el cálculo de las pérdidas de propagación en diferentes escenarios interiores del Edificio C de la Escuela Politécnica Superior a tres frecuencias distintas, 5.5 GHz, 3.3 GHz y 2.4 GHz, y a tres alturas distintas: 1 metro, 1.4 metros y 1.8 metros. Se estudiarán enlaces de 10 y 20 metros de distancia total entre antenas evaluando el efecto que producen el tipo de paredes, las personas o la existencia de mobiliario en los distintos escenarios. Las medidas se realizarán utilizando señales de onda continua que serán transmitidas por una de las antenas y recibida por la otra. Esta señal será analizada por el analizador de redes. Los resultados se mostrarán: -En forma de gráfica y contarán con: los datos de las medidas tomadas, la atenuación teórica, el ajuste de las medidas en dos rectas, el histograma de la diferencia de medidas al valor medio y su función de probabilidad. Las funciones de distribución en todos los casos se han aproximado por una combinación de una función Gaussiana y una función de Rayleigh. -En forma de ecuación (modelo de propagación) que define el ajuste de las medidas en dos rectas.The aim of this project is to carry out a measurement campaign focused on the calculation of propagation loss different indoor in Escuela Politécnica Superior. I will work with three different frequencies (5.5 GHz, 3.3 GHz and 2.4 GHz) and three different heights: 1m, 1.4m y 1.8m. In this study I will do 10 and 20 meters wireless links, which depend on the scenario. I will evaluate the effect that produce the type of walls, people or piece of furniture in different scenarios. The measurements will be made by using continuous wave signals to be transmitted by one antenna and received by the other. This signal is analyzed by the network analyzer. The results will show: -Graphical data that will have: measures data, theorical loss, two curves adjustment, measurements to mean value histogram, and its cumulative distribution function. The cumulative distribution functions will be aproximated by a combination of at least one Gaussian functions and one Rayleigh function. -Propagation model that is defined with two curves equations

    Sustainable Cultural Tourism in Urban Destinations: Does Space Matter?

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    Policy makers and tourism developers must understand visitors' mobility behavior and how they consume space and tourism resources in order to set up sustainable cultural tourism destinations. With this in mind, it should also be pointed out that the mobility patterns of tourists in urban destinations are mainly located in the city center (spatial centrality), the analysis of which enables us to define "how central" the resources (museums, monuments, etc.) are and what the interactions between them are. Comprehending which factors influence visitors' urban mobility behavior is key to understanding tourists' consumption of space and their connections with the tourism assets of the city. Furthermore, when tourists visit a destination, they make a mental representation of the destination, constructing a mental map of it. Thus, tourists consume not only spaces but also the image of a city/destination. Moreover, the latter influences the former. The quality of surrounding architecture and urbanism plays a crucial role in enhancing the experiential value of a destination and influencing space consumption preferences. Clearly, visitors are more likely to use/consume environments that are easily navigated and mentally legible. In order to explore these patterns, a real experiment was performed based on visitor behavior in the city of Bilbao. In addition, the central places of Bilbao were determined and an analysis of the spatial interaction between cultural sites was performed, making use of a new methodology based on GPS technologies, network analysis, and surveys. This methodology is the main contribution of this work. The results suggest that (1) easy mobility (walkability, accessibility, different transport modes) of the visited space facilitates the tourist experience; (2) simple and eligible mental maps of the city that are easily perceived by visitors facilitate the rapid consumption of the tourist destination; and (3) the centrality of the tourism resources affects the mobility of visitors and the consumption of the destination. Thus, by understanding how tourist mobility works in a destination and analyzing tourism resources' centrality, policy makers may better tailor sustainable strategies for cultural tourism destinations.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO 2015 CREA-NETWORK CSO2015-65265-C4-3-R). The Art4pax Foundation (Guernica) and the Basque Government (SAIOTEK) provided support for this project. We are grateful to BASQUETOUR (Basque Agency of Tourism), CICtourGUNE and to Silke Haarich (Germany) who kindly read an early draft of the article. They are not responsible for our interpretations

    El sector caprino y su contribución al desarrollo rural

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    El ganado caprino es una de las especies ganaderas más importantes del medio rural, ya que tradicionalmente se ha desarrollado en zonas en un porcentaje elevado marginales, en las que este tipo de ganado constituía una forma de aprovechamiento rentable, contribuyendo además a fijar población. Sin embargo, la evolución en los últimos diez años nos muestra un sector muy heterogéneo, en constante evolución y en un proceso acelerado de intensificación, lo cual sin duda cambia la relación hasta ahora existente entre el ganado caprino y el medio rural. Si se quiere vislumbrar cuál va a ser a partir de ahora esta relación, es necesario analizar cómo está el sector actualmente y cuáles han sido los principales factores generadores del cambio que se ha producido en el mismo. Este cambio ha estado provocado en parte por la propia dinámica de las explotaciones y, en parte también, por la incidencia de factores externos, tales como, por ejemplo, el aumento de la demanda de los productos caprinos por parte de los consumidores o la globalización de los mercados. En este artículo se hará una síntesis de los principales aspectos que caracterizan al caprino, así como de los principales factores que han influido en su evolución, dedicando un apartado especial a dos hechos que resultan relevantes: la Reforma de la Política Agraria Común (PAC) y el Plan de Desarrollo Rural para el período 2007/2013. Tratamos con mayor intensidad el caprino de Andalucía por ser esta la región de la UE en la que siguen teniendo bastante importancia los sistemas caprino-lecheros ligados al pastoreo en áreas de sierra. Con todo ello se hará un diagnóstico y se concluirá con algunas ideas sobre hacia dónde puede ir el sector y en qué medida ese camino que va a recorrer estará ligado o no al desarrollo rural

    Prym varieties, curves with automorphisms and the Sato Grassmannian

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    Este trabajo trata las variedades de Prym, curvas con automorfismos y Grassmannian de Sato.The aim of the paper is twofold. First, some results of Shiota and Plaza-Martín on Prym varieties of curves with an involution are generalized to the general case of an arbitrary automorphism of prime order. Second, the equations defining the moduli space of curves with an automorphism of prime order as a subscheme of the Sato Grassmannian are given

    Superstar Museums and global media exposure: mapping the positioning of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao through networks

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    Superstar architecture can play a key role in the global positioning of museums in influential mass media, thereby successfully attracting cultural tourism (e.g. the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, GMB). Yet, an evident shortcoming is the mapping of media positioning. The aim of this article is precisely to draw and visualize this positioning of the GMB through networks. Two innovative features characterize this study: first, from a theoretical point of view, it links the debate on Superstar Museums to the broader economic debate on Superstar Economics. Akin to Rosen's hypothesis, in the case of Superstar Museums, the media exposure is concentrated among a handful of museums. In this context, the authors highlight the role of networks. The central nodes in the networks utilized for the study, depict/stand for museums that have the maximum visibility in the international media. The second innovative feature of the article is the analysis of co-citation networks in articles of the New York Times for two periods (1995-2000 and 2014-2019). The network graphs map the results of this article: the GMB positioned itself effectively with its inauguration in 1997. In addition, 20 years later the GMB still remains quite well positioned.This work was supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain): [Grant Number MINECOR/FEDER 2015 CREA-NETWORK CSO2015-65265-C4-3]

    The Legitimacy of Certification Standards in Climate Change Governance

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    This article explores the role of two private steering mechanisms, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA), in REDD+, the climate change mitigation policy that aims to avoid deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries. It does so by analyzing input and output legitimacy of the two certification standards at the global level, and at national and local levels in Peru. The findings show an increasing interest among REDD+ actors in using these standards, and a relatively large number of Peruvian REDD+ projects that are certified by the FSC or CCBA. The findings also suggest intrinsic linkages between input and output legitimacy of the FSC and CCBA within single governance levels and across different scales. The article also demonstrates the added value of studying the legitimacy of policy instruments, such as the FSC and CCBA, in a specific context such as REDD+. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environmen

    The role of heart rate on the associations between body composition and heart rate variability in children with overweight/obesity : the ActiveBrains project

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    Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) is negatively associated with body mass index and adiposity in several populations. However, less information is available about this association in children with overweight and obesity, especially severe/morbid obesity, taking into consideration the dependence of HRV on heart rate (HR). Objectives: (1) to examine associations between body composition measures and HRV, (2) to study differences in HRV between children with overweight and severe/morbid obesity; and (3) to test whether relationships and differences tested in objectives 1 and 2, respectively are explained by the dependency of HRV on HR. Methods: A total of 107 children with overweight/obesity (58% boys, 10.03 +/- 1.13 years) participated in this study. Body composition measures were evaluated by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). HRV parameters were measured with Polar RS800CXR (R). Results: Body composition measures were negatively associated with HRV indicators of parasympathetic activity (beta values ranging from -0.207 to -0.307, all p 0.05). Conclusion: All associations between adiposity/obesity and HRV could be explained by HR, suggesting a key confounding role of HR in HRV studies in children with weight disturbances

    Identificación de atracciones urbanas centrales mediante seguimiento GPS y análisis de redes

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    Este estudio presenta una metodología aplicable en la identificación de atracciones turísticas centrales en entornos urbanos mediante el uso combinado de datos GPS y análisis de redes de atracciones visitadas por los turistas. La identificación de las atracciones centrales es fundamental para los gestores de una ciudad, tanto a la hora de planificar las instalaciones y servicios urbanos, o gestionar los recursos municipales, como localizar nuevas atracciones o captar todos los beneficios potenciales de los mismos. El primer paso de la metodología propuesta es la detección de las atracciones visitadas mediante el análisis de datos GPS. A partir de este conjunto de datos GPS se construye una red cuyos nodos son las atracciones visitadas y posteriormente se realiza el análisis de redes correspondiente. El estudio empírico se ha llevado a cabo en la ciudad de Bilbao, destino turístico que ha obtenido fama internacional gracias al Museo Guggenheim. Sorprendentemente, nuestra metodología conduce a resultados inesperados: mientras que los contenidos de las redes sociales (por ejemplo, TripAdvisor) y los expertos (agentes turísticos) señalan al Guggenheim como el principal activo turístico, en realidad resulta ser el Casco Viejo el lugar más visitado de Bilbao según el comportamiento espacial real detectado por nuestro método. Este enfoque metodológico puede servir para tomar decisiones más adaptadas y definir mejores políticas en materia de planificación y gestión urbana