1,350 research outputs found

    Direct observation of twist mode in electroconvection in I52

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    I report on the direct observation of a uniform twist mode of the director field in electroconvection in I52. Recent theoretical work suggests that such a uniform twist mode of the director field is responsible for a number of secondary bifurcations in both electroconvection and thermal convection in nematics. I show here evidence that the proposed mechanisms are consistent with being the source of the previously reported SO2 state of electroconvection in I52. The same mechanisms also contribute to a tertiary Hopf bifurcation that I observe in electroconvection in I52. There are quantitative differences between the experiment and calculations that only include the twist mode. These differences suggest that a complete description must include effects described by the weak-electrolyte model of electroconvection

    Covering R-trees, R-free groups, and dendrites

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    We prove that every length space X is the orbit space (with the quotient metric) of an R-tree T via a free action of a locally free subgroup G(X) of isometries of X. The mapping f:T->X is a kind of generalized covering map called a URL-map and is universal among URL-maps onto X. T is the unique R-tree admitting a URL-map onto X. When X is a complete Riemannian manifold M of dimension n>1, the Menger sponge, the Sierpin'ski carpet or gasket, T is isometric to the so-called "universal" R-tree A_{c}, which has valency equal to the cardinality of the continuum at each point. In these cases, and when X is the Hawaiian earring H, the action of G(X) on T gives examples in addition to those of Dunwoody and Zastrow that negatively answer a question of J. W. Morgan about group actions on R-trees. Indeed, for one length metric on H, we obtain precisely Zastrow's example.Comment: This paper is the result of splitting off some of the results in the preprint "Covering R-trees" and adding additional applications to R-free group

    Modulated structures in electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals

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    Motivated by experiments in electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals with homeotropic alignment we study the coupled amplitude equations describing the formation of a stationary roll pattern in the presence of a weakly-damped mode that breaks isotropy. The equations can be generalized to describe the planarly aligned case if the orienting effect of the boundaries is small, which can be achieved by a destabilizing magnetic field. The slow mode represents the in-plane director at the center of the cell. The simplest uniform states are normal rolls which may undergo a pitchfork bifurcation to abnormal rolls with a misaligned in-plane director.We present a new class of defect-free solutions with spatial modulations perpendicular to the rolls. In a parameter range where the zig-zag instability is not relevant these solutions are stable attractors, as observed in experiments. We also present two-dimensionally modulated states with and without defects which result from the destabilization of the one-dimensionally modulated structures. Finally, for no (or very small) damping, and away from the rotationally symmetric case, we find static chevrons made up of a periodic arrangement of defect chains (or bands of defects) separating homogeneous regions of oblique rolls with very small amplitude. These states may provide a model for a class of poorly understood stationary structures observed in various highly-conducting materials ("prechevrons" or "broad domains").Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Electron-phonon scattering at the intersection of two Landau levels

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    We predict a double-resonant feature in the magnetic field dependence of the phonon-mediated longitudinal conductivity σxx\sigma_{xx} of a two-subband quasi-two-dimensional electron system in a quantizing magnetic field. The two sharp peaks in σxx\sigma_{xx} appear when the energy separation between two Landau levels belonging to different size-quantization subbands is favorable for acoustic-phonon transitions. One-phonon and two-phonon mechanisms of electron conductivity are calculated and mutually compared. The phonon-mediated interaction between the intersecting Landau levels is considered and no avoided crossing is found at thermal equilibrium.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Three-dimensional pattern formation, multiple homogeneous soft modes, and nonlinear dielectric electroconvection

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    Patterns forming spontaneously in extended, three-dimensional, dissipative systems are likely to excite several homogeneous soft modes (\approx hydrodynamic modes) of the underlying physical system, much more than quasi one- and two-dimensional patterns are. The reason is the lack of damping boundaries. This paper compares two analytic techniques to derive the patten dynamics from hydrodynamics, which are usually equivalent but lead to different results when applied to multiple homogeneous soft modes. Dielectric electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals is introduced as a model for three-dimensional pattern formation. The 3D pattern dynamics including soft modes are derived. For slabs of large but finite thickness the description is reduced further to a two-dimensional one. It is argued that the range of validity of 2D descriptions is limited to a very small region above threshold. The transition from 2D to 3D pattern dynamics is discussed. Experimentally testable predictions for the stable range of ideal patterns and the electric Nusselt numbers are made. For most results analytic approximations in terms of material parameters are given.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    Universal critical temperature for Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions in bilayer quantum magnets

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    Recent experiments show that double layer quantum Hall systems may have a ground state with canted antiferromagnetic order. In the experimentally accessible vicinity of a quantum critical point, the order vanishes at a temperature T_{KT} = \kappa H, where H is the magnetic field and \kappa is a universal number determined by the interactions and Berry phases of the thermal excitations. We present quantum Monte Carlo simulations on a model spin system which support the universality of \kappa and determine its numerical value. This allows experimental tests of an intrinsically quantum-mechanical universal quantity, which is not also a property of a higher dimensional classical critical point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quasiparticle properties of a coupled quantum wire electron-phonon system

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    We study leading-order many-body effects of longitudinal optical (LO) phonons on electronic properties of one-dimensional quantum wire systems. We calculate the quasiparticle properties of a weakly polar one dimensional electron gas in the presence of both electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions. The leading-order dynamical screening approximation (GW approximation) is used to obtain the electron self-energy, the quasiparticle spectral function, and the quasiparticle damping rate in our calculation by treating electrons and phonons on an equal footing. Our theory includes effects (within the random phase approximation) of Fermi statistics, Landau damping, plasmon-phonon mode coupling, phonon renormalization, dynamical screening, and impurity scattering. In general, electron-electron and electron-phonon many-body renormalization effects are found to be nonmultiplicative and nonadditive in our theoretical results for quasiparticle properties.Comment: 21 pages, Revtex, 12 figures enclose