533 research outputs found

    Synthesis of fused heterocyclic systems based on quinozalines and tetrahydroquinolines

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    Данная работа направлена на разработку эффективного метода микроволнового синтеза конденсированных гетероциклических систем на основе хиназолинов и тетрагидрохинолинов с использованием реакций, протекающих по механизму трет-амино эффекта.The project aims to develop an effective microwave-assisted synthesis of fused heterocyclic systems based on quinozalines and tetrahydroquinolines by using the tert-amino effect.Программа развития УрФУ на 2013 год (п.

    Zombie fungus

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    Технология опытного производства тетрагидрохинолина: (3aS*,4R*)-4-циано-1,2,3,3а,4,5-гексагидро-1Н-пирроло[1,2-а]хинолин-4-карботиоамида

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    Received: 17.07.2016; accepted: 24.29.2016; published: 01.12.2016.Поступило: 17.07.2016; приянято: 24.09.2016; опубликовано: 01.12.2016.The regulations of the pilot production of (3aS*,4R*)-4-cyano-1,2,3,3а,4,5-hexahydro-1Н-pyrrolo[1,2-а]quinoline-4-carbothioamide designed in Ltd. U-Synthesis is presented in the present work. Main steps of the production are considered, the material balance of the process, specification of main production steps and applied equipment are given.В работе представлен разработанный в ООО «У-Синтез» регламент опытного производства (3aS*,4R*)-4-циано-1,2,3,3а,4,5-гексагидро-1Н-пирроло[1,2-а]хинолин-4-карботиоамида. Рассмотрены основные стадии производства, приведены материальный баланс процесса, описание основных стадий производства и применяемого оборудования

    Evolution of banking mergers and acquisitions market in Russia

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    Purpose: The article characterizes efferent and afferent trends as a strategic factor in the evolution and development of the banking system of the Russian Federation. Design/Methodology/Approach: The article reveals the peculiarities of the processes of mergers, takeovers, and acquisitions taking place in the Russian market, emphasizes their evolutionary and cyclical nature, making a conclusion about the optimization of existing business processes, the transition to a market-oriented way of managing capital. Results: The phenomenon of bank mergers and acquisitions is another step in the evolution of financial capital. This process should be considered against the background of the development of the entire industry of financial markets associated with the organization of new institutions and extinction of outdated forms of organization of redistributive processes. Practical implications: Solving number of tasks related to the optimization of existing business processes, the transition to a market-oriented way to manage capital are critically important for the successful restructuring of the financial architecture under the pressure of new technological challenges for domestic banks. Slowdowns in these processes will lead to the need to tackle cross-cutting tasks, which will create risks for providing financial resources for the entire economy. Originality/Value: Prospective systemic changes in the banking sector of Russia will also affect the sphere of mergers, while the processes will simultaneously move in several directions. The institutions who failed to restructure business processes in a new technological environment will have to leave the market due to the outflow of customers.peer-reviewe

    Theoretical basis for composition of economic strategy for industry development

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    The article deals with the issues related to analysis of domestic engineering problems with the assessment of the current state of the industry as a whole. Considering the prospects of exiting the current crisis, as well as long-term economic growth we expect general welfare within the sector. As the object of the study the authors have selected the engineering industry of the country. The subject of research is the economic relations between producers and consumers of engineering products, as well as issues of strategy formation and development of the engineering industry. The authors analyzed the state of machine-manufacture and highlighted the problems, the solution of which is most relevant given the government policy of increased import substitution and enhanced productivity. Further analysis was carried out in the sphere of sources of financing and attraction of investment resources for all kinds of enterprises of mechanical engineering, on the basis of which economic development strategy for the industry may be constructed. In addition, the authors propose measures and concrete ways of solving the problems identified by the formation of economic strategy of development of the industry, involving plans of achievement of all the defined targets. As a result of the study authors concluded that the need to stop subsidizing loss-making enterprises, creating a favorable climate for the development of venture companies, in order t introduce innovative technology as soon as possible. These technologies could subsequently be exported together with products of greater added value.peer-reviewe

    Providing healthsaving mode orientation of children in recreation and rehabilitation

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    It was investigated the features of the regime of the day students in the period of rest and recovery. It was formulated the main principles of hygiene supplies for recreation, it was proved the presence of health-saving by optimizing the orientation components of the daily routineИзучены особенности режима дня школьников в период отдыха и оздоровления. Сформулированы основные принципы гигиенического обеспечения рекреации, доказано наличие здоровье сберегающей направленности за счет оптимизации компонентов режима дн

    Multiphase composite coatings: structure and properties

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    The paper discusses the results of the research into the formation of ion-plasma multiphase coatings. The types of the formed structures are found to be not so diverse, as those formed, for example, in alloy crystallization. The structures observed are basically of globular type and, more rarely, of unclosed dissipative and cellular structures. It is shown that the properties of the coating formed in deposition are largely determined by its surface energy or surface tension. Since the magnitude of the surface tension (surface energy) in most cases is an additive quantity, each of the elements of the coating composition contributes to the total surface energy. In case of simultaneous sputtering of multiphase cathodes, high entropy coatings with an ordered cellular structure and improved mechanical properties are formed

    Metal-free α-amination of secondary amines: Computational and experimental evidence for azaquinone methide and azomethine ylide intermediates

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    We have performed a combined computational and experimental study to elucidate the mechanism of a metal-free α-amination of secondary amines. Calculations predicted azaquinone methides and azomethine ylides as the reactive intermediates and showed that iminium ions are unlikely to participate in these transformations. These results were confirmed by experimental deuterium-labeling studies and the successful trapping of the postulated azomethine ylide and azaquinone methide intermediates. In addition, computed barrier heights for the rate-limiting step correlate qualitatively with experimental findings. © 2013 American Chemical Society