126 research outputs found

    A Complete Analysis for Pump Controlled Single Rod Actuators

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    In the current study a variable speed pump controlled hydrostatic circuit where an underlapped shuttle valve is utilized to compensate the unequal flow rate of a single rod actuator is analyzed. Parameters of the shuttle valve are included in the system analysis, rather than treating it as an ideal switching element as handled in literature. A linearized model of the system is obtained. An inverse kinematic model, which calculates the required pump drive speed for a desired actuator speed and given pilot pressure input, is formed. A numerical stability analysis program is developed, and the stability of all possible shuttle valve spool positons is determined. The theoretical findings are validated by non-linear simulation model responses

    Niveles de glucemia prequirúrgica y postquirúrgica en orquiectomía escrotal cerrada canina

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    La glucemia es la concentración de glucosa sérica, en donde se pueden presentar casos como la hiperglucemia, siendo un aumento anormal en los niveles de glucosa, dicha alteración se pueden presentar por patologías como la diabetes, sin embargo la hiperglucemia también puede ser ocasionada por un estrés en el animal, la cual se denomina hiperglucemia por estrés, es transitoria y ocasionada por algún tipo de lesión generando hormonas contra reguladoras de la insulina como lo es el cortisol, estos cambios que se presentan en los niveles de glucosa sanguínea son desconocidos en caninos que se someten a orquiectomía escrotal cerrada, siendo de utilidad conocer la variación que se presentaría en una cirugía que se realiza con frecuencia como la anteriormente mencionada. Los niveles de glucosa son datos benéficos para el correcto monitoreo y control de esta misma en pacientes que presentan desbalances de glucemia, es una técnico barata, segura, sencilla, rápida de realizar y puede ser utilizada rutinariamente mejorando la calidad medica que se los ofrece a los pacientes. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar los cambios en los niveles de la glucosa sanguínea pre-quirúrgica y post-quirúrgica en caninos mayores de 1 año sometidos a orquiectomía escrotal cerrada en Pereira

    Student's Feedback In Relatıon To The Theoretıcal Components Of Nursıng Course

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    Giriş: Öğrencilerin aldıkları derse ilişkin geribildirimleri hem üniversite yönetimi hem de eğiticinin kendisi için gelişmeyi sağlamayönünden önemli bir veridir. Amaç: Bu makale hemşirelikte doktora programında verilen Hemşireliğin Kuramsal Öğeleri dersindeöğrencilerin geribildirimlerinin, dersin hedefleri ile ne denli örtüştüklerini karşılaştırmak amacı ile yazılmıştır. Öğrenci geribildirimleridersin üç hedeflerine göre gruplanmıştır. Bunlar; öğrencinin hemşireliğin tıptan bağımsızlaşma/profesyonelleşme ve bilimselleşme süreciiçindeki gelişmelerini fark ve takdir edebilmesi; öğrencinin hemşirelikteki profesyonelleşme ve bilimselleşme süreci içinde kendisorumluluğunu görebilmesi ve öğrencinin bir hemşirelik modeli/kuramına göre saha/klinikte uygulama yapmasıdır. Sonuç olarak öğrencigeribildirimleri ile ders hedeflerinin örtüştükleri görülmüştür. Intraduction: Students' feedback of a course is an important develepmental tool for both the course instructor and the universityadministration. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to compare Theoretical Components of Nursing, a doctorate course's objectives withstudent feedbacs in relation to the course. The student feebacks were grouped according to the three course objectives. Which are; enable thestudent's awareness and appriciation of the professionalization and scientific processes in nursing; students seeing their responsibility withinthese processes and experimenting with a nursing model/teory in a clinical/field setting. As a result it can be said that the student's feedbacksmatch up with the course objectives

    The effect of biomedical model on nursingBiyomedikal modelin hemşireliğe etkisi

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    Although models are new in nursing, basing nursing care on a model has always been with nursing. Nursing care had been under the sway of other disciplines for the major part of the XXth century. And the biomedical model was the one that affected nursing care the most.Human mind and body are separated as opposite sides with a dualist approach, as mind and spirit belong to theology scholars’ and body belongs to the field of physicians. Body is divided into smaller parts; systems, organs, tissues and cells. Within this approach diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are active in action.Biomedical model guides nurses to perceive an individual as a physicochemical machine or a disease diagnosis where emphasis is on body’s structure and malfunction. Mind and body separation was not suitable with wholistic nursing philosophy. As a result, nurses ignored patient’s individual characteristics and needs and limited themselves in the frame of treatment.  Practicing with biomedical model leaded nurses to uncertainty between treatment and care, where nurses would decide on whether to be dependent to physicians or be independent from physicians.Biomedical model, as a traditional model where the nursing practice has been based, is important for its contributions in the past. However, it is a widespread idea within the nurses that this model is not suitable to provide a base for nursing practice. For a different nursing care, existence of various alternatives is very crucial. ÖzetModel kavramı yeni olmasına karşın uygulamayı bir modele temellendirmek hemşireliğin başladığı günden bu yana var olmuştur. Bununla birlikte XX. yüzyılın büyük bir kısmında hemşirelik diğer disiplinlerin kuramlarının etkisi altında kalmış ve bu kuramları kullanmıştır. Ancak en çok etkilendiği model biyomedikal model olmuştur.Zihin ve ruh din bilimcilerinin beden ise hekimlerin alanı olarak ikili (dualist) bir yaklaşımla insan bedeni ile zihni birbirinden ayrı tutulmuştur. Beden daha küçük bölümlere, sistem, organ, doku ve hücrelere ayrılmıştır. İndirgemeci yaklaşım olarak da bilinen bu ikili yaklaşımda tanı koyma ve tedavi etme esastır.  Biyomedikal model hemşireyi bireye fizikokimyasal makine ya da hastalık tanısı olarak bakmaya yönlendirir. Vurgu vücudun yapı ve işlevsel bozukluğu üzerinedir. Biyomedikal modelin zihin ve bedeni iki karşıt gruba ayıran anlayışı insanı bir bütün olarak ele almayı hedefleyen hemşirelik felsefesi ile de çelişmektedir. Sonuçta hastanın kişisel özellikleri göz ardı edilmiş, hemşireler de tedavi çerçevesi içinde sıkışıp kalmış ve hastayı bir bütün olarak ele alamamışlardır. Diğer taraftan biyomedikal modele bağlı kalmak hemşireleri tedavi ile bakım arasında bir tür belirsizlik konumunda bırakmış ve hemşireler hekimlere bağımlı ya da bağımsız olmak arasında bir karar verme konumunda kalmışlardır.Yıllardır hemşirelik uygulamasının üzerinde kurgulandığı biyomedikal model,  geleneksel bir model olarak geçmişteki katkıları önemlidir. Ancak, modelin hemşirelik uygulamalarına bir temel oluşturmada yetersiz kaldığı görüşü hemşireler arasında giderek yaygınlaşmaktadır. Bu bağlamda hemşirelik bakımı için daha uygun farklı seçeneklerin olması çok önemdir

    The Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance; Evidence from Turkish SMEs

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    This research aims to find the factors linked to Entrepreneurial orientation and corporate entrepreneurship that effect export and sales growth performance of SMEs. Thereby a model was developed to reveal the relationship between these factors. The questionnaire had parts such as general information about firm and owner/manager, entrepreneurial orientation, corporate entrepreneurship and growth in sales revenue and exportation rate over the most recent 3 year period of the SMEs. The measurements have been gathered together in 72 item in survey and applied to 163 SMEs manufacturing generally in Ankara and Bursa, Turkey. The result showed that entrepreneurial orientation is positively and significantly related with SMEs’ sales growth and exportation performances. SMEs have to be proactive in any circumstances and especially exporter SMEs need to be more risk taking than proactive and least innovative. Also organizational boundaries has greater effect on performance than other dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship

    Awareness raising about protection from sexual abuse in mild mental disabled children parents: Practice sample of an educationHafif zihinsel engelli çocukların ebeveynlerinde çocuk cinsel istismari konusunda farkındalık yaratma: Eğitim uygulaması örneği

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    Increasing awareness of the mental disabled children and their families related to sexual abuse could help them in protecting from this experience. This study was conducted to conceive awareness about sexual abuse in mental disabled children families as experimental with pre-post test design. Fifteen mild mental disabled children parents were taken to the study. Data were collected with Parent Interview Form by the researcher. Education for the parents was given with Parents Education Guide Booklets and PowerPoint presentations in 6 sessions. Ethical institute assent and written consents of the parents were taken. For analysis number, percentage and Wilcoxon tests were used.Also, parents' general knowledge scores increase in all educational subjects. İt is determined that there was a statistical difference regarding to the parents’ scores of general knowledge about all education subjects between before and after the education (p<0.05).After the study; the awareness of mental disabled children parents about protecting from a possible sexual abuse were increased as desired with educations about protecting from sexual abuse.  Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file.ÖzetZihinsel engelli çocukların ailelerinin çocuk cinsel istismarı konusunda farkındalıklarının artması çocuklarının karşılaşabilecekleri olası bir cinsel istismar deneyiminden korunmaları konusunda yardımcı olabilir.Bu araştırma, zihinsel engelli çocukların ebeveynlerinde cinsel istismar konusunda farkındalık yaratmak amacıyla öntest-sontest yarı deneysel desende yapılmıştır. Araştırma 15 hafif zihinsel engelli çocuk sahip ebeveyn ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler Ebeveyn Görüşme Formu kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Eğitimler Ebeveyn Eğitimi Kılavuz Kitapçıkları ve Sunuları ile 6 eğitim oturumunda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Etik kurul onayı ve ebeveynlerden yazılı bilgilendirilmiş onam formu alınmıştır. Değerlendirmede sayı, yüzdelik ve Wilcoxon testi kullanılmıştır.Ebeveynlerin tüm eğitim konularında genel bilgi puanlarının arttığı ve eğitim öncesi ve sonrası arasında istatistiksel fark olduğu (p<0.05) belirlenmiştir.Araştırma sonucunda; zihinsel engelli çocukların ebeveynlerine verilen cinsel istismardan korunma eğitimleri ile olası bir cinsel istismardan korunmada farkındalıkları istendik yönde arttırılmıştır

    Utilization of Blended Learning to Teach Preclinical Endodontics

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    Blended learning (BL) is the integration of classroom learning with an online environment. The purpose of this study was to determine whether dental students who experienced BL in a preclinical endodontic course demonstrated better manual skills, conceptual knowledge, and learning experience compared to those experiencing traditional learning. All eighty-one students (100 percent) in a preclinical endodontics course agreed to participate and were assigned to either the traditional or BL group. A root canal procedure was used to determine the level of manual skills gained by each group. Pre- and post-intervention quizzes were given to all students to evaluate conceptual knowledge gained, and the students' perspectives on the methods were evaluated with a survey. The BL group scored better than the traditional group on the manual skills exercise at a statistically significant level (p=0.0067). There were no differences in the post-intervention quiz scores between the two groups, and the students' opinions were positive regarding BL. With BL, the students were able to learn and demonstrate dental skills at a high level

    The role of stationary intraoral tomosynthesis in reducing proximal overlap in bitewing radiography

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    objectives: This study examined the utility of stationary intraoral tomosynthesis (s-IOT) in opening proximal contacts in bitewing radiography. Methods: 11 DENTSPLY Rinn Dental X-ray Teaching and Training Replica mannequins (Model #546002, Elgin, Ill) were imaged with a prototype s-IOT device (Surround Medical Systems, Morrisville, NC) and standard bitewing (SBW) technique. Premolar and molar bite-wings were acquired with each system. Image receptor holders were used to position receptors and aid in the alignment of the position indicating devices. An expert operator (having more than 5 years of experience in intraoral radiography) acquired the images with the s-IOT prototype and standard intraoral X-ray devices. Images were assessed to analyze percentage overlap of the proximal surfaces using the tools available in ImageJ (NIH, Bethesda Maryland). Results: 253-paired surfaces were included in the analysis. The difference in overlap was statistically significant with standard bitewing (SBW) images resulting in a median overlap of 13%, a minimum of 0%, a maximum of 100% and an interquartile range of 40%. s-IOT resulted in a median overlap of 1%, a minimum of 0%, a maximum of 37% and an interquartile range of 0%. The s-IOT prototype substantially reduced proximal surface overlap compared to conventional bitewing radiography. conclusions: The use of s-IOT reduced proximal contact overlap compared to standard bitewing radiography for an experienced radiographer. Stationary intraoral tomosynthesis may be a potential alternative to SBW radiography, reducing the number of retakes due to closed contacts

    Stationary intraoral digital tomosynthesis using a carbon nanotube X-ray source array

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    Intraoral dental tomosynthesis and closely related tuned-aperture CT (TACT) are low-dose three-dimensional (3D) imaging modalities that have shown improved detection of multiple dental diseases. Clinical interest in implementing these technologies waned owing to their time-consuming nature. Recently developed carbon nanotube (CNT) X-ray sources allow rapid multi-image acquisition without mechanical motion, making tomosynthesis a clinically viable technique. The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the feasibility of and produce high-quality images from a digital tomosynthesis system employing CNT X-ray technology

    Use of complementary and alternative medicine in cancer patients: a European survey

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    Background: The aim of this study was to explore the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in cancer patients across a number of European countries. Methods: A descriptive survey design was developed. Fourteen countries participated in the study and data was collected through a descriptive questionnaire from 956 patients. Results: Data suggest that CAM is popular among cancer patients with 35.9% using some form of CAM (range among countries 14.8% to 73.1%). A heterogeneous group of 58 therapies were identified as being used. Herbal medicines and remedies were the most commonly used CAM therapies, together with homeopathy, vitamins/minerals, medicinal teas, spiritual therapies and relaxation techniques. Herbal medicine use tripled from use before diagnosis to use since diagnosis with cancer. Multivariate analysis suggested that the profile of the CAM user was that of younger people, female and with higher educational level. The source of information was mainly from friends/family and the media, while physicians and nurses played a small part in providing CAM-related information. The majority used CAM to increase the body's ability to fight cancer or improve physical and emotional well-being, and many seemed to have benefited from using CAM (even though the benefits were not necessarily related to the initial reason for using CAM). Some 4.4% of patients, however, reported side-effects, mostly transient. Conclusions: It is imperative that health professionals explore the use of CAM with their cancer patients, educate them about potentially beneficial therapies in light of the limited available evidence of effectiveness, and work towards an integrated model of health-care provisio