92 research outputs found

    Cytokine profiles in pregnant gilts experimentally infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and relationships with viral load and fetal outcome.

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    In spite of extensive research, immunologic control mechanisms against Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRSv) remain poorly understood. Cytokine responses have been exhaustively studied in nursery pigs and show contradictory results. Since no detailed reports on cytokine responses to PRRSv in pregnant females exist, the objectives of this study were to compare host cytokine responses between PRRSv-infected and non-infected pregnant gilts, and to investigate relationships between cytokine levels in infected gilts and viral load or fetal mortality rate. Serum samples and supernatants of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) either stimulated with PRRSv or phorbol myristate acetate/Ionomycin (PMA/Iono) were analyzed for cytokines/chemokines: interleukins (IL) 1-beta (IL1β), IL4, IL8, IL10, IL12, chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2), interferon alpha (IFNα) and interferon gamma (IFNγ). Three cytokines (IFNα, CCL2, IFNγ) in gilt serum differed significantly in inoculated versus control gilts over time. In supernatants of PRRSv stimulated PBMC from PRRSv-infected gilts, levels of IFNα were significantly decreased, while IL8 secretion was significantly increased. PRRSv infection altered the secretion of all measured cytokines, with the exception of IFNα, from PBMC after mitogen stimulation, indicating a possible immunomodulatory effect of PRRSv. IFNα, CCL2, and IFNγ in serum, and IFNγ in supernatants of PMA/Iono stimulated PBMC were significantly associated with viral load in tissues, serum or both. However, only IFNα in supernatants of PRRSv stimulated PBMC was significantly associated with fetal mortality rate. We conclude that of the eight cytokines tested in this study IFNα was the best indicator of viral load and severity of reproductive PRRSv infection

    Identification of a putative quantitative trait nucleotide in guanylate binding protein 5 for host response to PRRS virus infection

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    Citation: Koltes, J. E., Fritz-Waters, E., Eisley, C. J., Choi, I., Bao, H., Kommadath, A., . . . Reecy, J. M. (2015). Identification of a putative quantitative trait nucleotide in guanylate binding protein 5 for host response to PRRS virus infection. Bmc Genomics, 16, 13. doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1635-9Background: Previously, we identified a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) for host response to Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection in high linkage disequilibrium (LD) with SNP rs80800372 on Sus scrofa chromosome 4 (SSC4). Results: Within this QTL, guanylate binding protein 5 (GBP5) was differentially expressed (DE) (p < 0.05) in blood from AA versus AB rs80800372 genotyped pigs at 7,11, and 14 days post PRRSV infection. All variants within the GBP5 transcript in LD with rs80800372 exhibited allele specific expression (ASE) in AB individuals (p < 0.0001). A transcript re-assembly revealed three alternatively spliced transcripts for GBP5. An intronic SNP in GBP5, rs340943904, introduces a splice acceptor site that inserts five nucleotides into the transcript. Individuals homozygous for the unfavorable AA genotype predominantly produced this transcript, with a shifted reading frame and early stop codon that truncates the 88 C-terminal amino acids of the protein. RNA-seq analysis confirmed this SNP was associated with differential splicing by QTL genotype (p < 0.0001) and this was validated by quantitative capillary electrophoresis (p < 0.0001). The wild-type transcript was expressed at a higher level in AB versus AA individuals, whereas the five-nucleotide insertion transcript was the dominant form in AA individuals. Splicing and ASE results are consistent with the observed dominant nature of the favorable QTL allele. The rs340943904 SNP was also 100 % concordant with rs80800372 in a validation population that possessed an alternate form of the favorable B QTL haplotype. Conclusions: GBP5 is known to play a role in inflammasome assembly during immune response. However, the role of GBP5 host genetic variation in viral immunity is novel. These findings demonstrate that rs340943904 is a strong candidate causal mutation for the SSC4 QTL that controls variation in host response to PRRSV.Additional Authors: Lunney, J. K.;Liu, P.;Carpenter, S.;Rowland, R. R. R.;Dekkers, J. C. M.;Reecy, J. M

    Effect of the estrogen receptor locus on reproduction and production traits in four commercial pig lines.

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    We investigated the effect of the estrogen receptor (ESR) gene on growth and reproductive traits in four Large White-based commercial pig lines. A total of 9,015 litter records from 4,262 sows genotyped at the ESR locus were analyzed to determine whether ESR influenced total number born (TNB) or number born alive (NBA). Teat number (TN), test ADG, ADFI, feed:gain ratio (F/G), and ultrasonic backfat (BF) were also analyzed to determine effects of ESR. The TNB and NBA were increased per favorable allele of ESR (P .10), although ADF was reduced 18 g/d per copy of the favorable litter size allele (P This is an article from Journal of Animal Science 75 (1997): 3138, doi:/1997.75123138x. Posted with permission.</p

    Intergenerational Community-Based Research and Creative Practice: Promoting Environmental Sustainability in Jinja, Uganda

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    This article critically reflects on the methodological approach developed for a recent project based in Jinja, Uganda, that sought to generate new forms of environmental knowledge and action utilizing diverse forms of creative intergenerational practice embedded within a broader framework of community-based participatory research. This approach provided new opportunities for intergenerational dialogue in Jinja, generated increased civic environmental engagement, and resulted in a participant-led campaign to share knowledge regarding sustainable biomass consumption. We term this approach intergenerational community-based research and creative practice. We discuss the advantages of this model while also reflecting throughout on the challenges of the approach

    Exploring genetic control of swine responses to viral diseases.

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    Our goal is to understand genomic control of viral disease responses focusing on the economically most important disease of pigs, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome

    Accuracy of genomic prediction of dry matter intake in Dutch Holsteins using sequence variants from meta-analyses

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    We evaluated the accuracy of biology informed genomic prediction for dry matter intake in 2,162 Dutch Holstein cows. Sequence variants were selected from meta-analyses including GWAS summary statistics for QTL and metabolomic QTL in several dairy and crossbred beef populations. Selected variants were prioritized in GBLUP models in a five-fold cross-validation. The accuracies were compared to genomic prediction based on routine 50k genotype data. The average accuracy for the 50k scenario was 0.683. Adding selected sequence variants in the GBLUP model did not improve the accuracies for dry matter intake. Next steps will include testing Bayesian variable selection methods to prioritize variants in genomic prediction for dry matter intake

    Light Microsopy Module, International Space Station Premier Automated Microscope

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    The Light Microscopy Module (LMM) was launched to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2009 and began science operations in 2010. It continues to support Physical and Biological scientific research on ISS. During 2015, if all goes as planned, five experiments will be completed: [1] Advanced Colloids Experiments with a manual sample base -3 (ACE-M-3), [2] the Advanced Colloids Experiment with a Heated Base -1 (ACE-H-1), [3] (ACE-H-2), [4] the Advanced Plant Experiment -03 (APEX-03), and [5] the Microchannel Diffusion Experiment (MDE). Preliminary results, along with an overview of present and future LMM capabilities will be presented; this includes details on the planned data imaging processing and storage system, along with the confocal upgrade to the core microscope. [1] New York University: Paul Chaikin, Andrew Hollingsworth, and Stefano Sacanna, [2] University of Pennsylvania: Arjun Yodh and Matthew Gratale, [3] a consortium of universities from the State of Kentucky working through the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR): Stuart Williams, Gerold Willing, Hemali Rathnayake, et al., [4] from the University of Florida and CASIS: Anna-Lisa Paul and Rob Ferl, and [5] from the Methodist Hospital Research Institute from CASIS: Alessandro Grattoni and Giancarlo Canavese