30 research outputs found

    Un modelo estadístico para la gestión de sistemas de diálogo hablado

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    Se presenta una nueva aproximación estadística para la gestión del diálogo hablado. El modelo está basado en un transductor estocástico. Para su aprendizaje se utiliza una plataforma para la simulación diálogos que nos permite obtener un corpus etiquetado.Planells Lerma, J. (2011). Un modelo estadístico para la gestión de sistemas de diálogo hablado. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/11384Archivo delegad

    Academic artists' engagement and commercialisation

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    [EN] Academic artists are researchers who create artistic work. They form part of the cultural life of cities and contribute to welfare not only through research but also through art. They may commercialise their art or use it to engage in scientifc knowledge difusion. We seek to understand the relationship between art, academic commercialisation and engagement, and detect barriers to academic art. The resources needed to develop and difuse art in addition to conducting research may be incompatible with a career focused on science quality or an organisational logic based on teaching and pure basic research. We study the responses to a survey of some 7,000 Spanish academics and compare university research ers to other researchers. More than half of the researchers surveyed create artistic work; however, whereas engagement is the norm rather than the exception, commercialisation is rare. Working in a university and producing good quality science run counter to being an artist. The detrimental efect of science quality on being a commercial or engaged artist turns positive after a certain threshold, which suggests polarisation among academic art ists. Among commercial artists, this polarisation seems to apply specifcally to university researchers. We discuss the implications for the valorisation of art across knowledge trans fer channels and in research evaluations.The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities funded this research through Project CSO2016-79045-C2-2-R of the Spanish National R&D&I Plan. We are grateful to Christopher S. Hayter and Einar Rasmussen for their constructive comments. Our special thanks go to the volunteers who pilot-tested the survey: David Barberá, Àngels Bernabeu, Joaquín Camps, Gérard Carat, María Ángeles Chavarría, Anabel Fernández, Ester Linde, Óscar Llopis, Francisco Rivas and Soberana Sáez. Thanks are due also to the survey respondents and, particularly, those who spontaneously provided supporting statements. Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.Azagra-Caro, JM.; Benito Amat, C.; Planells-Aleixandre, E. (2022). Academic artists' engagement and commercialisation. The Journal of Technology Transfer. 47(4):1273-1296. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-022-09940-21273129647

    On weighted L_p-spaces of vector-valued entire analytic functions

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    [EN] The weighted L p -spaces of entire analytic functions are generalized to the vector-valued setting. In particular, it is shown that the dual of the space LKp,¿(E) is isomorphic to L¿Kp¿,¿¿1(E¿) when the function ¿ K is an L p,¿ (E)-Fourier multiplier. This result allows us to give some new characterizations of the so-called UMD-property and to represent several ultradistribution spaces by means of spaces of vector sequences.Motos Izquierdo, J.; Planells Gilabert, MJ.; Talavera Usano, CF. (2008). On weighted L_p-spaces of vector-valued entire analytic functions. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 260(2):451-472. doi:10.1007/s00209-007-0283-4S4514722602Aldous D.J. (1979). Unconditional bases and martingales in L p (F). Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 85: 117–123Amann H. (1997). Operator-valued Fourier multipliers, vector-valued Besov spaces and applications. Math. Nachr. 186: 5–56Björck G. (1966). Linear partial differential operators and generalized distributions. Ark. 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    Spoken dialog systems based on online generated stochastic finite-state transducers

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Speech Communication. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Speech Communication 83 (2016) 81–93. DOI 10.1016/j.specom.2016.07.011.In this paper, we present an approach for the development of spoken dialog systems based on the statistical modelization of the dialog manager. This work focuses on three points: the modelization of the dialog manager using Stochastic Finite-State Transducers, an unsupervised way to generate training corpora, and a mechanism to address the problem of coverage that is based on the online generation of synthetic dialogs. Our proposal has been developed and applied to a sport facilities booking task at the university. We present experimentation evaluating the system behavior on a set of dialogs that was acquired using the Wizard of Oz technique as well as experimentation with real users. The experimentation shows that the method proposed to increase the coverage of the Dialog System was useful to find new valid paths in the model to achieve the user goals, providing good results with real users. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work is partially supported by the project ASLP-MULAN: Audio, Speech and Language Processing for Multimedia Analytics (MINECO TIN2014-54288-C4-3-R).Hurtado Oliver, LF.; Planells Lerma, J.; Segarra Soriano, E.; Sanchís Arnal, E. (2016). Spoken dialog systems based on online generated stochastic finite-state transducers. Speech Communication. 83:81-93. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.specom.2016.07.011S81938

    Hybrid optimization proposal for the design of collective on-rotation operating irrigation networks

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    [EN] Hybrid models have been used in many engineering applications in order to find better solutions and to reduce project costs. In this paper a methodology for the optimal design of collective working shift irrigation systems is proposed. The proposal is based on a hybrid model of optimization, which includes Linear Programming (LP) and Genetic Algorithms (GA). The method is applied to an irrigation network to check its effectiveness to minimize the total investment costs for pipelines. The results are compared to another hybrid model for optimization, which is based on Nonlinear Programming (NLP) and GA. The advantage of the developed method is a more cost effective design using discrete pipeline diameters. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Thanks to the Technical University of Loja/Ecuador for funding the research, the Gestar group of investigation of the University of Zaragoza, Spain and to Dr. Andreas Fries.Lapo Pauta, CM.; Pérez García, R.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Ayala Cabrera, D. (2017). Hybrid optimization proposal for the design of collective on-rotation operating irrigation networks. Procedia Engineering. 186:530-536. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.03.266S53053618

    Structural compatibility between the putative voltage sensor of voltage-gated K+ channels and the prokaryotic KcsA channel.

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    Sequence similarity among and electrophysiological studies of known potassium channels, along with the three-dimensional structure of the Streptomyces lividans K(+) channel (KcsA), support the tenet that voltage-gated K(+) channels (Kv channels) consist of two distinct modules: the "voltage sensor" module comprising the N-terminal portion of the channel up to and including the S4 transmembrane segment and the "pore" module encompassing the C-terminal portion from the S5 transmembrane segment onward. To substantiate this modular design, we investigated whether the pore module of Kv channels may be replaced with the pore module of the prokaryotic KcsA channel. Biochemical and immunocytochemical studies showed that chimeric channels were expressed on the cell surface of Xenopus oocytes, demonstrating that they were properly synthesized, glycosylated, folded, assembled, and delivered to the plasma membrane. Unexpectedly, surface-expressed homomeric chimeras did not exhibit detectable voltage-dependent channel activity upon both hyperpolarization and depolarization regardless of the expression system used. Chimeras were, however, strongly dominant-negative when coexpressed with wild-type Kv channels, as evidenced by the complete suppression of wild-type channel activity. Notably, the dominant-negative phenotype correlated well with the formation of stable, glycosylated, nonfunctional, heteromeric channels. Collectively, these findings imply a structural compatibility between the prokaryotic pore module and the eukaryotic voltage sensor domain that leads to the biogenesis of non-responsive channels. Our results lend support to the notion that voltage-dependent channel gating depends on the precise coupling between both protein domains, probably through a localized interaction surface

    La diversidad en la Universidad: la innovación docente para la inclusión del alumno con discapacidad auditiva en el Grado de Odontología. Odontopediatría II y Clínica Odontológica Integrada (Dpto. de Estomatología IV)

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    Se plantea en el presente proyecto un sistema de adaptación de las lecciones teóricas en dos asignaturas de 4º y 5º del Grado de Odontología, al lenguaje de signos en relación a la explicación docente complementaria

    Multimodal dialog system based on statistical models

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    En este trabajo presentamos un sistema de diálogo multimodal. Además de la multimodalidad de entrada y salida, la principal característica del sistema es que los módulos más importantes están basados en modelos estadísticos.In this paper, we present a multimodal dialog system. In addition to input and output multimodality, the main feature of the system is that its key modules are based on statistical models.Trabajo parcialmente subvencionado por el gobierno español con el proyecto TIN2008-06856-C05-02 y la Universitat Politècnica de València con el proyecto 20100982

    On sequence space representations of Hörmander-Beurling spaces

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    [EN] It is shown that B-p'.1/(k) over bar(loc) (Omega) is isomorphic to (B-p,k(c) (Omega))(b)' (Omega open set in R-n, 1 <= p <= infinity, k Beurling-Bjorck weight) extending a Hormander's result (the proof we give is valid in the vector-valued case, too). As a consequence, and using Vogt's representation theorems and weighted L-p-spaces of entire analytic functions, a number of results on sequence space representations of Hormander-Beurling are given. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.The author is partially supported by DGES, Spain, Project MTM2005-08350-C03-03.Motos Izquierdo, J.; Planells Gilabert, MJ. (2008). On sequence space representations of Hörmander-Beurling spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 348(1):395-403. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2008.07.031S395403348

    TNFα sensitizes neuroblastoma cells to FasL-, cisplatin- and etoposide-induced cell death by NF-κB-mediated expression of Fas

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    Background Patients with high-risk neuroblastoma (NBL) tumors have a high mortality rate. Consequently, there is an urgent need for the development of new treatments for this condition. Targeting death receptor signaling has been proposed as an alternative to standard chemo- and radio-therapies in various tumors. In NBL, this therapeutic strategy has been largely disregarded, possibly because ~50-70% of all human NBLs are characterized by caspase-8 silencing. However, the expression of caspase-8 is detected in a significant group of NBL patients, and they could therefore benefit from treatments that induce cell death through death receptor activation. Given that cytokines, such as TNFα, are able to upregulate Fas expression, we sought to address the therapeutic relevance of co-treatment with TNFα and FasL in NBL. Methods For the purpose of the study we used a set of eight NBL cell lines. Here we explore the cell death induced by TNFα, FasL, cisplatin, and etoposide, or a combination thereof by Hoechst staining and calcein viability assay. Further assessment of the signaling pathways involved was performed by caspase activity assays and Western blot experiments. Characterization of Fas expression levels was achieved by qRT-PCR, cell surface biotinylation assays, and cytometry. Results We have found that TNFα is able to increase FasL-induced cell death by a mechanism that involves the NF-κB-mediated induction of the Fas receptor. Moreover, TNFα sensitized NBL cells to DNA-damaging agents (i.e. cisplatin and etoposide) that induce the expression of FasL. Priming to FasL-, cisplatin-, and etoposide-induced cell death could only be achieved in NBLs that display TNFα-induced upregulation of Fas. Further analysis denotes that the high degree of heterogeneity between NBLs is also manifested in Fas expression and modulation thereof by TNFα. Conclusions In summary, our findings reveal that TNFα sensitizes NBL cells to FasL-induced cell death by NF-κB-mediated upregulation of Fas and unveil a new mechanism through which TNFα enhances the efficacy of currently used NBL treatments, cisplatin and etoposide