101 research outputs found

    Configuración actual del comercio exterior en la provincia de León = Current foreign trade framework in the province of León

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    La reciente crisis económica y la contracción de la demanda interna han impulsado un creciente interés por los mercados exteriores. Esta investigación pretende caracterizar la configuración actual del comercio exterior de la provincia de León, tato en lo relativo a los productos como a los mercados geográficos de origen y destino. Para ello se emplean una serie de indicadores, ampliamente contrastados en la investigación económica, que permiten identificar: el grado de apertura de la economía provincial leonesa; la propensión exportadora y la dependencia importadora; el grado de concentración, por producto y mercados, de sus flujos comerciales exteriores; la especialización exportadora y la ventaja comparativa sectorial; la composición inter o intra-industrial del comercio exterior; y la distribución geográfica de los flujos comerciales de la economía leonesa con los mercados exteriores. Para todo ello se utilizan los datos correspondientes al período 2010-2014, que coinciden con la fase central de la crisis económica y el comienzo de la recuperación. El trabajo incluye un anexo metodológico que explica la manera de calcular cada uno de los indicadores utilizados y la interpretación de los resultados posibles

    Role of Serum Cholesterol and Statin Use in the Risk of Prostate Cancer Detection and Tumor Aggressiveness

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between statin use along with serum cholesterol levels and prostate cancer (PCa) detection and aggressiveness. Statin users of three years or more and serum cholesterol levels (SC) were assessed in 2408 men scheduled for prostate biopsy. SC was classified as normal (NSC: 200 mg/dL). High-grade PCa (HGPCa) was considered if the Gleason score was greater than 7. Statin users comprised 30.9% of those studied. The PCa detection rate was 31.2% of men on statins and 37% of non-statin users (p < 0.006). The PCa detection rate was 26.3% in men with NSC and 40.6% in those with HSC (p < 0.001). In the subset of NSC men, the PCa rate was 26.5% for statin users and 26.2% for non-users (p = 0.939), while in men with HSC, the PCa rate was 36.4% for statin users and 42.0% for non-statin users (p = 0.063). The HGPCa rate was 41.8% for statin users and 32.5% for non-users (p = 0.012). NSC men had a 53.8% rate of HGPCa, while the rate was only 27.6% in HSC men (p < 0.001). NSC men on statins had an HGPCa rate of 70.2%, while non-statin users had a rate of 41.2% (p < 0.001). The HGPCa rate for HSC men on statins was 18.8%, while the rate was 30.0% (p = 0.011) for non-users. Logistic regression analysis suggested that serum cholesterol levels could serve as an independent predictor of PCa risk, OR 1.87 (95% CI 1.56-2.24) and HGPCa risk, OR 0.31 (95% CI 0.23-0.44), while statin usage could not. Statin treatment may prevent PCa detection through serum cholesterol-mediated mechanisms. A disturbing increase in the HGPCa rate was observed in statin users who normalized their serum cholesterol

    XXV años de economistas y economía leonesa

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    [ES] Es para mi un honor que desde el Colegio de Economistas de León se me pida, en este caso a través de su actual Decana, Nuria González Rabanal, presentar el libro que conmemora el 25 Aniversario de su creación y un motivo de satisfacción por ser un Colegio que he tenido la oportunidad de visitar con frecuencia invitado por sus responsables, por lo que lo conozco bien y, por tanto, puedo hablar con conocimiento de causa. Cumplir veinticinco años es un hito con la vida de cualquier institución, y cumplirlos con éxito es un mérito que hay que reconocer a quienes han estado al frente de la misma y al colectivo que lo integra que ha sabido elegirlos y seguirlos en sus propuestas. Este período le ha permitido, no solo asistir, sino participar en unos años que han supuesto el afianzamiento y la consolidación de la profesión, su diversificación y su reconocimiento definitivo por la sociedad

    Applicability of mixed-mode chromatography for the simultaneous analysis of C1-C18 perfluoroalkylated substances

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00216-020-02434-wA new analytical method for the determination of 22 perfluoroalkylated (carboxylic and sulfonic) acids in water samples is presented. The method's objective was to achieve the simultaneous quantification of compounds with different chain lengths (from C1 to C18). To this end, 500 mL of water were extracted with Oasis WAX solid-phase extraction cartridges and eluted with 3 mL of 5% ammonia in methanol. After evaporation to dryness, extracts were reconstituted in methanol:ultrapure water (1:1) and analyzed by mixed-mode liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (MMLC-MS/MS) using a weak anion exchange/reversed-phase column. The method provided good results, with limits of quantification lower than 1 ng/L in river water for most of compounds, except the two perfluorocarboxylic acids with the longest alkyl chain (>C14) and trifluoroacetic acid, for which a blank contamination problem was observed. The method proved good trueness and precision in both ultrapure and river water (R ≥ 81%, RSD ≤ 15%). After validation, the method was applied to the analysis of nine water samples where nine perfluoroalkylated acids were quantified. Seven of them were ultrashort- (C1-C4) and short-chain (C4-C8) perfluoroalkylated acids, pointing out the importance of developing methods capable to target such substances for further monitoringThis work was supported by the Water Challenges for a Changing World Joint Program Initiative (Water JPI) Pilot Call (ref. WATERJPI2013 – PROMOTE), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness/Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (refs. JPIW2013-117 and CTM2017-84763-C3-2-R), the Galician Council of Culture, Education and Universities (ref. ED431C2017/36) and FEDER/EDRF fundingS

    La espiral de la credibilidad en los modelos de calidad de las administraciones públicas locales

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    En el actual contexto de las administraciones públicas locales, sometidas a un proceso de modernización y actualización constante en los últimos años, el concepto de calidad constituye el principal instrumento para la búsqueda del progreso de los servicios y de la competitividad. Dentro de este marco, es necesario conocer los factores determinantes de la calidad del servicio público local percibido por los ciudadanos y la repercusión de ésta sobre la satisfacción y la credibilidad. Consecuencia de la relación existente entre las variable mencionadas, la credibilidad se configura como elemento de medida de los resultados procedentes de la aplicación de las diferentes política públicas y como elemento acelerador del proceso de mejora de la calidad de estas entidades pública

    Role of Serum Cholesterol and Statin Use in the Risk of Prostate Cancer Detection and Tumor Aggressiveness

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between statin use along with serum cholesterol levels and prostate cancer (PCa) detection and aggressiveness. Statin users of three years or more and serum cholesterol levels (SC) were assessed in 2408 men scheduled for prostate biopsy. SC was classified as normal (NSC: 200 mg/dL). High-grade PCa (HGPCa) was considered if the Gleason score was greater than 7. Statin users comprised 30.9% of those studied. The PCa detection rate was 31.2% of men on statins and 37% of non-statin users (p < 0.006). The PCa detection rate was 26.3% in men with NSC and 40.6% in those with HSC (p < 0.001). In the subset of NSC men, the PCa rate was 26.5% for statin users and 26.2% for non-users (p = 0.939), while in men with HSC, the PCa rate was 36.4% for statin users and 42.0% for non-statin users (p = 0.063). The HGPCa rate was 41.8% for statin users and 32.5% for non-users (p = 0.012). NSC men had a 53.8% rate of HGPCa, while the rate was only 27.6% in HSC men (p < 0.001). NSC men on statins had an HGPCa rate of 70.2%, while non-statin users had a rate of 41.2% (p < 0.001). The HGPCa rate for HSC men on statins was 18.8%, while the rate was 30.0% (p = 0.011) for non-users. Logistic regression analysis suggested that serum cholesterol levels could serve as an independent predictor of PCa risk, OR 1.87 (95% CI 1.56-2.24) and HGPCa risk, OR 0.31 (95% CI 0.23-0.44), while statin usage could not. Statin treatment may prevent PCa detection through serum cholesterol-mediated mechanisms. A disturbing increase in the HGPCa rate was observed in statin users who normalized their serum cholesterol