1,690 research outputs found

    A phylogenetic comparative analysis on the evolution of sequential hermaphroditism in seabreams (Teleostei : Sparidae)

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    The Sparids are an ideal group of fish in which to study the evolution of sexual systems since they exhibit a great sexual diversity, from gonochorism (separate sexes) to protandrous (male-first) and protogynous (female-first) sequential hermaphroditism (sex-change). According to the size-advantage model (SAM), selection should favour sex change when the second sex achieves greater reproductive success at a larger body size than the first sex. Using phylogenetic comparative methods and a sample of 68 sparid species, we show that protogyny and protandry evolve from gonochorism but evolutionary transitions between these two forms of sequential hermaphroditism are unlikely to happen. Using male gonadosomatic index (GSI) as a measure of investment in gametes and proxy for sperm competition, we find that, while gonochoristic and protogynous species support the predictions of SAM, protandrous species do not, as they exhibit higher GSI values than expected even after considering mating systems and spawning modes. We suggest that small males of protandrous species have to invest disproportionally more in sperm production than predicted not only when spawning in aggregations with high levels of sperm competition, but also when spawning in pairs due to the need to fertilize highly fecund females, much larger than themselves. We propose that this compensatory mechanism, together with Bateman’s principles in sequential hermaphrodites, should be formally incorporated in the SAM

    Genética bioquímica del calamar argentino, Illex Argentinus

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    Previously reported results on natural populations of the Argentinean squid, Illex argentinus, urged further studies using electrophoretically detectable loci. The muscles of 202 adult squids caught in the Argentinean Sea were examined. Electrophoretic and staining methods for the 46 enzymes studied are given in detail. Forty-seven loci were detected (20 polymorphic), 45 of which are considered useable in population genetics screening. The expression of the loci coding for these enzymes is described and interpreted, and the presented results will serve as a basis for a more detailed examination of genetic variation in Argentinean squid populations.Estudios biológicos previos realizados en el calamar argentino, Illex argentinus, han sugerido la conveniencia de profundizar en el conocimiento de la estructura poblacional de la especie, utilizando el análisis genético de proteínas detectables electroforéticamente. Con esta finalidad se analizó el músculo esquelético de un total de 202 individuos capturados en el Mar Argentino. Se utilizó la técnica de electroforesis horizontal en gel de almidón al 11%. Se estudiaron 46 sistemas enzimáticos distintos. La expresión de los loci para estos enzimas son descritos e interpretados en detalle. Un total de 47 loci fueron detectados (20 polimórficos), de los cuales 45 se consideran utilizables para el análisis de la estructura poblacional de la especie

    Exploring quantum chaos with a single nuclear spin

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    Most classical dynamical systems are chaotic. The trajectories of two identical systems prepared in infinitesimally different initial conditions diverge exponentially with time. Quantum systems, instead, exhibit quasi-periodicity due to their discrete spectrum. Nonetheless, the dynamics of quantum systems whose classical counterparts are chaotic are expected to show some features that resemble chaotic motion. Among the many controversial aspects of the quantum-classical boundary, the emergence of chaos remains among the least experimentally verified. Time-resolved observations of quantum chaotic dynamics are particularly rare, and as yet unachieved in a single particle, where the subtle interplay between chaos and quantum measurement could be explored at its deepest levels. We present here a realistic proposal to construct a chaotic driven top from the nuclear spin of a single donor atom in silicon, in the presence of a nuclear quadrupole interaction. This system is exquisitely measurable and controllable, and possesses extremely long intrinsic quantum coherence times, allowing for the observation of subtle dynamical behavior over extended periods. We show that signatures of chaos are expected to arise for experimentally realizable parameters of the system, allowing the study of the relation between quantum decoherence and classical chaos, and the observation of dynamical tunneling.Comment: revised and published versio

    A Novel Use of Light Guides and Wavelength Shifting Plates for the Detection of Scintillation Photons in Large Liquid Argon Detectors

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    Scintillation light generated as charged particles traverse large liquid argon detectors adds valuable information to studies of weakly-interacting particles. This paper uses both laboratory measurements and cosmic ray data from the Blanche dewar facility at Fermilab to characterize the efficiency of the photon detector technology developed at Indiana University for the single phase far detector of DUNE. The efficiency of this technology was found to be 0.48% at the readout end when the detector components were characterized with laboratory measurements. A second determination of the efficiency using cosmic ray tracks is in reasonable agreement with the laboratory determination. The agreement of these two efficiency determinations supports the result that minimum ionizing muons generate Nphot=40,000{\mathcal N}_{phot} = 40,000 photons/MeV as they cross the LAr volume.Comment: Accepted version (without final editorial corrections

    Cycle by cycle NOx model for diesel engine control

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    [EN] This paper presents a model for on-line NOx estimation. The method uses both, low frequency components and high frequency components of in-cylinder pressure signal: it harnesses in-cylinder pressure resonance to estimate the trapped mass, and based on this measurement, a NOx model is adapted to estimate NOx emissions cycle by cycle. In addition of the in-cylinder pressure signal, the procedure only requires from lambda and air mass flow to estimate NOx, so it can give a direct estimation of NOx or improve transient response and aging of current NOx sensors. The method was validated on a CI engine with high pressure EGR loop under steady and transient conditions showing errors below 10% and cycle by cycle time response. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Guardiola, C.; MartĂ­n, J.; Pla, B.; Bares-Moreno, P. (2017). Cycle by cycle NOx model for diesel engine control. Applied Thermal Engineering. 110:1011-1020. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.08.170S1011102011

    Nanoscale broadband transmission lines for spin qubit control

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    The intense interest in spin-based quantum information processing has caused an increasing overlap between two traditionally distinct disciplines, such as magnetic resonance and nanotechnology. In this work we discuss rigourous design guidelines to integrate microwave circuits with charge-sensitive nanostructures, and describe how to simulate such structures accurately and efficiently. We present a new design for an on-chip, broadband, nanoscale microwave line that optimizes the magnetic field driving a spin qubit, while minimizing the disturbance on a nearby charge sensor. This new structure was successfully employed in a single-spin qubit experiment, and shows that the simulations accurately predict the magnetic field values even at frequencies as high as 30 GHz.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, pdflate

    Flux front penetration in disordered superconductors

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    We investigate flux front penetration in a disordered type II superconductor by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of interacting vortices and find scaling laws for the front position and the density profile. The scaling can be understood performing a coarse graining of the system and writing a disordered non-linear diffusion equation. Integrating numerically the equation, we observe a crossover from flat to fractal front penetration as the system parameters are varied. The value of the fractal dimension indicates that the invasion process is described by gradient percolation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Modelling driving behaviour and its impact on the energy management problem in hybrid electric vehicles

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    Perfect knowledge of future driving conditions can be rarely assumed on real applications when optimally splitting power demands among different energy sources in a hybrid electric vehicle. Since performance of a control strategy in terms of fuel economy and pollutant emissions is strongly affected by vehicle power requirements, accurate predictions of future driving conditions are needed. This paper proposes different methods to model driving patterns with a stochastic approach. All the addressed methods are based on the statistical analysis of previous driving patterns to predict future driving conditions, some of them employing standard vehicle sensors, while others require non-conventional sensors (for instance, global positioning system or inertial reference system). The different modelling techniques to estimate future driving conditions are evaluated with real driving data and optimal control methods, trading off model complexity with performance.Guardiola García, C.; Plá Moreno, B.; Blanco Rodriguez, D.; Reig Bernad, A. (2014). Modelling driving behaviour and its impact on the energy management problem in hybrid electric vehicles. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 91(1):147-156. doi:10.1080/00207160.2013.829567S147156911Ericsson, E. (2001). Independent driving pattern factors and their influence on fuel-use and exhaust emission factors. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 6(5), 325-345. doi:10.1016/s1361-9209(01)00003-7Q. Gong, P. Tulpule, V. Marano, S. Midlam-Mohler, and G. Rizzoni,The role of ITS in PHEV performance improvement, 2011 American Control Conference, June–July, San Francisco, CA, 2011, pp. 2119–2124.C. Guardiola, B. Pla, S. Onori, and G. Rizzoni,A new approach to optimally tune the control strategy for hybrid vehicles applications, IFAC Workshop on Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation and Modeling E-COSM’12, October, Rueil-Malmaison, France, 2012.Johannesson, L., Asbogard, M., & Egardt, B. (2007). Assessing the Potential of Predictive Control for Hybrid Vehicle Powertrains Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 8(1), 71-83. doi:10.1109/tits.2006.884887Liu, S., & Yao, B. (2008). Coordinate Control of Energy Saving Programmable Valves. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 16(1), 34-45. doi:10.1109/tcst.2007.903073Paganelli, G. (2001). General supervisory control policy for the energy optimization of charge-sustaining hybrid electric vehicles. JSAE Review, 22(4), 511-518. doi:10.1016/s0389-4304(01)00138-2Rizzoni, G., Guzzella, L., & Baumann, B. M. (1999). Unified modeling of hybrid electric vehicle drivetrains. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 4(3), 246-257. doi:10.1109/3516.789683Control of hybrid electric vehicles. (2007). IEEE Control Systems, 27(2), 60-70. doi:10.1109/mcs.2007.338280L. Serrao, S. Onori, and G. Rizzoni,ECMS as realization of Pontryagin's minimum principle for HEV control, 2009 American Control Conference, June, Saint Louis, MO, 2009, pp. 3964–3969.Serrao, L., Onori, S., & Rizzoni, G. (2011). A Comparative Analysis of Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 133(3). doi:10.1115/1.4003267Stockar, S., Marano, V., Canova, M., Rizzoni, G., & Guzzella, L. (2011). Energy-Optimal Control of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles for Real-World Driving Cycles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60(7), 2949-2962. doi:10.1109/tvt.2011.2158565Sundström, O., Ambühl, D., & Guzzella, L. (2009). On Implementation of Dynamic Programming for Optimal Control Problems with Final State Constraints. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue de l’Institut Français du Pétrole, 65(1), 91-102. doi:10.2516/ogst/2009020O. Sundström and L. Guzzella,A generic dynamic programming Matlab function, 18th IEEE International Conference on Control Applications Part of 2009 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, July, Saint Petersburg, 2009, pp. 1625–1630.R. Wang and S.M. Lukic,Review of driving conditions prediction and driving style recognition based control algorithms for hybrid electric vehicles, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2011 IEEE, September 6–9, Raleigh, NC, 2011, pp. 1–7
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