3,213 research outputs found

    Exploring the sources of earnings transmission in Spain

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    This paper explores the mechanisms behind the intergenerational earnings mobility in Spain by means of three exercises: calculating the transition matrix, decomposing the sources of earnings elasticity and estimating quantile earnings regressions. By calculating the transition matrices we find a strong degree of persistence in educational attainment and especially in occupation. By decomposing the sources of earnings elasticity across generations, we find that the correlation between children's and their fathers' occupations is the most important component. Finally, quantile regressions estimates show that the influence of the father's earnings is greater when we move to the lower tail of the offspring's earnings distribution, especially in the case of daughters' earnings.Intergenerational mobility, earnings, transition matrix, quantile regression, two sample two stage least square estimator, Spain

    Intergenerational earnings and income mobility in Spain

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    This paper contributes to the large number of studies on intergenerational earnings and income mobility by providing new evidence for Spain. Since there are no Spanish surveys covering long-term information on both children and their fathers' income or earnings, we deal with this selection problem using the two-sample two-stage least squares estimator. We find that intergenerational mobility in Spain is similar to France, lower than in the Nordic countries and Britain and higher than in Italy and the United States. Furthermore, we use the Chadwick and Solon (2002) approach to explore the intergenerational mobility in the case of daughters overcoming employment selection, and we find similar results by gender.Intergenerational earnings and income mobility, two sample two stage least squares estimator, Spain

    Addictive goods and taxes: A survey from an economic perspective

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    In this paper we present an overview of the empirical evidence about the effectiveness of using taxation to influence addictive behaviour, and we address the normative question: should greater use be made of sin taxes to fund health care? First, we raise the desirability of linking health care financing and taxation of addictive goods, taking into account efficiency and equity principles. Secondly we present the approaches adopted by economists in the study of addiction and their policy implications. At the end, the empirical evidence of effectiveness of taxes is summarised.Addiction, tobacco, alcohol, sin taxes


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    La enseñanza de la historia en la educación secundaria de toda la región latinoamericana sufrió importantes transformaciones durante la década de los noventa del siglo xx y a principios del siglo xxi. Fue un proceso global, con fuertes y particulares manifestaciones locales, donde se dio una notoria imbricación curricular de diferentes disciplinas (psicología, economía e historia) en los enfoques para la enseñanza de la historia en la escuela secundaria a partir del concepto de competencia. Esto llevó a una fractura significativa de las tradiciones en enseñanza de la historia, planteando la posibilidad de instituir una nueva epistemología del conocimiento histórico escolar. El texto que a continuación se presenta sintetiza un estudio comparativo que se centró en tres países: México, Argentina y Uruguay.The teaching of history in secondary education throughout Latin America underwent important changes during the nineties of the twentiethvcentury and the early twenty-first century. In a global process, with strong and specific local events, where there was a noticeable overlap of different disciplines (psychology, economy and history) in curricular approaches to the teaching of history in school based on the concept of competence. This led to a significant fracture of the traditions in history teaching, raising the possibility of establishing a new epistemology of historical knowledge in school. The text summarizes a comparative study focused on three countries: Mexico, Argentina and Uruguay

    Numerical Simulation of III-V Solar Cells Using D-AMPS

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    Numerical simulation of devices plays a crucial role in their design, performance prediction, and comprehension of the fundamental phenomena ruling their operation. Here, we present results obtained using the code D-AMPS-1D, that was conveniently modified to consider the particularities of III-V solar cell devices. This work, that is a continuation of a previous paper regarding solar cells for space applications, is focused on solar cells structures than find application for terrestrial use under concentrated solar illumination. The devices were fabricated at the Solar Energy Institute of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). The first simulations results on InGaP cells are presented. The influence of band offsets and band bending at the window-emitter interface on the quantum efficiency was studied. A remarkable match of the experimental quantum efficiency was obtained. Finally, numerical simulation of single junction n-p InGaP-Ge solar cells was performed

    El erudito en el prólogo de No me fastidies, Electra, de Antonio Aguilera Vita

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    En el presente trabajo analizaremos un ejemplo excepcional de cómo los personajes secundarios que aparecen en los prólogos, en principio irrelevantes, pueden llegar a adquirir una importancia crucial en la trama. Se trata del Erudito de No me fastidies, Electra (2009), comedia contemporánea del escritor y dramaturgo almeriense Antonio Aguilera Vita, quien reelabora en ella las distintas tragedias clásicas sobre el mito de los Atridas en clave cómica. Tras una presentación de la comedia y, en concreto, de su prólogo, dirigiremos nuestra atención a la figura del Erudito y comentaremos las peculiaridades que presenta tanto con respecto al resto de personajes de la obra como en relación con los secundarios del drama antiguo. Analizaremos sus tres funciones básicas: como reinterpretación del Coro; como personaje finalmente activo, por su intervención en el desenlace de la obra, y como proyección del propio autor.In this paper the author analyzes an exceptional example of how secondary characters who normally appear in the prologues, and who might seem irrelevant at first glance, can assume a crucial role in the plot. Such is the role who plays the character of the Erudite in No me fastidies, Electra (2009), a recent comedy by the writer and playwright Antonio Aguilera Vita, who reworks the classic tragedies about the family of the Atridae within a comic scope. After an introduction to the comedy and specifically to its prologue, the author draws attention to the figure of the Erudite and studies the peculiarities he shows in relation both to the rest of the characters and to the secondary characters of ancient drama. His three basic functions are analyzed: as a reinterpretation of the chorus; as an active character at the outcome of the play, and as a reflection of the author himself

    New technologies neologisms and new behaviours in the network society

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    Este trabajo investiga la relevancia del significado de los neologismos de las nuevas tecnologías de la información (TIC) para comprender cómo nos relacionamos con ellas y de qué manera afectan a las interacciones interpersonales. Tomo como ejemplos palabras preexistentes en español y que se han adoptado con valor metafórico y variando su significado. Propongo un análisis de los marcos semánticos que se producen mediante este proceso para mostrar cómo esta reutilización de términos, en principio facilitadora del manejo de las tecnologías, puede dificultar la comprensión real de los procesos que hay detrás de la comunicación digital así como provocar comportamientos que no sean coherentes con estosNew technologies neologisms can help us to understand how we adopt innovations and how they affect the way we communicate. This study investigates previously existing words, which have been adapted through metaphorical processes to new ICT meanings. Their semantic frames are analyzed to show why using old Spanish words (easier for those unfamiliar with computer science) makes it harder to comprehend the real processes working behind digital communicatio

    Importancia de la cronificación de defectos óseos en regeneración ósea guiada en modelo de perro Beagle.

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    Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaTRUEunpu