126 research outputs found

    Improved information on astrophysical S-factor for the 10B(p,α0)7Be reaction using the Trojan Horse method

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    The 10B(p,α0)7Be reaction has been studied by applying the Trojan Horse method to the 2H(10B,α0 7Be)n reaction. The bare-nucleus astrophysical S(E)-factor in absolute units was extracted in a wide energy range, from 2.2 MeV to 3 keV and normalized to the direct experimental data, thus allowing determination of the electron screening potential for which a value of Ue=391±74 eV was obtained

    Indirect techniques in nuclear astrophysics. Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient and Trojan Horse

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    Owing to the presence of the Coulomb barrier at astrophysically relevant kinetic energies it is very difficult, or sometimes impossible, to measure astrophysical reaction rates in the laboratory. That is why different indirect techniques are being used along with direct measurements. Here we address two important indirect techniques, the asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC) and the Trojan Horse (TH) methods. We discuss the application of the ANC technique for calculation of the astrophysical processes in the presence of subthreshold bound states, in particular, two different mechanisms are discussed: direct capture to the subthreshold state and capture to the low-lying bound states through the subthreshold state, which plays the role of the subthreshold resonance. The ANC technique can also be used to determine the interference sign of the resonant and nonresonant (direct) terms of the reaction amplitude. The TH method is unique indirect technique allowing one to measure astrophysical rearrangement reactions down to astrophysically relevant energies. We explain why there is no Coulomb barrier in the sub-process amplitudes extracted from the TH reaction. The expressions for the TH amplitude for direct and resonant cases are presented.Comment: Invited talk on the Conference "Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics II", Debrecen, Hungary, 16-20 May, 200

    The astrophysical S-factor of the direct 18

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    We attempted to determine the astrophysical S-factor of the direct part of the 18O(p, γ)19F capture by the indirect method of asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANC). We measured the differential cross section of the transfer reaction 18O(3He, d)19F at a 3He energy of 24.6 MeV. The measurement was realized on the cyclotron of the NPI in Řež, Czech Republic, with the gas target consisting of the high purity 18O (99.9 %). The reaction products were measured by eight ∆E-E telescopes composed from thin and thick silicon surface-barrier detectors. The parameters of the optical model for the input channel were deduced by means of the code ECIS and the analysis of transfer reactions to 12 levels of the 19F nucleus up to 8.014 MeV was made by the code FRESCO. The deduced ANCs were then used to specify the direct contribution to the 18O(p, γ)19F capture process and were compared with the mutually different results of two works

    Determination of alpha spectroscopic factors for unbound 17O states

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    It has been recently suggested that hydrogen ingestion into the helium shell of massive stars could lead to high 13C and 15N excesses when the blast of a core collapse supernova (ccSN) passes through its helium shell. This prediction questions the origin of extremely high 13C and 15N abundances observed in rare presolar SiC grains which is usually attributed to classical novae. In this context the 13N(α,p)16O reaction plays an important role since it is in competition with 13N β+-decay to 13C. As a first step to the determination of the 13N(α,p)16O reaction rate, we present a study aiming at the determination of alpha spectroscopic factors of 17O states which are the analog ones to those in 17F, the compound nucleus of the 13N(α,p)16O reaction

    26Mg target for nuclear astrophysics measurements

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    Two nuclear reactions of astrophysical interest, 26Mg(3He,d)27Al and 26Mg(d,p)27Mg, were measured for extraction of the Asymptotic Normalization Coefficients. Investigation of the target composition is presented, as well as the effects that showed up during analysis of the in-beam data obtained on CANAM accelerators in the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (NPI CAS)

    Introduction of the new LUNA experimental setup for high precision measurement of the 13

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    The 13C(α,n)16O reaction is the prevalent neutron source for the main s-process. The direct measurement of this reaction at stellar temperature (kT=8 keV) has so far not been possible due to the very low cross section at the corresponding energy. The extrapolation of the astrophysical S-factor of this reaction into the Gamow window (Eα,c.m.=140-230 keV) is complicated by the large uncertainties of the low-energy experimental data and the existence of a state of 17O near the α-threshold that can have a large effect on low energy cross section. The aim of this paper is to introduce the new LUNA experimental setup, dedicated to the investigation of 13C(α,n)16O reaction below Eα,lab=400 keV