73 research outputs found

    IT tools to support knowledge management in the personnel recruitment and selection process

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    Teacher’s Creative Potential as a Determinant of Schools Innovativeness

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    The aim of the article is to answer the research questions that concern both the essence of pedagogical innovation and the opportunities and barriers of creating detailed components of teachers’ creative potential in the workplace. The article presents the definition of pedagogical innovation created on the basis of the general notion of innovation. The author introduces a typology of innovation that can be implemented at schools and discusses the ways of shaping teachers individual creativity. She also points out the shortcomings in the activities related to shaping the creative potential of teachers

    Dysfunkcje w procesie zarządzania nauczycielami jako pracownikami wiedzy

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    rozdział z: Dysfunkcje i patologie w sferze zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, t. 4, red. Z. JanowskaWiedza jest kluczową kompetencją wszystkich typów organizacji, w tym w szczególności organizacji oferujących ją jako produkt. Do takich organizacji należą szkoły publiczne. Głównym źródłem i nośnikiem wiedzy są w szkołach nauczyciele, określani wprost w literaturze przedmiotu mianem pracowników wiedzy. Uznano zatem, że warto dokonać charakterystyki pracy nauczyciela jako pracownika wiedzy. Mając na uwadze wzrost wiedzy w szkołach, wyznaczono drugi cel opracowania, jakim jest przedstawienie praktyki zarządzania nauczycielami, a w szczególności dysfunkcji występujących we wskazanym obszarze. Skupiono się przy tym na tych elementach funkcji personalnej, które wydają się być najistotniejsze dla powiększania zasobów wiedzy organizacyjnej szkoły, tj. pozyskiwaniu pracowników, ich ocenianiu oraz szkoleniu. Prezentowane rozważania oparto na studiach literatury krajowej i zagranicznej z zakresu nauk społecznych oraz nauk o zarządzaniu, a także wynikach badań empirycznych.Knowledge is a key competence for all types of organizations, notably organizations offering it as a product. Public schools belong to such organizations. At schools it is teachers who are the main source and carrier of the knowledge, referred directly in the subject literature as workers of the knowledge. It was considered that it is worthwhile to make the characterization of teacher's work as a knowledge worker. Taking into account the growth of the knowledge at schools, it was set the second objective to develop, which is to present teachers' management practice, particularly dysfunction indicated in that area. It was focused on those elements of the personnel function, which seem to be the most important to enlarge the school's organizational knowledge, i.e. attract employees, their assessment and training. The presented considerations are based on studies of domestic and foreign literature in the field of social sciences and management sciences, as well as the results of empirical research

    Human Capital Development via Management by Projects

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    The article presents a brief characteristics of the main ways of human capital development and shows the concept of management by projects (MBP) as a tool for this development. The author based the article on her analysis of specialist literature in the area of management and pedagogy as well as the results of interviews conducted with members of the project teams from a clothing industry company. It was found that the implementation of MBP has a direct impact on the sphere of employee trainings and promotion. Consequently, MBP has an influence not only on the development of human capital components such as knowledge and skills, but also on the motivation

    The Practice of Green HRM in Poland – with the Focus on Elements of the HR Function

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    Theoretical background: Employees’ behavior plays a crucial role in the organizational environmental performance. There are many factors which influence pro-ecological behavior among employees, however, this paper focuses on the practices related to green human resources management (HRM) and – in particular – to the HR function.Purpose of the article: The purpose of this paper is to answer the following research questions: 1) What is the scope of using the practices related to the green HR function? 2) Which elements of the green HR function require further improvement?Research methods: For the purpose of the article, literature studies and empirical research based on a survey method have been used. In her analyses, the author has included additional variables such as the origin of capital and company size.Main findings: The organizations under study are in the preliminary stages as far as the implementation of green HRM practices is concerned. Both variables (the company size and the origin of capital) play a role in the implementation of the analyzed practices.Theoretical background: Employees’ behavior plays a crucial role in the organizational environmental performance. There are many factors which influence pro-ecological behavior among employees, however, this paper focuses on the practices related to green human resources management (HRM) and – in particular – to the HR function.Purpose of the article: The purpose of this paper is to answer the following research questions: 1) What is the scope of using the practices related to the green HR function? 2) Which elements of the green HR function require further improvement?Research methods: For the purpose of the article, literature studies and empirical research based on a survey method have been used. In her analyses, the author has included additional variables such as the origin of capital and company size.Main findings: The organizations under study are in the preliminary stages as far as the implementation of green HRM practices is concerned. Both variables (the company size and the origin of capital) play a role in the implementation of the analyzed practices

    The Use of Gamification in Academic Teaching – Evidence from Polish State Universities

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    The purpose of the article is to provide answers to the following research questions: How popular are digital games as the first step to gamification, comparing to other teaching methods used in such fields of study as economics, humanities and natural science in Poland? What is the practice of using gamification in academic teaching? The subject literature studies and empirical research carried out in the form of auditorium survey in the third quarter of 2019 across a sample of 200 students (50 people representing each field of study) were used in the article. In order to collect additional information, in-depth interviews with students (4 people representing each field of study) were carried out in the first quarter of 2020. The problem of applying gamification in tertiary education is gaining importance, as evidenced by the growing number of scientific publications addressing this issue. The conducted empirical research shows that digital-game-based learning method is marginally used in academic teaching in Poland and, thus, it is hard to talk about gamification. The article also presents the research process limitations and directions of further research

    Changes in the labour market related to immigration from Ukraine and research directions in the area of HRM

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    There has been a visible trend of increasing migration from Ukraine to Poland since 2014. Immigrants are becoming a part of the Polish labour market. It is interesting to look at immigrants from the perspective of challenges faced by human resource management processes (HRM) in the enterprises employing them. Thus, the purpose of the study was to answer the questions: What are the characteristics of migration from Ukraine to Poland? Are there any studies in the area of human resource management in relation to the issue of migration of Ukrainians to Poland? What the directions of future research in the area of HRM in the context of migration of Ukrainians to Poland should be? In the pursuit after the above goals, one has used, among others, literature research, analysis of foreign research results, own pilot studies conducted with representatives of employees from Ukraine and their employers

    Style kierowania w projektach realizowanych w organizacjach – ujęcie modelowe a wyniki badań empirycznych

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zależności między praktyką kierowania zespołami projektowymi i preferencjami członków zespołów w tym zakresie a modelowym ujęciem stylów kierowania w poszczególnych fazach projektu, bazującym na koncepcji J.R. Turnera i R. Müllera. Proces badawczy oparto na studiach literaturowych i badaniach własnych. W artykule dokonano analizy dotychczasowego dorobku poświęconego analizowanej tematyce. Wyniki badań empirycznych wskazują, że preferowanym przez większość wykonawców prac w projektach jest styl demokratyczny. Natomiast w praktyce zarządzania projektami, wykonawcy ci wskazują na stosowanie przez kierowników stylu demokratycznego oraz stylu autokratycznego. Zarówno preferencje respondentów, jak i praktyka nie są zbieżne z ujęciem modelowym

    Cechy kultury organizacyjnej a metodyki prowadzenia projektów

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    W artykule przedstawiono relacje między cechami kultury organizacyjnej a metodykami prowadzenia projektów. Podkreślono przy tym atrybuty tzw. kultury projektowej oraz dokonano ogólnej charakterystyki praktykowanych podejść do zarządzania projektami. Mając na uwadze typologię kultur według Camerona i Quinna stwierdzono, że postępowanie zgodne z wartościami kulturowymi charakterystycznymi dla kultury o typie klanu lub adhokracji gwarantują metodyki nowoczesne. W organizacjach o kulturze hierarchii lub rynku standardy zachowań i pozycja kierownika projektu odpowiada ujęciu prezentowanemu w tradycyjnych metodykach zarządzania projektami