12 research outputs found

    Current approach of the gevernment to expert profession – key component of analyses in context of lifelong experts education standardisation

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    Autorka se v příspěvku zabývá aktuální tématikou znalecké činnosti z pohledu porovnání současného, tedy výchozího stavu (zákon č. 36/1967 Sb., vyhláška č. 37/1967 Sb.), jakožto právními předpisy, které upravují znaleckou činnost, a stavu, který nastal po aplikaci správního řádu (zák. č. 500/2004 Sb.) do problematiky soudního znalectví. Autorka vysvětluje základní pojmy znalecké činnosti, otázky postavení znalce v soudním řízení a zároveň se zabývá znaleckým posudkem jako důkazním prostředkem v procesním řízení. Příspěvek obsahuje základní pojmy dotýkajícími dané problematiky, porovnává počty soudních znalců z jednotlivých oborů dle krajských soudů, vč. otázek souvisejících s poradními sbory.The author in her article considers current topics of expert profession from the point of view of comparing existing, i. e. original situation (Act No. 36/1967 Sb., Regulation No. 37/1967 Sb.), as the legal rules regulating the experts´s activities, and conditions which occurred after applying the Rules of Administrative Procedure (Act No. 500/2004 Sb.) into the issues of judicial experts, expert witnesses or forensic experts. The author explains basic terms relating to this profession, and status of such experts in court proceedings. As well, she deals with expert´s appraisals, expertises, reports and opinions as types of evidence for procedural acts. The article includes basic concepts relating to the given issues, compares how many experts are engaged in particular specializations, and how many are listed with single regional courts, including problems solves by advisory boards of these courts

    Corpus of the Czech language of the 2nd half of the 19th century

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    The paper describes the principles and structure of the one-million-word DIA1900 Corpus built at the Institute of the Czech National Corpus (CNC) in Prague, focused on the language of Czech texts published in the years 1851 to 1900. The DIA1900, planned for publication by June 2020 and to be followed by the DIA1850 (a corpus built around the same principles, with the focus on the first half of the 19th century), observes both the balanced representation of the three major text types (belles lettres — journalistic texts — technical/scientific texts) and the system of morphological tagging implemented in the synchronic corpora included in the CNC project, thus facilitating the diachronic comparison of two stages in the development of Czech. A brief description is given of the structure of the morphological terminology used in the lemmatisation and tagging of the corpus, and of two tools designed to help search the 19th century texts with their fluctuating orthographic consistency combined with phonological and morphological variation characteristics of the language of the period: (1) a multiple select/suggest feature (reminding the user of the existence of non-standard orthographic and phonological variants of the lemma found in the corpus before the lemma search is started) and (2) the position attribute (informing the user of the ambiguous status of a word in the text, resulting from a misprint or misspelling, damaged page etc.).929

    Current approach of the gevernment to expert profession – key component of analyses in context of lifelong experts education standardisation

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    The author in her article considers current topics of expert profession from the point of view of comparing existing, i. e. original situation (Act No. 36/1967 Sb., Regulation No. 37/1967 Sb.), as the legal rules regulating the experts´s activities, and conditions which occurred after applying the Rules of Administrative Procedure (Act No. 500/2004 Sb.) into the issues of judicial experts, expert witnesses or forensic experts. The author explains basic terms relating to this profession, and status of such experts in court proceedings. As well, she deals with expert´s appraisals, expertises, reports and opinions as types of evidence for procedural acts. The article includes basic concepts relating to the given issues, compares how many experts are engaged in particular specializations, and how many are listed with single regional courts, including problems solves by advisory boards of these courts

    Creating of unified educational system for selected court expert fields

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    The author is introducing basic elements and facts of unified educating system for expert fields included in the Forensic Eco technology: forest and trees. The fields are: Economy – prices and estimates – of forest lands, forest undergrowth, trees and damages on them; Forestry, wood industry, extraction and hunting; Environmental protection and work safety in forestry. The author is building on the facts that current legal regulations do not require a duty of further education, while the partial fields of real estate appraisement, enterprise appraisement and property appraisement etc. are already resolved for the adepts of the court expert's appointment by special training courses. The text shows the outline of the possible solution including the proprietary model of lifelong credits based on the system of court expert's education in fields mentioned above. It is all aimed to increase and maintain their professional level, skills and knowledge

    Compulsory lifelong learning of experts

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    In her thesis, the author deals with the issue of lifelong learning of experts with the aim of creating a uniform education system (hereafter called UES). It will be possible to use UES in all expert fields, branches and specializations and it will be systematic and lucid and will result from already known and in practise proven methods (e.g. certification, courses, specialized studies etc.). UES will be comprised of the knowledge of judicial engineering branch, its four fields of expert activities and the current methodology. It will integrate the newly suggested approaches which will define the lifelong learning of experts systematically and broadly, both on a theoretical level, the legal one especially, and on a professional level, i.e. practically focused on particular expert disciplines. The model example will include the lifelong learning of experts before their appointing to the office and also a credit system of learning for the whole time of carrying out the function of an expert while taking andragogical approaches into consideration