1,579 research outputs found

    Implementation of Diversity Management Programs in Public Organizations: Lessons from Policy Implementation Research

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    The U.S. workforce is becoming more diverse, particularly in the public sector. As a result, a number of public-sector employers have initiated diversity management programs aimed to assist different types of employees in their needs at work. While much of the public administration literature has focused on these programs and what makes them work, it has largely ignored a cognate area of study that has much to say about the success of such programs: the policy implementation literature. This paper uses policy implementation research to develop five guidelines for public managers who wish to develop a successful diversity management initiative. Working Paper 06-1

    Norming Algebras and Automatic Complete Boundedness of Isomorphisms of Operator Algebras

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    We combine the notion of norming algebra introduced by Pop, Sinclair and Smith with a result of Pisier to show that if A_1 and A_2 are operator algebras, then any bounded epimorphism of A_1 onto A_2 is completely bounded provided that A_2 contains a norming C*-subalgebra. We use this result to give some insights into Kadison's Similarity Problem: we show that every faithful bounded homomorphism of a C*-algebra on a Hilbert space has completely bounded inverse, and show that a bounded representation of a C*-algebra is similar to a *-representation precisely when the image operator algebra \lambda-norms itself. We give two applications to isometric isomorphisms of certain operator algebras. The first is an extension of a result of Davidson and Power on isometric isomorphisms of CSL algebras. Secondly, we show that an isometric isomorphism between subalgebras A_i of C*-diagonals (C_i,D_i) (i=1,2) satisfying D_i \subseteq A_i \subseteq C_i extends uniquely to a *-isomorphism of the C*-algebras generated by A_1 and A_2; this generalizes results of Muhly-Qiu-Solel and Donsig-Pitts.Comment: 9 page


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    We study pairs (C,D) of unital C∗-algebras where D is an abelian C∗-subalgebra of C which is regular in C in the sense that the span of {v 2 C : vDv∗ [ v∗Dv D} is dense in C. When D is a MASA in C, we prove the existence and uniqueness of a completely positive unital map E of C into the injective envelope I(D) of D whose restriction to D is the identity on D. We show that the left kernel of E, L(C,D), is the unique closed two-sided ideal of C maximal with respect to having trivial intersection with D. When L(C,D) = 0, we show the MASA D norms C in the sense of Pop-Sinclair-Smith. We apply these results to significantly extend existing results in the literature on isometric isomorphisms of norm-closed subalgebras which lie between D and C. The map E can be used as a substitute for a conditional expectation in the construction of coordinates for C relative to D. We show that coordinate constructions of Kumjian and Renault which relied upon the existence of a faithful conditional expectation may partially be extended to settings where no conditional expectation exists. As an example, we consider the situation in which C is the reduced crossed product of a unital abelian C∗-algebra D by an arbitrary discrete group acting as automorphisms of D. We charac- terize when the relative commutant Dc of D in C is abelian in terms of the dynamics of the action of and show that when Dc is abelian, L(C,Dc) = (0). This setting produces examples where no conditional expectation of C onto Dc exists. In general, pure states of D do not extend uniquely to states on C. However, when C is separable, and D is a regular MASA in C, we show the set of pure states on D with unique state extensions to C is dense in D. We introduce a new class of well behaved state extensions, the compatible states; we identify compatible states when D is a MASA in C in terms of groups constructed from local dynamics near an element 2 ˆD. A particularly nice class of regular inclusions is the class of C∗-diagonals; each pair in this class has the extension property, and Kumjian has shown that coordinate systems for C∗-diagonals are particularly well behaved. We show that the pair (C,D) regularly embeds into a C∗-diagonal precisely when the intersection of the left kernels of the compatible states is trivial

    Representative Bureaucracy, Ethnicity, and Public Schools: Examining the Link Between Representation and Performance

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    Demographic changes in the United States have led to challenges for public organizations that are tasked to serve shifting target populations. Many arguments exist for including greater numbers of ethnic minorities among an organization's personnel, under the guise that greater ethnic representation will result in greater competitiveness in the market or effectiveness in governance. This paper tests this proposition empirically, using data from the public education policy setting. Results show that representativeness along ethnic lines leads to gains for the organization as a whole, but some segments of the target population appear to respond more positively to representativeness than others. Working Paper 06-1

    Unique Pseudo-Expectations for C∗C^*-Inclusions

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    Given an inclusion D ⊆\subseteq C of unital C*-algebras, a unital completely positive linear map Φ\Phi of C into the injective envelope I(D) of D which extends the inclusion of D into I(D) is a pseudo-expectation. The set PsExp(C,D) of all pseudo-expectations is a convex set, and for abelian D, we prove a Krein-Milman type theorem showing that PsExp(C,D) can be recovered from its extreme points. When C is abelian, the extreme pseudo-expectations coincide with the homomorphisms of C into I(D) which extend the inclusion of D into I(D), and these are in bijective correspondence with the ideals of C which are maximal with respect to having trivial intersection with D. Natural classes of inclusions have a unique pseudo-expectation (e.g., when D is a regular MASA in C). Uniqueness of the pseudo-expectation implies interesting structural properties for the inclusion. For example, when D ⊆\subseteq C ⊆\subseteq B(H) are W*-algebras, uniqueness of the pseudo-expectation implies that D' ∩\cap C is the center of D; moreover, when H is separable and D is abelian, we characterize which W*-inclusions have the unique pseudo-expectation property. For general inclusions of C*-algebras with D abelian, we characterize the unique pseudo-expectation property in terms of order structure; and when C is abelian, we are able to give a topological description of the unique pseudo-expectation property. Applications include: a) if an inclusion D ⊆\subseteq C has a unique pseudo-expectation Φ\Phi which is also faithful, then the C*-envelope of any operator space X with D ⊆\subseteq X ⊆\subseteq C is the C*-subalgebra of C generated by X; b) for many interesting classes of C*-inclusions, having a faithful unique pseudo-expectation implies that D norms C. We give examples to illustrate the theory, and conclude with several unresolved questions.Comment: 26 page


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    In this paper, we obtain a complete description of the invariant subspace structure of an interesting new class of algebras which we call free semigroup algebras. This enables us to prove that they are reflexive, and moreover to obtain a quantitative measure of the distance to these algebras in terms of the invariant subspaces. Such algebras are called hyper-reflexive. This property is very strong, but it has been established in only a very few cases. Moreover the prototypes of this class of algebras are the natural candidate for a non-commutative analytic Toeplitz algebra on n variables. The case we make for this analogy is very compelling. In particular, in this paper, the key to the invariant subspace analysis is a good analogue of the Beurling theorem for invariant subspaces of the unilateral shift. This leads to a notion of inner-outer factorization in these algebras. In a sequel to this paper [13], we add to this evidence by showing that there is a natural homomorphism of the automorphism group onto the group of conformal automorphisms of the ball in Cn

    Representation of Lesbian and Gay Men in Federal, State, and Local Bureaucracies

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    Americans increasingly view lesbians and gay men as a legitimate minority, entitled to equal employment opportunities and perhaps to adequate representation in government. Scholars of public administration have extensively studied whether women and racial minorities receive fair representation and pay in the public sector, but we have generally ignored lesbians and gay men, largely because we lack data on the sexual orientation of government employees. Using a 5 percent sample of the 2000 Census, this paper provides new insights into one group of lesbian and gay employees: full-time workers with same-sex unmarried partners. It first determines whether they are as likely to hold jobs in the public and nonprofit sectors as workers who are married, have different-sex unmarried partners, or have never been married. Second, it explores whether lesbians' and gay men's representation is concentrated in particular occupations. It then examines whether workers with same-sex partners earn as much as other workers, and whether any disparities can be explained by race, gender, education, age, occupation, and location. Working Paper 08-2

    Ethnic Diversity and Organizational Performance: Assessing Diversity Effects at the Managerial and Street Levels

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    As the public sector workforce becomes more ethnically diverse and as government agencies make attempts to "manage" that diversity, the importance of understanding how diversity affects workplace interactions and work-related outcomes increases. Little public sector research has examined the impact of diversity on performance outcomes. This paper seeks to fill this gap by studying the effects of the ethnic diversity of managers and street level bureaucrats on work-related outcomes. We use basic in-group/out-group theories from psychology to form hypotheses relating diversity to performance. The results of diversity research using social identification and categorization theory and similarity/attraction theory led us to form the hypothesis that greater levels of ethnic diversity among public managers and street-level bureaucrats will lead to lower organizational performance, when the task requires significant coordination and collaboration. Diversity research that uses the information and decision-making theory, while scant, led us to form a second hypothesis that greater levels of ethnic diversity among public managers and street-level bureaucrats will lead to higher organizational performance, when the task does not require significant coordination and collaboration. Our results were mixed. We found support for the first hypothesis with respect to street-level bureaucrats but not for managers. The results did not support our second hypothesis -- we actually found an opposite relationship for street-level bureaucrats from what we expected. Overall, the results support previous research that suggests that increased levels of ethnic diversity can lead to process-oriented difficulties in the workplace and negatively affect workrelated outcomes. Working Paper 06-3

    Isomorphisms of lattices of Bures-closed bimodules over Cartan MASAs

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    For i = 1; 2, let (Mi;Di) be pairs consisting of a Cartan MASA Di in a von Neumann algebra Mi, let atom(Di) be the set of atoms of Di, and let Si be the lattice of Bures-closed Di bimodules in Mi. We show that when Mi have separable preduals, there is a lattice isomorphism between S1 and S2 if and only if the sets f(Q1;Q2) 2 atom(Di) atom(Di) : Q1MiQ2 6= (0)g have the same cardinality. In particular, when Di is nonatomic, Si is isomorphic to the lattice of projections in L1([0; 1];m) where m is Lebesgue measure, regardless of the isomorphism classes of M1 and M2

    Bimodules over Cartan MASAs in von Neumann Algebras, Norming Algebras, and Mercer's Theorem

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    In a 1991 paper, R. Mercer asserted that a Cartan bimodule isomorphism between Cartan bimodule algebras A_1 and A_2 extends uniquely to a normal *-isomorphism of the von Neumann algebras generated by A_1 and A_2 [13, Corollary 4.3]. Mercer's argument relied upon the Spectral Theorem for Bimodules of Muhly, Saito and Solel [15, Theorem 2.5]. Unfortunately, the arguments in the literature supporting [15, Theorem 2.5] contain gaps, and hence Mercer's proof is incomplete. In this paper, we use the outline in [16, Remark 2.17] to give a proof of Mercer's Theorem under the additional hypothesis that the given Cartan bimodule isomorphism is weak-* continuous. Unlike the arguments contained in [13, 15], we avoid the use of the Feldman-Moore machinery from [8]; as a consequence, our proof does not require the von Neumann algebras generated by the algebras A_i to have separable preduals. This point of view also yields some insights on the von Neumann subalgebras of a Cartan pair (M,D), for instance, a strengthening of a result of Aoi [1]. We also examine the relationship between various topologies on a von Neumann algebra M with a Cartan MASA D. This provides the necessary tools to parametrize the family of Bures-closed bimodules over a Cartan MASA in terms of projections in a certain abelian von Neumann algebra; this result may be viewed as a weaker form of the Spectral Theorem for Bimodules, and is a key ingredient in the proof of our version of Mercer's theorem. Our results lead to a notion of spectral synthesis for weak-* closed bimodules appropriate to our context, and we show that any von Neumann subalgebra of M which contains D is synthetic. We observe that a result of Sinclair and Smith shows that any Cartan MASA in a von Neumann algebra is norming in the sense of Pop, Sinclair and Smith.Comment: 21 pages, paper is a completely reworked and expanded version of an earlier preprint with a similar titl
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