130 research outputs found


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    Implementation election of regional leader directly by many people considered to be one alternative for tired guarantying of target of area autonomy and its form of local democratization. Election of Regional Leader Directly or Pilkada will push society participate active in political succession in its area, so that will give awareness and education of politic utilize to support to be formed his of political culture of chosen expectation and participatory of leader him at the same time regional leader which is and aspirate of accountable. But, have to confess that execution of direct pilkada in various in Indonesia is not without weakness and problem. The happening of hardness and conflict, still the glower of money politics, cultural of elector politics which not yet is rational, until political party disfunction, still accompany execution of direct pilkada. From various problems that happened, problems of political party function become one of the interesting problem to be studied. Its form of stable and sturdy democracy construction require settled political institute, one of them is the existence of political party. That way the things of at direct pilkada, political party still hold important role. Where, pursuant to UU. Number 32 year 2004 about Local Government, regional leader couple and its proxy is raised by political party. It is of course, expected political party do not only functioning and have competition to reach for power in governance. On the contrary, political party is also claimed can run other function like interest aggregation of society, interest articulator, political socialization, and regulator of conflict. So that, direct pilkada do not only limited to power rotation between political party and elite, but also become media education of effective politics to society. Careful of problem above, which is assumed draw to be checked by more circumstantial is behavior of political party in direct pilkada. Behavior of political party show activity and action run by political party in face of political process and political competition that happened. Pursuant to indicator which have been determined, done by research is at behavior of political party which have the character of democratic or have the character of oligarchy. Research about Behavioral of Political Party in Election of Regional Leader Directly ( Study in Batu City) to for description about behavior of political party, identifying orientations at the opposite of various political party activity and action, and give prediction about tendency of behavior of political party in Indonesia in period to come. This research use type research of descriptive with approach qualitative. As for data collecting technique the used is interview method, observation, and documentation. Pursuant to done research to 9 (nine) people of is official member of political party in Batu City, 1 (one) people of KPUD, and 2 (two) elite figure people obtained by result of research that still political party to fragmentation into some ideology. Ideology have an in with the nature of political party but not have an in with behavior of political party. This matter is proved with coalition phenomenon appearance of political party which shouldn't earn to be united ideologically. Then organizational mechanism and decision-making processes of political party in direct pilkada of Batu City done pursuant to system of hierarchy organizational which in it use band which do not ought to be run, like recommendation of center head of political party. Orient involved in political party of direct pilkada is pragmatic importance motivation background and materialist. While function of political party predominated by function of recruitment political especially to carry candidate of Walikota-Wakil Walikota of Batu City. In this case functions of political party other instructed only at elite level and official member not yet touched constituent and society directly. As for used by strategy is political party is in the form of coalition, election of candidate which is popularity have or is male of area, and campaign by using way of which not yet can give education of politics to society. See result of research, conclusion of which can taken by is that behavioral of political party in direct pilkada in Batu City still predominated by the nature of oligarchy compared to the nature of is democratic. Considering important role of political party in realizing local democratization, several things which must be done by political party forwards is consistence to its ideology values, eliminating decision making having the character of centralistic, repairing the quality of Human Resource of is official member, running political party according to function, and have contribution to significant to life of society politics by giving education of politics to society pass campaign, not merely simply fighting over power

    Buruh Migran Perempuan Di Luar Negeri: Tindak Pelecehan Saat Bekerja

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    Abstract This study explores forms and contextual factors of sexual harassment affecting women migrant workers from Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia, working abroad. The analysis uses both quantitative retrospective cross-sectional and qualitative methods. In order to understand the complexity of the phenomenon, qualitative methods were used, which encompassed observation, in-depth interview and focus group discussion. This entailed the selection of 16 women migrant workers who served as key informants. With regard to the quantitative data on sexual harassment, a survey using structured questionnaires was undertaken, involving 172 respondents. This small manuscript narrates the magnitude, personal history and incidences of sexual harassment experienced by international women migrant workers-. The results showed that a small percentage of the respondents, 16.3 percent, experienced sexual abuse during their stay in cramped up temporary shelters prior to leaving for overseaswhile 58.7percent of the respondents had been subjected to physical and sexual torture at work in the host countries. The prevalence of sexual harassment is attributed to several factors, which encompass personalfactors, relationships, working environment and existing regulations. The poor mechanism used to place Indonesian women workers overseas was also identified as a factor that exacerbated the malpractice


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh meaning in work sebagai variabel pemediasi hubungan antara transformational leadership dan work engagement dan menganalisis pengaruh work engagement sebagai variabel pemediasi hubungan antara leader-member exchange dan job performance. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Sementara itu sampel yang digunakan penelitian ini sebanyak 213 orang di PT Kusumaputra Santosa Karanganyar. Adapun teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda dengan metode analisis path. Hasil penelitian ini adalah a) Transformational leadership berpengaruh signifikan terhadap work engagement. b) Transformational leadership dan meaning in work berpengaruh signifikan terhadap work engagement. c) meaning in work dapat menjadi variabel mediasi dan dinyatakan sebagai variabel mediasi parsial (partial mediation). d) LMX berpengaruh signifikan terhadap job performance. e) LMX dan work engagement berpengaruh signifikan terhadap job performance. f) Work engagement dapat menjadi variabel mediasi dan dinyatakan sebagai variabel mediasi parsial (partial mediation). Kata Kunci : Transformational Leadership, LMX, Job Performance, Work Engagement, Meaning in work


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    Violence against women is a criminal act. It involves not only in personal domain, but also within social arenas. It could be happened in social life, such as the fact of sexual harassment at work. Through qualitative retrospective cross-sectional methods, the study aimed to explore the contextual factors of sexual harassment which have occurred overseas among women migrant workers from Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia. Several factors altogether were identi ed as logical elements contributing to the existence of sexual harassment, composed of personal factors, relationship, working environment and structural regulation. The poor mechanism of placing Indonesian workers overseas was also perceived as an exacerbating factor to the presence of the conducts. Sexual harassment was more likely happened for female migrants in young age, low skill, and poor language in host countries. Several kinds of dependencies upon employers, such as administrative dependency, social and economic dependencies, and the existence of con ict at work were identi ed as other precipitating factors to the malpractice.

    Ultrasound Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Renal Tumors

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    Objective: To assess the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) in renal tumors.Methods: A diagnostic study was performed on 23 patients with renal tumors who visited the Urology Division, Department of Surgery, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital from January 2011 to August 2012. First time ultrasound guided was performed to the patients before nephrectomy. Renal tissues that were obtained from both procedures were examined histopathologically, and the result from nephrectomy was used as the gold standard. Analysis was conducted by measuring the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of the ultrasound guided FNAB. Results: The results showed that the sensitivity value of ultrasound guided FNAB was 85.71%, with 50% specificity, 94.74% PPV and 25% NPV. From 23 patients, only 2 patients had hematoma. Conclusions: Ultrasound guided FNAB is sufficiently sensitive with a fair specificity for diagnosing renal tumors and is safe for patients.Keywords: Renal tumor, sensitivity, specificity, ultasound guided FNAB DOI: 10.15850/ijihs.v3n1.40


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    Objective: To compare the sensitivity and specificity of both types of prostate biopsies, between 6 core biopsy/sextant biopsy with volume based biopsy prostate. Material & method: The subjects were patients that have been performed prostate biopsy in Hasan Sadikin Hospital in 2006 – 2010. The data was divided into two groups, the group A (before 2009) 327 patients had performed 6 cores biopsy, group B (after 2009), the biopsy was performed based on prostate volume (volume < 40 cc : 8 cores, volume 40-60 cc : 10 coresand volume > 60 cc : 12 cores). Biopsy results confirmed by definitive results from surgery, then analyzed specificity and sensitivity between two groups. The analytical statistic test using unpaired T test and Levene’s test. Results: There were 654 patients divided in two groups. The data in both groups were similar based on analytical statistic test using unpaired t test (p = 0.28) and the data was in normal distribution (Levene’s test = p > 0.05). The group A, mean age 67.4 years, mean prostate volume 32.53 cc and mean PSA levels 29.89 ng/dl and at group B, mean age 66.7 years, mean prostate volume 30.89 cc and mean PSA levels 16.92 ng/dl. Volume based cores method in prostate biopsy have higher sensitivity and specificity compared with 6 core biopsy (97.5% vs 94.0%) and (92.2% vs 77.8%). Conclusion: The sensitivity and specificity of prostate biopsy was increased in volume based cores compared to 6 cores biopsy. Keywords: Prostate biopsy, volume based


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    Infrastruktur bisa diartikan sebagai kebutuhan dasar fisik pengorganisasian sistem struktur yang diperlukan untuk jaminan ekonomi sektor publik dan sektor privat sebagai layanan dan fasilitas yang diperlukan agar perekonomian dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Peranan infrastruktur sebagai penunjang perekonomian harus mendapat perhatian khusus guna mengontrol kelayakan fungsi dan peranannya. Pengontrolan kelayakan infrastruktur dilakukan pertama kali di Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1988 oleh ASCE dengan output sebuah laporan infrastruktur. Laporan tersebut memaparkan nilai setiap infrastruktur yang ada di Amerika Serikat. Nilai tersebut nantinya menjadi acuan pemerintah dalam mengembangkan infrastruktur kurang baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan yang sama seperti yang penelitian yang dilakukan oleh ASCE yaitu untuk menilai sejauh mana nilai kelayakan infrastruktur di Provinsi Jambi berdasarkan penilaian praktisi dan akademisi teknik sipil. Dengan adanya nilai kelayakan infrastruktur ini, pemerintah Provinsi Jambi dapat mengontrol serta menyusun anggaran untuk pengembangan infrastruktur yang ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner serta melakukan wawancara dengan responden. Kuesioner dibagi menjadi tiga bagian, bagian pertama adalah data umum responden, bagian kedua responden diminta untuk memberikan nilai pada setiap infrastruktur yang di teliti, dan pada bagian ketiga responden diminta memerikan review sesuai dengan poin yang sudah diberikan untuk kemudian disatukan menjadi rangkuman review infrastruktur. Data pada kuesioner kedua dianalisis dengan metode mean dan standar deviasi untuk kemudian dianalisis kembali sehingga diperoleh rating dan nilai pada setiap infrastruktur. Infrastruktur pelabuhan udara memperoleh rating dengan nilai “D”, pelabuhan laut memperoleh rating 64,67% dengan nilai “D”, infrastruktur terminal memperoleh rating 63,33 dengan nilai “D”, jembatan dan jalan provinsi memperoleh rating 69,3% dan nilai “D”, jembatan dan jalan kota dan kabupaten mendapatkan rating tertinggi yaitu 70% dan nilai “D”, kemudian infrastruktur air bersih, sekolah/universitas, telekomunikasi dan listrik masingmasing memperoleh rating 62%, 64%, 66,67%, dan 62,67% dan memperoleh masing-masing mendapatkan nilai yang sama yaitu “D”. Nilai akhir keseluruhan infrastruktur yang diteliti di Provinsi Jambi adalah “D” dengan rating 65,63%

    Ultrasound Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in Renal Tumors

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    Objective: To assess the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) in renal tumors.Methods: A diagnostic study was performed on 23 patients with renal tumors who visited the Urology Division, Department of Surgery, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital from January 2011 to August 2012. First time ultrasound guided was performed to the patients before nephrectomy. Renal tissues that were obtained from both procedures were examined histopathologically, and the result from nephrectomy was used as the gold standard. Analysis was conducted by measuring the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of the ultrasound guided FNAB. Results: The results showed that the sensitivity value of ultrasound guided FNAB was 85.71%, with 50% specificity, 94.74% PPV and 25% NPV. From 23 patients, only 2 patients had hematoma. Conclusions: Ultrasound guided FNAB is sufficiently sensitive with a fair specificity for diagnosing renal tumors and is safe for patients.Keywords: Renal tumor, sensitivity, specificity, ultasound guided FNAB DOI: 10.15850/ijihs.v3n1.40

    Manusia Bijaksana Menurut Taoisme

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    Tao’s view about reality is monistic: the universe comes from Tao, is absorbed by Tao, and ultimatelly united in Tao. Tao is thebasic principle of reality. Everything exiss naturally,spontaneously, without planning, without willing. Human beingsexist from Tao and get Te from Tao. They are not superior to otherbeings. All beings are principally equal difference is justfunctionally. Like other beings, human being are part of theuniverse. The their prudence man tries always in harmony with theunivers so as to unite to it. He tries to live narurally. Everythingflows in accordance with pure nature as expression of  Te  to comeback to Tao again. Tao calls human beings to come back to nature,to become human
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