161 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial oleh hakim melalui pengadilan hubungan industrial dan bagaimana upaya hukum terhadap putusan hakim dalam penyelesaian hubungan industrial. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial oleh hakim melalui pengadilan dapat dilakukan melalui pemeriksaan dengan acara biasa dan acara cepat berdasarkan hukum acara perdata yang dimulai dengan upaya perdamaian kepada para pihak yang berselisih. Apabila terjadi perdamaian dibuat akta perdamaian oleh para pihak. Apabila tidak terjadi perdamaian dilanjutkan sesuai hukum acara perdata sampai pada pengambilan putusan oleh hakim. Putusan hakim Pengadilan Hubungan Industrial pada Pengadilan Negeri mengenai perselisihan kepentingan dan perselisihan antar serikat pekerja/serikat buruh dalam satu perusahaan merupakan putusan akhir dan bersifat tetap. 2. Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2004, dalam penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial tidak ada upaya banding ke Pengadilan Tinggi terhadap putusan hakim tingkat Pengadilan Negeri. Yang ada hanyalah upaya hukum kasasi ke Mahkamah Agung, itupun hanya menyangkut perselisihan hak dan perselisihan pemutusan hubungan kerja. Sedangkan untuk putusan perselisihan kepentingan dan perselisihanh antarserikat pekerja/serikat buruh dalam satu perusahaan. Putusan hakim Pengadilan Negeri merupakan putusan tingkat pertama dan terakhir yang tidak dapat dimintakan kasasi ke Mahkamah Agung.Kata kunci: Upaya Hukum, Penyelesaian, Perselisihan, Hubungan Industria

    Faktor yang Memengaruhi Adopsi Teknologi Biopestisida oleh Petani Sayur di Sendana dan Purangi Kota Palopo

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    Biopesticide is one of the environmentally friendly technology that supports the development of organic farming, but biopesticides would be useless without the adoption. This research aimed (1) to investigate the decision to adopt the biopesticide technology by the vegetable horticulturalists in Sendana and Purangi Villages, Sendana Sub-District, Palopo City, (2) to investigate the effects of factors that affected the adoption of the biopesticide technology by the vegetable horticulturalists in Sendana and Purangi Villages. Sendana Sub-District, Palopo City. The research used descriptive approach with the quantitative research method. The data were collected using the sensus technique, i.e. involving the three horticulturalist groups who implemented the Integrated Pest Management program of the Farmer Field School (IPM FFS) in Organic Vegetables in Sendana and Purangi Villages, Sendana Sub-District, Palopo City. The data were then analyzed using Logistic Regression analysis Y = (P. Adoption / P. Was not adopted) C+β1X1+β2X2+ ...+ β19X19. The research revealed that the results of the Logistic Regression analysis variables X1 through X19 based on R Square Cox & Snell of 0.702 had positive effects on the variable Y. This indicated that 70.20% of the biopesticide adoption by the farmers as a group were influenced by the variable X, and the rest 18.40% influenced by other factors. The majority (71%) of the vegetable horticulturalists in Sendana and Purangi Villages, Sendana Sub-District, Palopo City had adopted the biopesticides technology in their farming activities

    Selection for uniformity in livestock by exploiting genetic heterogeneity of residual variance

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    In some situations, it is worthwhile to change not only the mean, but also the variability of traits by selection. Genetic variation in residual variance may be utilised to improve uniformity in livestock populations by selection. The objective was to investigate the effects of genetic parameters, breeding goal, number of progeny per sire and breeding scheme on selection responses in mean and variance when applying index selection. Genetic parameters were obtained from the literature. Economic values for the mean and variance were derived for some standard non-linear profit equations, e.g. for traits with an intermediate optimum. The economic value of variance was in most situations negative, indicating that selection for reduced variance increases profit. Predicted responses in residual variance after one generation of selection were large, in some cases when the number of progeny per sire was at least 50, by more than 10% of the current residual variance. Progeny testing schemes were more efficient than sib-testing schemes in decreasing residual variance. With optimum traits, selection pressure shifts gradually from the mean to the variance when approaching the optimum. Genetic improvement of uniformity is particularly interesting for traits where the current population mean is near an intermediate optimum

    Keterkaitan Inflasi dengan Nilai Tukar Riil : Analisis Komparatif antara Asean+3, Uni Eropa dan Amerika Utara

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    Inflation has always been one of the most important macroeconomic issues. Dueto this importance, a study concerning the factors associated with the behavior ofinflation needs to be done. This paper will be devoted to analyze the relevance ofinflation with the exchange rates. The research will try to compare the response orsensitivity of inflation to the changes in real exchange rates in Asia (ASEAN +3)and compare the result with those of the EU and North America.Using explorative statistical analysis and Granger-causality test, we found thatthere is a strong correlation between the movements of inflation with real exchangerate in most countries to be analyzed. For Asia, there is a significant one-waycausal relationship, where the nominal and real exchange rates have a significantimpact on the rate of inflation. On the other hand, in the Non-Asian regions, thecausal relationship seems to be in the opposite direction. Furthermore, using paneldata model with fixed effects, we found that the response or sensitivity of inflationto the changes in exchange rates in Asia is higher in compare to those in the EUand North America.Keywords: inflation, exchange rates, panel dataJEL Classification: C23, E31, E5


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    Abstract: The use of Indonesian language in teaching English practices still becomes an issue. There are teachers who agree with the use of Indonesian language in teaching English practices, but not a few teachers also disagree with it. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find out whether or not there was any significant correlation between students’ preferences on their teachers’ code-switching and reading comprehension achievement of Eighth graders of SMP Tri Dharma Palembang and the contribution from students’ preferences on their teachers’ code-switching to their reading comprehension achievement. The simple random sampling technique was used to get the sample. Therefore, 35 out of 140 students were selected to become the sample of the study. There were 3 instruments which were used in this study. The first instrument was students’ preferences questionnaire to know whether the students have negative or positive tendency toward the use of Indonesian language. The second instrument was teachers’ questionnaire to compare and make sure the validity of the result of the students’ questionnaire. The last instrument was a reading test to measure the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The results of this study were; 1) There were students (88.6%) who had positive tendency toward their teachers’ code-switching, 2) All of the teachers who taught the students agreed that Indonesian language should be used in teaching English, 3) The mean of the students’ reading score was 66.7, 4) There was a significant correlation between students’ preferences on their teachers’ code-switching and students’ reading comprehension achievement (p-value 0.000 < 0.05), 5) The influence of students’ preferences to students’ reading achievement was 40.1%. Keywords: students’ preferences, indonesian language, reading comprehension achievement

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Petani Berbasis Partisipasi (Studi Kasus Pemanfaatan Burung Hantu Tyto Alba sebagai Pemangsa Hama di Desa Tlogoweru Kecamatan Guntur Kabupaten Demak)

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    Abstract. Empowering communities is an attempt to enhance the dignity of the community who are unable to escape from the trap of poverty and underdevelopment. The success of the community building definable as well from the community participation and the role of government related. Tyto Alba Program in Tlogoweru Village is one of the government's efforts in Tlogoweru Village of empowering communities who have not been able to overcome the problem of crop failures due to a very tough mouse pest control.The research method used is the qualitative approach and the techniques of data collection through interviews and documents. Informants in this research are The Head of Tlogoweru Village, Tlogoweru Village Secretary, Chairman of The Tyto Alba Developer Team, and the community of Tlogoweru Village.The research results showed that community empowerment of farmers in Tlogoweru Village through Tyto Alba Program has successfully overcome the crop failures as well as making community could develop other business. Empowerment implemented through Empowerment of Human Development, Empowerment of Institutional Development, Empowerment of Business, and Empowerment of Environment.The recommendations could be made to The Government of Tlogoweru Village was able to manage The Quarantine Place Of Tyto Alba better as well as the development of physical infrastructure to support Tlogoweru Tourist Village

    Indirect Genetic Effects and the Spread of Infectious Disease: Are We Capturing the Full Heritable Variation Underlying Disease Prevalence?

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    Reducing disease prevalence through selection for host resistance offers a desirable alternative to chemical treatment. Selection for host resistance has proven difficult, however, due to low heritability estimates. These low estimates may be caused by a failure to capture all the relevant genetic variance in disease resistance, as genetic analysis currently is not taylored to estimate genetic variation in infectivity. Host infectivity is the propensity of transmitting infection upon contact with a susceptible individual, and can be regarded as an indirect effect to disease status. It may be caused by a combination of physiological and behavioural traits. Though genetic variation in infectivity is difficult to measure directly, Indirect Genetic Effect (IGE) models, also referred to as associative effects or social interaction models, allow the estimation of this variance from more readily available binary disease data (infected/non-infected). We therefore generated binary disease data from simulated populations with known amounts of variation in susceptibility and infectivity to test the adequacy of traditional and IGE models. Our results show that a conventional model fails to capture the genetic variation in infectivity inherent in populations with simulated infectivity. An IGE model, on the other hand, does capture some of the variation in infectivity. Comparison with expected genetic variance suggests that there is scope for further methodological improvement, and that potential responses to selection may be greater than values presented here. Nonetheless, selection using an index of estimated direct and indirect breeding values was shown to have a greater genetic selection differential and reduced future disease risk than traditional selection for resistance only. These findings suggest that if genetic variation in infectivity substantially contributes to disease transmission, then breeding designs which explicitly incorporate IGEs might help reduce disease prevalence

    Intrinsic aerobic capacity sets a divide for aging and longevity

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Rationale:&lt;/b&gt; Low aerobic exercise capacity is a powerful predictor of premature morbidity and mortality for healthy adults as well as those with cardiovascular disease. For aged populations, poor performance on treadmill or extended walking tests indicates closer proximity to future health declines. Together, these findings suggest a fundamental connection between aerobic capacity and longevity.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Objectives:&lt;/b&gt; Through artificial selective breeding, we developed an animal model system to prospectively test the association between aerobic exercise capacity and survivability (aerobic hypothesis).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Methods and Results:&lt;/b&gt; Laboratory rats of widely diverse genetic backgrounds (N:NIH stock) were selectively bred for low or high intrinsic (inborn) treadmill running capacity. Cohorts of male and female rats from generations 14, 15, and 17 of selection were followed for survivability and assessed for age-related declines in cardiovascular fitness including maximal oxygen uptake (VO&lt;sub&gt;2max&lt;/sub&gt;), myocardial function, endurance performance, and change in body mass. Median lifespan for low exercise capacity rats was 28% to 45% shorter than high capacity rats (hazard ratio, 0.06; P&#60;0.001). VO&lt;sub&gt;2max&lt;/sub&gt;, measured across adulthood was a reliable predictor of lifespan (P&#60;0.001). During progression from adult to old age, left ventricular myocardial and cardiomyocyte morphology, contractility, and intracellular Ca&lt;sup&gt;2+&lt;/sup&gt; handling in both systole and diastole, as well as mean blood pressure, were more compromised in rats bred for low aerobic capacity. Physical activity levels, energy expenditure (Vo&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;), and lean body mass were all better sustained with age in rats bred for high aerobic capacity.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Conclusions:&lt;/b&gt; These data obtained from a contrasting heterogeneous model system provide strong evidence that genetic segregation for aerobic exercise capacity can be linked with longevity and are useful for deeper mechanistic exploration of aging.&lt;/p&gt


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    Horizontal axis wind turbine air foil blade is one of several types of wind turbines to convert the kinetic energy in wind into mechanical energy of the wind turbine. Mechanical energy wind turbine is then converted into electrical energy through a generator and also for irrigation and other functions. The mechanism of utilization of wind energy to generate electricity or irrigation function is a positive step because the kinetic energy of wind is the energy that is environmentally friendly, does not cause air pollution, on the other hand, wind energy freely available in nature. In this research, the process of converting the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical energy through a horizontal axis wind turbine air foil blade is still done on a laboratory scale. The purpose of this study was to determine the torque and power of horizontal axis wind turbines air foil blade. The method of implementation of this research is a horizontal axis wind turbine air foil blade in the test using a fan with three speeds varying found on the fan. The wind turbine is also tested using additional devices such as utilization of nozzle and diffuser to determine the performance of the turbine. The addition nozzle and diffuser is a method of increasing the efficiency of wind turbines because look at the function of the nozzle and diffuser itself. Dimensions of wind turbines in the study had a sweep of the area of 50 cm2 and the number of blades used 3 pieces or blades. The mechanism of this device test carried out in three stages, namely testing without using nozzle and diffuser, using a nozzle testing and testing using a diffuser. From the experimental results, it can be concluded that the first speed, the greatest torque and power the of the wind turbine without nozzle and diffuser is 0.1017 Nm and 4,126 W; at a speed of 2, the greatest power and torque occurs in the turbine using a diffuser that is 0.1195 Nm and 6.88 W; at 3 speed, torque and power are greatest in the turbine using a diffuser that is 0.1166 Nm and 7,935 W. &nbsp; Keywords: Wind turbine, Airfoil, Nozzle, Diffuser

    Liver function following hepatitis C virus eradication by direct acting antivirals in patients with liver cirrhosis: data from the PITER cohort

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    Background: The development of direct-acting antivirals (DAA) for HCV has revolutionized the treatment of HCV, including its treatment in patients with HIV coinfection. The aim of this study was to compare the changes in liver function between coinfected and monoinfected patients with cirrhosis who achieved HCV eradication by DAA. Methods: Patients with pre-treatment diagnosis of HCV liver cirrhosis, consecutively enrolled in the multicenter PITER cohort, who achieved a sustained virological response 12 weeks after treatment cessation (SVR12) were analysed. Changes in Child-Pugh (C-P) class and the occurrence of a decompensating event was prospectively evaluated after the end of DAA treatment. Cox regression analysis was used to evaluate factors independently associated with changes in liver function following viral eradication. Results: We evaluated 1350 patients, of whom 1242 HCV monoinfected (median follow-up 24.7, range 6.8–47.5 months after viral eradication) and 108 (8%) HCV/HIV coinfected (median follow-up 27.1, range 6.0–44.6). After adjusting for age, sex, HCV-genotype, HBsAg positivity and alcohol use, HIV was independently associated with a more advanced liver disease before treatment (C-P class B/C vs A) (OR: 3.73, 95% CI:2.00–6.98). Following HCV eradication, C-P class improved in 17/20 (85%) coinfected patients (from B to A and from C to B) and in 53/82 (64.6%) monoinfected patients (from B to A) (p = 0.08). C-P class worsened in 3/56 coinfected (5.3%) (from A to B) and in 84/1024 (8.2%) monoinfected patients (p = 0.45) (from A to B or C and from B to C). Baseline factors independently associated with C-P class worsening were male sex (HR = 2.00; 95% CI = 1.18–3.36), platelet count &lt; 100,000/μl (HR = 1.75; 95% CI 1.08–2.85) and increased INR (HR = 2.41; 95% CI 1.51–3.84). Following viral eradication, in 7 of 15 coinfected (46.6%) and in 61 of 133 (45.8%) monoinfected patients with previous history of decompensation, a new decompensating event occurred. A first decompensating event was recorded in 4 of 93 (4.3%) coinfected and in 53 of 1109 (4.8%) monoinfected patients (p =&nbsp;0.83). Conclusions: Improvement of liver function was observed following HCV eradication in the majority of patients with cirrhosis; however viral eradication did not always mean cure of liver disease in both monoinfected and coinfected patients with advanced liver disease