550 research outputs found

    Nursing management during the COVID-19 pandemic in the emergency department of a tertiary hospital in Spain

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    La actual pandemia de la COVID-19 ha sido un reto para la gestión de los centros sanitarios y el papel de la enfermería ha sido fundamental. Una parte significativa de la gestión de la emergencia sanitaria que supuso esta pandemia a nivel mundial recayó en manos de las enfermeras. En este trabajo se desarrolla la gestión de enfermería durante la primera ola de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en un servicio de Urgencias de un hospital de tercer nivel de la Comunidad de Madrid. Los ejes sobre los que se sustentó esta gestión fueron la comunicación interna, la gestión de recursos materiales, la formación, la reestructuración de espacios y circuitos y la gestión de los recursos humanos. La respuesta que se dio por parte de las enfermeras a las necesidades de la población fue la mejor que se pudo dar, adaptándose continuamente a los cambios, trabajando sin descanso y demostrando su profesionalidad y humanidad con los pacientes, garantizando la calidad de los cuidados. Se deben aprender de los errores y de las lecciones que nos dio esta pandemia para mejorar los planes de contingencia ante la aparición de nuevas epidemias y/o brotes de enfermedades contagiosas.The current COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge for the management of healthcare facilities and the role of nurses has been critical. A significant part of the management of the global health emergency of this pandemic fell in the hands of nurses. In this paper, the nursing management during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in an emergency department of a tertiary hospital in the Community of Madrid is developed. The pillars on which this management was based were internal communication, management of material resources, training, restructuring of spaces and circuits and management of human resources. The nurses' response to the needs of the population was the best that could be given, continuously adapting to changes, working tirelessly and demonstrating their professionalism and humanity with patients, guaranteeing the quality of care. We must learn from the mistakes and lessons of this pandemic in order to improve contingency plans in the event of new epidemics and/or outbreaks of contagious diseases.Máster Universitario en Acción Humanitaria Sanitaria (M161

    Impact of physical and psychosocial factors on disability caused by lumbar pain amongst fishing sector workers

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    [Abstract] Functional disability due to lumbar pain should be considered from the biopsychosocial model. There is inconclusive evidence as to whether the key determining factors in this form of disability are psychosocial or physical. Our aim is to identify variables that cause functional disability due to lumbar pain amongst shellfish gatherers in Galicia by means of a cross-sectional survey. Participants (N = 929) completed a self-administered, paper-based questionnaire including sociodemographic and lifestyle issues, as well as the nature of the lumbar pain, the presence of musculoskeletal pain in other regions of the body, the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) and SF-36. Univariate examination, ROC curve and logistic regression analyses were performed. Most of these workers are women (98.7 %), with a mean age of 50.6 years. The point-prevalence of lumbar pain stands at 65.5 %. The RMDQ mean was 4.9 (SD = 4.7). In the logistic regression analysis, the variables associated with disability (RMDQ > median) were age (OR = 1.04), physical exercise (OR = 0.57), pain intensity (OR = 1.16), the number of regions of musculoskeletal pain (OR = 1.24) and mental health (SF-36) (OR = −0.95). Functional disability is determined by the physical nature of the pain and mental health attributes, although the former has a greater impact. In decreasing order of importance, functional disability is attributable to the presence of lower back pain, the number of regions of musculoskeletal pain, the intensity of that pain and age. Regular physical exercise and better mental health have a protective effect on disability

    Impact of musculoskeletal pain on health-related quality of life among fishing sector workers

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    [Abstract] This study aims to determine the impact of musculoskeletal pain (in terms of intensity of the pain, location and functional disability due to back pain) and other factors (socio-demographic, lifestyle and co-morbidity) on the health-related quality of life on a group of shellfish gatherers. This observational transversal study included 929 shellfish gatherers (18–69 years, 98.7 % women) who completed a self-administered questionnaire, including socio-demographic and lifestyle questions, co-morbidity, intensity and location of musculoskeletal pain, and Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ). Health-related quality of life was assessed using the 36-item Short Form Survey (SF-36). Physical component summary (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) of the SF-36 were considered as outcome variables. The impact of the different factors on the PCS and MCS scores was evaluated using a stepwise linear regression analysis. Physical health was found to be independently associated to intensity of musculoskeletal pain (regression coefficient, B = −0.96), number of locations with musculoskeletal pain (MSP) (B = −0.77), presence of pain in the hip-knee (B = −2.26), self-reported rheumatic disorders (B = −2.79), lower back pain (B = −1.62) and age (B = −0.06). Mental health was associated with the presence of self-reported depressive syndrome (B = −1043.1) and RMDQ score (B = −42.2). The sample had significantly lower values than the reference population in all of the dimensions of the SF-36. Intensity of the pain, pain in the hip-knee, lower back pain, functional disability due to back pain and number of locations with musculoskeletal pain were found to have a detrimental impact on the physical health of the workers. Depressive syndrome and greater functional disability due to back pain, in turn, predict worse mental health

    Prevalence, co-occurrence, and predictive factors for musculoskeletal pain among shellfish gatherers

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    [Abstract] The aims of this study are to determine prevalence and co-occurrence of musculoskeletal pain (MSP) among shellfish gatherers and its consequences for the use of medicine, health care, and sickness leave and to investigate predictive factors (sociodemographic, lifestyle, comorbidity) of MSP in five anatomical areas (neck/shoulder/higher back, lower back, elbow/wrist/hand, hip/knee, and leg/ankle/foot). Nine hundred twenty-nine shellfish gatherers (94% women) voluntarily took part in a physiotherapy workshop. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess MSP and its consequences. Regression models were performed to determine the factors predicting the presence of MSP. The two most frequently self-reported forms of MSP were neck pain (70.9%) and lower back pain (65.5%). Sixty-four percent of respondents reported contact with their family doctor during the last 12 months due to MSP, and most subjects (88.1%) reported MSP in two or more locations. Hip/knee pain was associated with leg/ankle/foot pain (crude odds ratio = 3.14). Logistic regression analysis showed that being female and young is associated with lumbar pain, and being older is associated with pain in all areas of the lower limbs. The number of pain sites a person reported significantly predicted the presence of pain in all the anatomical areas studied. Prevalence of MSP and musculoskeletal comorbidity were high. The study shows that the presence of pain reported in one body area is highly dependent on the total number of painful areas. These findings are consistent with those of similar studies

    Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en trabajadoras del sector pesquero usando el cuestionario SF-36

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    [Resumen] Objetivo. Determinar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) mediante el cuestionario SF-36 en trabajadoras del sector pesquero, y compararla con valores normalizados de población de referencia y con valores de otras muestras similares que presentan trastornos musculoesqueléticos. Método. Mediante un estudio transversal se midió la CVRS en 917 mariscadoras a pie seleccionadas a partir de la participación voluntaria en un taller de fisioterapia. Se utilizó un cuestionario autoadministrado que incluía variables sociodemográficas, de estilo de vida, de comorbilidad, de prevalencia de dolor musculoesquelético y de CVRS. Para el SF-36 se calcularon puntuaciones crudas, puntuaciones estandarizadas y puntuaciones z. Resultados. La edad media de las participantes es de 50,6 años (desviación estándar: 8,8). En todas las dimensiones del SF-36 la muestra tuvo valores inferiores que la población general de referencia. Las mayores diferencias se observaron en las personas más jóvenes. Las dimensiones más afectadas, superando la diferencia mínimamente importante, fueron dolor corporal, vitalidad y salud general. Su salud física está más afectada que su salud mental. Conclusiones. Se demuestra que este grupo de trabajadoras tiene peor CVRS que la población general y que otras muestras poblacionales, sobre todo en los componentes físicos.[Abstract] Objective. To determine health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measured with the 36-item Short-Form (SF-36) questionnaire in women workers in the fishing industry, compared with norm-based values in the reference population and other similar samples of persons with musculoskeletal disorders. Method. A cross-sectional study was performed to measure HRQoL in 917 shellfish gatherers. Women taking part in a physiotherapy workshop were invited to participate. We used a self-administered questionnaire, including questions on sociodemographic variables, lifestyle, comorbidity, the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, and HRQoL. For the SF-36 raw scores, norm-based scores and z-scores were calculated. Results. The mean age of participants was 50.6 years (standard deviation: 8.8). In all dimensions of the SF-36, values in the sample were lower than in the general reference population. The greatest differences were in younger people. The most affected dimensions were bodily pain, vitality and general health. Physical health was more affected than mental health. Conclusions. HRQoL, especially physical components, was worse in women shellfish gatherers than in the general population and other population samples

    Energía eólica y paisaje. Identificación y cuantificación de paisajes afectados por instalaciones eólicas en Andalucía

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    Este artículo analiza la distribución territorial y paisajística de los parques eólicos en Andalucía, identificando y cuantificando las superficies afectadas por cambios paisajísticos como consecuencia de la implantación de estas infraestructuras. Ello se lleva a cabo a partir de la generación de una geodatabase de energías renovables que recoge información espacial detallada de estas infraestructuras, con un nivel de precisión hasta el momento inédito en Andalucía. El uso de las capacidades analíticas de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica permite la definición y generación de nuevos indicadores paisajísticos relacionados con las instalaciones de energía eólica, no aplicados previamente para la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza.This article analyzes the spatial and landscape distribution of wind farms in the region of Andalusia, Spain, and identifies and quantifies the surface area affected by landscape changes resulting from the implementation of this type of infrastructure. This is done by creating a geodatabase of renewable energies that includes detailed spatial information of these infrastructures with a scale of accuracy that is unprecedented in Andalusia. By using the analytical abilities of Geographical Information Systems it has been possible to define and create new landscape indicators linked to the installation of wind farms that have not been applied previously in the Andalusian Autonomous Community

    Perfiles de rendimiento de selecciones ganadoras y perdedoras en el Mundial de fútbol Sudáfrica 2010

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la prestación competitiva de equiposde fútbol de alto nivel, con el fin de diferenciar su perfil de rendimiento,tomando como criterio de agrupación el resultado final de los partidos (equipos ganadores vs equipos perdedores). Se aplicó una Batería Multidimensional de Indicadores de Rendimiento (BMIR) compuesta por seis índices: Índice de Iniciativa de Juego (IIJ), Índice de Progresión en el Juego Ofensivo (IPROJO),Índice de Precisión en el Juego Ofensivo (IPREJO), Índice de Volumen de Juego(IVJ), Índice de Carga Física1 (ICF1) e Índice de CargaFísica2 (ICF2). Se analizaron 64 encuentrospertenecientes al Campeonato del Mundo de Fútbol celebrado en Sudáfrica 2010. Análisis estadísticos de comparaciones de medias entre ganadores y perdedorespermitieron concluir que los equipos ganadores presentan valores estadísticamente más altos en cuatro de los seis índices de rendimiento utilizados: IIJ (p 0,05). La utilización por parte de investigadores y entrenadores de la BMIRpuede representar una herramienta muy útil para la evaluación del rendimiento y orientación de los contenidos de entrenamiento en fútbol de alto nivel.The aim of this study was to evaluate the competitive performance of elite football teams in order to differentiate their performance profiles, by taking the final result of the games (winning teams vs. losing teams) as a criterion. We applied a Multi-Dimensional Battery of Performance Indicators (MBPI) comprising six indices: Game Initiative Index (GII), Offensive Game Progression Index (OGPROI), Offensive Game Precision Index (OGPREI), Game Volume Index (GVI), Physical Load Index1 (PLI1) and Physical Load Index2 (PLI2). A total of 64 games from the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa were analysed. Statistical analyses of comparisons of means between winners and losers made it possible to conclude that the winning teams showed statistically higher values in four of the six performance indices used: GII (p .05). The MBPI may prove to be a highly useful tool for researchers and coaches in evaluating performance, and orienting training content in elite football.O objectivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a prestação competitiva de equipas de futebol de alto rendimento, visando diferenciar o seu perfil de rendimento, adoptando como critério de agrupamento o resultado final dos jogos (equipas ganhadoras vs equipas perdedoras). Foi aplicada uma Bateria Multidimensional de Indicadores de Rendimento (BMIR) composta por seis índices: Índice de Iniciativa de Jogo (IIJ), Índice de Progressão no Jogo Ofensivo (IPROJO), Índice de Precisão no Jogo Ofensivo (IPREJO), Índice de Volume de Jogo (IVJ), Índice de Carga Física1 (ICF1) e Índice de Carga Física2 (ICF2). Foram analisados 64 jogos pertencentes ao Mundila de Futebol celebrado na África do Sul 2010. As análises estatísticas de comparações de médias entre ganhadores e perdedores permitiram concluir que as equipas ganhadoras apresentam valores estatisticamente mais elevados em quatro dos seis índices de rendimento utilizados: IIJ (p .05). A BMIR pode ser uma ferramenta muito útil para treinadores e investigadores no que concerne à avaliação do rendimento e da orientação de conteúdos do treino no futebol de alto rendimento