34 research outputs found
Особливості акумуляції важких металів у листках деревних рослин при аерогенному забрудненні екотопів
A level and rates of accumulation of Zn, Ni, Pb and Cd are determined, in the leaves of arboreal plants in the conditions of different levels of contamination. On index of intercellular contamination of leaves investigated species are subdivided into 3 groups. The species with the high level of accumulation of most heavy metals, which exceeds more than 10 times the base level (Populus bolleana Lauche, P. italica (Du Roi) Moench and Sorbus aucuparia L.) are in the first one. The second group includes plants with the average level of accumulation (exceeds the base level 5 to 10 times) — Acer negundo L. and Tilia cordata Mill. At the third group we have the species with exceeding the base level less than 5 times — Aesculus hippocastanum L., Betula pendula Roth. and Picea pungens Engelm.Установлено вміст і темпи акумуляції Zn, Ni, Pb та Cd у листках деревних рослин у різні фази морфогенезу в умовах забруднення викидами підприємства з виробництва металовмісних пігментів для лакофарбової промисловості. За показником внутрішньотканинного забруднення листків досліджені види розподілено на три групи. До першої віднесено види з високим рівнем акумуляції більшості важких металів, який перевищує більше ніж у 10 разів фоновий рівень (Populus bolleana Lauche, P. italica (Du Roi) Moench та Sorbus aucuparia L.), до другої – види із середнім рівнем акумуляції (перевищення фонового рівня у 5–10 разів) – Acer negundo L. і Tilia cordata Mill., до третьої – види з перевищенням фонового рівня менш ніж у 5 разів – Aesculus hippocastanum L., Betula pendula Roth. та Picea pungens Engelm
Diplomová práce je pokračováním mého tématu „Proč?“, zároveň zahrnuje téma člověka a okolí. Začala jsem se zajímat o kontroverzní téma geneticky modifikovaných organismů, genetického inženýrství. Našla jsem v tom osobní příběh. Nyní je těžké se vyjádřit k tomu, do jaké míry jsou tyto výzkumy důležité, ale neměli bychom se zastavovat krok před budoucností.The thesis is a continuation of my subject, "Why?", Also includes the theme of man and the environment. I started to be interested in the controversial topic of genetically modified organisms, genetic engineering. I found a personal story in it. Now it is difficult to comment on the extent to which these researches are important, but we shouldn’t stop there.
Soft, hard, and digital skills for managers in the digital age: Business requirements and the need to master them
Digitalisation in Ukraine and the world changes products, services, and business processes, affecting the number and quality of jobs due to the need for digital skills. Employers are requiring new skills from candidates in job profiles for existing managerial positions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of soft skills, hard skills, and digital skills on managers in the era of digitalisation based on the analysis of business requirements. The following methods were used: theoretical generalisation and comparison (disclosure of the content of each group of skills), analysis (skills most frequently and most demanded by employers), statistical method (summary and grouping of data collected from the job search portal), synthesis (combination of different types of information), and concretisation (identification of problems in the legislative and regulatory framework of Ukraine). The study established the ratio of skill groups in the analysed positions: sales manager, HR manager, and logistics manager mainly need the following skill groups: soft and hard, but to varying degrees. Soft skills are essential for the positions of sales manager and HR manager, while hard skills prevail for the position of logistics manager. Only project managers need hard skills and digital skills because of their specificity. To provide a better understanding and visualisation of complex information about competencies or skill levels, the authors first introduced a “three-zone competency stoplight” and a colour matrix of the result of soft, hard, and digital skills requirements of employers by position. Three skills groups are proposed to be represented in different colours: orange (soft), pink (hard), and green (digital), which will allow businesses to use this visualisation to see the zones that correspond to their job offers and understand what skills they will require from candidates for the relevant position and to what extent. The practical significance of the study is the possibility of using its results in the development of educational programmes for planning the development of necessary discipline
On the effect of chelating agents and antioxidants on cadmium-induced organ toxicity. An overview
Cadmium (Cd) has been classified as a human carcinogen. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the concentration of Cd in the environment has rapidly increased in the last few years. In many epidemiological studies, the correlation between environmental exposure of humans to Cd and diseases such as stroke, ischemia, renal and hepatic dysfunction, anemia, osteoporosis and diabetes has been discussed. For the treatment of heavy metal intoxications a therapy with chelating agents has been applied. A chelating agent is a compound that binds the toxic metal ion thus promoting its excretion by the living organisms. Recently, it has been found that Cd-induced toxicity is a result of formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These results increased the interest towards the antioxidants as possible agents for the treatment of Cd-induced organ toxicity. Herein, we present summary and discussion of the literature data for the influence of chelating agents and antioxidants on Cd-induced pathological conditions in Cd-intoxicated animals
Інгібування росту проростків кукурудзи за спільної дії хрому та нікелю
Mutual toxicity of chromium and nickel sulphates for growth and development of maize plantlets was studied. Its combined action at low concentrations (10–5 M) results to significant suppression of growth of both above-ground and root systems of maize. At the beginning of growth the greater negative effect of the salts mixture at high concentration (10–4 M) was observed for the plantlets’ roots. Then, on the sixth day, the growth of above-ground and root system was inhibited equally. Application of high nickel concentration and low chrome concentration, in contrast to high chromium and low nickel levels, depresses the biomass gain. Meanwhile the length of roots and leaves was affected by both variants of concentrations identically.Исследована токсичность воздействия совместного действия хрома сернокислого и никеля сернокислого на рост и развитие проростков кукурузы. Доказано, что их совместное действие при низкой концентрации (10-5 М) приводит к существенному угнетению роста как надземной, так и корневой системы кукурузы. В начале роста кукурузы больше негативный эффект за действия смеси солей в высокой концентрации (10-4 М) проявлялся для корневой системы проростков, а на шестые сутки рост корневой системы и надземной части подавлялся почти в равной степени. Внесение никеля в высокой концентрации на фоне низкой концентрации хрома в большей степени, чем хрома при высокой концентрации на фоне низкого содержания никеля, подавляет накопление массы сырой вещества проростков, тогда как на длину корней и письмо ков они осуществляли одинаковый эффект.Досліджено токсичність впливу спільної дії хрому сірчанокислого та нікелю сірчанокислого на ріст і розвиток проростків кукурудзи. Доведено, що їх спільна дія за низької концентрацій (10–5 М) призводить до суттєвого пригнічення росту як надземної, так і кореневої системи кукурудзи. На початку росту кукурудзи більший негативний ефект за дії суміші солей у високій концентрації (10–4 М) проявлявся для кореневої системи проростків, а на шосту добу ріст кореневої системи та надземної частини пригнічувався майже в однаковій мірі. Внесення нікелю у високій концентрації на тлі низької концентрації хрому більшою мірою, ніж хрому за високої концентрації на тлі низького вмісту нікелю, пригнічує накопичення маси сирої речовини проростків, тоді як на довжину коренів та лист ків вони здійснювали однаковий ефект
The thesis is a continuation of my subject, "Why?", Also includes the theme of man and the environment. I started to be interested in the controversial topic of genetically modified organisms, genetic engineering. I found a personal story in it. Now it is difficult to comment on the extent to which these researches are important, but we shouldn’t stop there
“It will be a crime if such a person stays in the party and is given a responsible job” (the case of the “unreliable” archivist Maria Konstantinova)
This paper traces the dramatic fate of Maria Konstantinova, who oversaw the Studios for Chronicles and Documentaries from 1949 to 1951. Her short activity in the archive of Bulgarian cinematography is outlined on the basis of documents from her professional dossier. Some of these documents were required for her appointment while others to provide information about her professional activities, or they are statements of her punishment. She was persecuted for revealing a “state secret” and negligence, delayed delivery of the film “The Long Way of a Cigarette” (dubbed in Russian), and the resulting “delayed production of a copy for the USSR”. Furthermore, in anonymous and signed reports, Maria Konstantinova was accused of financial abuse, immoral behaviour, a “grossly corrupt bohemian past”, “lesbian relationships with girlfriends”, “drunkenness and playing poker with men, and especially with women”..