890 research outputs found

    Beyond hearth and home : female legislators, feminist policy change, and substantive representation in Mexico

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    Artículo originalThis paper uses the Mexican case to explore outstanding questions in the connection between women’s descriptive representation (that is, women’s numerical presence in the legislature) and women’s substantive representation (that is, women’s policy interests). Consistent with previous work in Latin America, I find that electing women indeed diversifies the legislative agenda, and that female legislators –rather than male legislators– author proposals with feminist understandings of women’s rights and roles. These trends are robust across Mexico’s ideologically-organized political parties, indicating that feminist advocates should care about electing leftists and women. That is, rightist women are still more progressive than rightist men. Finally, I make a case for unpacking the relationship between women, hearth, and home, and eliminating the conflation of “women’s interests”with childre

    Neither Penalised nor Prized: Feminist Legislators, Women's Representation, and Career Paths in Argentina

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    The conventional wisdom holds that party leaders punish women legislators who advocate for gender equality. We test this assumption using the Argentine case, asking two questions. First, who counts as a feminist legislator and how do we know? Second, do feminist legislators have career trajectories that indicate marginalisation or penalisation? We use bill authorship data and expert surveys to identify legislators of both sexes who champion feminist causes and who adopt a gendered, though not necessarily feminist, perspective. Comparing these categories of legislators to those in the general population, we find no meaningful differences in political careers by either legislators’ gender or policy profile. In fact, many feminist champions hold prestigious positions while in congress, but this political capital results neither in punishment nor reward after congress. Women who represent women do not go on to the top posts after congress, but neither do they disappear from public life

    Full Digital Workflow for Prosthetic Full-Arch Immediate Loading Rehabilitation Using OT-Bridge System: A Case Report

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    Nowadays, digital technologies have brought very important advancements in clinical prosthetic dentistry. However, a full digital workflow is still considered to be challenging in the management of full-arch implant cases with immediate prosthetic loading. The aim of this case report is to show a full-digital workflow for the fabrication of an implant-prosthetic fixed provisional prosthesis for immediate loading on seven implants in the upper maxilla. The static guided implant surgery and the OT Bridge prosthetic system were used to rehabilitate the patient. In this way, the combination of a well-known surgical technique with a peculiar prosthetic system that allows for a certain degree of tolerance resulted in it being useful for full-arch immediate loading. Future research and studies are necessary to prove the reliability of this full-digital protocol

    Lessons from a late adopter: feminist advocacy, democratizing reforms, and gender quotas in Chile

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    Many Latin American and other Global South countries adopted gender quotas during democratic transitions. What explains late-adopting cases like Chile? We analyze two instances: the 2015-2016 electoral reforms, which finally introduced a 40-percent gender quota, and the 2020-2023 constitutional process, which introduced gender parity. Using a qualitative analysis that draws on 39 elite interviews, we posit that efforts to redesign national political institutions in order to address democratic deficits create transition-like moments. In turn, these moments create windows of opportunity for quota advocates. We show how quota advocates in the parties, congress, and civil society leveraged growing voter discontent to pressure their resistant colleagues and ultimately secure gender quotas (and later gender parity) as part of larger reform efforts. Our analysis of the Chilean case elevates two factors explaining quota adoption: the long arc of democratization and women's role as protagonists in electoral reforms

    Detecting Common Longevity Trends by a Multiple Population Approach

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    Recently the interest in the development of country and longevity risk models has been growing. The investigation of long-run equilibrium relationships could provide valuable information about the factors driving changes in mortality, in particular across ages and across countries. In order to investigate cross-country common longevity trends, tools to quantify, compare, and model the strength of dependence become essential. On one hand, it is necessary to take into account either the dependence for adjacent age groups or the dependence structure across time in a single population setting-a sort of intradependence structure. On the other hand, the dependence across multiple populations, which we describe as interdependence, can be explored for capturing common long-run relationships between countries. The objective of our work is to produce longevity projections by taking into account the presence of various forms of cross-sectional and temporal dependencies in the error processes of multiple populations, considering mortality data from different countries. The algorithm that we propose combines model-based predictions in the Lee-Carter (LC) framework with a bootstrap procedure for dependent data, and so both the historical parametric structure and the intragroup error correlation structure are preserved. We introduce a model which applies a sieve bootstrap to the residuals of the LC model and is able to reproduce, in the sampling, the dependence structure of the data under consideration. In the current article, the algorithm that we build is applied to a pool of populations by using ideas from panel data; we refer to this new algorithm as the Multiple Lee-Carter Panel Sieve (MLCPS). We are interested in estimating the relationship between populations of similar socioeconomic conditions. The empirical results show that the MLCPS approach works well in the presence of dependence

    Reproducing Hierarchies at the APSA Annual Meeting: Patterns of Panel Attendance by Gender, Race, and Ethnicity

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    Research on the political science profession has shown that homophilous research networks—that is, those organized along the lines of gender and race/ethnicity—reproduce hierarchies. Research networks composed of white men experience the most prestige and lead to the most opportunities. This study documents homophilous networks in a setting where they likely are nurtured: academic conferences. Drawing data from the 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, we examine the correspondence between the gender and the racial/ethnic composition of section members, panelists, and audience members for four research sections: Political Methodology; Political Psychology; Race, Ethnicity, and Politics; and Women and Politics. We find that attendees’ and panelists’ gender and racial/ethnic identity largely mirror the dominant gender and racial/ethnic group in their section. These findings indicate that homophily manifests at academic conferences and that efforts to diversify research networks should consider who listens to whom in these settings

    QUARE: 1st Workshop on Measuring the Quality of Explanations in Recommender Systems

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    QUARE - measuring the QUality of explAnations in REcommender systems - is the first workshop that aims to promote discussion upon future research and practice directions around evaluation methodologies for explanations in recommender systems. To that end, we bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to facilitate discussions about the main issues and best practices in the respective areas, identify possible synergies, and outline priorities regarding future research directions. Additionally, we want to stimulate reflections around methods to systematically and holistically assess explanation approaches, impact, and goals, at the interplay between organisational and human values. The homepage of the workshop is available at: https: //sites.google.com/view/quare-2022/

    Biological Responses to Cadmium Stress in Liverwort Conocephalum conicum (Marchantiales)

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    Oxidative damage (production and localization of reactive oxygen species) and related response mechanisms (activity of antioxidant enzymes), and induction of Heat Shock Protein 70 expression, have been studied in the toxi-tolerant liverwort Conocephalum conicum (Marchantiales) in response to cadmium stress using two concentrations (36 and 360 µM CdCl2). Cadmium dose-dependent production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and related activity of antioxidant enzymes was observed. The expression level of heat shock protein (Hsp)70, instead, was higher at 36 µM CdCl2 in comparison with the value obtained after exposure to 360 µM CdCl2, suggesting a possible inhibition of the expression of this stress gene at higher cadmium exposure doses. Biological responses were related to cadmium bioaccumulation. Since C. conicum was able to respond to cadmium stress by modifying biological parameters, we discuss the data considering the possibility of using these biological changes as biomarkers of cadmium pollution

    Hydraulic properties of ignimbrites: matrix and fracture permeabilities in two pyroclastic flow deposits from Cimino‑Vico volcanoes (Italy)

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    Hydrological properties of ignimbrites are known in detail only for some areas, although these rocks cover large areas with considerable thicknesses in many volcanic regions of the world. This study investigates hydrological properties of two ignimbrites of Latium (Central Italy), different in age, composition, and origin. The dual porosity of the ignimbrites was examined through laboratory tests, pumping tests, and outcrop surveys. The degree of welding, composition, and stratigraphy of the two ignimbrites are the main factors determining their hydrological properties. The two ignimbrites share a low matrix permeability, showing a different fracturing degree. The more welded ignimbrite is characterized by lower porosity of the matrix and higher fracturing degree, while the less welded ignimbrite is characterized by higher porosity of the matrix and lower fracturing degree. Hydraulic conductivity and storage capacity of the highly welded ignimbrite mainly depend on the denser network of discontinuities. The hydraulic conductivity of the younger ignimbrite, less welded, mainly depend on the sparser network of discontinuities and on the layer of unconsolidated coarse pyroclastic deposits at its base, while the storage capacity depends on the more porous matrix. Should the pyroclastic rocks be used as aquifer for water supplies, or, in other cases, as substratum of waste disposal sites, the dual porosity of the ignimbrites must necessarily include different scales of analysis in order to evaluate the role of matrix and fractures on the permeability of rock mass. In any case, the results of laboratory and on-site tests are to be interpreted taking into account the stratigraphy of the ignimbrite
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