202 research outputs found

    The sustainability impact of a digital circular economy

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    Digital technologies — such as the Internet of Things, big data and advanced analytics, additive manufacturing and 3D printing, blockchain and online platforms — are regarded as key enablers for a circular economy. A systematic literature review and analysis of 48 scientific articles published in the last five years was conducted to identify the first-, second- and third-order sustainability effects of a digital circular economy. Second-order environmental effects such as improved resource efficiency and reduction of emissions, waste and material use in products and production processes are often envisaged. However, limited attention is given to social and economic impact, and rebound effects. Existing literature also lacks a solid assessment of actual (vs expected) impact, and a more balanced consideration of negative (vs positive) effects

    El trabajo escénico de lo conceptual hacia una estética propia

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    En el presente trabajo me propongo describir y analizar, desde mi experienciapersonal de direcciĂłn, el proceso de construcciĂłn de una dramaturgia escĂ©nicapropia con el fin de contribuir al diĂĄlogo en torno a las elecciones estĂ©ticosingulares que se ponen en juego en la producciĂłn escĂ©nica de una idea. Meinteresa, en particular, reflexionar sobre el tĂ©rmino ‘dramaturgia’ dentro del marco proyectado por el concepto de ‘dramaturgia expandida’, y mĂĄs especĂ­ficamente, como una construcciĂłn que no solo va mĂĄs allĂĄ de la interpretaciĂłn comĂșnmente asociada al texto escrito, sino que mĂĄs bien inscribe a todos los dispositivos escĂ©nicos dentro una mirada que los constituye, de hecho, como fuentes de dramaturgia en sĂ­ mismos

    Santarcangelo di Romagna: il sistema di strutture ipogee in rapporto al tessuto urbano storico tra tutela e valorizzazione

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    ITALIANO: Santarcangelo di Romagna presenta un elevato numero di ipogei scavati all’interno del colle sul quale sorge l’abitato, tale fenomeno costituisce un vero e proprio ‘sistema’ di cavità sovrapposte ed interconnesse. Oggetto dello studio ù stato quello di esaminare la documentazione disponibile e procedere al rilievo di quattro di esse tramite Laser Scanner 3d. La raccolta del dato ha portato ad aumentare la conoscenza delle strutture, al fine di garantirne la tutela anche mediante ricostruzione virtuale degli ambienti ipogei. / ENGLISH: Santarcangelo di Romagna has a high number of hypogea excavated inside the hill on which the town stands, this phenomenon constitutes a real ‘system ’ of overlapping and interconnected cavities. The object of the study was to examine the available documentation and proceed with the survey of four of them through 3d Laser Scanner. The collection of data has led to increase the knowledge of the structures, in order to ensure their protection also through virtual reconstruction of the underground environments
