19 research outputs found

    Spectral and orbital survey of medium-sized meteoroids

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    We investigate the spectra, material properties, and orbital distribution of millimeter- to decimeter-sized meteoroids. Our study aims to distinguish the characteristics of populations of differently sized meteoroids and reveal the heterogeneity of identified meteoroid streams. We verify the surprisingly large ratio of pure iron meteoroids on asteroidal orbits detected among mm-sized bodies. Emission spectra and multi-station meteor trajectories were collected within the AMOS network observations. The sample is based on 202 meteors of -1 to -14 magnitude, corresponding to meteoroids of mm to dm sizes. Meteoroid composition is studied by relative intensity ratios of Na, Mg, and Fe. Heliocentric orbits, trajectory parameters, and material strengths inferred from empirical KBK_B and PEP_E parameters were determined for 146 meteoroids. An overall increase of Na content compared to the population of mm-sized meteoroids was detected, reflecting weaker effects of space weathering processes on larger meteoroids. We report a very low ratio of pure iron meteoroids and the discovery of a new spectral group of Fe-rich meteors. The majority of meteoroids on asteroidal orbits were found to be chondritic. Thermal processes causing Na depletion and physical processes resulting in Na-rich spectra are described and linked to characteristically increased material strengths. Numerous major and minor shower meteors were identified in our sample, revealing various degrees of heterogeneity within Halley-type, ecliptical, and sungrazing meteoroid streams. Our results imply a scattered composition of the fragments of comet 2P/Encke and 109P/Swift-Tuttle. The largest disparities were detected within the α\alpha-Capricornids and δ\delta-Aquarids. We also find a spectral similarity between κ\kappa-Cygnids and Taurids, which could imply a similar composition of the parent objects of the two streams

    Analysis of CN emission as a marker of organic compounds in meteoroids using laboratory simulated meteors

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    Fragments of small solar system bodies entering Earth's atmosphere have possibly been important contributors of organic compounds to the early Earth. The cyano radical (CN) emission from meteors is considered as potentially one of the most suitable markers of organic compounds in meteoroids, however, its detection in meteor spectra has been thus far unsuccessful. With the aim to improve our abilities to identify CN emission in meteor observations and use its spectral features to characterize the composition of incoming asteroidal meteoroids, we present a detailed analysis of CN emission from high-resolution spectra of 22 laboratory simulated meteors including ordinary, carbonaceous, and enstatite chondrites, as well as a large diversity of achondrites (i.e., ureilite, aubrite, lunar, martian, howardite, eucrite, and diogenite), mesosiderite, and iron meteorites. We describe the variations of CN emission from different classes of asteroidal meteor analogues, its correlation and time evolution relative to other major meteoroid components. We demonstrate that CN can be used as a diagnostic spectral feature of carbonaceous and carbon-rich meteoroids, while most ordinary chondrites show no signs of CN. Our results point out strong correlation between CN and H emission and suggest both volatile features are suitable to trace contents of organic matter and water molecules present within meteoroids. For the application in lower resolution meteor observations, we demonstrate that CN can be best recognized in the early stages of ablation and for carbon-rich materials by measuring relative intensity ratio of CN band peak to the nearby Fe I-4 lines

    Is Hypothermia Helpful in Severe Subarachnoid Hemorrhage? An Exploratory Study on Macro Vascular Spasm, Delayed Cerebral Infarction and Functional Outcome after Prolonged Hypothermia

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    Background: Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is an established treatment after cardiac arrest and growing evidence supports its use as neuroprotective treatment in stroke. Only few and heterogeneous studies exist on the effect of hypothermia in subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). A novel approach of early and prolonged TH and its influence on key complications in poor-grade SAH, vasospasm and delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) was evaluated. Methods: This observational matched controlled study included 36 poor-grade (Hunt and Hess Scale >3 and World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Scale >3) SAH patients. Twelve patients received early TH (<48 h after ictus), mild (35°C), prolonged (7 ± 1 days) and were matched to 24 patients from the prospective SAH database. Vasospasm was diagnosed by angiography, macrovascular spasm serially evaluated by Doppler sonography and DCI was defined as new infarction on follow-up CT. Functional outcome was assessed at 6 months by modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and categorized as favorable (mRS score 0-2) versus unfavorable (mRS score 3-6) outcome. Results: Angiographic vasospasm was present in 71.0% of patients. TH neither influenced occurrence nor duration, but the degree of macrovascular spasm as well as peak spastic velocities were significantly reduced (p < 0.05). Frequency of DCI was 87.5% in non-TH vs. 50% in TH-treated patients, translating into a relative risk reduction of 43% and preventive risk ratio of 0.33 (95% CI 0.14-0.77, p = 0.036). Favorable functional outcome was twice as frequent in TH-treated patients 66.7 vs. 33.3% of non-TH (p = 0.06). Conclusion: Early and prolonged TH was associated with a reduced degree of macrovascular spasm and significantly decreased occurrence of DCI, possibly ameliorating functional outcome. TH may represent a promising neuroprotective therapy possibly targeting multiple pathways of DCI development, notably macrovascular spasm, which strongly warrants further evaluation of its clinical impact

    Geodetic a Cartographic Works Used for Making of Graphic Parts of Registers in Cadastral Districts with Analogue Map

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    Import 29/09/2010V předložené diplomové práci jsou popsány postupy tvorby grafických částí registrů a řešení specifických problémů, které jsou charakteristické pro uvedené katastrální území. Postupy tvorby grafické části registrů v námi vybraných katastrálních územích se v mnohém podobají, dokonce postupy transformací jsou stejné, ale každé katastrální území je specifické již od vzniku a existence jednotlivých podkladů. Hlavním cílem při zpracování grafických částí registrů je volba takových technologií zpracování, aby byla na konci dosažena co nejlepší kvalita výsledků a vytvořena vektorová mapa použitelná v katastru nemovitostí jako podklad pro všechny další geodetické práce.In the present thesis there are described the methods of the creation of graphic register and the solutions of the specific problems that are characteristic for the mentioned cadastral area. Making procedures of graphic part of the register in our selected cadastral areas are in many ways resembled, even transformation processes are the same, but each cadastral area is specific since the creation and existence of individual documents. The main objective of image processing part of the register is the choice of processing technologies that the best quality result will be reached at the end and a vector map will be created to be used in the land as a base for all other geodetic works.Prezenční544 - Institut geodézie a důlního měřictvívýborn

    Zkušenosti žáků SOŠ s užíváním marihuany

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    Bachelor thesis is focused on College student experience with marijuana. The the-sis has two parts - theory and practice. Theory describes addictive substances. This part of thesis is mainly about relationship of teenagers to marijuana as ad-dictive substance. Theory includes addiction, prevention. Practice contains an ex-ploratory investigation at chosen college. A survey is focused on college students, their attitude to marijuana and experience with it

    Klasifikace glaciálních jezer a metody jejich inventarizace

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    Classification of glacial lakes and methods of inventory Abstract: Classification of glacial lakes has its application all around the world. However, there is no unified system of typology that would make it possible to simplify and increase the effectivity of labour inventory. The thesis is dedicated to creation an overview of the definitions of glacial lake divided by euro-atlantic and asian literature and its resulting evaluation. The inventory of glacial lakes is closely connected to their classification. Therefore, the work subsequently presents individual methods that lead to the creation of a lake inventory. The basis of the creation of a design of the classification system is the research from already created glacial lakes classifications and analysis by which typology can be created. Overall, the classification of the lakes is divided into two main groups: by position to glacier or relief and according to the type of dam. Furthermore, 280 glacial lakes were analysed based on the inventory table in an interest area. On the basis of a created classification design, most of the lakes were classified under the inventory, thereby confirming its used application. Keywords: glacial lake, typology, classification, inventory, RSKlasifikácia glaciálnych jazier a metódy ich inventarizácie Abstrakt: Klasifikácia glaciálnych jazier má svoje využitie po celom svete. Doposiaľ však neexistuje jednotný systém typológie, ktorý by umožnil zjednodušenie a zvýšil efektívnosť práce pri inventarizácii jazier. Práca sa venuje najprv vytvoreniu prehľadu definícií pojmov glaciálneho jazera rozdelenému podľa euro-atlantickej a ázijskej literatúry a ich následnému zhodnoteniu. Inventarizácia glaciálnych jazier je úzko spojená s ich klasifikáciou. Preto práca následne prezentuje jednotlivé metódy, ktoré vedú k vytvoreniu inventára jazier. Základom vytvorenia návrhu systému klasifikácie je rešerš z už vytvorených klasifikácií glaciálnych jazier a analýza, pomocou ktorej bolo možné vytvoriť návrh typológie. Celkovo je klasifikácia jazier rozdelená do dvoch hlavných skupín: podľa polohy voči ľadovcu alebo reliéfu a podľa typu hrádze. Následne bolo na základe inventarizačnej tabuľky v záujmovej oblasti analyzovaných 280 glaciálnych jazier. Na základe vytvoreného návrhu klasifikácie sa v rámci inventarizácie klasifikovala väčšina jazier, a tým návrh typológie potvrdil svoje aplikované využitie. Kľúčové slová: glaciálne jazero, typológia, klasifikácia, inventarizácia, DPZDepartment of Physical Geography and GeoecologyKatedra fyzické geografie a geoekologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Právo na prístup verejnosti k informáciám v prípravnom konaní

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    The author deals with the issue of the right to information in general and spe cifically in relation to pre-trial proceedings in the pre-trial part of criminal pro ceedings. The paper contains a definition of the legal regulation of the right to information. Attention is also paid to the possibility of limitation or complete non-provision of the right to information. The argumentation in the paper is supported by court decisions. In relation to public information regarding the preparatory proceedings, the legal regulation contained in the Criminal Procedure Code is also analysed

    Information System Design

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the design of the information system segment, the application which provides monitoring and company management while taking into account the company needs. The design of the new system is preceded by an analysis of the current state of the company itself, its system and processes. Based on the obtained information we create a draft project of development and implementation of the mentioned application while applying the technics of project management and describe individual activities leading to the achievement of the objective of this project

    Classification of glacial lakes and methods of inventory

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    Classification of glacial lakes and methods of inventory Abstract: Classification of glacial lakes has its application all around the world. However, there is no unified system of typology that would make it possible to simplify and increase the effectivity of labour inventory. The thesis is dedicated to creation an overview of the definitions of glacial lake divided by euro-atlantic and asian literature and its resulting evaluation. The inventory of glacial lakes is closely connected to their classification. Therefore, the work subsequently presents individual methods that lead to the creation of a lake inventory. The basis of the creation of a design of the classification system is the research from already created glacial lakes classifications and analysis by which typology can be created. Overall, the classification of the lakes is divided into two main groups: by position to glacier or relief and according to the type of dam. Furthermore, 280 glacial lakes were analysed based on the inventory table in an interest area. On the basis of a created classification design, most of the lakes were classified under the inventory, thereby confirming its used application. Keywords: glacial lake, typology, classification, inventory, R