122 research outputs found

    Stationary and non-stationary stochastic response of linear fractional viscoelastic systems

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    A method is presented to compute the stochastic response of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) structural systems with fractional derivative damping, subjected to stationary and non-stationary inputs. Based on a few manipulations involving an appropriate change of variable and a discretization of the fractional derivative operator, the equation of motion is reverted to a set of coupled linear equations involving additional degrees of freedom, the number of which depends on the discretization of the fractional derivative operator. As a result of the proposed variable transformation and discretization, the stochastic analysis becomes very straightforward and simple since, based on standard rules of stochastic calculus, it is possible to handle a system featuring Markov response processes of first order and not of infinite order like the original one. Specifically, for inputs of most relevant engineering interest, it is seen that the response second-order statistics can be readily obtained in a closed form, to be implemented in any symbolic package. The method applies for fractional damping of arbitrary order α (0 ≤ α ≤ 1). The results are compared to Monte Carlo simulation data

    Visco-elastic behavior through fractional calculus: an easier method for best fitting experimental results

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    In capturing visco-elastic behavior, experimental tests play a fundamental rule, since they allow to build up theoretical constitutive laws very useful for simulating their own behavior. The main challenge is representing the visco-elastic materials through simple models, in order to spread their use. However, the wide used models for capturing both relaxation and creep tests are combinations of simple models as Maxwell and/or Kelvin, that depend on several parameters for fitting both creep and relaxation tests. This paper, following Nutting and Gemant idea of fitting experimental data through a power law function, aims at stressing the validity of fractional model. In fact, as soon as relaxation test is well fitted by power law decay then the fractional constitutive law involving Caputo’s derivative directly appears. It will be shown that fractional model is proper for studying visco-elastic behavior, since it may capture both relaxation and creep tests, requiring the identification of two parameters only. This consideration is assessed by the good agreement between experimental tests on creep and relaxation and the fractional model proposed. Experimental tests, here reported are performed on two polymers having different chemical physical properties such that the fractional model may cover a wide range of visco-elastic behavior

    Il Filtro Integrale Auto-Regressivo Continuo (I-ARC) per l’Analisi di Strutture Esposte al Vento

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    In questo studio viene proposto un metodo per la rappresentazione di processi aleatori Gaussiani e stazionari, utile a modellare la turbolenza della velocità del vento, introducendo la versione integrale del modello auto-regressivo discreto già proposto in precedenza. La rappresentazione di un processo aleatorio di assegnata funzione di correlazione viene condotta integrando un’equazione integro-differenziale in cui viene coinvolto un nucleo, che rappresenta la memoria del processo, in presenza di un rumore bianco Gaussiano. La soluzione dell’equazione rappresenta un campione del processo aleatorio della turbolenza della velocità del vento. E’ stato mostrato che il modello I-ARC fornisce, nei casi in cui effettivamente il processo è filtrato, statistiche coincidenti con quelle del processo obiettivo mentre fornisce risultati molto accurati qualora il processo non è filtrato come nel caso della velocità del vento. Inoltre una formulazione discreta del filtro I-ARC coincide con il modello ARC precedentemente discusso dagli autor

    Mechanically-based approach to non-local elasticity: Variational principles

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    AbstractThe mechanically-based approach to non-local elastic continuum, will be captured through variational calculus, based on the assumptions that non-adjacent elements of the solid may exchange central body forces, monotonically decreasing with their interdistance, depending on the relative displacement, and on the volume products. Such a mechanical model is investigated introducing primarily the dual state variables by means of the virtual work principle. The constitutive relations between dual variables are introduced defining a proper, convex, potential energy. It is proved that the solution of the elastic problem corresponds to a global minimum of the potential energy functional. Moreover, the Euler–Lagrange equations together with the natural boundary conditions associated to the total potential energy functional are established with variational calculus and they coincide with analogous relations already obtained by means of mechanical considerations. Numerical analysis of a tensile specimen has been introduced to show the capabilities of the proposed approach

    Digital simulation of multi-variate stochastic processes

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    Stochastic dynamic analysis of linear or nonlinear multi-degree-of-freedom systems excited by multi-variated processes is usually conducted by using digital Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. Since in structural systems few modal shapes contribute to the response in the nodal space, the computational burden of MC simulation is mainly related to the digital simulation of the input process. Usually, the generation of multi-variated samples of Gaussian input process is performed with the aid of the Shinozuka formula. However, since in this procedure the stochastic process is given as a summation of waves with random amplitude amplified by the square root of the power spectral density, the randomness is due to a random phase angle of each wave, therefore a very large number of waves is required to reach the Gaussianity, i.e. the process is only asymptotically stable. Moreover, the computational burden increases in case of multi-variated processes. The paper aims to drastically reduce the generation time of the input process through the use of a two-step procedure. In the first step, by using the Priestley formula, each wave is normally distributed. This first aspect allows to drastically reduce the computational effort for the mono-variate process since few waves are sufficient to reach the Gaussianity. In the second step, the multi-variate process is reduced as a summation of independent fully coherent vectors if the quadrature spectrum (q-spectrum) can be neglected. An application of digital simulation of the wind velocity field is discussed to prove the efficiency of the proposed approach

    Stochastic response of a fractional vibroimpact system

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    The paper proposes a method to investigate the stochastic dynamics of a vibroimpact single-degree-of-freedom fractional system under a Gaussian white noise input. It is assumed that the system has a hard type impact against a one-sided motionless barrier, which is located at the system's equilibrium position; furthermore, the system under study is endowed with an element modeled with fractional derivative. The proposed method is based on stochastic averaging technique and overcome the particular difficulty due to the presence of fractional derivative of an absolute value function; particularly an analytical expression for the system's mean squared response amplitude is presented and compared with results obtained by numerical simulations

    Nonlinear rocking of rigid blocks on flexible foundation: Analysis and experiments

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    Primarily, two models are commonly used to describe rocking of rigid bodies; the Housner model, and the Winkler foundation model. The first deals with the motion of a rigid block rocking about its base corners on a rigid foundation. The second deals with the motion of a rigid block rocking and bouncing on a flexible foundation of distributed linear springs and dashpots (Winkler foundation). These models are two-dimensional and can capture some of the features of the physics of the problem. Clearly, there are additional aspects of the problem which may be captured by an enhanced nonlinear model for the base-foundation interaction. In this regard, what it is adopted in this paper is the Hunt-Crossley nonlinear impact force model in which the impact/contact force is represented by springs in parallel with nonlinear dampers. In this regard, a proper mathematical formulation is developed and the governing equations of motion are derived taking into account the possibility of uplifting in the case of strong excitation. The analytical study is supplemented by experimental tests conducted in the Laboratory of Experimental Dynamics at the University of Palermo, Italy. In this context, due to their obvious relevance for historical monuments, free-rocking tests are presented for several marble-block geometries on both rigid and flexible foundations. Numerical vis-\uc3 -vis experimental data are reported, supporting the usefulness and reliability of the proposed approach
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