924 research outputs found

    Depression in hemodialysis patients: the role of dialysis shift

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    OBJECTIVE: Depression is the most important neuropsychiatric complication in chronic kidney disease because it reduces quality of life and increases mortality. Evidence demonstrating the association between dialysis shift and depression is lacking; thus, obtaining such evidence was the main objective of this study. METHOD: This cross-sectional study included patients attending a hemodialysis program. Depression was diagnosed using Beck's Depression Inventory. Excessive daytime sleepiness was evaluated using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. RESULTS: A total of 96 patients were enrolled (55 males, age 48±14 years). Depression and excessive daytime sleepiness were observed in 42.7% and 49% of the patients, respectively. When comparing variables among the three dialysis shifts, there were no differences in age, dialysis vintage, employment status, excessive daytime sleepiness, hemoglobin, phosphorus levels, or albumin levels. Patients in the morning shift were more likely to live in rural areas (

    Classificação comercial indicativa das cultivares de trigo da Embrapa - Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina, safra 2020.

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    A classificação comercial de trigo é regida pela Instrução Normativa nº 38, do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Brasil, 2010). Objetivando a adequação ao regulamento, e seguindo os critérios definidos por obtentores vegetais de trigo no Brasil, as cultivares da Embrapa indicadas para semeadura na safra de 2020 no Rio Grande do Sul e em Santa Catarina foram classificadas pela seguinte metodologia: 1 ? as amostras de trigo usadas para a classificação comercial de cultivares foram provenientes de vários ensaios: preliminares, Valor de Cultivo e Uso (VCU), ensaio estadual de cultivares, ensaio de qualidade industrial de trigo (EQIT), unidades demonstrativas, unidades de observação, entre outros; 2 ? a classificação comercial das cultivares foi realizada por Regiões Homogêneas de Adaptação de Cultivares de Trigo (RHACT) (Reunião..., 2018), de acordo com os seguintes agrupamentos e número mínimo de amostras: Região 1 do Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina (mínimo três amostras); Região 2 do Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina (mínimo três amostras); 3 ? a classificação comercial foi obtida com base nos valores de força de glúten e de número de queda, de acordo com o estabelecido no Anexo III da Instrução Normativa nº 38 (Brasil, 2010), não considerando os valores de estabilidade apresentados neste mesmo Anexo; e 4 ? para que uma cultivar fosse enquadrada em uma classe comercial, de acordo com a IN n° 38, foi utilizada, como critério de classificação, a frequência relativa acumulada mínima de 60% das amostras na classe comercial, somando-se a partir da classe Melhorador até a classe Outros Usos

    KSHV LANA acetylation-selective acidic domain reader sequence mediates virus persistence

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    Viruses modulate biochemical cellular pathways to permit infection. A recently described mechanism mediates selective protein interactions between acidic domain readers and unacetylated, lysine-rich regions, opposite of bromodomain function. Kaposi´s sarcoma (KS)-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is tightly linked with KS, primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric Castleman’s disease. KSHV latently infects cells, and its genome persists as a multicopy, extrachromosomal episome. During latency, KSHV expresses a small subset of genes, including the latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA), which mediates viral episome persistence. Here we show that LANA contains two tandem, partially overlapping, acidic domain sequences homologous to the SET oncoprotein acidic domain reader. This domain selectively interacts with unacetylated p53, as evidenced by reduced LANA interaction after overexpression of CBP, which acetylates p53, or with an acetylation mimicking carboxyl-terminal domain p53 mutant. Conversely, the interaction of LANA with an acetylation-deficient p53 mutant is enhanced. Significantly, KSHV LANA mutants lacking the acidic domain reader sequence are deficient for establishment of latency and persistent infection. This deficiency was confirmed under physiological conditions, on infection of mice with a murine gammaherpesvirus 68 chimera expressing LANA, where the virus was highly deficient in establishing latent infection in germinal center B cells. Therefore, LANA’s acidic domain reader is critical for viral latency. These results implicate an acetylation-dependent mechanism mediating KSHV persistence and expand the role of acidic domain readers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cross-species conservation of episome maintenance provides a basis for in vivo investigation of Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus LANA

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    Copyright: © 2017 Habison et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Many pathogens, including Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV), lack tractable small animal models. KSHV persists as a multi-copy, nuclear episome in latently infected cells. KSHV latency-associated nuclear antigen (kLANA) binds viral terminal repeat (kTR) DNA to mediate episome persistence. Model pathogen murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) mLANA acts analogously on mTR DNA. kLANA and mLANA differ substantially in size and kTR and mTR show little sequence conservation. Here, we find kLANA and mLANA act reciprocally to mediate episome persistence of TR DNA. Further, kLANA rescued mLANA deficient MHV68, enabling a chimeric virus to establish latent infection in vivo in germinal center B cells. The level of chimeric virus in vivo latency was moderately reduced compared to WT infection, but WT or chimeric MHV68 infected cells had similar viral genome copy numbers as assessed by immunofluorescence of LANA intranuclear dots or qPCR. Thus, despite more than 60 Ma of evolutionary divergence, mLANA and kLANA act reciprocally on TR DNA, and kLANA functionally substitutes for mLANA, allowing kLANA investigation in vivo. Analogous chimeras may allow in vivo investigation of genes of other human pathogens.This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health grants CA082036 (NCI), DE025208, and DE024971 (both NIDCR), to KMK, FCT PTDC/IMI-MIC/0980/2014 to JPS, FCT Harvard Medical School Portugal Program in Translational Research (HMSP-ICT/0021/2010) to JPS, KMK, CEM, Instituto de Medicina Molecular Directors Fund to JPS, and iNOVA4Health Research Unit (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007344) FCT/FEDER (PT2020 Partnership Agreement) to CEM. M.P.M is supported by a fellowship from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Normas de classificação comercial de trigo e de farinha de trigo no Brasil: uma perspectiva histórica.

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    História da normatização da identidade, qualidade, embalagem e apresentação do trigo brasileiro; Normatização da identidade, qualidade, embalagem e apresentação da farinha de trigo no Brasil; Critérios de classificação comercial de cultivares de trigo empregados pelos obtentores no BrasilODS-1