2,951 research outputs found

    Mercados protegidos y consumo desigual. Cuba y el capitalismo español entre 1878 y 1898

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaEn el presente artículo se examina la evolución del intercambio comercial entre España y Cuba en el periodo de 1878 a 1898, las variaciones en el volumen y composición de las transacciones, así como su incidencia en el conjunto de las economías española y cubana, revisándose el impacto de las exportaciones peninsulares sobre el mercado colonial. Las conclusiones apuntan una sobrevaloración instrumental de la dominación mercantil antillana destinada a obtener ventajas en la política comercial española que, sin embargo, contribuyó a fomentar una conciencia de dependencia en vísperas de la guerra de emancipación.This article examines the evolution of trade exchange between Spain and Cuba from 1878 to 1898, the variations in the volume and composition of the transactions and their effect on Spanish and Cuban economies as a whole, reviewing the impact of peninsular exports on the colonial market. The conclusions point to an instrumental overvaluation of Antillas' mercantile domination aiming to obtain advantages in Spain's commercial policy, which nevertheless helped to foster an awareness of dependence on the eve of the war of independence.Publicad


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    Experiential Avoidance and Technological Addictions in Adolescents

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    Background and aims This study focuses on the use of popular information and communication technologies (ICTs) by adolescents: the Internet, mobile phones, and video games. The relationship of ICT use and experiential avoidance (EA), a construct that has emerged as underlying and transdiagnostic to a wide variety of psychological problems, including behavioral addictions, is examined. EA refers to a self-regulatory strategy involving efforts to control or escape from negative stimuli such as thoughts, feelings, or sensations that generate strong distress. This strategy, which may be adaptive in the short term, is problematic if it becomes an inflexible pattern. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore whether EA patterns were associated with addictive or problematic use of ICT in adolescents. Methods A total of 317 students of the Spanish southeast between 12 and 18 years old were recruited to complete a questionnaire that included questions about general use of each ICTs, an experiential avoidance questionnaire, a brief inventory of the Big Five personality traits, and specific questionnaires on problematic use of the Internet, mobile phones, and video games. Results Correlation analysis and linear regression showed that EA largely explained results regarding the addictive use of the Internet, mobile phones, and video games, but not in the same way. As regards gender, boys showed a more problematic use of video games than girls. Concerning personality factors, conscientiousness was related to all addictive behaviors. Discussion and conclusions We conclude that EA is an important construct that should be considered in future models that attempt to explain addictive behaviors

    Défices neuro-psicológicos nas perturbações internalizantes e externalizantes: Implicações para aumentar a eficácia das intervenções cognitivo-comportamentais em crianças e adolescentes

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    Over the past three decades, our understanding of the nature, assessment and treatment of childhood mental disorders has increased significantly. Some of the most recent advances come from transdiagnostic and neuropsychological-based approaches. While the relationship of similar neuropsychological deficits with some mental disorders, such as neurodevelopmental and severe mental disorders like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, is widely established, there is more controversy about their relationship with the so-called internalizing and externalizing disorders. In this article, our goal was to highlight the potential of incorporating cognitive strategies from integrative neuropsychological and transdiagnostic approaches to improve the effectiveness of empirically-supported cognitive-behavioral therapy for internalizing and externalizing mental disorders in childhood and adolescence. The results of the present work indicate that the vast majority of internalizing disorders, including the presence of anxiety, depressive, trauma- and stress-related, and obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, as well as externalizing symptoms (corresponding to conduct disorder and ODD), present neuropsychological deficits and that their consideration may be relevant to improve the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic interventions in children and adolescents by incorporating neuropsychology-based assessment and treatment tools. The inclusion of neuropsychological support strategies in therapy for childhood mental disorders implies an advance and has clear implications for the enhancement of psychological care for childhood mental disorders.Ao longo das últimas três décadas, a nossa compreensão da natureza, avaliação e tratamento das perturbações mentais na infância aumentou significativamente. Alguns dos avanços mais recentes derivam de abordagens transdiagnósticas e neuropsicológicas. Embora a relação de défices neuropsicológicos com algumas perturbações mentais, como as perturbações neurodesenvolvimentais e com perturbações mentais graves, como a esquizofrenia e a perturbação bipolar, seja amplamente reconhecida, existe maior controvérsia acerca da sua relação com as perturbações internalizantes e externalizantes. Este artigo teve como objetivo destacar o potencial de incorporar estratégias cognitivas derivadas de abordagens transdiagnósticas neuropsicológicas integradoras para aumentar a eficácia de tratamentos cognitivo-comportamentais empiricamente validados para perturbações internalizantes e externalizantes na infância e na adolescência. Os resultados do presente trabalho indicam que tanto a vasta maioria de perturbações internalizantes (incluindo perturbações de ansiedade, perturbações depressivas, perturbações relacionadas com trauma e fatores de stress, e perturbações obsessivo-compulsivas e relacionadas) como perturbações externalizantes (como perturbação do comportamento e perturbação desafiante de oposição), apresentam défices neuropsicológicos, e que a consideração destes défices pode ser relevante para melhorar a eficácia de intervenções psicoterapêuticas com crianças e adolescentes, incorporando ferramentas neuropsicológicas de avaliação e tratamento. A inclusão de estratégias neuropsicológicas de suporte na intervenção terapêutica para as perturbações mentais infantis implica um avanço e tem implicações claras na melhoria de cuidados psicológicos a esta população

    Outflows of hot molecular gas in ultra-luminous infra-red galaxies mapped with VLT-SINFONI

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    We present the detection and morphological characterization of hot molecular gas outflows in nearby ultra-luminous infrared galaxies, using the near-IR integral-field spectrograph SINFONI on the VLT. We detect outflows observed in the 2.12 micron H2_{2} 1-0 S(1) line for three out of four ULIRGs analyzed; IRAS 12112+0305, 14348-1447, and 22491-1808. The outflows are mapped on scales of 0.7-1.6 kpc, show typical outflow velocities of 300-500 km/s, and appear to originate from the nuclear region. The outflows comprise hot molecular gas masses of ~6-8x103^3 M(sun). Assuming a hot-to-cold molecular gas mass ratio of 6x105^{-5}, as found in nearby luminous IR galaxies, the total (hot+cold) molecular gas mass in these outflows is expected to be ~1x108^{8} M(sun). This translates into molecular mass outflow rates of ~30-85 M(sun)/yr, which is a factor of a few lower than the star formation rate in these ULIRGs. In addition, most of the outflowing molecular gas does not reach the escape velocity of these merger systems, which implies that the bulk of the outflowing molecular gas is re-distributed within the system and thus remains available for future star formation. The fastest H2_{2} outflow is seen in the Compton-thick AGN of IRAS 14348-1447, reaching a maximum outflow velocity of ~900 km/s. Another ULIRG, IRAS 17208-0014, shows asymmetric H2_{2} line profiles different from the outflows seen in the other three ULIRGs. We discuss several alternative explanations for its line asymmetries, including a very gentle galactic wind, internal gas dynamics, low-velocity gas outside the disk, or two superposed gas disks. We do not detect the hot molecular counterpart to the outflow previously detected in CO(2-1) in IRAS 17208-0014, but we note that our SINFONI data are not sensitive enough to detect this outflow if it has a small hot-to-cold molecular gas mass ratio of < 9x106^{-6}.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (11 pages, 10 figures

    Influence of Bi and Mn on the green luminescence of ZnO ceramics

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    The effect of the addition of Bi and Mn on the photoluminescence from ZnO ceramics has been investigated. The effect of the presence of impurities on the green luminescence band can be compared to the effect of oxidizing treatments. A narrow green band has been observed in Mn‐doped samples

    Valores de referencia de la población diabética para la versión española del SF-12v2

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    ResumenObjetivoLos cuestionarios de salud percibida son instrumentos que proporcionan información importante para la investigación en resultados de salud. La familia de cuestionarios SF requiere valores de referencia para interpretar el impacto en calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Estudios previos han proporcionado estos valores para la población general española, pero no para condiciones específicas de enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido obtener, para la versión española del SF-12v2, los valores de referencia de la población diabética de la Región de Murcia.MétodosEstudio transversal con encuesta telefónica a 1.500 personas representativas de los diabéticos tipo 1 y 2, no institucionalizados, de 18 años y más, de la Región de Murcia. Se calcularon medidas de tendencia central, dispersión y percentiles de las ocho dimensiones, e índices resumen (físico y mental), del SF-12v2.ResultadosEl índice de salud mental (ISM) medio (50,5±12,8) fue superior al físico (ISF) (42,5±11,8). En función del sexo, los hombres obtuvieron un ISM (53,6±11,6) y un ISF (44,9±11,2) mejores que las mujeres (ISM: 47,7±13,2; ISF: 40,3±11,9). La dimensión mejor valorada fue la vitalidad (hombres: 57,2±11,1; mujeres: 51,9±12,1), y la peor la salud general (hombres: 39,0±9,7; mujeres: 35,8±10,0). Estratificando por grupos de edad, los hombres seguían presentando mejores puntuaciones que las mujeres.ConclusionesEstos resultados deben ser considerados como valores de referencia de la población diabética de la Región de Murcia de la versión española del SF-12v2, y pueden ser útiles para establecer objetivos terapéuticos, comparar con población general, sana y con otras enfermedades.AbstractObjectivePerceived health status questionnaires provide important information for health outcomes research. Reference measures are required to interpret the health-related quality of life questionnaires belonging to the short form (SF) health survey family. Previous studies have provided these reference measures for the Spanish general population, but not for specific disease conditions. The aim of the present study was to obtain diabetic population-based norms for the Spanish version of the 12-item short form health survey version II (SF-12v2) in the region of Murcia (Spain).MethodsWe performed a cross-sectional telephone survey in 1,500 non-institutionalized patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes, aged 18 years or older and representative of the region of Murcia. The central position, dispersion statistics and percentiles were calculated for each of the eight SF-12v2 scales and summary components (physical and mental).ResultsThe mental component summary (MCS) (mean: 50.5±12.8) was higher than the physical component summary (PCS) (42.5±11.8). By sex, men had more favorable MCS (53.6±11.6) and PCS (44.9±11.2) scores than women (MCS: 47.7±13.2; PCS: 40.3±11.9). The dimension with the highest score was vitality (men: 57.2±11.1; women: 51.9±12.1), while that with the lowest score was general health (men: 39.0±9.7; women: 35.8±10.0). When the groups were stratified by age, scores continued to be higher in men than in women.ConclusionsThe results of the present study should be taken as the diabetic population-based norms for the Spanish version of the SF-12v2 in the region of Murcia. These results may be useful to establish therapeutics targets, as well as for comparisons with the general, healthy and ill populations