6 research outputs found
Scarce population genetic differentiation but substantial spatiotemporal phenotypic variation of water‑use efficiency in Pinus sylvestris at its western distribution range
Water and carbon fluxes in forests are largely related to leaf gas exchange physiology varying across spatiotemporal scales and modulated by plant responses to environmental cues. We quantified the relevance of genetic and phenotypic variation of intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi, ratio of net photosynthesis to stomatal conductance of water) in Pinus sylvestris L. growing in the Iberian Peninsula as inferred from tree-ring carbon isotopes. Inter-population genetic variation, evaluated in a provenance trial comprising Spanish and German populations, was low and relevant only at continental scale. In contrast, phenotypic variation, evaluated in natural stands (at spatial level) and by tree-ring chronologies (at temporal inter-annual level), was important and ten- and threefold larger than the population genetic variance, respectively. These results points to preponderance of plastic responses dominating variability in WUEi for this species. Spatial phenotypic variation in WUEi correlated negatively with soil depth (r = − 0.66; p < 0.01), while temporal phenotypic variation was mainly driven by summer precipitation. At the spatial level, WUEi could be scaled-up to ecosystem-level WUE derived from remote sensing data by accounting for soil water-holding capacity (r = 0.63; p < 0.01). This outcome demonstrates a direct influence of the variation of leaf-level WUEi on ecosystem water and carbon balance differentiation. Our findings highlight the contrasting importance of genetic variation (negligible) and plastic responses in WUEi (large, with changes of up to 33% among sites) on determining carbon and water budgets at stand and ecosystem scales in a widespread conifer such as Pinus sylvestris.This work was supported by the Spanish Government [MINECO Grant Number AGL2015-68274-C3-3-R] and the Russian Science Foundation (Project Number 14-14-00219-P, mathematical approach). We acknowledge P. Sopeña and M.J. Pau for technical assistance and V. Muñoz, M. Sala and A. Teixidó for field sampling
Modelos de crecimiento y producción en España: historia, ejemplos contemporáneos y perspectivas
En el presente trabajo se presenta una revisión sobre los modelos forestales desarrollados en España durante los últimos años, tanto para la producción maderable como no maderable y, para la dinámica de los bosques (regeneración, mortalidad). Se presentan modelos tanto de rodal completo como de clases diamétricas y de árbol individual. Los modelos desarrollados hasta la fecha se han desarrollado a partir de datos procedentes de parcelas permanentes, ensayos y el Inventario Forestal Nacional. En el trabajo se muestran los diferentes submodelos desarrollados hasta la fecha, así como las plataformas informáticas que permiten utilizar dichos modelos. Se incluyen las principales perspectivas
de desarrollo de la modelización forestal en España.In this paper we present a review of forest models developed in Spain in recent years for both timber and non timber production and forest dynamics (regeneration, mortality). Models developed are whole stand, size (diameter) class and individual-tree. The models developed to date have been developed using data from permanent plots, experimental
sites and the National Forest Inventory. In this paper we show the different sub-models developed so far and the friendly use software. Main perspectives of forest modeling in Spain are presented.The models described in this paper were funded by
different regional, national and European projects, and
some of them were elaborated by the authors. This
work was funded by the Spanish Government by the
SELVIRED network (code AGL2008-03740) and the
strategic project «Restauración y Gestión Forestal»
(code PSE-310000-2009-4)
Plasticidad fenotípica y variación genética en eficiencia en uso del agua en Pinus sylvestris
En poblaciones forestales la importancia de la plasticidad fenotípica y la adaptación genética como
mecanismos de respuesta intra-específica frente a cambios ambientales resulta de compleja
cuantificación. Se ha estudiado dicha relevancia en Pinus sylvestris para una característica funcional
de trascendencia en ambientes con limitación hídrica: la eficiencia en el uso del agua (EUA, carbono
fijado por unidad de agua transpirada). La plasticidad fenotípica se determinó mediante muestreo de
28 rodales próximos al límite meridional de distribución de la especie (Pirineos) característicos de la
variabilidad edafoclimática presente en la zona y supuestamente similares en propiedades
adaptativas. La variación adaptativa se evaluó en un ensayo de procedencias con poblaciones
españolas y alemanas (Aragüés, Huesca). EUA se estimó mediante isótopos (δ13C). En el primer caso
se detectaron diferencias en δ13C entre rodales cercanas al 3‰, lo que sugiere una plasticidad en
EUA superior al 25%. En el segundo, se observaron diferencias genéticas únicamente entre los dos
grupos de poblaciones, con valores ligeramente superiores de EUA en los orígenes alemanes (~5%).
Estos resultados sugieren que la plasticidad en la regulación del carbono fijado respecto al agua
transpirada supera ampliamente a la variación intra-específica como estrategia de respuesta en Pinus
sylvestris frente a fluctuaciones ambientales.Este trabajo se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto FUTURPIN (AGL2015-68274-C3-3-R). Los autores agradecen la asistencia técnica de M.J. Pau, M. Sala, P. Sopeña y A. Teixidó.Variación intra-específicaPino silvestreAdaptaciónEconomía del carbonoIsótopos estable
Scarce population genetic differentiation but substantial spatiotemporal phenotypic variation of water‑use efficiency in Pinus sylvestris at its western distribution range
Water and carbon fluxes in forests are largely related to leaf gas exchange physiology varying across spatiotemporal scales and modulated by plant responses to environmental cues. We quantified the relevance of genetic and phenotypic variation of intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi, ratio of net photosynthesis to stomatal conductance of water) in Pinus sylvestris L. growing in the Iberian Peninsula as inferred from tree-ring carbon isotopes. Inter-population genetic variation, evaluated in a provenance trial comprising Spanish and German populations, was low and relevant only at continental scale. In contrast, phenotypic variation, evaluated in natural stands (at spatial level) and by tree-ring chronologies (at temporal inter-annual level), was important and ten- and threefold larger than the population genetic variance, respectively. These results points to preponderance of plastic responses dominating variability in WUEi for this species. Spatial phenotypic variation in WUEi correlated negatively with soil depth (r = − 0.66; p < 0.01), while temporal phenotypic variation was mainly driven by summer precipitation. At the spatial level, WUEi could be scaled-up to ecosystem-level WUE derived from remote sensing data by accounting for soil water-holding capacity (r = 0.63; p < 0.01). This outcome demonstrates a direct influence of the variation of leaf-level WUEi on ecosystem water and carbon balance differentiation. Our findings highlight the contrasting importance of genetic variation (negligible) and plastic responses in WUEi (large, with changes of up to 33% among sites) on determining carbon and water budgets at stand and ecosystem scales in a widespread conifer such as Pinus sylvestris
Growth and yield models in Spain: historical overview, contemporary examples and perspectives
En el presente trabajo se presenta una revisión sobre los modelos forestales desarrollados en España durante los últimos años, tanto para la producción maderable como no maderable y, para la dinámica de los bosques (regeneración, mortalidad). Se presentan modelos tanto de rodal completo como de clases diamétricas y de árbol individual. Los modelos desarrollados hasta la fecha se han desarrollado a partir de datos procedentes de parcelas permanentes, ensayos y el Inventario Forestal Nacional. En el trabajo se muestran los diferentes submodelos desarrollados hasta la fecha, así como las plataformas informáticas que permiten utilizar dichos modelos. Se incluyen las principales perspectivas
de desarrollo de la modelización forestal en España.In this paper we present a review of forest models developed in Spain in recent years for both timber and non timber production and forest dynamics (regeneration, mortality). Models developed are whole stand, size (diameter) class and individual-tree. The models developed to date have been developed using data from permanent plots, experimental
sites and the National Forest Inventory. In this paper we show the different sub-models developed so far and the friendly use software. Main perspectives of forest modeling in Spain are presented