1,720 research outputs found

    Apprendistato: quadro comparato e buone prassi

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    Il volume affronta da un punto di vista comparato gli aspetti principali connessi al contratto di apprendistato. Il punto di partenza sono le analisi e gli spunti offerti dalle istituzioni comunitarie per una maggiore diffusione dei rapporti di apprendistato, in un’ottica di aumento dell’occupazione giovanile e di contrasto alla dispersione scolastica. La pubblicazione mette in relazione cinque aspetti: definizione e ruolo dell’apprendistato; soggetti regolatori; retribuzione; durata del percorso; monte ore formativo. Per ciascuna di queste voci si evidenziano le peculiarità dei sistemi in vigore in Italia, Francia, Spagna, Regno Unito, Germania, Danimarca e Svezia

    Beware Of Popular Kids Bearing Gifts:A Framed Field Experiment

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    ArticleThe literature on pro-social behavior shows that older children are more generous than younger children; however, the level of individual generosity is heterogeneous even between children of the same age. This paper investigates whether a child’s popularity affects his/her generosity. Our participants – 231 children, six to twelve years old – decide how many of their four colored wristbands they want to share with another anonymous child. We manipulate the visibility of this decision: in treatment Public, the decisions are revealed to the entire class at the end of the game, whereas in treatment Private children’s decisions remain secret. In addition, we elicited each child’s network of friends using an innovative “seating map” mechanism. Our results reveal that more popular children are more generous in Public than Private decision environments, while less popular children behave similarly in both cases. Moreover, older children in Public display greater generosity than (i) older children in Private and (ii) younger children in either Public or Private. Finally, in Public, older and more popular children share more than less popular older children, and more than younger children regardless of popularity; whereas, in Private there is no effect of popularity on children of any age. Our findings point to another reason to adopt transparent decision making in teams and organizations: it may promote the generosity of some (perhaps especially popular leaders) without detrimentally impacting the pro-sociality of others

    Critical assessment of protein intrinsic disorder prediction.

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    Intrinsically disordered proteins, defying the traditional protein structure-function paradigm, are a challenge to study experimentally. Because a large part of our knowledge rests on computational predictions, it is crucial that their accuracy is high. The Critical Assessment of protein Intrinsic Disorder prediction (CAID) experiment was established as a community-based blind test to determine the state of the art in prediction of intrinsically disordered regions and the subset of residues involved in binding. A total of 43 methods were evaluated on a dataset of 646 proteins from DisProt. The best methods use deep learning techniques and notably outperform physicochemical methods. The top disorder predictor has Fmax = 0.483 on the full dataset and Fmax = 0.792 following filtering out of bona fide structured regions. Disordered binding regions remain hard to predict, with Fmax = 0.231. Interestingly, computing times among methods can vary by up to four orders of magnitude

    Phase transitions between single- and double-layered smectic structures in binary mixtures of cyano-mesogens

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    Binary mixtures of mesogens which exhibit respectively single-layered (A 1), double layered (A2) and partially double layered (A d) smectic phases show abrupt A2-A1 or A2-Ad transitions as a function of concentration. Double layered structures imply the formation of dimerized entities and the possibility of dimerization is discussed in terms of the amphiphilic nature of the molecules in the binary mixture (symmetrical and dissymmetrical polar mesogens). The results are analysed with respect to the thermal stability of the A 2 phase when defects are introduced in the polar interface by adding non-polar symmetrical mesogens.Des mélanges binaires de mésogènes présentant respectivement des phases smectiques monocouches (A1), bicouches (A2) et partiellement bicouches (Ad) permettent de mettre en évidence en fonction de la concentration des transitions brusques A2-A1 ou A 2-Ad. La structure bicouche implique un processus de dimérisation des entités mésogènes qui est discuté en fonction du caractère amphipathique des molécules (molécules polaires symétriques et dissymétriques). La stabilité de la phase bicouche est également analysée lorsque l'on introduit une perturbation au niveau de l'interface polaire par adjonction de molécules non polaires

    Critical assessment of protein intrinsic disorder prediction (CAID) - Results of round 2

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    Protein intrinsic disorder (ID) is a complex and context-dependent phenomenon that covers a continuum between fully disordered states and folded states with long dynamic regions. The lack of a ground truth that fits all ID flavors and the potential for order-to-disorder transitions depending on specific conditions makes ID prediction challenging. The CAID2 challenge aimed to evaluate the performance of different prediction methods across different benchmarks, leveraging the annotation provided by the DisProt database, which stores the coordinates of ID regions when there is experimental evidence in the literature. The CAID2 challenge demonstrated varying performance of different prediction methods across different benchmarks, highlighting the need for continued development of more versatile and efficient prediction software. Depending on the application, researchers may need to balance performance with execution time when selecting a predictor. Methods based on AlphaFold2 seem to be good ID predictors but they are better at detecting absence of order rather than ID regions as defined in DisProt. The CAID2 predictors can be freely used through the CAID Prediction Portal, and CAID has been integrated into OpenEBench, which will become the official platform for running future CAID challenges

    Interventional Radiology Approaches for Liver Metastases from Thyroid Cancer: A Case Series and Overview of the Literature

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    BACKGROUND: Liver metastases (LMs) from thyroid cancer (TC) are relatively uncommon in clinical practice and their management is challenging. Interventional radiology loco-regional treatments (LRTs), including radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and trans-arterial chemoembolization (TACE), have been successfully employed to treat LMs from various types of cancer. METHODS: We analyzed the role of LRTs in the management of unresectable LMs from differentiated and medullary TCs performed at our institution from 2015 to 2020. A review of the available English literature regarding this topic was also performed. RESULTS: Six hepatic LRTs were performed in 4 TC patients with LMs, in 2 cases after the start of treatment with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). A partial response was obtained in 2 patients; the diameter of the largest targeted lesion was 18 mm in both of them. The remaining procedures were performed on larger lesions and a stable disease was achieved in all but one case. Acute LRT-related complications were transient and mild. In literature, the largest studies were focused on TACE in LMs from MTC, showing good tolerance and remarkable disease control, especially in case of limited liver tumour involvement. CONCLUSION: LRTs for LMs represent a valuable option for the treatment of metastatic TC in case of isolated hepatic progression or for symptoms relief, also after the start of TKI treatment as part of a multimodal approach. The best disease control is obtained when hepatic metastatic burden is limited. These procedures are generally well tolerated; however, a cautious multidisciplinary selection of the candidates is mandatory
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