92 research outputs found

    Opieka duszpasterska w Legionach Polskich (1914–1918) w świetle wspomnień (zarys głównych zagadnień)

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    The article draws readers’ attention to valuable historical sources, which are the memories of the chaplains of the Polish Legions from 1914–1918. Pastoral care in the above-mentioned armed formations and the numerous problems associated with it have been shown in light of those accounts. At the front (often under extreme combat conditions) a strong bond was formed between the soldiers and their ‘spiritual guardians’. The chaplains were not only priests, but also fulfilled various functions on an ad hoc basis. They served, for instance, as translators, suppliers, paramedics, librarians, teachers, psychologists, and, in the last resort, as gravediggers... Memories of their service shed interesting light on the everyday (not only spiritual) problems of the soldiers of that time.Artykuł zwraca uwagę czytelników na wartościowe źródła historyczne, którymi są wspomnienia kapelanów Legionów Polskich z lat 1914–1918. Opieka duszpasterska w wymienionych formacjach zbrojnych i rozliczne problemy z nią związane została ukazana w ich świetle. Na froncie (często w ekstremalnych warunkach bojowych) ukształtowała się silna więź między żołnierzami i ich ‘opiekunami duchowymi’. Kapelani bywali nie tylko duszpasterzami, ale także pełnili doraźnie w miarę potrzeby inne rozliczne funkcje – dla przykładu: tłumaczy, zaopatrzeniowców, sanitariuszy, bibliotekarzy, nauczycieli, psychologów, a w ostateczności także grabarzy... Wspomnienia z ich służby rzucają interesujące światło na codzienne (nie tylko duchowe) problemy żołnierzy tamtych czasów

    Interference of quantum market strategies

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    Recent development in quantum computation and quantum information theory allows to extend the scope of game theory for the quantum world. The paper is devoted to the analysis of interference of quantum strategies in quantum market games.

    Interference of Quantum Market Strategies

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    Recent development in quantum computation and quantum information theory allows to extend the scope of game theory for the quantum world. The paper is devoted to the analysis of interference of quantum strategies in quantum market games.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    Minister Henryk Juliusz Floyar-Rajchman jako polski polityk na uchodźstwie

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    Based on archival material, mainly from the Józef Piłsudski Institute of America, the article presents a profile of Henryk Juliusz Floyar-Rajchman. Of Jewish origin, the Polish Minister of Industry and Trade from 1934 to 1935, he played an important role during the war and later in exile. First, he saved the gold of the Bank of Poland and the National Defence Fund to continue fighting alongside the Allies. He then co-founded a significant Piłsudskiite political community in the United States. Until his death, he remained a “steadfast independentist” guarding the rights and borders of the Second Republic of Poland, in which he had the honour of being a minister.W oparciu o materiały archiwalne, głównie z Instytutu Józefa Piłsudskiego w Ameryce, artykuł przedstawia sylwetkę Henryka Juliusza Floyara-Rajchmana. Polski minister przemysłu i handlu w latach 1934–1935, pochodzenia żydowskiego, podczas wojny i później na uchodźstwie odegrał istotną rolę. Najpierw ratował złoto Banku Polskiego i Fundusz Obrony Narodowej dla dalszej walki u boku aliantów. Następnie współtworzył liczące się środowisko polityczne piłsudczyków w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Do śmierci pozostał „nieugiętym niepodległościowcem” strzegącym praw i granic II Rzeczypospolitej, w której miał honor być ministrem

    Przemiany niepodległościowe na Ukrainie w świetle polskiej publicystyki w latach 1988 – 1994

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    Ukraine, as a prominent republic of the Soviet Union, and – after disintegration of the USSR – a sovereign country playing a signifi cant role in the geopolitics of the Central Eastern Europe, has been an important object of Polish journalists’ interest. The analysis of the texts and comments in the Polish press between 1988 and 1994 about emancipation transformations in Ukraine and social, political and eco-nomic issues of this country in the fi rst period of its independence leads to conclusion that the public discussion participants have had positive and corroborative attitude towards the emancipation of the Ukrainians. Providing opportunities and threats in achieving the actual and solid independence of that republic the commentators express their opinions carefully. As the main obstacles they stress the imperialist ambitions of Russia, the problem of maintaining the territorial integrity of the state, the economic crisis related to the collapse of the Soviet economy and the consequences of exercising power by the postSoviet party apparatus representatives. The publicists claim, the fi rst period of Ukrainian’s independence closed the conversion of Ukraine to the integration with Russia.  Ukraina, jako ważna republika Związku Radzieckiego, a następnie niepodległe państwo odgrywające znaczną rolę w geopolityce regionu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, stanowiła istotny przedmiot zainteresowania polskich publicystów i komentatorów. Analiza tekstów publicystycznych oraz opinii ukazujących się w polskiej prasie między 1988 a 1994 r. na temat przemian emancypacyjnych na Ukrainie oraz problemów społecznych, politycznych i gospodarczych tego kraju w pierwszym okresie niepodległości pozwala stwierdzić, że uczestnicy publicznej debaty entuzjastycznie odnosili się do dążeń Ukraińców do utworzenia samodzielnego państwa. Trafnie diagnozując szanse i zagrożenia dla uzyskania przez tę republikę faktycznej niepodległości, formułowali ostrożne oceny na temat ostatecznego powodzenia planów utworzenia przez Ukraińców samodzielnego i demokratycznego państwa. Jako główne przeszkody wymieniali przede wszystkim imperialistyczne ambicje Rosji, problem zachowania integralności terytorialnej państwa, kryzys gospodarczy wynikający z krachu radzieckiej gospodarki, a także konsekwencje związane z utrzymaniem się przy władzy przedstawicieli postsowieckiej nomenklatury. Pierwszy okres niepodległości państwa zamknął w opinii publicystów zwrot Ukrainy w kierunku integracji z Rosją

    Dzieje Kancelarii Cywilnej Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej na uchodźstwie w latach 1939–1945 (zarys problematyki)

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    In autumn 1939 the new Polish authorities, with the president at the head of them, were formed in exile. The office created for organisational and legal support for the head of the country was his Chancellery. Up to this day the extensively preserved archives of the Chancellery have been gathered at the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum (Instytut i Muzeum Polskie im. Gen. Władysława Sikorskiego) in London. Thanks to them we can recreate the most important moments in the functioning of this administrative structure, evaluate not only its personnel’s composition and the means of acting, but also its effectiveness in foreign surroundings.   The Chancellery was a place where the decision regarding the dismissing and conscripting of a new government was made. It deserves our attention even if for this reason. Its organisation, based on former bureaucratic models, was an example of modesty and administrative solidarity, even though it was not free from mistakes. The Chancellery saw political meetings, sometimes harsh discussions, it also came to blows upon the head of the country!Although the Chancellery was not a pivotal place in terms of the structural authorities in exile, significant political decisions were in fact made there. It is necessary to consider its purposes, bring closer the careers of people who formed it, and describe the relations between the employees and the head of the country. In the times so difficult for Poland, it was a place in a sense unique. The Chancellery still functioned in nearly unchanged work-group even after the Allies had cancelled the support for the legal Polish authorities in July 1945. It is an almost symbolic fact that some of its employees still served publicly for the next dozen of years next to the successive presidents in exile, searching at the same time for the sources of income in a hard labour-work abroad. Although the functioning of the Chancellery was not free from mistakes, the guiding motif for the involvement of its employees was undoubtedly the loyalty to independent Poland.Artykuł nie posiada streszczenia w języku polskim

    Prezydenci RP na uchodźstwie wobec obchodów świąt narodowych

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    Celem jest zaprezentowanie stosunku prezydentów RP na uchodźstwie do obchodów świąt narodowych, jak rocznica uchwalenia Konstytucji 3 maja 1791 r. czy odzyskania niepodległości 11 XI 1918 r. Autor podsumował cele oraz sposoby świętowania przez głowy państwa w latach 1939–1990. Uwzględnione zostały medialne echa tych poczynań. W efekcie udało się uchwycić specyfikę obchodów w kolejnych kadencjach. Autor stawia tezę o istotnym ich znaczeniu nie tylko dla podtrzymania polskości na obczyźnie, ale także dla gry politycznej w wymiarze wewnętrznym i na arenie międzynarodowej. The aim of the study is to present the attitude of the Polish presidents in exile to the celebration of national holidays, such as the anniversary of the Constitution of 3 May 1791, or Regaining Independence on 11 November 1918. The author summarises the goals and ways of celebrating these occasions by Polish heads of state in 1939–1990, with taking into account media echoes of these celebrations. As a result, he has been able to capture the specificity of the celebrations in subsequent office terms. The author puts forward a thesis about their significant importance not only for maintaining Polishness abroad, but also for the political game both in the country and on the international arena.Celem jest zaprezentowanie stosunku prezydentów RP na uchodźstwie do obchodów świąt narodowych, jak rocznica uchwalenia Konstytucji 3 maja 1791 r. czy odzyskania niepodległości 11 XI 1918 r. Autor podsumował cele oraz sposoby świętowania przez głowy państwa w latach 1939–1990. Uwzględnione zostały medialne echa tych poczynań. W efekcie udało się uchwycić specyfikę obchodów w kolejnych kadencjach. Autor stawia tezę o istotnym ich znaczeniu nie tylko dla podtrzymania polskości na obczyźnie, ale także dla gry politycznej w wymiarze wewnętrznym i na arenie międzynarodowej. The aim of the study is to present the attitude of the Polish presidents in exile to the celebration of national holidays, such as the anniversary of the Constitution of 3 May 1791, or Regaining Independence on 11 November 1918. The author summarises the goals and ways of celebrating these occasions by Polish heads of state in 1939–1990, with taking into account media echoes of these celebrations. As a result, he has been able to capture the specificity of the celebrations in subsequent office terms. The author puts forward a thesis about their significant importance not only for maintaining Polishness abroad, but also for the political game both in the country and on the international arena

    Prasa polska wobec dążeń niepodległościowych Litwy w latach 1988-1991

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    Polish press in the period 1988-1991 was naturally interested in the aspirations of Lithuania to gain the independence. It was one of the Soviet republic that had common borders with Poland. The independence of Lithuanians led the chance of economic and political co-operation between this two countries, but also could create many problems like ethnic conflicts. The interest was far greater. The similar transformation that Lithuania had been going trough, at the same time took place in Poland. In the period when Lithuania developed the independence movement, the Polish media also experienced many changes. That’s why their attitude towards the events in the Soviet Union and Lithuania was changing in this course of time. At the time of communism, Polish press supported the ambition to cultural and historical rising in various Soviet Republics. Journalists didn’t see in that any opportunity for independence of the republics but the threat of destabilization of the Soviet Union. The USSR was seen by Polish press as monolith and its individual republics as an integral part. It was similar to the official policy of polish and soviet authorities. With the fall of communism in Poland many papers fully independent from authorities were formed and journalists started to support the aspirations of Lithuania to independence. Since that time their interest in events in Lithuania has raised. It happened also because the Lithuanians had more courage to raise the independence slogans. These issues were in the sphere of Polish publicists interest also because of their involvement in building democracy in Poland. Journalists in Poland reported and comment the facts with the great concern: declaration of independence, situation after economic lockout and the Soviet intervention in this republic. At that time publicists fully supported the Lithuanians and criticized soviet policies towards the Republic of Lithuania. But their opinion about leader of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, was ambiguous. They understood his role in the annihilation of a totalitarian communism in the Soviet Union. Among Polish journalists the most popular was the point о view that the independence of Lithuania is possible only through dialogue and cooperation with Moscow. Poland had afraid the power of the Soviet Union until its collapse