5 research outputs found

    Parameter study of power production in wind farms - experimental investigation of interaction of two wind turbines in tandem array

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    The main goal of this experimental study was to find criteria for optimum total power productions of a tandem array of turbines in a "small" wind farm. Experiment included testing of two models of wind turbines (HAWT) in scale, each one with 0.9 m of rotor diameter. During tests turbine models were coaxial and were tested with 3 different relative distances, separating them denoted as 3D, 5D, and 9D, where D is rotor diameter. Working conditions also were varied by changing the Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) of both turbines and the turbulence intensity of the incoming wind. A hot wire probe was used to scan the velocity field between the model turbines in a defined positions to characterize velocity deficit and the level of the turbulence in disturbed flow

    Analysis of the Flow Around the Wind Turbine Profile for Small Reynolds Number.

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    Celem pracy by艂o wykonanie oblicze艅 dla op艂ywu profilu aerodynamicznego NACA0018 stosowanego w turbinach wiatrowych ma艂ej mocy o pionowej osi obrotu. Do numerycznego modelowania przep艂ywu zosta艂 wykorzystany program ANSYS CFX. Wyniki oblicze艅 por贸wnano z badaniami eksperymentalnymi dla okre艣lenia dok艂adno艣ci oraz przydatno艣ci przyj臋tej metody do modelowania zjawisk aerodynamicznych w zakresie ma艂ych liczb Reynoldsa. Rezultaty pracy maj膮 okre艣li膰 przydatno艣ci programu ANSYS CFX do wyznaczenia pola przep艂ywu wok贸艂 profilu i okre艣lenia jego charakterystyk dla pracy turbiny.The purpose of this study was to calculate of flow an aerofoil NACA0018 which is used in low-power wind turbines with a vertical axis of rotation. ANSYS CFX software was used for the numerical modeling of the flow. The results of calculations were compared with experimental studies to determine the accuracy and usefulness of the method for modeling aerodynamic phenomena. Results of the work may to be used for definition of the suitability of ANSYS CFX to determine the flow field around the airfoil and identify its performance characteristics for wind turbine

    Ocena modeli wykonanych w technologii druku 3D przeznaczonych do bada艅 w tunelu aerodynamicznym.

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    Preparation of an appropriate model to conduct experiments is a crucial aspect of every science investigation. Usually, apart from the requirement to achieve a desired level of a model quality, it is also very important to keep in mind the costs and time of its manufacturing. The following paper provides an overview of various 3D printing techniques. Four models of a standard NACA0018 aerofoil were manufactured in different 3D printing methods. Various parameters of the models have been included in the analysis: surface roughness, dimension tolerance, strength, details quality, surface imperfections and irregularities as well as thermal properties.Odpowiednie przygotowanie modelu do prowadzenia eksperyment贸w, jest kluczowym elementem ka偶dego badania naukowego. Zazwyczaj, opr贸cz osi膮gni臋cia wymaganego poziomu jako艣ci, bardzo wa偶ne jest, aby obni偶y膰 koszty i czas jego wykonania. W artykule przedstawiono przegl膮d kilku technik druku 3D. Na potrzeby bada艅 powsta艂y cztery standardowe modele profili aerodynamicznych - NACA0018, wykonane r贸偶nymi metodami druku 3D. Zestawiono nast臋puj膮ce parametry wykonanych modeli: chropowato艣膰 powierzchni, tolerancja wymiaru, wytrzyma艂o艣膰, jako艣膰 odwzorowania szczeg贸艂贸w, niedoskona艂o艣ci i nieprawid艂owo艣ci powierzchni, jak r贸wnie偶 w艂a艣ciwo艣ci termiczne

    Experimental Investigation of the Cooperation of Wind Turbines

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    The article discusses the wind tunnel experimental investigation of two turbines (the downstream unit placed fully in the wake of the upstream one) at various turbulence intensity levels and wind turbine separation distances, at a Reynolds number of approximately 105. The velocity deficit due to the upstream turbine operation is reduced as the wake mixes with the undisturbed flow, which may be enhanced by increasing the turbulence intensity. In a natural environment, this may be provoked by natural wind gusts or changes in the wind inflow conditions. Increased levels of turbulence intensity enlarge the plateau of optimum wind turbine operation鈥攖his results in the turbine performance being less prone to variations of tip speed ratio. Another important set of results quantifies the influence of the upstream turbine operation at non-optimal tip speed ratio on the overall system performance, as the downstream machine gains more energy from the wake flow. Thus, all power output maximisation analyses of wind turbine layout in a cluster should encompass not only the locations and distances between the units, but also their operating parameters (TSR, but also pitch or yaw control of the upstream turbine(s))

    Drought as a stress driver of ecological changes in peatland - A palaeoecological study of peatland development between 3500 BCE and 200 BCE in central Poland

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