65 research outputs found

    Dreams of pupils with intellectual disability

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    The article presents results of tematic analysis of interviews with students with mild and moderate intellectual disability. The sample was consisted of 62 young people attending 48 special schools in Łódź voivodship (12–16 years old). Tematic analysis identified the following categories of dreams: escape dreams, proffessional/career dreams, material dreams, idealistic/universal dreams, “celebrity” dreams, dreams „right here and now,” lack of dreams (difficulties with identification included) and compound of the aforementiond dream categories. The data show that the most prevalent category of dreams were those related to future work, job, professional career. It proves importance of vocational rehabilitation provided for people with intellectualdisability.The article presents results of tematic analysis of interviews with students with mild and moderate intellectual disability. The sample was consisted of 62 young people attending 48 special schools in Łódź voivodship (12–16 years old). Tematic analysis identified the following categories of dreams: escape dreams, proffessional/career dreams, material dreams, idealistic/universal dreams, “celebrity” dreams, dreams „right here and now,” lack of dreams (difficulties with identification included) and compound of the aforementiond dream categories. The data show that the most prevalent category of dreams were those related to future work, job, professional career. It proves importance of vocational rehabilitation provided for people with intellectualdisability

    Wygasłe kody językowe w rosyjskim przekładzie Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions Johna Donne’a

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    Apart from being an excellent metaphysical poet John Donne (1572– 1631) was also one of the most important and voluminous authors of English prose of the first half of the seventeenth century. His extant prose works comprise Menippean satire, political and religious essayes, as well as multiple letters and sermons. Among them the most prominent are two masterpieces. The first of them are Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, an unusual treatise on the issues of sickness, death and salvation written as a direct response to the grave illness Donne suffered in 1623; the second is Death’s Duell, the last sermon preached by Donne and published posthumously in 1632. Both Donne’s Devotions and his Death’s Duell have been translated into multiple European languages, namely into Dutch, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian. With few exceptions, all these translations were published in last twenty years. Unfortunately, the translators often underestimate the structural intricacy of Donne’s prose works. Actually, in the structure of Devotions upon Emergent Occasions and Death’s Duell John Donne has hidden a deep theological message and therefore to disregard it is to create a superficial translation bereft of the most crucial layer of original meaning. To make things worse Donne frequently uses obsolete alchemical, medical and legal notions, which tempts the contemporary translators to render them with general or abstract equivalents being easier to grasp for the readers. However, in the original English text these notions hardly stand alone but are bound together making up a meaningful structural net. Each of such notions comes back several times in slight variations, which indirectly but clearly refers to the Christian doctrine of salvation, in particular to its protestant variant of salvation by faith alone. Hence, their proper translation is extremely important to save some deeper aspects of Donne’s prose works. In this regard, the Russian translation of Devotions upon Emergent Occasions by Anton Niestierow is much better than the other ones. The Russian translation of Death’s Duell by Olga Siedakowa is also very good and consistent, but Siedakowa has a specific problem with rendering some audatious passages of that sermon in which Donne deliberately stands on the verge of blasphemy. This dissertation concerns the issues connected with translation of some obsolete alchemical, medical and legal notions which are present in John Donne’s Devotions upon Emergent Occasions and his funeral sermon Death’s Duell. The analysis pertains primarily to the Russian translations of the above-mentioned works by Anton Nesterov and Olga Sedakova, respectively. The other translations are presented for comparison, mainly because all the translations of Donne’s Devotions upon Emergent Occasions into romance languages are incomplete. Their authors decided to translate only meditations ant to omit expostulations and prayers as too religious and so uninteresting for the contemporary readers. As a result, their translations lack approximately two third of the original English text and its careful structure was almost entirely lost. On the other hand, the full translation of Donne’s Devotions into Dutch by Johannes Grindal was published in 1653 and therefore it is a valuable source for the translatological analysis: its author lived in the same era as Donne and the obsolecy of the referred terms and notions was no issue for him. The translatological analysis refers to two translatological theories. The first one was the theory of the equivalent effect by the Chinese scholar Jin Di. For many years he has collaborated with Eugene Nida and finally he transformed Nida’s theory of formal and dynamic equivalence so that to apply it not only to the translation of the Bible but also to the translation of literary works in which one must face the issue of protection of the state of facts and the fragile aesthetic features of the original text. Apart from Jin Di’s, the chosen theories by French scholar and translator Antoine Berman were chosen. Antoine Berman was particularily interested in the problem of deformation and distortion in translation. However, he died prematurely and his last book Toward the Science of Translation: John Donne is a very intriguing attempt to make up a serious translation theory based on the hermeneutic philosophy by Martin Heidegger and Paul Ricouer. Written in the last months of Berman’s life, that book bears striking resemblance to the circumstances in which Donne himself had created his Devotions upon Emergent Occasions. Its second part directly concerns the analysis of some poems and sermons by Donne on the issue of death and resurrection, among them — Death’s Duell. The translatological theories by Jin Di and Antoine Berman have not much in common, but they both stress the necessity of due respect for the original literary text. As such, they are against the post-structural tendencies in translation which barely recognize any boundaries of the free adaptation. The first chapter is dedicated to the detailed literary analysis of Donne’s Devotions upon Emergent Occasions and his Death’s Duell. The description of the development of Donne as prose writer and the relationship of his prose works with the genre of essay by Michel de Montaigne is followed by the thorough analysis of the structure of Devotions upon Emergent Occasions and the protestant soteriology being its hidden background. Then, the analysis of the emblematic structure of Death’s Duell and the role of alchemical imagery in it takes place. Apart from that, the first chapter contains the brief description of the available translations of the above-mentioned works. The second chapter presents the translatological theories by Jin Di and Antoine Berman and how they can find application in the translation of Donne’s prose works. The third chapter comprise the main translatological analysis focused of the issue of rendering obsolete medical, legal and alchemical notions present in the Devotions upon Emergent Occasions and Death’s Duell by Anton Nesterov, Olga Sedakova and other translators. In the separate annex the author of the dissertation put his own Polish translation of both referred works by Donne

    Evaluation of the suitability of study visits to external companies as a strategy for familiarising students with a business environment

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    This paper presents the results of the evaluation of several study visits. On that basis, it discusses the issue of the suitability of study visits in external companies for the wider process of familiarising students with the business and market environment

    Kwestionariusz Obciążeń Zawodowych Pedagoga (KOZP)

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    Prace nad narzędziem - "Kwestionariuszem Obciążeń Zawodowych Pedagoga" - były prowadzone w Katedrze Pedagogiki Specjalnej Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w zespole Jacka Pyżalskiego i Piotra Plichty (w ramach grantu na badania własne nr 505/487).Książkę, którą oddajemy do rąk Czytelników, potraktować można jako rozbudowany podręcznik testowy do przygotowanego przez nas Kwestionariusza Obciążeń Zawodowych Pedagoga. Zamieściliśmy w niej dość rozbudowane tło teoretyczne pozwalające na lepsze zrozumienie naszego narzędzia i badanej problematyki. W części teoretycznej rozważania zaczynamy od zarysowania wybranych problemów związanych z pracą zawodową na tle nauk społecznych. W części badawczej przedstawiamy przebieg prac związanych z konstrukcją opisywanego narzędzia badawczego. Opisujemy również proces wyodrębniania czynników, właściwości psychometryczne narzędzia oraz zasady posługiwania się nim, obliczania i interpretowania wyników. Pokazujemy również związki między poczuciem obciążeń zawodowych a wypaleniem zawodowym oraz poczuciem skuteczności osobistej nauczyciela.Prace nad narzędziem - "Kwestionariuszem Obciążeń Zawodowych Pedagoga" - były prowadzone w Katedrze Pedagogiki Specjalnej Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w zespole Jacka Pyżalskiego i Piotra Plichty (w ramach grantu na badania własne nr 505/487)

    Peer Aggression Towards Children with Special Educational Needs Described by Employees of Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling Centers

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    The article presents the results of a research carried out among fifteen employees of psychological and pedagogical counseling centers from the Łódź area. The study examined the level of their knowledge on the subject of spreading the forms of peer victimization towards children with special educational needs. The analysis of the partially structured interviews clearly indicates that the respondents were aware of a high number of such incidents, yet their knowledge is mostly acquired informally or indirectly, while they were working on other educational challenges. It is clear that instances of peer victimization are rarely reported officially to the counseling centers. The range of supportive actions that were implemented is mostly limited to and focused on the victims. The respondents appeared pessimistic as to their assessment of the effectiveness of the preventative and prophylactic measures implemented by schools and counseling centers. The results presented in the article map out the direction the counseling centers should take in order to support schools in their efforts to prevent peer victimization. Undoubtedly, there is a clear need to shift to a more proactive role in diagnosing the school situation of children with special educational needs and to precisely assess the risk of their victimization. The respondents emphasized a need for more complex and systematic measures in this area.3320122511Studia Edukacyjn

    Co-teachers’ Perspective on the Exposure of Disabled Students to Peer Aggression in Integrated Schools

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    Disabled children are more often isolated or rejected by their social group. They tend to have fewer friends, which makes them an easier target of hostile behaviour from their peers. A concern for an appropriate school climate and a sense of security of the vulnerable students are strong reasons to conduct research in this regard. The research based on interviews with 20 co-teachers from integrated classes has not provided unequivocal evidence on the scale and intensity of peer aggression directed towards students with special educational needs. However, almost every teacher has experienced such occurrences. Every fi fth interviewee confi rmed online victimization in the form of electronic aggression/cyberbullying of disabled students and approximately half of the teachers revealed that disabled students fell victim to face-to-face bullying. The study indicated the need for taking measures to protect students with special educational needs and preparing teachers to deal with the issues of aggression and social isolation of vulnerable students

    Cyberprzemoc a kreowanie własnego wizerunku w internecie - co w ich mechanizmach zmienia niepełnosprawność młodych dorosłych osób?

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    Today's media have an important impact on young peoples’ social life - transforming many social and developmental aspects. Online activity of young adults not only increases the availability to positive and educational experiences, but also arises the exposure to online threats. The main scope of this article is exploring the role of appearance and social practices concerning its creation in the process of peer cyberbullying among Polish young adults (N=329). Online body autopresentation has been found an important factor moderating the process of online aggression. The dissemination of beliefs was also examined – assessment of own attractiveness, the apprehension of the appearance assessment by others and the scale of activities focused on editing and improving the appearance depicted in the pictures posted on social websites. The differences in these areas were examined between people with disabilities or those who have injuries or specific health conditions that affect their appearance and other young people.The results have revealed that particular research and intervention focus should be put on young people having a condition or injury affecting appearance and/or having a disability or serious health problems as this group has been found more prone to be victimized (regarding traditional bullying as well as cyberbullying)

    Biologic drugs in the treatment of chronic inflammatory pulmonary diseases: recent developments and future perspectives

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    Chronic inflammatory diseases of the lung are some of the leading causes of mortality and significant morbidity worldwide. Despite the tremendous burden these conditions put on global healthcare, treatment options for most of these diseases remain scarce. Inhaled corticosteroids and beta-adrenergic agonists, while effective for symptom control and widely available, are linked to severe and progressive side effects, affecting long-term patient compliance. Biologic drugs, in particular peptide inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies show promise as therapeutics for chronic pulmonary diseases. Peptide inhibitor-based treatments have already been proposed for a range of diseases, including infectious disease, cancers and even Alzheimer disease, while monoclonal antibodies have already been implemented as therapeutics for a range of conditions. Several biologic agents are currently being developed for the treatment of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary sarcoidosis. This article is a review of the biologics already employed in the treatment of chronic inflammatory pulmonary diseases and recent progress in the development of the most promising of those treatments, with particular focus on randomised clinical trial outcomes