172 research outputs found

    Premelting of Thin Wires

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    Recent work has raised considerable interest on the nature of thin metallic wires. We have investigated the melting behavior of thin cylindrical Pb wires with the axis along a (110) direction, using molecular dynamics and a well-tested many-body potential. We find that---in analogy with cluster melting---the melting temperature Tm(R)T_m (R) of a wire with radius RR is lower than that of a bulk solid, TmbT_m^b, by Tm(R)=Tmbc/RT_m (R) = T_m^b -c/R. Surface melting effects, with formation of a thin skin of highly diffusive atoms at the wire surface, is observed. The diffusivity is lower where the wire surface has a flat, local (111) orientation, and higher at (110) and (100) rounded areas. The possible relevance to recent results on non-rupturing thin necks between an STM tip and a warm surface is addressed.Comment: 10 pages, 4 postscript figures are appended, RevTeX, SISSA Ref. 131/94/CM/S

    Naar een centrale afspraak voor de brede doelgroep Participatiewet? Advies aan SBCM

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    Op 5 juli overhandigde Huib van OIden, voorzitter van SBCM, A&O fonds voor de sociale werkvoorziening, het advies ‘Naar een centrale afspraak voor de brede doelgroep Participatiewet?’ aan staatssecretaris Jetta Klijnsma van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid. Het advies is opgesteld door AIAS-codirecteur Paul de Beer in samenwerking met Maisha van Pinxteren. Door de invoering van de Participatiewet zijn verschillende doelgroepen aan de onderkant van de arbeidsmarkt samengebracht onder één regeling (oud-WSW’ers, Wajongers en bijstandontvangers), maar is nog niet voorzien in een dekkend aanbod aan voorzieningen voor deze brede doelgroep. In het advies wordt aangedrongen op het maken van een centrale afspraak over de aanspraken die kansarme werkzoekenden en werkenden aan de onderkant van de arbeidsmarkt maken op scholing en begeleiding bij het zoeken en behouden van een plek op de arbeidsmarkt

    Theory of Adsorption and Surfactant Effect of Sb on Ag (111)

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    We present first-principles studies of the adsorption of Sb and Ag on clean and Sb-covered Ag (111). For Sb, the {\it substitutional} adsorption site is found to be greatly favored with respect to on-surface fcc sites and to subsurface sites, so that a segregating surface alloy layer is formed. Adsorbed silver adatoms are more strongly bound on clean Ag(111) than on Sb-covered Ag. We propose that the experimentally reported surfactant effect of Sb is due to Sb adsorbates reducing the Ag adatom mobility. This gives rise to a high density of Ag islands which coalesce into regular layers.Comment: RevTeX 3.0, 11 pages, 0 figures] 13 July 199

    Boosting BCG with recombinant modified vaccinia ankara expressing antigen 85A: Different boosting intervals and implications for efficacy trials

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    Objectives. To investigate the safety and immunogenicity of boosting BCG with modified vaccinia Ankara expressing antigen 85A (MVA85A), shortly after BCG vaccination, and to compare this first with the immunogenicity of BCG vaccination alone and second with a previous clinical trial where MVA85A was administered more than 10 years after BCG vaccination. Design. There are two clinical trials reported here: a Phase I observational trial with MVA85A; and a Phase IV observational trial with BCG. These clinical trials were all conducted in the UK in healthy, HIV negative, BCG naı¨ve adults. Subjects were vaccinated with BCG alone; or BCG and then subsequently boosted with MVA85A four weeks later (short interval). The outcome measures, safety and immunogenicity, were monitored for six months. The immunogenicity results from this short interval BCG prime–MVA85A boost trial were compared first with the BCG alone trial and second with a previous clinical trial where MVA85A vaccination was administered many years after vaccination with BCG. Results. MVA85A was safe and highly immunogenic when administered to subjects who had recently received BCG vaccination. When the short interval trial data presented here were compared with the previous long interval trial data, there were no significant differences in the magnitude of immune responses generated when MVA85A was administered shortly after, or many years after BCG vaccination. Conclusions. The clinical trial data presented here provides further evidence of the ability of MVA85A to boost BCG primed immune responses. This boosting potential is not influenced by the time interval between prior BCG vaccination and boosting with MVA85A. These findings have important implications for the design of efficacy trials with MVA85A. Boosting BCG induced anti-mycobacterial immunity in either infancy or adolescence are both potential applications for this vaccine, given the immunological data presented here. Trial Registration. ClinicalTrials.Oxford University was the sponsor for all the clinical trials reported here

    Should every child with epilepsy undergo screening for psychiatric comorbidities?

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    Purpose: We aimed to build a classification system that uses resting-state (no visible scalp epileptic activity) EEG-based directed functional connectivity values to assign a patient to one of three classes: left TLE (LTLE), right TLE (RTLE) or healthy control. Methods: Twenty LTLE, 20 RTLE and 35 healthy controls underwent resting-state high-density EEG. For each subject, sixty 1-sec epochs free of artifacts or interictal spikes were selected. The source activity was obtained for 82 regions of interest using an individual head model and distributed linear inverse solution. The summed outflow and whole-brain directed functional connectivity were estimated in the theta, alpha and beta frequency bands using Granger-causal modeling. A Random Forest classifier (an ensemble of decision tree classifiers) was then used to assign the subject to one of three classes. The mean classification accuracy was computed with a leave-one-out procedure. We selected a maximum of six connectivity values for classification, using a greedy forward selection algorithm. Finally, three classifiers were built: ‘Control vs. LTLE’, ‘Control vs. RTLE’ and ‘LTLE vs. RTLE’. In the final classification system, a new subject is assigned to the class that was most voted by these three classifiers. Results: The ‘Control vs. RTLE’ classifier achieved an accuracy of 78.2% (sensitivity: 80.0%, specificity 77.2%), ‘Control vs. LTLE’ an accuracy of 83.6% (sensitivity 85.0%, specificity 82.9%) and ‘LTLE vs. RTLE’ an accuracy of 85.0% (sensitivity 85.0%, specificity 85.0%). Combining these classifiers into one system yielded that 16, 15 and 27 subjects were correctly classified as being, respectively, RTLE, LTLE and control. Conclusion: The high accuracy achieved demonstrates the potential of resting-state EEG-based directed functional connectivity for the diagnosis and lateralization of TLE. This could constitute a new clinical biomarker for surgical candidates and earlier in the course of the disease

    A new method to determine the mixing state of light absorbing carbonaceous using the measured aerosol optical properties and number size distributions

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    In this paper, the mixing state of light absorbing carbonaceous (LAC) was investigated with a two-parameter aerosol optical model and in situ aerosol measurements at a regional site in the North China Plain (NCP). A closure study between the hemispheric backscattering fraction (HBF) measured by an integrating nephelometer and that calculated with a modified Mie model was conducted. A new method was proposed to retrieve the ratio of the externally mixed LAC mass to the total mass of LAC (rext-LAC) based on the assumption that the ambient aerosol particles were externally mixed and consisted of a pure LAC material and a core-shell morphology in which the core is LAC and the shell is a less absorbing material. A Monte Carlo simulation was applied to estimate the overall influences of input parameters of the algorithm to the retrieved rext-LAC. The diurnal variation of rext-LAC was analyzed and the PartMC-MOSAIC model was used to simulate the variation of the aerosol mixing state. Results show that, for internally mixed particles, the assumption of core-shell mixture is more appropriate than that of homogenous mixture which has been widely used in aerosol optical calculations. A significant diurnal pattern of the retrieved rext-LAC was found, with high values during the daytime and low values at night. The consistency between the retrieved rext-LAC and the model results indicates that the diurnal variation of LAC mixing state is mainly caused by the diurnal evolution of the mixing layer

    ESAT-6/CFP10 Skin Test Predicts Disease in M. tuberculosis-Infected Guinea Pigs

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    Background: Targeted preventive chemotherapy of individuals with progressive subclinical (incipient) disease before it becomes contagious would break the chain of tuberculosis transmission in high endemic regions. We have studied the ability of a skin test response to ESAT-6 and CFP10 (E6/C10) to predict later development of tuberculosis disease in the guinea pig model. Methods and Findings: Guinea pigs, either vaccinated with BCG or unvaccinated, were infected with a low dose of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by the aerosol route and the development of delayed type hypersensitivity responses to E6/C10 and to purified protein derivative (PPD) were followed until the onset of clinical disease. We demonstrated a negative correlation between the size of the skin test response and the time to the onset of clinical disease; a large E6/C10 skin test response correlated to a shorter survival time post skin testing, while a small E6/C10 skin test reaction correlated with a longer survival time (r = 20.6 and P,0.0001). No correlation was found using PPD. Conclusions: Our data suggest that it may be possible to develop a prognostic skin test based on E6/C10 that will allow the identification of individuals with incipient disease, who have the highest risk of developing active tuberculosis in the near future

    Comprehensive assessment of meteorological conditions and airflow connectivity during HCCT-2010

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    This study presents a comprehensive assessment of the meteorological conditions and atmospheric flow dur- ing the Lagrangian-type “Hill Cap Cloud Thuringia 2010” experiment (HCCT-2010), which was performed in Septem- ber and October 2010 at Mt. Schmücke in the Thuringian Forest, Germany and which used observations at three measurement sites (upwind, in-cloud, and downwind) to study physical and chemical aerosol–cloud interactions. A Lagrangian-type hill cap cloud experiment requires not only suitable cloud conditions but also connected airflow condi- tions (i.e. representative air masses at the different measure- ment sites). The primary goal of the present study was to identify time periods during the 6-week duration of the ex- periment in which these conditions were fulfilled and there- fore which are suitable for use in further data examinations. The following topics were studied in detail: (i) the general synoptic weather situations, including the mesoscale flow conditions, (ii) local meteorological conditions and (iii) lo- cal flow conditions. The latter were investigated by means of statistical analyses using best-available quasi-inert trac- ers, SF6 tracer experiments in the experiment area, and re- gional modelling. This study represents the first applica- tion of comprehensive analyses using statistical measures such as the coefficient of divergence (COD) and the cross- correlation in the context of a Lagrangian-type hill cap cloud experiment. This comprehensive examination of local flow connectivity yielded a total of 14 full-cloud events (FCEs), which are defined as periods during which all connected flow and cloud criteria for a suitable Lagrangian-type ex- periment were fulfilled, and 15 non-cloud events (NCEs), which are defined as periods with connected flow but no cloud at the summit site, and which can be used as refer- ence cases. The overall evaluation of the identified FCEs provides the basis for subsequent investigations of the mea- sured chemical and physical data during HCCT-2010 (see http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/special_issue287.html). Results obtained from the statistical flow analyses and regional-scale modelling performed in this study indicate the existence of a strong link between the three measurement sites during the FCEs and NCEs, particularly under condi- tions of constant southwesterly flow, high wind speeds and slightly stable stratification. COD analyses performed using continuous measurements of ozone and particle (49nm di- ameter size bin) concentrations at the three sites revealed, particularly for COD value