748 research outputs found

    Nutrient availability links mitochondria, apoptosis, and obesity

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    Mitochondria are the dominant source of the cellular energy requirements through oxidative phosphorylation, but they are also central players in apoptosis. Nutrient availability may have been the main evolutionary driving force behind these opposite mitochondrial functions: production of energy to sustain life and release of apoptotic proteins to trigger cell death. Here, we explore the link between nutrients, mitochondria and apoptosis with known and potential implications for age‐related decline and metabolic syndromes

    Redox Status and Proteostasis in Ageing and Disease.

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    Morbidity and mortality from preventable, noncommunicable chronic disease (NCD) threatens the health of our populations and our economies. The accumulation of vast amounts of scientific knowledge has done little to change this. New and innovative thinking is essential to foster new creative approaches that leverage and integrate evidence through the support of big data, technology, and design thinking. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the results of a consensus meeting on NCD prevention sponsored by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in April 2013. Within the context of advocacy for multifaceted systems change, the IOC's focus is to create solutions that gain traction within health care systems. The group of participants attending the meeting achieved consensus on a strategy for the prevention and management of chronic disease that includes the following: 1. Focus on behavioral change as the core component of all clinical programs for the prevention and management of chronic disease. 2. Establish actual centers to design, implement, study, and improve preventive programs for chronic disease. 3. Use human-centered design (HCD) in the creation of prevention programs with an inclination to action, rapid prototyping and multiple iterations. 4. Extend the knowledge and skills of Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) professionals to build new programs for the prevention and treatment of chronic disease focused on physical activity, diet, and lifestyle. 5. Mobilize resources and leverage networks to scale and distribute programs of prevention. True innovation lies in the ability to align thinking around these core strategies to ensure successful implementation of NCD prevention and management programs within health care. The IOC and SEM community are in an ideal position to lead this disruptive change. The outcome of the consensus meeting was the creation of the IOC Non-Communicable Diseases ad hoc Working Group charged with the responsibility of moving this agenda forward

    Analisi numerica dell’efficacia dei muri sacrificali per la riduzione degli spostamenti indotti da scavi profondi

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    In questa nota si presentano i principali risultati di uno studio parametrico finalizzato al confronto dell’efficacia di diversi tipi di pareti sacrificali, cross-wall (CW) e buttress-wall (BW), nel ridurre il campo di spostamenti indotto da scavi profondi. Nelle analisi sono stati presi in considerazione diversi interassi e diverse geometrie di pareti sacrificali. Il profilo del terreno è costituito da un potente deposito di terreno argilloso sovrastato da uno strato di terreno a grana grossa, e può essere considerato tipico della zona centrale di Roma. Il comportamento del terreno è stato modellato con una legame costitutivo elastico-plastico incrudente. Sia il diaframma sia le pareti sacrificali sono state modellate con elementi solidi, così come gli elementi all’interfaccia terreno-parete e parete-parete. I risultati ottenuti dalle analisi numeriche consentono di mettere in relazione il valore di riduzione dello spostamento con i principali parametri geometrici dei muri sacrificali

    The Role of the Coagulation System in Peripheral Arterial Disease: Interactions with the Arterial Wall and Its Vascular Microenvironment and Implications for Rational Therapies

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    Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a clinical manifestation of atherosclerotic disease with a large-scale impact on the economy and global health. Despite the role played by platelets in the process of atherogenesis being well recognized, evidence has been increasing on the contribution of the coagulation system to the atherosclerosis formation and PAD development, with important repercussions for the therapeutic approach. Histopathological analysis and some clinical studies conducted on atherosclerotic plaques testify to the existence of different types of plaques. Likely, the role of coagulation in each specific type of plaque can be an important determinant in the histopathological composition of atherosclerosis and in its future stability. In this review, we analyze the molecular contribution of inflammation and the coagulation system on PAD pathogenesis, focusing on molecular similarities and differences between atherogenesis in PAD and coronary artery disease (CAD) and discussing the possible implications for current therapeutic strategies and future perspectives accounting for molecular inflammatory and coagulation targets. Understanding the role of cross-talking between coagulation and inflammation in atherosclerosis genesis and progression could help in choosing the right patients for future dual pathway inhibition strategies, where an antiplatelet agent is combined with an anticoagulant, whose role, despite pathophysiological premises and trials' results, is still under debate

    Biomimetic sulfide oxidation by the means of immobilized Fe(III)-5,10,15,20-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphin under mild experimental conditions

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    This paper describes the oxidation of inorganic sulfide to sulfate, minimizing the formation of elemental sulfur. The described catalytic reaction uses dilute hydrogen peroxide at nearly neutral pH values in the presence of a bioinspired, heterogenized, and commercial ferriporphin. A substantial increase of the percentage of sulfide converted to sulfate is obtained in comparison with the yields obtained when working with hydrogen peroxide alone. The biomimetic catalyst also proved to be a much more efficient catalyst than horseradish peroxidase. Accordingly, it could be suitable for large-scale applications. Further studies are in progress to drive sulfate yields up to nearly quantitative

    A WEBGIS for the knowledge and conservation of the historical wall structures of the 13th–18th centuries

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    The presented work is part of the research project, titled "Tecniche murarie tradizionali: conoscenza per la conservazione ed il miglioramento prestazionale" (Traditional building techniques: from knowledge to conservation and performance improvement), with the purpose of studying the building techniques of the 13th–18th centuries in the Sardinia Region (Italy) for their knowledge, conservation, and promotion. The end purpose of the entire study is to improve the performance of the examined structures. In particular, the task of the authors within the research project was to build a WebGIS to manage the data collected during the examination and study phases. This infrastructure was entirely built using Open Source software. The work consisted of designing a database built in PostgreSQL and its spatial extension PostGIS, which allows to store and manage feature geometries and spatial data. The data input is performed via a form built in HTML and PHP. The HTML part is based on Bootstrap, an open tools library for websites and web applications. The implementation of this template used both PHP and Javascript code. The PHP code manages the reading and writing of data to the database, using embedded SQL queries. As of today, we surveyed and archived more than 300 buildings, belonging to three main macro categories: fortification architectures, religious architectures, residential architectures. The masonry samples investigated in relation to the construction techniques are more than 150. The database is published on the Internet as a WebGIS built using the Leaflet Javascript open libraries, which allows creating map sites with background maps and navigation, input and query tools. This too uses an interaction of HTML, Javascript, PHP and SQL code

    MicroRNAs in Cardiac Hypertrophy

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    Like other organs, the heart undergoes normal adaptive remodeling, such as cardiac hypertrophy, with age. This remodeling, however, is intensified under stress and pathological conditions. Cardiac remodeling could be beneficial for a short period of time, to maintain a normal cardiac output in times of need; however, chronic cardiac hypertrophy may lead to heart failure and death. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are known to have a role in the regulation of cardiac hypertrophy. This paper reviews recent advances in the field of miRNAs and cardiac hypertrophy, highlighting the latest findings for targeted genes and involved signaling pathways. By targeting pro-hypertrophic genes and signaling pathways, some of these miRNAs alleviate cardiac hypertrophy, while others enhance it. Therefore, miRNAs represent very promising potential pharmacotherapeutic targets for the management and treatment of cardiac hypertrophy. - 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland