1,805 research outputs found

    Engaging with customer experience while visiting a shopping centre

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    This project aims to assess the perception of Centro Colombo customers regarding the different experiences promoted by this shopping centre. With a deeper knowledge about customers preferences, Sonae Sierra managers hope to channel their efforts on experiential strategy for attaining satisfied customers. The project entails an extensive literature review, along with external, internal and competitive analyses. This reviews and analyses were the foundations for the creation of this project’ survey. By examining customer’s responses to this survey, it was possible to identify the dimensions of customer experience which are the most esteemed by consumers and which should be improved. In addition, a statistical analysis was performed, and confirmed the existing relationship between a customer encounter with a positive experience in the shopping centre and consumers feeling engaged towards it. This project includes an improvement proposal gathering new experiences that seem promising both for customers and Centro Colombo’s managers.Este projeto tem como objetivo aferir qual a perceção dos clientes do Centro Colombo face às diferentes experiências promovidas neste centro comercial. Com um conhecimento mais aprofundado sobre as preferências dos seus clientes, os gestores da Sonae Sierra poderão direcionar os seus esforços, através de uma estratégia experiencial, para conseguir clientes mais satisfeitos. Este projeto exigiu uma revisão de literatura extensa, assim como analises externa, interna e competitiva. Esta revisão e analises foram os pilares para a criação do questionário deste projeto. Através dos resultados deste questionário foi possível aferir, entre as várias dimensões de experiências do consumidor, quais as mais relevantes para os clientes e aquelas as que devem ser melhoradas. Adicionalmente, foi também testado e confirmado que existe relação entre o cliente deparar-se no centro com uma experiência positiva e se sentir comprometido com o mesmo. Este projeto termina com uma proposta de melhorias, face a novas experiências do consumidor que apresentam características promissoras tanto para os consumidores como para os gestores do Centro Colombo

    Storytelling in corporate branding : application to a McDonald's Portugal Digital Platform

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    Mestrado em MarketingEsta tese é uma reflexão teórica e prática sobre a presença do storytelling na comunicação corporativa, numa perspectiva que compreende a semiótica e a narratologia num contexto de comunicação estratégica de marketing. Analisamos a junção entre os conceitos de storytelling corporativo, storytelling da marca, storytelling do consumidor e storytelling digital, uma vez que todos se reúnem num diálogo da marca, entre a empresa e o consumidor. O estudo exploratório assentou na nova plataforma da McDonald's "Histórias com M" e foi conduzido de forma a aferir a presença de uma comunicação estruturada na forma de história e para ressaltar quais os pontos comuns na comunicação da marca, através da representação de arquétipos. Apuramos que o storytelling corporativo da McDonald's, relativamente à sua imagem de empregador comunica essencialmente inspiração e determinação como os elementos-chave comuns e partilhados entre os (antigos) trabalhadores.This dissertation is a theoretical and practical reflection on the presence of Storytelling in Corporate Branding, from a perspective that includes semiotics and narratology in the context of marketing communication strategy. We analyze the merging among the concepts of organizational storytelling, branding storytelling, consumer storytelling and digital media storytelling as they all mingle into a branded dialogue between the company and the consumer. The exploratory research on McDonald's new platform "Histórias com M" was conducted in order to assess the presence of a story form structured communication and to enhance the touching points in the brand's communication, by means of archetypal representation. We found that McDonald's corporate storytelling on branding an employer image essentially communicates inspiration and determination as the key collective and shared elements between (former) workers

    Optimizing patient selection for cardiac resynchronization therapy: the role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing

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    Mestrado em Exercício e SaúdeBackground: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is an established treatment modality for moderate to severe heart failure (HF) but 30–40% of patients treated with CRT do not experience clinical improvement. Purpose: the aim of this study was to identify predictors of response to CRT, in two different definitions of responders, by using the cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) before CRT implantation. In definition A, responders were defined as ≥15% improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF); in definition B combined parameters were defined as ≥5% improvement in LVEF and ≤1 level NYHA classification. Methods: this is a prospective observational study of 15 HF patients undergoing CRT. Clinical CPET and echocardiography assessment using standard methods were performed at baseline and 5 months. Results: the number of patients classified as responders in definition A was 9 (60%) and 6 (40%) as non-responders; the number of responders in definition B was 11 (73.3%) and 4 (26.7%) as non-responders at 5 months after CRT. The responders according to definition A did not present any statistically significant difference. According to definition B, the heart rate (HR) response during CPET was higher in non-responders: HR peak (157±13bpm vs. 118±18bpm, p<0.05) and HR recovery at minute 3 (54±13bpm vs. 31 ± 14bpm, p<0.05). Overall, the responders were older (68±9years vs. 55±9years, p<0.05). Conclusions: baseline measurements of CPET may be utilized to identify patients that benefit from CRT. The use of combined criteria is a better predictor than LVEF alone

    Next stop of Greenwich Consulting in Africa

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThe subject of this project is the Internationalization of Greenwich Consulting and the intrinsic Strategic plan. The author analyse the most appealing African countries and chose the one with the best results according with the company requirements. An extensive study is done to this appealing country in order to better understand the market, the opportunities, risks, and the most important aspects of the country. The major conclusion was that the company should choose Nigeria and the best way to enter is initiating a partnership with a local consulting company with deeper local knowledge, which can be seen as a competitive advantage

    How to sell successfully a perfume in the non-selective market?

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThis document presents a market research on the positioning of perfumes in the non selective market. This project’s main goal had been to analyze the challenge of “successfully selling a perfume in the non-selective market” in order to propose potential solutions. To address this marketing problem, an exploratory research had been conducted (20 In Depth interviews) along with four semi-structured interviews with market experts to consolidate the consumers’ outputs. Although this research had confirmed a high complexity behind consumers’ attitudes towards a perfume, we believe there are great opportunities in the non-selective perfumery. As a consequence, we recommend a further study on some of the hypothesis build up throughout this research: on other products to “get perfumed”; on the already strong mass market brand’s potential extensions; on the establishment of another way of talking about the perfume and on the replacement of the myth with an absolutely unique idea

    Adaptive reuse process of the Historic Urban Landscape post-Covid-19. The potential of the inner areas for a “new normal”

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    [EN] Often in the past, the great disasters (environmental calamities, earthquakes, epidemics) activated unexpressed energies, triggering transformations of the built environment, able to give rise unexpected conditions of economic, cultural and social development. The fragility of settlement systems in the face of unexpected threats brings out the need for a new planning, changing our gaze on the city.The new framework of needs drawn by the pandemic and the renewed sensitivity towards the combination of health – sustainability, rekindle the spotlight on inner areas. These emerged as "reservoirs of resilience", areas to look at, in order to reach an eco-systemic balance.The aim of the paper is to return an experience of adaptive reuse of the Historical Urban Landscape in an inner area of Southern Italy, where the needs of health and safety of the community are integrated with the transmission of the built heritage to future generations. The goal is the promotion of inclusive prosperity scenarios, towards the so-called "new normality".Starting from an in-depth literature review on the cases of pandemics in history and the strategies implemented, the research identifies health security requirements at the scale of the Historical Urban Landscape and design solutions aimed at reactivating lost synergies between communities and places.The authors would like to thank the architects Chiara Brio Albano, Chiara Coppa, Michela Di Palo, Raffaele Gala, Maria Laura Genito, Vera Nico Vitale, Anna Rita Villano and the engineers Valeria Orfeo, Silvana Santonicola, Eugenio Truono, for the design scenarios.Pinto, MR.; Viola, S.; Fabbricatti, K.; Pacifico, MG. (2020). Adaptive reuse process of the Historic Urban Landscape post-Covid-19. The potential of the inner areas for a “new normal”. 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(2014) Il ritorno alla terra nei territorio rurali-montani: diversi aspetti di un fenomeno in atto. Scienze del Territorio, 2, 79-86. https://doi.org/10.13128/Scienze_Territorio-14324Beck, U. (2016) The metamorphosis of the world, Polity Press, Cambridge-Malen.Belfiglio, V.J. (2017) Control of epidemics in the Roman army: 27 B.C.-A.D. 476. Int. J. Community Med. Public Health, 4, 1387. https://doi.org/10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20171745Bollyky, TJ. (2019) The future of global health is urban health. Global Health Program. Council on Foreign Relations. [WWW document]. URL https://www.cfr.org/article/future-global-health-urban-health (accessed 10 October 2020).Carrosio, G. (2019), I margini al centro. L'Italia delle aree interne tra fragilità e innovazione, Donzelli, Roma.Caterina, G. (2016) Innovative strategies for the recovering of historical cities. TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 12, 33-35. https://doi.org/10.13128/Techne-19330Cohen, M.J. (2020) Does the COVID-19 outbreak mark the onset of a sustainable consumption transition? Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 16.1, 1-3. https://doi.org/10.1080/15487733.2020.1740472Connolly, C., Keil, R., Ali, S.H. (2020) Extended urbanisation and the spatialities of infectious disease: Demographic change, infrastructure and governance. [WWW document]. URL https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0042098020910873 (accessed 10 October 2020). https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020910873Council of Europe (2005). Framework convention on the value of cultural heritage for society (Faro Convention), Faro [WWW document]. URL https://rm.coe.int/1680083746 (accessed 19 October 2020).Dematteis, G. (2018). Montagna e città: verso nuovi equilibri? In: A. De Rossi (a cura di), Riabitare l'Italia. Le aree interne tra abbandoni e riconquiste, Donzelli, Roma, pp. 285-295.Di Battista, V. (1989). Le parole e le cose. Recupero, manutenzione, restauro. 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    Recovery and Maintenance Scenarios for the Productive Landascape

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    The research experience performed by the Reuse, Recovery and Maintenance Laboratory (LRRM) of DiARC refers to PRIN project “The defence of the landscape between conservation and transformation. Economics and beauty for sustainable development”. The researchhas addressed the issue of the rebalancing of the relationship between physical space, established communities, economies. The productive urban landscape of Torre Annunziata, identified as a case study, has been analyzed as a complex and adaptive system. It is the result of processes that have determined, in time, the identity of the territories. The paper illustrates the methodology for interpretation of built environment. The work is aimed to identify the conservative and transformative vocations, to draw project scenarios compatible with Raccomandation of Historic Urban Landscape Unesco, 2011

    A participatory project for the Librino Social Housing Community

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    Social housing is the outcome of policymaking aimed at guaranteeing adequate living conditions for disadvantaged social groups. In Italy, in the post-war reconstruction period, buildings designed by internationally renowned architects, led to results of such high design quality that it is essential to preserve them. Nevertheless, their advanced degradation and functional obsolescence are due to being built with construction systems focused on quick completion and cost-effectiveness, as well as a lack of maintenance. Such conditions now impose performance upgrades and reuse for services and collective spaces. The paper addresses the issue of the recovery of this housing stock in the Italian context, analyzing the case of Librino (Catania). The research question is based on evidence that the lack of services and collective spaces in the suburbs leads people to move to other areas of the city for work, health, education, culture, and leisure. The proposed approach investigates the overall organization of the neighborhood, up to reuse pilots, as for the Moncada Theater, to improve the overall quality and attractiveness of the area, even with minor renovations. The theatre, which was abandoned before completion, is an example of how only housing was built or completed in residential areas designed to provide a wide range of services for citizens as a result of a funding shortfall. Reuse decisions are the result of user involvement with a view to social and cultural sustainability