1,245 research outputs found

    Identification and quantification of phenolic compounds of selected fruits from Madeira Island by HPLC-DAD–ESI-MSn and screening for their antioxidant activity

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    Five fruits species commonly cultivated and consumed in Madeira Island (Portugal) were investigated for their phenolic profile by means of reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode array detection and electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS(n)) and antioxidant potential. A large number of compounds were characterised, flavonoids and phenolic acids being the major components found in target samples, 39 compounds (flavonoids, phenolic acids, terpenoids, cyanogenic glycosides and organic acids) were identified in cherimoyas, lemons, papayas, passion-fruits and strawberries for the first time. Furthermore, all samples were systematically analysed for their total phenolic and flavonoid contents along with two radical scavenging methods (ABTS and ORAC) for antioxidant activity measurement. Target fruits presented high phenolic contents which is responsible for most of the antioxidant activity against radical reactive species (R(2)>0.80). Quantitative data showed that anthocyanins, in particular pelargonidin-3-O-hexoside (>300 mg/100 mL), present only in strawberries were the compounds in largest amounts but are the ones which contribute less to the antioxidant activity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    In vitro studies on the effect of watercress juice on digestive enzymes relevant to type 2 diabetes and obesity and antioxidant activity

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    Inhibition of enzymes involved in carbohydrate and lipids metabolism is an important strategy against type 2 diabetes and obesity, by suppressing dietary sugar and fat absorption. This work reports, for the first time, the in vitro inhibition of a-glucosidase, a-amylase and lipase by water cress juice (WJ). Juice was analyzed for qualitative and quantitative composition and in vitro antioxidant activities. Several components were identified, namely hydroxycinnamic acids, flavo nols, and other minor water-soluble phytochemicals. Quantitative data revealed a dimer of caffeoylmalic acid (0.73 mg mL21 of juice), disinapoylgentibiose (0.64 mg mL21 ), ferulic acid (0.56 mg mL21 ), and isorhamnetin-O-sophoroside-O-malonyl(hexoside) (0.38 mg mL21 ) as the pre dominant polyphenols. The results showed that WJ had dose-dependent inhibitory potential against targeted enzymes, displaying a more potent inhibitory effect against a-glucosidase relative to a-amylase and lipase. WJ can be considered a potential complementary dietary approach to control hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia, through inhibition of digestive enzymes. Practical applications Currently, raw watercress is widely consumed in liquid form, alone or together with other fresh vege tables, as an ingredient of the “detox juices.” Studies on watercress phenolic composition and antidiabetic properties have been performed on extracts, but not on juice, which is closer to the edi ble form. The present study supports consumption of watercress juice as source of phytochemicals potentially capable of inhibiting digestive enzymes linked to diabetes and obesity prevention/control.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hypoglycemic, anti-glycation and antioxidant in vitro properties of two Vaccinium species from Macaronesia: A relation to their phenolic composition

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    Vaccinium cylindraceaeum (Azores blueberry) and V. padifolium (Madeira blueberry) are two Portuguese endemic species, which phytochemical composition and beneficial properties lack scientific validation. In this work, their potential in vitro inhibitory effects against key enzymes linked to type 2 diabetes and obesity and glycation of proteins were evaluated. Anthocyanins were predominant in fruits, while hydroxycinnamic acids (in particular 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid) and flavonoids were the main compounds in leaves. Vaccinium extracts showed effective inhibitions of glucosidases and glycation of proteins and mild activity towards α-amylase and pancreatic lipase (by comparison with reference compounds). Phenolic composition was strongly correlated with reported bioactivities. In fact, 5-O-caffeoylquinic can be considered one of the main hypoglycemic and anti-glycation agents of analysed extracts. Consumption of both Vaccinium species should be encouraged since berries could offer a dietary option in the prevention and control of diabetes and obesity, while leaves are good candidates for development of nutraceuticals.The authors are grateful to Cândida Dias from Flores Island (Azores archipelago), to Francisco Fernandes and José Carvalho from Madeira Botanical Garden and to Funchal Ecological Park for the supply and identification of plant material.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    GeoloGIS-BH: An Information System for Using the Built Heritage for Geological Teaching

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    There are examples of using stones of the cultural heritage for teaching purposes. Information systems have found several potential uses in the promotion and preservation of cultural heritage. In this paper is considered the conceptual framework of an information system concerning features of geological interest (FGI) in the built heritage (without any consideration in terms of its software implementation). This FGI concept is used here in a very wide sense to encompass characteristics of geological materials that can be recognized with the naked eye and analogies of geological processes in the built environment. Two perspectives are considered for information organization: occurrences of FGIs in the built heritage (more suitable for Earth Sciences teaching) and FGIs as components of built heritage elements (more suitable for humanities teaching). The main issue that arises from the ensuing discussion was found to be the findability of a given FGI, depending on its visual contrast and the characteristics of the built heritage element. It is argued that, in this way, geological concepts can contribute to the promotion and conservation of the built heritageThis work is included in the activities of the project Lab2PT - Landscapes, Heritage and Territory laboratory - AUR/04509, which has financial support of the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through national funds and when applicable of the FEDER co-financing, in the aim of the new partnership agreement PT2020 and COMPETE2020 - POCI 01 0145 FEDER 007528.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Monitorização de campo de águas subterrâneas

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    Existem vários exemplos nos estudos geológicos de caraterísticas físicas que são utilizadas para investigar modificações químicas, como seja a massa volúmica (que em séries isomórficas pode mostrar relações aproximadamente lineares com a variação entre dois termos químicos extremos) e a radiação gama que reflete as variações das atividades específicas de radioisótopos. No estudo das águas subterrâneas, vários parâmetros que podem ser designados como globais [1] podem ser medidos no campo para o controle de variações que refletem mudanças químicas (nomeadamente por efeitos de poluição) mas tendo em consideração as limitações dos mesmos (nomeadamente que várias substâncias químicas que podem provocar a mesma variação das propriedades físicas). Destacamos (por terem sido o objeto de medição) o pH, o Eh (relacionado com reações oxidação-redução) e a condutividade elétrica (está última está relacionada com a presença de iões). Apesar das limitações já referidas, estas medições são inestimáveis pela sua celeridade (podem, inclusivamente, ser todas medidas por um único equipamento em questão de minutos) e por poderem ser realizadas no campo, fator crítico para qualquer estudo de objetos geológicos. A simplicidade e celeridade destas medições permitem a sua utilização para uma monitorização de elevada frequência, permitindo definir tendências e servir como critérios de ação para a realização de análises de laboratório mais completa (sem dispensar outros critérios de amostragem, nomeadamente em termos de periocidade). Estas informações podem ser integradas em ambiente SIG para avaliações regionais e para investigar tendências espaciotemporais. Neste estudo comparam-se medições de pH, Eh e condutividade elétrica realizadas num intervalo de tempo semelhante em três poços e quatro nascentes situadas em três concelhos do distrito de Braga (Amares, Guimarães e Vieira do Minho). Estas medições foram acompanhadas, para efeitos de discussão e pela sua relação com os fatores que afetam o quimismo das águas, de medições de temperatura e (no caso das nascentes) de estimativas do caudal. As medições realizadas permitem a comparação entre parâmetros e entre locais, investigando correlações (coeficientes de Pearson e Spearman), assim como análise multivariada de tipo grupal (tendo em consideração que os parâmetros apresentam diferentes escalas de medição, foram utilizadas os valores normalizados para média igual a zero e desvio-padrão igual a um)O Lab2PT- Laboratório de Paisagens, Património e Território - AUR/04509 é financiado pela FCT através de fundos nacionais e quando aplicável do cofinanciamento do FEDER, no âmbito dos novos acordos de parceria PT2020 e COMPETE 2020 – POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007528.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perceção dos utentes acerca da terapêutica medicamentosa prescrita após consulta médica e após dispensa na farmácia

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    A promoção do uso racional do medicamento é fundamental para assegurar a eficácia terapêutica e minimizar os riscos. É considerável o número de utentes que não compreende o tratamento prescrito, muitas vezes por ausência de informação verbal e/ou escrita aquando da consulta médica e dispensa na Farmácia, o que resulta em grandes dificuldades para uma correta terapia medicamentosa, levando à ineficácia do tratamento. Determinar a perceção do conhecimento sobre a terapêutica medicamentosa a realizar, após consulta médica e após dispensa na Farmácia, e identificar fatores relacionados. Este estudo transversal e descritivo-correlacional, obteve-se uma amostra de 150 utentes de centros de saúde e farmácias do norte de Portugal, 64,0% do sexo feminino e 36,0% do sexo masculino, com idades entre 18 e 90 anos (média de 57,1). foi aplicado um questionário de autopreenchimento, incluindo a escala de classificação da perceção do conhecimento (Frohlich, 2010). Na análise dos dados foi utilizada estatística descritiva e o teste t-Student, com nível de significância de 5%. A perceção do conhecimento sobre a terapêutica medicamentosa dos utentes é insuficiente tanto após dispensa na farmácia (70,7%) como após a consulta médica (70,7%), só uma minoria dos utentes tiveram um bom conhecimento após consulta médica (5,3%) e após dispensa na farmácia comunitária (2,7%). Das questões realizadas as que obtiveram nível de conhecimento mais baixo foram as relacionadas com o esquecimento de uma ou mais doses, as interações com medicamentos ou alimentos e os efeitos secundários. Não foram verificadas diferenças entre a perceção dos utentes da farmácia e da consulta médica (p=0,191), provavelmente devido ao limitado tamanho da amostra. Contrariamente ao esperado, a escolaridade não está associada à perceção do conhecimento sobre a terapêutica (centro de saúde p=0,842; farmácia p=0,307). A perceção do conhecimento da terapêutica medicamentosa é insuficiente, tanto após consulta médica e como após dispensa na farmácia. Não se encontraram diferenças entre a perceção do conhecimento entre os utentes de centros de saúde e de farmácias, provavelmente devido à dimensão limitada da amostra. A escolaridade não parece estar associada com a perceção do conhecimento sobre a terapêutica medicamentosa

    Changes in the phenolic compositions of Elaeagnus umbellata and Sambucus lanceolata after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion and evaluation of their potential anti-diabetic properties

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    In this work, the phenolic composition of E. umbellata leaves and berries is reported. Berries were rich in flavonols, whereas leaves presented abundant flavonols and ellagitannins. Then, the enzyme-inhibitory properties, anti-glycation and antioxidant activities of E. umbellata and Sambucus lanceolata (its phenolic profile has been already established in a previous work) were tested by several in vitro assays and compared. The simulated gastrointestinal digestion resulted in a decrease on their phenolic composition. Nevertheless, both species still had the ability to inhibit aldose reductase activity and protein glycation and scavenge free radicals at the end of the process. Thus, the potential beneficial effects of E. umbellata and S. lanceolata seems to be kept to some extent after passage throughout the digestive system. Altogether, this study provides further insight into investigation of these species as dietary sources of bioactive compounds to lower the risk of type-2 diabetes and obesity.The authors are grateful to Esmeralda Dias from “A Quintinha das Aromáticas” (Funchal, Portugal) for the supply of E. umbellata samples and to Francisco Fernandes and José Carvalho from Madeira Botanical Garden (Funchal) for the identification of plant material. V. Spínola acknowledges Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) for a Ph.D. grant SFRH/BD/84672/2012. This work was also supported by FCT (project PEst-OE/QUI/UI0674/2019, CQM, Portuguese Government funds) and the Portuguese National Mass Spectrometry Network (Contract RNEMREDE/1508/REM/2005), and through Madeira 14-20 Program, project PROEQUIPRAM - Reforço do Investimento em Equipamentos e Infraestruturas Científicas na RAM (M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000008) and by ARDITI-Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, through the project M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000005 - Centro de Química da Madeira - CQM+ (Madeira 14-20).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perception of users about the prescribed drug therapy after medical consultation and after pharmacy dispensing

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    Promoting rational use of medicines is crucial to ensure therapeutic efficacy. Many users do not understand prescribed treatment, often for lack of information during the medical consultation and pharmacy dispensing, which results in difficulties for correct drug therapy. Objectives: Determine the perception of knowledge about the drug therapy, after medical consultation and after Pharmacy dispensing, and identify related factors. Methods: This cross-sectional and study, had a sample of 150 users of health centers and pharmacies in the north of Portugal, 64% females and 36% males, aged between 18 and 90 years (mean 57). A self-administered questionnaire was applied, including knowledge perception scale (Frohlich'10). In data analysis was used descriptive statistics and t-student test (significance level 5%). Results: The perception of knowledge about drug therapy is insufficient either after medical consultation (70.7%) or after pharmacy dispensing (70.7%), only a minority of users had a good knowledge after medical consultation (5.3%) and after dispensing in community pharmacy (2.7%). The lowest knowledge was related with forgetting doses, drugs/food interactions and side effects. No differences were found between the perceptions of users of medical centers and pharmacy (p=0.191), neither between the educational level (health center p=0.842, p=0.307 pharmacy). Conclusions: The perception of knowledge about drug therapy is quite insufficient both after medical consultation and after pharmacy dispensing. There were no found differences between the perceptions of users of medical centers and pharmacy, probably due to the limited sample size. Contrary to expectation, the education level is not associated with the perception of knowledge about drugs therapy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lupinus albus L. pathogenesis-related proteins that show similarity to PR-10 proteins

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    We describe a group of three acidic proteins, pathogenesis-related (PR)-p16.5a, PR-p16.5b, and PR-p16.5c, that accumulate in the leaves of Lupinus albus L. cv Rio Maior plants when infected with the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. These proteins co-migrate in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels as a single band of 16.5 kD, behaving as charge isomers, and are related to several members of the defense-related PR-10 protein family. Localization of the proteins was investigated by techniques of tissue printing and immunogold electron microscopy; they are predominantly associated with the vascular system and are localized extra-cellularly. The accumulation of PR-p16.5a, PR-p16.5b, and PR-p16.5c also seems to be induced by cucumber mosaic virus and by two forms of abiotic stress, salicylic acid and ultraviolet, suggesting a general defense role for these proteins