1,330 research outputs found

    Projecto de fundações e estrutura de um edifício de 4 pisos em Lisboa, destinado a habitação

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    O objectivo deste trabalho consiste na elaboração de um projecto de estruturas de um edifício, desde a fase de concepção estrutural até à fase de pormenorização, passando obviamente pelo dimensionamento. O trabalho foi motivo para aplicação dos conhecimentos adquiridos durante o curso, na prática de projecto de estruturas, nomeadamente na utilização da regulamentação europeia de estruturas que está para entrar em vigor. O projecto foi elaborado a partir do projecto base de arquitectura e diz respeito a um conjunto de 4 edifícios de habitação separados por junta de dilatação, a construir em Lisboa. A estrutura em betão armado constituída por lajes fungiformes maciças apoiadas em pilares, paredes de betão e vigas, foi analisada com recurso a um programa de cálculo automático de elementos finitos SAP 200 V14.2.4. Para a execução deste trabalho recorreu-se à regulamentação europeia, nomeadamente o Eurocódigo 0, o Eurocódigo 1, o Eurocódigo 2 e o Eurocódigo 8, na sua versão final de Norma Portuguesa. Os critérios de dimensionamento bem como as disposições construtivas relativas a armaduras de betão são detalhadamente referidos ao longo do trabalho. Embora a análise estrutural tenha sido efectuada para quatro edifícios, os desenhos de pormenorização de betão armado são apresentados relativamente apenas ao edifício Nº1. Optou-se por esta solução em virtude de os edifícios serem semelhantes.The purpose of this paper consists in developing ofa building structure project, from its structural conception to the detailing phase, passing obviously by the calculation phase. The present work was also motive to apply the knowledge acquired during the course, practicing a structure project, mainly in the use of the European regulation that will substitute the National regulations. The project was elaborated since the arquitectural basis project and it concerns about an aggregate of four buildings, separated by an expansion joint, which will be builded in Lisbon. The structure of concrete reinforced constituted by fungiform massive slabs supported in columns, walls of concrete and beams, was analyzed by automatic calculation software of finite elements SAP 2000 V14.2.4. To execute this work it was used the European regulation, mainly the Eurocode 0, Eurocode 1, Eurocode 2 and Eurocode 8, in its finalversion of Portuguese Regulation. The calculation criteria, as well as the construction dispositions related to the concrete reinforced are explained in detail during the work. In spite of the structural analysis was done for the four buildings, the drawing details of concrete reinforced were focus only on the buildingNº1. This solution was considered because the buildings are similar between them

    Games for non-gamers: Approaching video games from a non-gamer perspective

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    A indústria dos videojogos cresceu exponencialmente em anos recentes. Os jogos encontram-se agora mais diversificados do que nunca. Entre a pletora de géneros existentes estão os jogos críticos, conhecidos pelas suas mecânicas de jogo simples e capacidade para criticarem tanto o próprio meio, como problemáticas de índole social. Tendo em conta que os gamers já estão acostumados à forma em como os jogos funcionam, entender como um jogo crítico se joga, apesar de desafiante nos seus próprios termos, torna-se numa tarefa mais concretizável. No entanto, apesar dos gamers terem menos dificuldades em entrar dentro deste tipo de jogo, alguns jogadores poderão ter maior dificuldade em se adaptarem a estes jogos, especialmente aqueles não familiarizados com o meio: non-gamers. Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar como é que os jogos digitais, e mais especificamente os jogos críticos, podem ser adaptados de forma a que se tornem em ferramentas de crítica para non-gamers. Jogos críticos são um tipo de jogo digital específico que pode ser usado para comentar e criticar problemas sociais e culturais. Para tal efeito, estes jogos subvertem aspetos que se encontram comummente nos modelos convencionais dos jogos. Este estudo recorreu a várias metodologias para explorar cada uma das questões de investigação. Como tal, recorremos a revisões de literatura, análises comparativas, questionários seguidos por análises temáticas, e por fim, workshops de co-design posteriormente submetidos a um análise qualitativa de conteúdo. Os resultados mostraram que adaptar jogos críticos como ferramentas para crítica sociocultural para non-gamers pode ser uma questão bastante multifacetada. Enquanto que, de modo geral, os non-gamers desgostam de aspetos frustrantes, repetitivos e stressantes, gostaram contudo da liberdade no ciclo de jogo, designs de jogo divertidos mas desafiantes e temáticas relacionadas com problemas reais. Todavia, concluímos que adaptar jogos aos non-gamers depende fortemente dos seus motivos e preferências pessoais, tal como se pode observar com a demografia dos gamers.The video game industry has grown exponentially in recent years. Games are now more diverse than ever before. Among the plethora of genres available are critical games, known for their simple game mechanics and ability to critique both the medium and societal conundrums. Because gamers are already accustomed to how games work, understanding how to play a critical game, although challenging in its own right, makes it a more attainable task . But despite gamers having fewer difficulties approaching them, some players may not have such an easy time undertaking these games, especially those not familiarised with the medium: non-gamers. This study aims to identify how digital games, and more specifically critical games, can be adapted in a fashion that allows them to be critiquing tools for non-gamers. Critical games are a specific type of digital game that can be used to apply critical commentary on social and cultural issues. To do so, they oftentimes subvert that which is found in more conventional game models. This research resorted to several methods to explore each research question. As such, we resorted to literature reviews, comparative analyses, questionnaires, followed by thematic analyses, and lastly co-design workshops which underwent a qualitative content analysis. Results showed that adapting critical games as tools of sociocultural critique for non-gamers can be a very nuanced problem. While non-gamers generally dislike frustrative, repetitive, and stressful behaviour in games, they usually enjoy freedom in the gameplay loop, moderately challenging yet fun game designs, and thematic similarities to real world issues. However, we concluded that adapting games to non-gamers is highly dependent on their personal motives and preferences, as happens with the gamer demographic

    Low-cost internet of things and snapshot geolocation pipeline in marine sensing

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    Biologging and biotelemetry are commonly used as methods to assess marine biodiversity pop ulation. However, current state-of-the-art devices (commonly referred to as tags) remain at the greater cost of production while geolocation and georeferencing methods use proprietary satellite constellations, remain expensive and are prone to greater battery usage. This dissertation enhances such state-of-the-art devices, providing affordable tags for multipurpose usage. Dissertation contri bution is two-fold. In first, it describes the design of low-cost telecommunication system comprised from tag emitters and land receivers, evaluated during the sea-vessel field trips in pelagic area of Madeira island. In second, it also describes the software pipeline for deducing the position of tags, leveraging the raw signal from obtained GPS receivers.Bio-logging e biotelemetria são métodos de grande importância como métodos de avaliação da biodiversidade marítima. No entanto, os dispositivos atuais normalmente referidos por tags per manecem com um elevado custo de produção e, são suscetiveis a elevado consumo de energia. Esta dissertação procura melhorar o bio-logging e a biotelemetria para a estimativa da biodiversidade marítima, com três contribuições distintas: (i) realizar análise em detalhe de sistemas de última geração de bio-logging e de biotelemetria, (ii) desenvolver um sistema inovador usando Internet of things (IoT) e Long Range (LoRa), e (iii) melhorar o sistema fastloc com computação no CPU da tag, para estimar a posição de mamíferos marítimos na superfície do mar. O príncipal objetivo é reduzir o custo de tais sistemas de detecção, explorando o IoT, LoRa e fastloc na cricação de bio-loggers e sistemas de biotelemetria

    Analysis of human-computer interaction time series using Deep Learning

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia InformáticaThe collection and use of data resulting from human-computer interaction are becoming more and more common. These have been allowing for the birth of intelligent systems that extract powerful knowledge, potentially improving the user experience or even originating various digital services. With the rapid scientific advancements that have been taking place in the field of Deep Learning, it is convenient to review the underlying techniques currently used in these systems. In this work, we propose an approach to the general task of analyzing such interactions in the form of time series, using Deep Learning. We then rely on this approach to develop an anti-cheating system for video games using only keyboard and mouse input data. This system can work with any video game, and with minor adjustments, it can be easily adapted to new platforms (such as mobile and gaming consoles). Experiments suggest that analyzing HCI time series data with deep learning yields better results while providing solutions that do not rely highly on domain knowledge as traditional systems.A recolha e a utilização de dados resultantes da interação humano-computador estão a tornar-se cada vez mais comuns. Estas têm permitido o surgimento de sistemas inteligentes capazes de extrair conhecimento ex tremamente útil, potencialmente melhorando a experiência do utilizador ou mesmo originando diversos serviços digitais. Com os acelerados avanços científicos na área do Deep Learning, torna-se conveniente rever as técni cas subjacentes a estes sistemas. Neste trabalho, propomos uma abordagem ao problema geral de analisar tais interações na forma de séries temporais, utilizando Deep Learning. Apoiamo-nos então nesta abordagem para desenvolver um sistema de anti-cheating para videojogos, utilizando apenas dados de input de rato e teclado. Este sistema funciona com qualquer jogo e pode, com pequenos ajustes, ser adaptado para novas plataformas (como dispositivos móveis ou consolas). As experiências sugerem que analisar dados de séries temporais de interação humano-computador pro duz melhores resultados, disponibilizando soluções que não são altamente dependentes de conhecimento de domínio como sistemas tradicionais

    A cable-driven robot for architectural constructions: a visual-guided approach for motion control and path-planning

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    Cable-driven robots have received some attention by the scientific community and, recently, by the industry because they can transport hazardous materials with a high level of safeness which is often required by construction sites. In this context, this research presents an extension of a cable-driven robot called SPIDERobot, that was developed for automated construction of architectural projects. The proposed robot is formed by a rotating claw and a set of four cables, enabling four degrees of freedom. In addition, this paper proposes a new Vision-Guided Path-Planning System (V-GPP) that provides a visual interpretation of the scene: the position of the robot, the target and obstacles location; and optimizes the trajectory of the robot. Moreover, it determines a collision-free trajectory in 3D that takes into account the obstacles and the interaction of the cables with the scene. A set of experiments make possible to validate the contribution of V-GPP to the SPIDERobot while operating in realistic working conditions, as well as, to evaluate the interaction between the V-GPP and the motion controlling system. The results demonstrated that the proposed robot is able to construct architectural structures and to avoid collisions with obstacles in their working environment. The V-GPP system localizes the robot with a precision of 0.006 m, detects the targets and successfully generates a path that takes into account the displacement of cables. Therefore, the results demonstrate that the SPIDERobot can be scaled up to real working conditions.This work is partly funded by the project PTDC/ ATP-AQI/5124/2012 - Robotic Technologies for Non-Standard Design and Construction in Architecture. This work is also financed by the ERDF European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology within project “FCOMP - 01-0124-FEDER-022701”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distributed architecture to enhance systems protection against unauthorized activity via USB devices

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    Cyberattacks exploiting Universal Serial Bus (USB) interfaces may have a high impact on individual and corporate systems. The BadUSB is an attack where a USB device’s firmware is spoofed and, once mounted, allows attackers to execute a set of malicious actions in a target system. The countermeasures against this type of attack can be grouped into two strategies: phyiscal blocking of USB ports and software blocking. This paper proposes a distributed architecture that uses software blocking to enhance system protection against BadUSB attacks. This architecture is composed of multiple agents and external databases, and it is designed for personal or corporate computers using Microsoft Windows Operating System. When a USB device is connected, the agent inspects the device, provides filtered information about its functionality and presents a threat assessment to the user, based on all previous user choices stored in external databases. By providing valuable information to the user, and also threat assessments from multiple users, the proposed distributed architecture improves system protection

    10 years of experience

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