1,735 research outputs found

    Una modelización de los años de vida ajustados por la calidad como utilidades esperadas

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    En el presente trabajo, los a\~nos de vida ajustados por la calidad (AVAC), son caracterizados como funciones de utilidad von Newman--Morgenstern. Esta caracterizaci\'on se efect\'ua para dos problemas de elecci\'on: la elecci\'on entre loter{\'\i}as definidas sobre estados de salud cr\'onicos y la elecci\'on entre loter{\'\i}as definidas sobre estados de salud temporales. En el primer caso, deducimos las mismas condiciones que Pliskin et al. (1980), s\'olo que siguiendo un camino m\'as directo. En el segundo caso, una vez establecida una condici\'on de independencia aditiva basada en Fishburn (1970), inferimos una nueva condici\'on en la literatura sobre AVAC que denominamos \underline{condici\'on de simetr{\'\i}a}.QALYs, expected utility, medical decision making

    Sistema distribuído de monitorização de consumos e de qualidade de energia elétrica

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    Este artigo descreve a implementação e teste de um sistema distribuído de medição de grandezas elétricas, concebido para utilização com cargas tipicamente existentes nas residências, que possibilita a monitorização remota do consumo e também possui capacidade de deteção de eventos de qualidade de energia elétrica. O sistema é operado pelo utilizador a partir de um computador, através de um programa monitorizador dotado de interface gráfica, que recebe os dados recolhidos por um conjunto de nós sensores ligados às cargas que se deseja monitorizar. A comunicação de dados assenta sobre uma rede de sensores sem fios desenvolvida com base nos protocolos IEEE 802.15.4 e ZigBee. Os nós da rede são baseados no circuito integrado CC2530, da Texas Instruments, que integra um microcontrolador e um transceiver RF num mesmo chip. A implementação do sistema envolveu a concepção e desenvolvimento do hardware dos nós sensores, que efetuam a medição das grandezas elétricas, do software embebido nos nós da rede de sensores sem fios, que gere a aquisição e envio dos dados dos nós sensores até ao computador, e do software monitorizador no computador. Os resultados obtidos nos testes realizados excederam as expetativas iniciais, tendo os erros de medição ficado abaixo do patamar de 1%.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Development of an electrical power quality monitor based on a PC

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    This paper describes an Electric Power Quality Monitor developed at the University of Minho. The hardware of the Monitor is constituted by four current sensors based on Rogowski effect, four voltage sensors based on Hall effect, a signal conditioning board and a computer. The software of the Monitor consists of several applications, and it is based on LabVIEW. The developed applications allow the equipment to function as a digital scope, analyze harmonic content, detect and record disturbances in the voltage (wave shapes, sags, swells, and interruptions), measure energy, power, unbalances, power factor, register and visualize strip charts, register a great number of data in the hard drive and generate reports. This article also depicts an Electrical Power Quality Monitor Integrated into Active Power Filters developed at the University of Minho.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Design and experimental validation of a compact low-cost weather station for solar photovoltaic applications

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    This paper presents a compact low-cost weather station specially dedicated to renewable energy applications based on solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies. The main objective of the weather station is to verify which technology of solar PV modules would be more suitable for the specific location where the weather station is installed. Therefore, the developed weather station includes three technologies of PV modules (polycrystalline, monocrystalline, and amorphous silicon), each one connected to a dedicated DC-DC power converter with a maximum power point control (MPPC) functionality, as well as a set of sensors (solar irradiance, temperature, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction) used to measure the local weather. The acquired data is processed and stored locally in the weather station and, when necessary, the user can download the data to an Android mobile device through a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) wireless network connection using the developed mobile app, where the transferred data is stored in a SQLite database and can be visualized in graphs. Throughout the paper, the design of the developed weather station and the associated technologies are described, as well as the details of the mobile app. The developed system comprising the weather station and the mobile app was validated through a set of experimental tests ranging from the data acquisition to its visualization, as well as the achieved wireless data transfer performance.This work was supported by FCT national funds, under the national support to R&D units grant, through the reference project UIDB/04436/2020 and UIDP/04436/2020

    Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in a Brazilian Oxisol under Different Pasture Systems

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    Pastures are the main land use systems in the world and in Brazil they occupy 115 M ha. A major part of Brazil´s greenhouse gas emissions are due to land use change and agriculture. Livestock production comprises \u3e 90% of methane and about 55% of CO2-equivalent emissions due to agriculture (Cerri et al. 2009). However, productive, well-managed pastures can improve degraded soils and increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks through humification of grass and root residues. In order to enhance pasture yields and SOC sequestration, nutrient availability in soils must also be improved, especially for N and P. This work aimed to assess how SOC stocks were affected by the combination of grasses and legumes, in comparison to only-grass pastures and other land uses in a clay Oxisol in southeast Brazil

    Development of a monitoring system for electrical energy consumption and power quality analysis

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    This paper presents the development of a monitoring system for electrical energy consumption and power quality analysis, also known as power quality analyser (PQA). The internal architecture of the developed monitoring system is described in detail along the paper, highlighting the signal conditioning circuit and analogue to digital conversion (ADC) stage, the advanced RISC machine (ARM) processor, and the digital signal processor (DSP), which are used, respectively, for data acquisition, data communication and power quality calculations. This paper also describes the software developed for a Raspberry Pi, which receives the processed information from the ARM processor and presents it in real-time using a touch screen user-friendly interface. Among all the available features of the developed system, the paper presents the most relevant experimental results obtained with linear and nonlinear loads, showing the main functionalities of the different menus available in the developed user interface, mainly the menus “Scope”, “Harmonics” and “Data”.This work is supported by FCT with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sistema de monitorização de energia eléctrica

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    Este artigo descreve o desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Monitorização de Energia Eléctrica de baixo custo baseado num PC (computador pessoal) [1, 2]. O equipamento é constituído por quatro sensores de corrente com bobinas de Rogowski, quatro sensores de tensão baseados no efeito Hall com controlo em malha fechada, uma placa de condicionamento e um PC. O software é baseado em LabView e apresenta várias aplicações desenvolvidas, das quais destacam-se: “Aplicação para Determinação de Problemas de Qualidade de Energia” [1], “Aplicação Osciloscópio e Distorção Harmónica”, “Aplicação Fasores e Grandezas Clássicas”, Aplicação Teoria p-q” e “Aplicação Visualização de Dados e Geração de Relatórios”. A utilização de um PC permite, para além de uma grande flexibilidade do sistema, e de uma interface amigável com o utilizador, também a possibilidade de recorrer a recursos provenientes de ferramentas de Internet, como é o caso do acesso remoto. Este artigo descreve ainda a integração deste sistema de monitorização a Filtros Activos de Potência do tipo Paralelo, também desenvolvidos na Universidade do Minho.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Electric power quality monitoring results in different facilities

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    This paper presents results of electric power quality monitoring studies performed in different industries and in universities. The monitoring was made with an Electric Power Quality Monitor developed at the University of Minho. The studies were performed in different installations: textile industries, a pharmaceutical industry, a hospital and two universities. Therefore, the results showed in this paper were obtained in different electrical installations. It is important to emphasize that, the results here presented are not intended to establish profiles for each type of electrical installation. The aim is rather to show several electric power problems that occur in these types of facilities, and also to present the functionalities of the Electric Power Quality Monitor developed at the University of Minho, working out of laboratory, in real electrical installations.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Sepsis during pregnancy: case report

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Sepsis during pregnancy is a rare complication. This potentially fatal disease often occurs due to maternal infectious and can lead to fetal loss. Therefore, any attempted treatment must be aimed at the mother s well being. As a matter of fact, there are few recent medical publications about sepsis in pregnancy. In spite of this, the treatment based on Surviving Sepsis Campaign seems suitable and practical. The aim of this article is making a case report highlighting a very well succeeded treatment of a pregnant woman with urinary sepsis. CASE REPORT: A 22 year old in her 27th week of pregnancy is hospitalized with pyelonefhritis. One day later, she begins presenting signs of sepsis and unresponsive hypoxemia, resulting in intubation. Afterwards, she evolved with persistent low blood pressure that was unresponsive to volume expansion and had to be put on vasopressor medication. She received intensive care support based on Surviving Sepsis Campaign. The patient evolved with an important improvement of her ventilatory stats and was extubated. After completing antibiotic treatment, she was discharged and delivered a healthy baby after 42 weeks pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: Sepsis in pregnancy is a rare and potentially fatal complication. The main treatment is based on Surviving Sepsis Campaign. The patient had an outstanding improvement and overcame her condition after intensive care support.JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A sepse durante a gestação é uma complicação rara. O comprometimento fetal resulta principalmente da descompensação materna, por conseguinte, o tratamento deve ser direcionado ao bem-estar da mãe. Poucas evidências permitem extrapolar o tratamento de pacientes não gestantes para as gestantes, porém, o tratamento baseado no Surviving Sepsis Campaing parece adequado e prático. O objetivo deste estudo foi rever o tratamento da sepse na gestação e relatar um caso de gestante com sepse grave que evoluiu favoravelmente. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente com 22 anos, primigesta, na 27ª semana de gestação foi internada com diagnóstico de pielonefrite aguda. Um dia após a internação apresentou quadro de sepse, com hipoxemia refratária às medidas não-invasivas necessitando de intubação traqueal. Após a intubação evoluiu com hipotensão refratária à expansão volêmica necessitando de fármaco vasoativo. Foi interrompido o uso de noradrenalina no mesmo dia e prescrito cefepima. Evoluiu com importante melhora dos padrões ventilatórios, sendo extubada e recebeu alta hospitalar logo após completar o tratamento com antibiótico. Ao completar a 42ª semana de gestação foi internada para indução do trabalho de parto, sendo realizado parto vaginal, sem intercorrências. CONCLUSÕES: A sepse na gestação, mesmo sendo rara é potencialmente fatal. O tratamento foi baseado no Surviving Sepsis Campaign e a paciente apresentou melhora significativa dos parâmetros de perfusão nas primeiras horas com ótima evolução, apesar da gravidade da doença.UNIFESP Clínica Médica da EPMUNIFESP Pronto Socorro da EPM Unidade de Terapia IntensivaUNIFESP, Clínica Médica da EPMUNIFESP, Pronto Socorro da EPM Unidade de Terapia IntensivaSciEL

    Support for group-based inequality among members of low-status groups as an ingroup status-enhancement strategy

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    We discuss the idea that competition-based motives boost low-status group members’ support for group-based hierarchy and inequality. Specifically, the more low-status group members feel motivated to compete with a relevant high-status outgroup, based on the belief that existing status positions may be reversed, the more they will defend status differentials (i.e., high social dominance orientation; SDO). Using minimal groups (N = 113), we manipulated ingroup (low vs. high) status, and primed unstable status positions to all participants. As expected, we found that SDO positively mediates the relation between ingroup identification and collective action, when ingroup’s status is perceived to be low and status positions are perceived as highly unstable. We discuss the implications of considering situational and contextual factors to better understand individuals’ support for group-based hierarchies and inequality, and the advantages of considering ideological processes in predicting collective action.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio