2,301 research outputs found

    Cation transporters/channels in plants: Tools for nutrient biofortification

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    Cation transporters/channels are key players in a wide range of physiological functions in plants, including cell signaling, osmoregulation, plant nutrition and metal tolerance. The recent identification of genes encoding some of these transport systems has allowed new studies toward further understanding of their integrated roles in plant. This review summarizes recent discoveries regarding the function and regulation of the multiple systems involved in cation transport in plant cells. The role of membrane transport in the uptake, distribution and accumulation of cations in plant tissues, cell types and subcellular compartments is described. We also discuss how the knowledge of inter- and intra-species variation in cation uptake, transport and accumulation as well as the molecular mechanisms responsible for these processes can be used to increase nutrient phytoavailability and nutrients accumulation in the edible tissues of plants. The main trends for future research in the field of biofortification are proposed

    Influence of Soil Chemistry and Plant Physiology in the Phytoremediation of Cu, Mn, and Zn

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    Different anthropogenic sources of metals can result from agricultural, industrial, military, mining and urban activities that contribute to environmental pollution. Plants can be grown for phytoremediation to remove or stabilize contaminants in water and soil. Copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) are trace essential metals for plants, although their role in homeostasis in plants must be strictly regulated to avoid toxicity. In this review, we summarize the processes involved in the bioavailability, uptake, transport and storage of Cu, Mn and Zn in plants. The efficiency of phytoremediation depends on several factors including metal bioavailability and plant uptake, translocation and tolerance mechanisms. Soil parameters, such as clay fraction, organic matter content, oxidation state, pH, redox potential, aeration, and the presence of specific organisms, play fundamental roles in the uptake of trace essential metals. Key processes in the metal homeostasis network in plants have been identified. Membrane transporters involved in the acquisition, transport and storage of trace essential metals are reviewed. Recent advances in understanding the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of Cu, Mn and Zn hyperaccumulation are described. The use of plant-bacteria associations, plant-fungi associations and genetic engineering has opened a new range of opportunities to improve the efficiency of phytoremediation. The main directions for future research are proposed from the investigation of published results

    Trace Elements as Contaminants and Nutrients

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    Knowledge about trace elements has evolved remarkably in recent decades, both in terms of their metabolism and their functions. Acting mainly as cofactors of enzymatic systems, several trace elements play an essential role in numerous physiological processes in the human organism, from cell metabolism to the immune response and gene expression, among others. On the other hand, it is also well known that excessive exposure to trace elements can be highly harmful and even fatal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interferencia asociativa sobre el procesamiento del EI en el condicionamiento Pavloviano

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    76 p.La presente investigación tuvo como propósito implementar un procedimiento de condicionamiento palpebral en humanos en el Laboratorio de Psicología de la Universidad de Talca con el cual fuera posible investigar los principales fenómenos asociativos que normalmente se observan con otros procedimientos de condicionamiento. Para esto, se realizaron cuatro experimentos de condicionamiento con estudiantes universitarios. En el Experimento 1 los participantes recibieron 60 ensayos en los que un tono de 500 milisegundos de duración (estímulo condicionado) era seguido por un soplo de aire en el ojo de 100 milisegundos de duración (estímulo incondicionado). Para medir la respuesta palpebral se utilizó un emisor-sensor infrarrojo colocado frente a uno de los ojos de los participantes. El cerrado del ojo produce una interrupción en la emisión infrarroja, la que se traduce en cambios en el voltaje trasmitido por el sensor. Se construyó un programa computacional para calcular automáticamente la amplitud de las respuestas en distintos segmentos temporales. Los resultados indicaron que las respuestas que ocurren 100 milisegundos después de iniciado el estímulo condicionado aumentan progresivamente en frecuencia y amplitud a lo largo de los ensayos, lo cual indica que se obtuvo condicionamiento. Los experimentos 2, 3 y 4 examinaron si con este procedimiento se producen los principales fenómenos propios del condicionamiento. En el Experimento 2 se confirma que el aumento en frecuencia y amplitud de la respuesta condicionada se debe al pareamiento de los estímulos y no a la mera exposición al estímulo incondicionado. En el Experimento 3 se demostró que el estímulo condicionado no sólo adquiere la propiedad para producir una respuesta condicionada sino que también para influir en la amplitud de la respuesta incondicionada. En el Experimento 4 se demostró que las respuestas condicionadas e incondicionadas son bilaterales, lo cual no permite separar efectos sensoriales de los emotivos. Se concluye que se ha establecido un procedimiento experimental apto para estudiar los principales fenómenos asociativos del condicionamiento. Los hallazgos de la presente memoria se discuten en base al modelo SOP (Wagner, 1981). Palabras clave: Condicionamiento de parpadeo, respuesta condicionada e incondicionada

    Trace elements in ambient air at Porto metropolitan area: checking for compliance with new European Union (EU) air quality standards

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    Because of the scientific evidence showing that arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and nickel (Ni) are human genotoxic carcinogens, the European Union (EU) recently set target values for metal concentration in ambient air (As: 6 ng/m3, Cd: 5 ng/m3, Ni: 20 ng/m3). The aim of our study was to determine the concentration levels of these trace elements in Porto Metropolitan Area (PMA) in order to assess whether compliance was occurring with these new EU air quality standards. Fine (PM2.5) and inhalable (PM10) air particles were collected from October 2011 to July 2012 at two different (urban and suburban) locations in PMA. Samples were analyzed for trace elements content by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The study focused on determination of differences in trace elements concentration between the two sites, and between PM2.5 and PM10, in order to gather information regarding emission sources. Except for chromium (Cr), the concentration of all trace elements was higher at the urban site. However, results for As, Cd, Ni, and lead (Pb) were well below the EU limit/target values (As: 1.49 ± 0.71 ng/m3; Cd: 1.67 ± 0.92 ng/m3; Ni: 3.43 ± 3.23 ng/m3; Pb: 17.1 ± 10.1 ng/m3) in the worst-case scenario. Arsenic, Cd, Ni, Pb, antimony (Sb), selenium (Se), vanadium (V), and zinc (Zn) were predominantly associated to PM2.5, indicating that anthropogenic sources such as industry and road traffic are the main source of these elements. High enrichment factors (EF > 100) were obtained for As, Cd, Pb, Sb, Se, and Zn, further confirming their anthropogenic origin

    Alkali metals levels in the human brain tissue: Anatomical region differences and age-related changes

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    The link between trace elements imbalances (both "toxic" and "essential") in the human brain and neurodegenerative disease has been subject of extensive research. More recently, some studies have highlighted the potential role of the homeostasis deregulation of alkali metals in specific brain regions as key factor in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. Using flame atomic emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry after microwave-assisted acid digestion of the samples, alkali metals (Na, K, Li, Rb and Cs) were determined in 14 different areas of the human brain (frontal cortex, superior and middle temporal gyri, caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, cingulated gyrus, hippocampus, inferior parietal lobule, visual cortex of the occipital lobe, midbrain, pons, medulla and cerebellum) of adult individuals (n=42; 71±12, range: 50-101 years old) with no known history and evidence of neurodegenerative, neurological or psychiatric disorder. Potassium was found as the most abundant alkali metal, followed by Na, Rb, Cs and Li. Lithium, K and Cs distribution showed to be quite heterogeneous. On the contrary, Rb and Na appeared quite homogeneously distributed within the human brain tissue. The lowest levels of Na, K, Rb and Li were found in the brainstem (midbrain, medulla and pons) and cerebellum, while the lowest levels of Cs were found in the frontal cortex. The highest levels of K (mean±sd; range 15.5±2.5; 8.9-21.8mg/g) Rb (17.2±6.1; 3.9-32.4μg/g and Cs (83.4±48.6; 17.3-220.5ng/g) were found in putamen. The highest levels of Na and Li were found in the frontal cortex (11.6±2.4; 6.6-17.1mg/g) and caudate nucleus (7.6±4.6 2.2-21.3ng/g), respectively. Although K, Cs and Li levels appear to remain largely unchanged with age, some age-related changes were observed for Na and Rb levels in particular brain regions (namely in the hippocampus).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metals transfer from tobacco to cigarette smoke: Evidences in smokers’ lung tissue

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    Tobacco use kills millions of people every year around the world. The current level of 11 metals in tobacco was determined and their transfer rate to cigarette smoke was calculated as the difference between the total metal content in cigarettes and the amount present in its ashes. The metals content was also determined in the lung tissue of smokers and non-smokers in order to evaluate the marks that smoking leaves in this tissue. Metals content in tobacco ranged from less than 1μg/g (Co, Cd, Pb, As and Tl) to several hundreds of μg/g (Al, Mn and Ba). The highest transfer rate from tobacco to cigarette smoke was found for Tl (85-92%) and Cd (81-90%), followed by Pb (46-60%) and As (33-44%). Significantly higher levels of As, Cd and Pb were found in the lung tissue of smokers compared to non-smokers, showing that smoking results in an increase of these metals in the lungs and that they contribute to the carcinogenic potential of cigarette smoke. This study presents important data on current metals content in tobacco and its transference to cigarette smoke and provides evidence of their accumulation in smokers' lung tissue.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trace elements in medicinal plants traditionally used in the treatment of diabetes—do they have a role in the claimed therapeutic effect?

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    Medicinal plants are often used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, although knowledge about their mode of action and the substances responsible for their antidiabetic potential is limited. It is well known that some trace elements play a role in glucose metabolism and insulin action. Thus, a particular trace elements profile could be associated with the antidiabetic properties observed for some medicinal plants. Methods: Infusions (n = 102) prepared from commercial herbal products (n = 34) containing medicinal plants indicated for the treatment of diabetes (n = 16 different plant species) and infusions (n = 60) prepared from commercial herbal products (n = 20) containing medicinal plants without such an indication (n = 7 different plant species) were analyzed by ICP-MS for their trace elements content. In both groups, results varied significantly between different medicinal plants and also between different origins (brands) of the same medicinal plant. Significant differences (p < 0.05) between the two groups were found for nine elements, including four trace elements related to glucose metabolism (Mn, B, V, and Se), but with lower median contents in the group of medicinal plants for diabetes. Except for some particular species (e.g., Myrtilli folium) in which the trace element Mn may play a role in its antidiabetic effect, globally, a direct association between the claimed antidiabetic properties and a specific trace element profile of the studied medicinal plants was not evident.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Melhoria da Atenção a Usuários com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitus na USF Lagoa do Sítio 1, Macaíba/RN

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    PENARANDA, Michell Edgar Pinto. Melhoria da Atenção à Usuários com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes mellitus na USF Lagoa do Sítio 1, Macaíba / RN. 2015. 75f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. A Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e a Diabetes Mellitus (DM) são considerados atualmente sérios problemas para a saúde, lamentavelmente a incidência dessas doenças são cada vez maiores. Para tentar garantir que a população de mais de 20 anos de idade com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e Diabetes Mellitus (DM) possam ter uma assistência com qualidade, dentro do que é preconizado pelo Ministério da Saúde, elaboramos uma intervenção no programa de saúde dos hipertensos e diabéticos da unidade de saúde da família Lagoa do Sitio 1, no município de Macaíba. Escolhemos a intervenção em hipertensão e diabetes porque nossa prevalência é alta e não tínhamos registros atualizados porem era uma área que precisava mesmo de uma atualização e acompanhamento melhor onde tinha 81 HAS que representava o 16% da cobertura e 27 para DM que representava o 18% de cobertura. A intervenção foi realizada por meio de capacitação técnica da equipe, recadastramento da população alvo, monitoramento de indicadores de qualidade da assistência realizada, estímulo a participação popular, facilidade de acesso e prática diária, baseada no Caderno de Atenção Básica do Ministério da saúde de Estratégias para o cuidado da pessoa com doença crônica Hipertensão e Diabetes, n°36 e nº37, do ano 2013. Os indicadores quantitativos e qualitativos da intervenção foram coletados durante 12 semanas em planilha fornecida pelo Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL), os mesmos permitiram uma atualização e análise dos dados com a finalidade de traçar novas metas e adotar as melhoras que foram implementadas durante a intervenção. Dentro os diversos resultados encontrados, destaca-se a cobertura do programa que chegou a 25,3% para os HAS e um 41,5% para os DM, o que equivale a cerca de 96 hipertenso e 39 diabéticos. A intervenção conseguiu atingir 100% em todas as metas propostas para qualificação da atenção e/ou assistência. A importância da intervenção reflete na melhoria da qualidade de atendimento dos usuários hipertensos e diabéticos assim como um cadastro atualizado dos mesmos, o serviço ficou mais organizado e com resolutividade às demandas dos usuários. Com a intervenção a equipe está mais unida e preparada para novas ações. Palavras-chave: Atenção primária à saúde; Saúde da família; programa de Hipertensão e Diabetes Mellitu