2,035 research outputs found

    The contact in foster car of children and young people: A current evaluation

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    No campo das múltiplas interações que ocorrem no acolhimento familiar, destaca-se a relação entre a criança acolhida e a família biológica, pelo impacto que tem no desenvolvimento da criança. Esta relação gera um conjunto de ligações que pode proporcionar ou dificultar à criança a possibilidade de partilhar valores, experiências e conselhos entre aqueles dois mundos. A manutenção das relações pessoais entre os pais e a criança acolhida é um direito de ambos, exceto se contrariar o interesse superior da criança, já que o corte abrupto das relações estabelecidas interfere na organização dos vínculos futuros. O presente artigo resulta da investigação em curso, no distrito do Porto, intitulado «Contacto no acolhimento familiar: padrões, resultados e modelos de gestão», no âmbito de atuação do InEd, o Centro de Investigação e Inovação em Educação da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar os resultados do contacto entre a criança em acolhimento familiar e a sua família de origem, bem como as causas da sua inexistência ou cessação. Os resultados preliminares evidenciam que a maioria das crianças e jovens têm contacto com a sua família de origem, ocorrendo em quase 50% dos casos na casa da família de acolhimento, mas nem sempre com a regularidade desejada. Apesar do impacto do contacto na criança ou jovem ser muito diversificado, a maioria manifesta reações emocionais e comportamentais positivas. Por fim, apresentam se implicações para a prática dos técnicos envolvidos neste fenómeno.Among the multiple interactions in foster care, the relationship between the foster child and the biological family is relevant because of the impact produced on the child’s development. The relationship leads to the development of a set of links that can provide or hinder the child’s possibility for sharing values, experiences and knowledge between those two worlds. The maintenance of personal relationships between parents and foster child is a common right, unless it is against the child’s best interests, since the abrupt rupture of established relationships interfere with the organization of future bonds. This article results of an ongoing process of research in district of Oporto, entitled «Contact in foster care: patterns, results and management models» within the scope of action of the InEd, the Center for Research and Innovation in Education, School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. This study aims to analyze the results of the contact between the child in foster care and their family of origin as well as the causes of their absence or termination. Preliminary results indicate that the majority of children and young people have contact with their family of origin, occurring in almost 50 % of cases in the house of the foster family, but not always with the desired regularity. Although the impact of contact on the child or young person can be very diverse, the majority has shown positive behavioral and emotional reactions. Finally, it is presented implications for the practice of the technicians involved in this phenomenon

    Design of affordable sustainable energy supply systems for residential buildings: A case study

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    The residential sector plays an important role to mitigate climate change due to its high energy consumption. Polygeneration systems are a suitable alternative enabling efficient use of natural resources with low environmental impact. However, their deployment depends, among other factors, on the economic cost and the legal restrictions. This work analyses the potential reduction of greenhouse gases emissions, expressed in CO2 -equivalent emissions (CO2eq), in residential buildings installing polygeneration systems and considering the current Spanish self-consumption regulation. This is achieved through a multiobjective optimization, applying a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model, considering economic, environmental and legal aspects. Obtained results provide interesting replicable lessons, and show the interest of collective installations, in which remarkable CO2eq emissions reductions, above 65% with respect to conventional systems, can be achieved at an affordable cost. Technologies such as photovoltaic, reversible heat pumps, biomass and thermal energy storage are competitive when properly integrated. Furthermore, the sale of renewable electricity to the grid under a net-billing scheme, with suitable electricity sale prices, is an appropriate approach, aligned with the European climate and energy policy. Nevertheless, the current Spanish self-consumption regulation is mostly appropriate for small-medium size residential buildings

    Mesa redonda sobre a intervenção da escola na educação e sustentabilidade alimentares

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    Evocando o dia Mundial da Alimentação, a presente mesa redonda considerou o "papel da escola na educação alimentar e sustentabilidade alimentar," contando com a participação da responsável do projeto refeições escolares da junta de freguesia do Restelo e da responsável do HACCP/Componente Apoio Família Pré-Escolar do Município de Santarem (minutos: 0:00-19:01)N/

    Organizational antecedents to designing a comprehensive complaint management system

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    Producción CientíficaThe literature highlights two main approaches to designing an effective complaint management system: the mechanistic and the organic. The mechanistic approach emphasizes the establishment of guidelines for the correct processing, attention and resolution of complaints received. In contrast, the organic approach relies on creating a supportive internal environment for correct customer attention, made possible through training and empowering employees responsible for complaint management and by promoting extra-role behaviour among them. The present research aims to study the antecedents of adopting these two approaches. From a strategic perspective, we analyse the influence of organizational culture variables (the extent to which the firm is customer- and innovation-oriented) and the nature of the objectives pursued by complaint handling (defensive vs. improvement objectives). The proposed model is tested on a sample of 140 manufacturing firms. Findings indicate these antecedents shape the complaint management system in a very differing and significant manner.Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA112P17)Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA085G18)Ministerio de economía, industria y competitividad (proyecto ECO2017-86628-P

    Benefits from the standardisation of the complaint management system

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    Producción CientíficaThis research provides new developments in the conceptualization of the complaint management system by examining the benefits of the standardization of the complaint management process. In line with a mechanistic approach of organizational behaviour, we posit that standardization of complaint handling can help to overcome defensive behaviour by employees and managers, who can view receiving complaints as a decidedly negative experience. Specifically, we investigate the influence of three types of guidelines —procedural, behavioural, and outcome— on achieving fairer solutions for customers and, consequently, greater satisfaction with the system. The model proposed in the present research is tested considering the managers’ perspective and using data from a representative sample of manufacturing companies covering multiple industries. Our findings provide novel and interesting insights on the factors to which managers in manufacturing firms should pay closer attention when designing an effective complaint management system. All three types of guidelines help to explain perception of justice in the solution of complaints and, thus, customer satisfaction, but important differences exist for the different types of guidelines and their corresponding dimensions.Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA112P17)Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA085G18)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (proyecto ECO2017-86628-P

    Mapping atmospheric pollutants emissions in European countries

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    In this paper we present a methodology which enables the graphical representation, in a bi-dimensional Euclidean space, of atmospheric pollutants emissions in European countries. This approach relies on the use of Multidimensional Unfolding (MDU), an exploratory multivariate data analysis technique. This technique illustrates both the relationships between the emitted gases and the gases and their geographical origins. The main contribution of this work concerns the evaluation of MDU solutions. We use simulated data to define thresholds for the model fitting measures, allowing the MDU output quality evaluation. The quality assessment of the model adjustment is thus carried out as a step before interpretation of the gas types and geographical origins results. The MDU maps analysis generates useful insights, with an immediate substantive result and enables the formulation of hypotheses for further analysis and modeling

    Efetividade cl?nica e laboratorial de materiais est?ticos tipo Bulk

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    Linha de pesquisa: Epidemiologia e controle das doen?as bucais.Atualmente, o cimento de ion?mero de vidro (CIV) e a resina composta s?o os materiais restauradores mais empregados na pr?tica cl?nica odontopedi?trica e diversas modifica??es desses materiais s?o constantemente introduzidas no mercado odontol?gico. Recentemente, surgiu o sistema Equia Forte Fil (GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) de ion?mero de alta viscosidade encapsulado, apresentando grande melhora da resist?ncia flexural e ao desgaste. Concomitantemente, surgiram as resinas compostas de alta viscosidade bulk fill, que podem ser inseridas e fotoativadas em incrementos de at? 5 mm, com cura e propriedades mec?nicas garantidas. Al?m de inova??es para melhorar a praticidade cl?nica, grande enfoque tem sido dado aos materiais bioativos. Giomer ? uma categoria de material bioativo que cont?m part?culas de carga de ion?mero de vidro com superf?cie pr? ativada (Surface Pre-Reacted Glass Ionomer - S-PRG). Essa classe de material restaurador possui a propriedade ?nica de liberar e recarregar-se de seis tipos de ?ons multifuncionais [Fl?or (F-), Alum?nio (Al3+), Boro (BO33-), S?dio (Na+), Silicato (SiO32-) e Estr?ncio (Sr2+)], que atuam principalmente na inibi??o da desmineraliza??o do tecido dent?rio. O objetivo do presente estudo cl?nico foi comparar a efetividade cl?nica do CIV de alta viscosidade encapsulado (Equia Forte, GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) com a resina composta de alta viscosidade bulk fill (Filtek, 3M ESPE, St Paul, EUA) ap?s remo??o seletiva do tecido cariado, em cavidades classe II de dentes dec?duos, durante o per?odo de seis e doze meses. O objetivo do presente estudo laboratorial foi observar a desmineraliza??o bacteriana do esmalte ao redor de restaura??es de resina composta com e sem part?culas S-PRG usando a tomografia de varredura de coer?ncia ?ptica (Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography - SS-OCT). Para a realiza??o do estudo cl?nico, setenta e sete crian?as (154 dentes) foram inclu?das em um ensaio cl?nico de boca dividida. Todas as crian?as apresentavam duas cavidades classe II circundadas por dentina e os dentes foram tratados com cimento de ion?mero de vidro de alta viscosidade encapsulado e com resina composta de alta viscosidade bulk fill. Os dentes foram restaurados ap?s a remo??o seletiva do tecido cariado, em que a dentina infectada (amolecida) foi removida, utilizando somente instrumentos cortantes manuais. Para o grupo de dentes restaurados com o CIV, utilizou-se isolamento relativo do campo operat?rio. J? para o grupo de dentes restaurados com resina, anestesia infiltrativa seguida de isolamento absoluto do campo operat?rio foi realizada. A efetividade cl?nica das restaura??es foi avaliada de acordo com os crit?rios para avalia??o de restaura??es atraum?ticas propostas por Frencken et al. (1996) e pelo United States Public Health Service (USPHS) modificado (Zanata et al., 2011) em acompanhamento de seis e doze meses, por um avaliador independente. A an?lise estat?stica foi realizada utilizando o programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) para Windows, vers?o 24.0 e incluiu an?lise descritiva, teste qui-quadrado e an?lise de sobrevida Kaplan-Meier. O valor de p < 0,05 foi adotado como estatisticamente significativo. Para o estudo laboratorial, sessenta cavidades arredondadas (2,0 mm de di?metro e 1,0 mm de profundidade) foram preparadas na superf?cie do esmalte de dentes bovinos h?gidos. As cavidades foram restauradas com resina composta bioativa Beautifil Bulk (Shofu Inc.) (Grupo 1) e resina composta Filtek Bulk Fill (3M ESPE) (Grupo 2). Uma suspens?o de Streptococcus mutans foi aplicada para formar um biofilme cariog?nico na superf?cie usando o Reator de Biofilme Oral (Oral Biofilm Reactor ? OBR) durante 24 horas. Ap?s 1, 2 ou 3 semanas de incuba??o (n = 10) com Heart Infusion Broth e sacarose, o biofilme foi removido para observar a desmineraliza??o cariosa na interface dente-restaura??o e 50 ?m de dist?ncia da margem com SS-OCT. A observa??o direta confirmat?ria foi realizada no mesmo corte transversal usando o Microsc?pio Confocal de Varredura a Laser (Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope - CLSM). A an?lise estat?stica foi realizada utilizando o programa SPSS para Windows, vers?o 24.0 e incluiu correla??o de Pearson e teste T de Student no n?vel de signific?ncia de 95%. No estudo cl?nico, observou-se que a taxa de sobrevida cumulativa das restaura??es ap?s 12 meses de acompanhamento foi 81,94% para o grupo 1 e 88,73% para o grupo 2. A curva de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meier n?o revelou diferen?a estat?stica (log-rank p = 0,265) entre os grupos 1 e 2. Os motivos de falha das restaura??es foram recidiva de c?rie, fratura na restaura??o ou no dente e / ou perda da restaura??o. O maior n?mero de falhas ocorreu nos 6 primeiros meses. Diferen?a estatisticamente significativa entre os dois grupos foi encontrada em rela??o ? integridade marginal ap?s 6 meses de acompanhamento. No estudo laboratorial, observou-se que o esmalte desmineralizado ao redor das restaura??es foi observado como uma zona de brilho intensificado pelo SS-OCT. Houve correla??o significativa entre os valores de SS-OCT e CLSM em rela??o ? profundidade da les?o (p < 0,001). A ?rea desmineralizada no grupo da resina composta Filtek bulk fill foi significativamente mais profunda comparada ao grupo da Beautifil Bulk (p < 0,05). A perda de estrutura total do esmalte foi detectada apenas no Grupo 2. Al?m disso, o Grupo 1 apresentou ?rea remineralizada no esmalte na observa??o do CLSM, confirmada pela Espectroscopia de Energia Dispersa. Concluiu-se no estudo cl?nico que n?o h? diferen?a estatisticamente significativa entre as restaura??es classe II realizadas com CIV de alta viscosidade encapsulado e resina composta de alta viscosidade bulk fill ap?s a remo??o seletiva do tecido cariado em molares dec?duos. No estudo laboratorial, concluiu-se que a resina composta sem as part?culas S-PRG n?o t?m potencial para inibir a les?o do esmalte ao redor das restaura??es, o que pode ser detectado de forma n?o destrutiva pelo SS-OCT. A resina composta que cont?m as part?culas S-PRG promovem remineraliza??o dent?ria.Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Tese (Doutorado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Odontologia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018.Currently, glass ionomer cement (GIC) and composite resin are the most common restorative materials used in clinical practice and various modifications of these materials are constantly introduced into the dental market. Recently, the Equia Forte Fil (GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) system of encapsulated high viscosity glass ionomer was developed, presenting great improvement of flexural strength and wear. At the same time, high viscosity bulk fill composite resin was developed, which can be inserted and photoactivated in increments of up to 5 mm, with cure and mechanical properties guaranteed. In addition to innovations to improve clinical practicality, great focus has been given to bioactive materials. Giomer is a category of bioactive material that contains surface pre-reacted glass ionomer particles (S-PRG). This class of restorative material has the unique property of releasing and recharging six types of multifunctional ions [(Fluorine (F-), Aluminum (Al3 +), Boron (BO33-), Sodium (Na+), Silicate (SiO32-) and Strontium (Sr2 +)], which act in inhibiting the demineralization of dental tissue. The objective of the present clinical study was to compare the clinical effectiveness of the encapsulated high viscosity glass ionomer cement (Equia Forte, GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) with the high viscosity bulk fill resin (Filtek, 3M ESPE, St Paul, USA) after selective removal of carious tissue in Class II cavities of deciduous teeth during the period of six and twelve months. The aim of the present laboratory study was to observe bacterial enamel demineralization around composite resin restorations with and without S-PRG fillers using Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography (SS-OCT). For the clinical study, seventy-seven children (154 teeth) were included in a split-mouth randomized clinical trial. All children had two class II cavities surrounded by dentin and the teeth were restored with encapsulated high viscosity glass ionomer cement and with high viscosity bulk fill composite resin. The teeth were restored after the selective removal of the carious tissue, in which the infected (softened) dentin was removed, using only manual cutting instruments. For the group of teeth restored with glass ionomer cement, relative isolation was used. For the group of teeth restored with composite resin, infiltrative anesthesia followed by absolute isolation was performed. The clinical effectiveness of the restorations was evaluated according to the criteria for assessing atraumatic restorations proposed by Frencken et al. (1996) and the modified United States Public Health Service (USPHS) (Zanata et al., 2011) after six and twelve months of follow-up by an independent evaluator. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows, version 24.0 and included descriptive analysis, chi-square test and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. The value of p < 0.05 was adopted as statistically significant. For the laboratory study, sixty rounded cavities (2.0 mm diameter and 1.0 mm deep) were prepared on the surface of sound bovine teeth enamel. The cavities were restored with bioactive composite resin Beautifil Bulk (Shofu Inc.) (Group 1) and Filtek Bulk Fill (3M ESPE) (Group 2). A suspension of Streptococcus mutans was applied to form a cariogenic biofilm on the surface using the Oral Biofilm Reactor (OBR) for 24 hours. After 1, 2 or 3 weeks of incubation (n = 10) with Heart Infusion Broth and sucrose, the biofilm was removed to observe carious demineralization at the tooth-restoration interface and 50 ?m far from the margin with SS-OCT. Direct confirmatory observation was performed at the same cross-section using the Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLSM). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software for Windows, version 24.0 and included Pearson's correlation and Student's T-test at the 95% level of significance. For the clinical study, it was observed that the cumulative success rate of the restorations after 12 months of follow-up was 81.94% for group 1 and 88.73% for group 2. The Kaplan-Meier survival curve showed no statistical difference (log-rank p = 0.265) between groups 1 and 2. The reasons for failure of the restorations were caries recurrence, restoration or tooth fracture, and / or loss of restoration. The greatest number of failures occurred in the first 6 months. Statistically significant difference between the two groups was found in relation to the marginal integrity after 6 months of follow-up. In the laboratory study, it was observed that the demineralized enamel around the restorations was observed as a zone of intensified brightness by the SS-OCT. There was a significant correlation between the values of SS-OCT and CLSM in relation to the depth of the lesion (p <0.05). The demineralized area in the composite resin group Filtek bulk fill was significantly deeper compared to the Beautifil Bulk group (p < 0.05). The total loss of enamel structure was detected only in Group 2. In addition, Group 1 presented remineralized area in the enamel in the CLSM observation, confirmed by the Dispersive Energy Spectroscopy. It was concluded in the clinical study that there is no statistically significant difference between class II restorations performed with high viscosity encapsulated GIC and high viscosity bulk fill composite resin after the selective removal of carious tissue in primary molars. In the laboratory study, it was concluded that the composite resin system without the S-PRG fillers does not have the potential to inhibit the enamel lesion around the restorations, which can be detected non-destructively by SS-OCT. The composite resin containing the S-PRG particles promotes dental remineralization

    Alimentação em ambiente escolar

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    No âmbito do curso de Mestrado em Ciências do Consumo Alimentar (MCCA)/DCeT, decorreu uma peça sobre "alimentação em ambiente escolar", com a participação da responsável do projeto refeições escolares da junta de freguesia do Restelo, da responsável do HACCP/Componente Apoio Família Pré-Escolar do Município de Santarém e da Vereadora da Câmara Municipal de Santarém com emissão na RTP2 (minutos: 0:00-19:01)N/

    In vitro dissolution study in predicting oral absorption of drugs containing paracetamol using an electronic tongue

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    The bioavailability of drugs is essential for the therapeutic efficacy of medicines, and it is therefore essential to conduct dissolution studies of drugs. The electronic tongue has been demonstrating potential usefulness in this area. Objectives: Verify the potential of electronic tongue in the analysis of paracetamol in different drugs; verify the ability to cross-sensitivity sensors in dissolution studies; selecting a lipidic polymer membrane electrode with good performance in monitoring of samples dissolution. Methods: Four samples of medicines containing 500mg of Paracetamol: unbranded uncoated pill, branded uncoated pill, unbranded coated pill and branded coated pill have been used. We used a dissolution medium simulating the gastric fasting conditions. The polymer membranes were formed by mixing: 4 lipidic additives, 5 plasticizers and polymer polyvinyl chloride. After stabilization of the potential signals from all electrodes, each sample was placed in a metal tube in contact with the dissolution medium. The experiment ended when the tablet was fully dissolved. The assays were repeated three times for each sample. Results: Yielded consistent dissolution profiles between repetitions of the same sample for some 40 tested sensors, including the 34 sensor which showed a similar behavior for both formulations. The uncoated pills obtained a dissolution profile of quick release (30’-unbranded; 25’-branded). The lengthy dissolutions resulted in different dissolution profiles between repetitions of the same sample of coated pills and capsules. Conclusions: The dissolution profile of drugs containing acetaminophen was followed through 40 potentiometric sensors having cross-sensitivity is selected sensor 34, which allow obtaining reproducible results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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