842 research outputs found

    Children abandoned in hospital

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    Serve o presente relatório, no âmbito do 13º Mestrado em Enfermagem na área de especialização de Enfermagem em Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica, para descrever e analisar de uma forma crítica e reflexiva o percurso realizado durante o estágio, com os respetivos objetivos, atividades e resultados, de forma a prover a aquisição de competências especializadas. A temática por mim escolhida remete para a criança e jovem em risco, no campo da negligência, especificamente o seu abandono em contexto hospitalar e a importância da enfermagem neste âmbito. Uma melhor compreensão do fenómeno implicou a necessidade de uma pequena contextualização histórica, complementar à investigação iniciada através do mapeamento do conhecimento disponível sobre a mesma. De forma a relacionar o presente relatório com a perspetiva da Enfermagem Avançada, recorri não só aos resultados do trabalho de investigação como também ao seu enquadramento na Teoria do Caring, de Jean Watson. O estágio foi realizado ao longo de quinze semanas e tripartido pelos serviços de Pediatria Médica – Internamento, Neonatologia e Urgência Pediátrica, consoante o exigido para a aquisição das competências específicas e procurando ir de encontro à área temática escolhida. Contudo, importa realçar as condicionantes derivadas da atual pandemia causada pela Covid-19 e que levaram a uma constante reorganização e adaptação, quer na escolha dos locais, quer do próprio desempenho enquanto aluna de especialidade.This report aims to describe and critically analyze the journey during the internship and the activities conducted aiming at developing specialized skills and competencies, as defined by the programme of the 13th Master's Degree in Pediatric Nursing, at the Institute of Health Sciences of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. This report is grounded on the theme concerning the children-at-risk, more specifically the neglected child who is abandoned during hospitalization and the impact on nursing care. To increase the phenomena comprehension a brief historical contextualization was needed as complement to the scoping review that was performed before. Also, the Jean Watson’s Caring Theory was used to provide the theoretical background needed to the understanding of the theme but also to the transfer into internships, keeping an advanced nursing approach. The internship occurred during fifteen weeks, in Pediatric Ward, NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) and Pediatric Emergency Room, according to the requirements to specialized skills and competencies. Nonetheless, the Covid-19 pandemic has influenced all this period and demanded for constant reorganization not only in choosing the setting but also in my role as master student

    Fragmentos de medicina medieval em Portugal: Frei Gil de Santarém e o Códice eborense CXXI/2-19

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    A formação do “problema” e a estruturação do trabalho A medicina da Europa medieval era composta por uma mescla de saberes herdados da Antiguidade, tradições orientais, árabes, judaicas e cristãs adicionados às práticas populares e ao cunho mágico-pagão trazido pelos variados povoadores da Europa pré medieva. O estudo da história da medicina implica o olhar para as condições sociais, económicas, políticas e culturais. Esta história não se limita aos físicos, aos doentes, às doenças, mas també..

    Fragmentos de medicina medieval em Portugal : frei Gil de Santarém e o códice eborence CXXI/2-19

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    A presente dissertação procura uma incursão pelo mundo da medicina medieval em Portugal através da análise de uma parte do Códice Eborense CXXI/2- 19, um manuscrito do século XV composto por uma série de tratados médicos traduzidos para vernáculo. Através dele procuramos familiarizar-nos com uma amostra das doenças que acometiam o homem medieval, da mesma forma que o Livro de Naturas, fonte do nosso estudo, atribuído a Frei Gil de Santarém, físico português e frade dominicano, nos proporciona um conhecimento abrangente sobre a composição de diversas mezinhas medievais.The present dissertation seeks an incursion into the world of medieval medicine in Portugal through the analysis of part of a fifteenth century manuscript, the Códice Eborense CXXI/2-19. The manuscript is composed by a series of medieval medical treatises translated in vernacular and we chose the book Livro de Naturas as our source. With the help of this treatise, which is associated to a Portuguese medieval physician and dominican friar, we try to become familiar with samples of diseases the medieval man suffered from, as it provides us great knowledge about the composition of several medieval recipes known as “mezinhas”

    Current impact of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing: young adults' perspective

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    I&DICA IPL/2021/Vaccin2you_CE EsTESLThe European Commission referred to the COVID generation and highlighted an increase of 25% in the number of mental illness problems in adolescents and young people, related to COVID-19 and associated lockdown measures. A critical review of longitudinal studies about the impact of COVID-19 on youth mental health points out the increase in: externalized disorders; suicide ideation and attempts; frequency and problematic use of substances in some higher-risk youth; disordered eating symptomatology. Aims of the study: to understand how young adults perceive short and long-term consequences (positive and negative) of the pandemic on their mental health and psychological well-being; to relate the individual characteristics relevant to psychological adaptation to the pandemic with positive and negative perceptions of pandemic consequences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investigations of Olive Oil Industry By-Products Extracts with Potential Skin Benefits in Topical Formulations

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The by-products of olive oil industry are a major ecological issue due to their phenolic content, highly toxic organic load, and low pH. However, they can be recovered and reused, since their components have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and photoprotector properties. In this work, oil-in-water creams containing three different olive oil industry by-products extracts were produced without the use of organic solvents. First, the extracts were thoroughly characterized in vitro for cytotoxicity, inhibition of skin enzymes, and antioxidant and photoprotection capacities. Safety studies were then performed, including ocular and skin irritation tests, ecotoxicity evaluation, and in vivo Human Repeat Insult Patch Test. The results obtained in this initial characterization supported the incorporation of the extracts in the cream formulations. After preparation, the creams were characterized for their organoleptic, physicochemical, droplet size and rheological properties, and microbial contamination. The results showed that all formulations were semi-solid creams, with stable pH, compatible with the skin, without microbial contamination, and with the expected droplet size range. The rheological analysis showed shear-thinning behavior with yield stress, with the viscosity decreasing with increasing shear rate. The oscillatory results suggest that the creams have a strong network structure, being easily rubbed into the skin. Finally, compatibility, acceptability and antioxidant efficacy were evaluated in vivo, in human volunteers. No adverse reactions were observed after application of the formulations on skin and the cream with the highest concentrations of phenolic compounds showed the highest antioxidant efficiency. In conclusion, the results suggest that olive oil industry by-products extracts have valuable properties that favor their re-use in the cosmetic industry. The example presented here showed their successful incorporation into creams and their impact in these formulations’ appearance, pH, and rheological performance, as well as their in vivo compatibility with skin and antioxidant efficiency.This work was supported by Sovena Portugal Consumer Goods through the project Oil4Health: From Olive to Health LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-038554, funded by the Portugal 2020 program—Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa. This research was also funded by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) through iMed.ULisboa UID/DTP/04138/2019 and UIDB/04138/2020), principal investigator grants CEECIND/03143/2017 (L. M. Gonçalves). Joana Marto is financed through FCT, I.P., under the Scientific Employment Stimulus—Institutional Call (CEECINST/00145/2018). Marta Martins is financed through FCT, I.P., under the Scientific Employment Stimulus—Institutional Call (CEECINST/00102/2018). The work was supported by the Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre—MARE (UIDB04292/2020; UIDP/04292/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Derivatives of Trimethoxybenzoic Acid and Gallic Acid as Potential Efflux Pump Inhibitors: In Silico and In Vitro Studies

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    The overexpression of efflux pumps is one of the strategies used by bacteria to resist antibiotics and could be targeted to circumvent the antibiotic crisis. In this work, a series of trimethoxybenzoic acid derivatives previously described as antifouling compounds was explored for potential antimicrobial activity and efflux pump (EP) inhibition. First, docking studies on the acridine resistance proteins A and B coupled to the outer membrane channel TolC (AcrAB-TolC) efflux system and a homology model of the quinolone resistance protein NorA EP were performed on 11 potential bioactive trimethoxybenzoic acid and gallic acid derivatives. The synthesis of one new trimethoxybenzoic acid derivative (derivative 13) was accomplished. To investigate the potential of this series of 11 derivatives as antimicrobial agents, and in reverting drug resistance, the minimum inhibitory concentration was determined on several strains (bacteria and fungi), and synergy with antibiotics and EP inhibition were investigated. Derivative 10 showed antibacterial activity against the studied strains, derivatives 5 and 6 showed the ability to inhibit EPs in the acrA gene inactivated mutant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium SL1344, and 6 also inhibited EPs in Staphylococcus aureus 272123. Structure-activity relationships highlighted trimethoxybenzoic acid as important for EP inhibitory activity. Although further studies are necessary, these results show the potential of simple trimethoxybenzoic acid derivatives as a source of feasible EP inhibitors

    Prognostic value of Monocarboxylate Transporter 1 overexpression in cancer: a systematic review

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    Energy production by cancer is driven by accelerated glycolysis, independently of oxygen levels, which results in increased lactate production. Lactate is shuttled to and from cancer cells via monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). MCT1 works both as an importer and an extruder of lactate, being widely studied in recent years and generally associated with a cancer aggressiveness phenotype. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the prognostic value of MCT1 immunoexpression in different malignancies. Study collection was performed by searching nine different databases (PubMed, EMBASE, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, OVID, TRIP and PsycINFO), using the keywords “cancer”, “Monocarboxylate transporter 1”, “SLC16A1” and “prognosis”. Results showed that MCT1 is an indicator of poor prognosis and decreased survival for cancer patients in sixteen types of malignancies; associations between the transporter’s overexpression and larger tumour sizes, higher disease stage/grade and metastasis occurrence were also frequently observed. Yet, MCT1 overexpression correlated with better outcomes in colorectal cancer, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and non-small cell lung cancer patients. These results support the applicability of MCT1 as a biomarker of prognosis, although larger cohorts would be necessary to validate the overall role of MCT1 as an outcome predictor.This work has been funded by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)-project UIDB/50026/2020 and UIDP/50026/2020 and by the project NORTE-01- 0145-FEDER-000055, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). A.S., M.C.C. and J.A. received fellowships from FCT, references 2022.11018.BD (A.S.), 2022.10233.BD (M.C.C.) and SFRH/BPD/116784/2016 (J.A.)

    The Lockdown Impact on the Relations between Portuguese Parents and Their 1- to 3-Year-Old Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Funding Information: In Portugal, during the first lockdown, with few exceptions, families with children under 12 years old were given a choice. One parent could suspend his/her professional activity temporarily and receive financial support from the National Social Security System []. Most families, especially those with little children, chose this option. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.Many countries have applied mandatory confinement measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as school and kindergarten closures, which confined families to their homes. The study concerns the impacts of the first COVID-19 lockdown on the relationships between Portuguese parents and their children, in a non-clinical population composed of fathers and mothers of children between the ages of 12 months and 3 years and 364 days. An online questionnaire (set by the research team) and the Parenting Daily Hassles Scale (PDHS) concerning the confinement period were applied between 17 June and 29 July 2020. To assess the impacts of the lockdown, outcomes regarding the impacts perceived by the parents, the potential regression in the development of children, and the willingness to promote changes in family routines in the future, were considered. Of the total sample (n = 1885), 95.4% of the parents (n = 1798) said that, after confinement, the relationship with their children had improved or remained similar to the pre-confinement period; 97.3% (n = 1835) noticed positive changes in the development of their children, and 63.7% (n = 1200) noted that the relationships with their children during the confinement period would lead to some changes in family routines in the future. Multivariate regression analyses showed that most of the sociodemographic variables chosen were not associated with the outcomes. However, significant levels of pressure over parenting and parental overload (reported by high scores in the PDHS intensity and frequency scales), challenging behaviors of the children, and the impacts they had on parental tasks had negative influences on the studied outcomes. On the contrary, the number of adults living with their children, the perceptions regarding the development of their children, and sharing new experiences with them were significant factors for positively-perceived impacts on the relationships between them or in the desire to bring about changes in family routines in the future. The impacts of the lockdown on the relationships between parents and children aged between 1 and 3 years old were more dependent on relational aspects and on the parents’ sense of competence in exercising parental functions. We conclude that, despite the increased demands imposed by the lockdown, nearly all of the parents evaluated the quality of the relationship with their children as positive after this period.publishersversionpublishe