45 research outputs found

    Deployment of CF8C-Plus Cast Stainless Steels

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    The Effect of Water Vapor on Cr Depletion in Advanced Recuperator Alloys

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    ABSTRACT Durable alloy foils are needed for gas turbine recuperators operating at 650°-700°C. It has been established that water vapor in the exhaust gas causes more rapid consumption of Cr in austenitic stainless steels leading to a reduction in operating lifetime of these thin-walled components. Laboratory testing at 650°-800°C of commercial and model alloys is being used to develop a better understanding of the long-term rate of Cr consumption in these environments. Results are presented for commercial alloys 709, 120 and 625. After 10,000h exposures at 650° and 700°C in humid air, grain boundary Cr depletion was observed near the surface of all these materials. In the Fe-base alloys, 709 and 120, this depletion led to localized Fe-rich nodule formation. This information then can be used to develop low-cost alternatives to currently available candidate materials. INTRODUCTION Improving gas turbine engine efficiency has always been an attractive goal for reducing operating costs and net emissions. However, increasing engine temperatures to increase efficiency often requires more expensive materials to meet durability goals. With rising fuel costs, it is easier to justify the use of such high temperature alloys in a cost benefit analysis. One example of this type of materials upgrade is for applications in recuperators or heat exchangers used to improve the efficiency of microturbines and small gas turbines In order to determine if these candidate alloys have sufficient corrosion resistance to meet the recuperator durability goal of 40,000h set by the U.S. Department of Energ y 's Distributed Energ y P r o g r am EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The materials tested in this study were a combination of commercial alloys and laboratory-melted model alloys. Some of the materials were obtained from commercial vendors in foil form, while others were obtained in thicker sections and then hot and cold rolled at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to ≈100”m thickness with average grain sizes given in Specimens (≈1 x 12 x 18mm) cut from sheet material were polished to a 600 grit surface finish. Similar-sized foil (≈100”m) specimens were tested in the as-rolled condition. All specimens were

    Inhibited aluminization of an ODS FeCr alloy

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    Aluminide coatings are of interest for fusion energy applications both for compatibility with liquid Pb-Li and to form an alumina layer that acts as a tritium permeation barrier. Oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic steels are a structural material candidate for commercial reactor concepts expected to operate above 600 °C. Aluminizing was conducted in a laboratory scale chemical vapor deposition reactor using accepted conditions for coating Fe- and Ni base alloys. However, the measured mass gains on the current batch of ODS Fe-14Cr were extremely low compared to other conventional and ODS alloys. After aluminizing at two different Al activities at 900 °C and at 1100 °C, characterization showed that the ODS Fe-14Cr specimens formed a dense, primarily AlN layer that prevented Al uptake. This alloy batch contained a higher (> 5000 ppma) N content than the other alloys coated and this is the most likely reason for the inhibited aluminization. Other factors such as the high O content, small (~ 140 nm) grain size and Y-Ti oxide nano-clusters in ODS Fe-14Cr also could have contributed to the observed behavior. Examples of typical aluminide coatings formed on conventional and ODS Fe- and Ni-base alloys are shown for comparison

    High Temperature and Pressure Steam-H2 Interaction with Candidate Advanced LWR Fuel Claddings

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    This report summarizes the work completed to evaluate cladding materials that could serve as improvements to Zircaloy in terms of accident tolerance. This testing involved oxidation resistance to steam or H{sub 2}-50% steam environments at 800-1350 C at 1-20 bar for short times. A selection of conventional alloys, SiC-based ceramics and model alloys were used to explore a wide range of materials options and provide guidance for future materials development work. Typically, the SiC-based ceramic materials, alumina-forming alloys and Fe-Cr alloys with {ge}25% Cr showed the best potential for oxidation resistance at {ge}1200 C. At 1350 C, FeCrAl alloys and SiC remained oxidation resistant in steam. Conventional austenitic steels do not have sufficient oxidation resistance with only {approx}18Cr-10Ni. Higher alloyed type 310 stainless steel is protective but Ni is not a desirable alloy addition for this application and high Cr contents raise concern about {alpha}{prime} formation. Higher pressures (up to 20.7 bar) and H{sub 2} additions appeared to have a limited effect on the oxidation behavior of the most oxidation resistant alloys but higher pressures accelerated the maximum metal loss for less oxidation resistant steels and less metal loss was observed in a H{sub 2}-50%H{sub 2}O environment at 10.3 bar. As some of the results regarding low-alloyed FeCrAl and Fe-Cr alloys were unexpected, further work is needed to fundamentally understand the minimum Cr and Al alloy contents needed for protective behavior in these environments in order to assist in alloy selection and guide alloy development

    Effect of specimen geometry and aps flash bond coating on TBC lifetime

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    Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) for land-based gas turbines are primarily thermally sprayed and are unlikely to contain precious metals. For regions of the world where natural gas prices are high, turbine efficiency is a critical issue, however, durability and reliability also are very important for large scale generation. Seeking pathways for improved performance and lifetime model development, a variety of TBC performance parameters have been investigated over the years using furnace cycle testing, including bond coating composition, substrate composition, cycle frequency and environment (i.e. additions of H2O, CO2, etc.). The baseline system has been superalloy 247 substrates with high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) NiCoCrAlYHfSi bond coatings and air plasma sprayed yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) top coatings tested in “wet” air (10%H2O) at 900°-1150°C. Recently, specimen geometry was changed from flat disks to rods. Using similar coating parameters, FCT lifetime in 100-h cycles at 1100°C in air with 10%H2O dropped by ~5X for rods compared to disks. Coating architectures that were developed for flat disk specimens did not appear to be effective in improving lifetime in FCT for rod specimens. The addition of an APS “flash” coating resulted in a significant increase in FCT lifetime in rod specimens. The benefit of this additional bond coating layer has generally thought to be due to increased interface roughness compared to a conventional HVOF coating. The most recent testing has returned to 1-h FCT of disk specimens using ~50”m APS flash coatings of both NiCoCrAlYHfSi and NiCoCrAlY flash coatings deposited on HVOF NiCoCrAlYHfSi. A similar set of rod specimens also is being evaluated in 100-h cycles. Both tests are being conducted at 1100°C in air with 10%H2O. Both flash coatings show a statistically significant increase in FCT TBC lifetime in 1-h cycles. Surprisingly, the Y only flash coating has significantly outperformed the YHfSi flash coating with some work still in progress. Residual stress in the thermally grown alumina scale has been tracked every 100 1-h cycles and 5, 100-h cycles for one sample of each coating type to quantify the evolution of the reaction product and better understand the FCT results. Failed specimens are being characterized to better understand the benefit of flash coatings on TBC lifetime. Research was sponsored by the U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy, Turbine Program

    Mechanistic-Based Lifetime Predictions for High-Temperature Alloys and Coatings

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    Increasing efficiency is a continuing goal for all forms of power generation from conventional fossil fuels to new renewable sources. However, increasing the process temperature to increase efficiency leads to faster degradation rates and more components with corrosion-limited lifetimes. At the highest temperatures, oxidation-resistant alumina-forming alloys and coatings are needed for maximum lifetimes. However, lifetime models accurate over the extended application durations are not currently available for a wide range of candidates and conditions. Increased mechanistic understanding and relevant long-term data sets will assist in model development and validation. Current progress is outlined for applying a reservoir-type model to Fe-base alloys and coatings. However, more work is needed to understand environmental effects, such as the presence of H2O, and to extend the current model to NiCrAl and NiCr alloys. As the critical performance factors are better understood, it will be easier to evaluate new materials in laboratory screening experiments

    Cyclic oxidation of yttrium/ytterbium disilicate environmental barrier coatings

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