107 research outputs found

    Effect of Different Urine Cow Nitrogen Rates and Different Moisture Conditions on Nitrogen Mineralization in an Andisol from Southern Chile

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    Urea present in cattle urine contributes large amounts of nitrogen (N) to grazed pastures, which can be an equivalent to approximately 1000 kg N ha−1. However, there are no studies in volcanic soils of southern Chile on the effect of different concentrations of urinary N deposited in the soil, nor of different wetting and drying conditions mimicking the variation of weather conditions on the nitrification process, from urea to NH4+ and total oxidized nitrogen (TON), throughout time. In addition, the inhibition on nitrification driven by the accumulation of NH3 at high rates of N applied to an Andisol have not been evaluated. Fresh cattle urine was applied at three different rates of N equivalent to 247 kg N ha−1 (Low N), 461 kg N ha−1 (Medium N), 921 kg N ha−1 (High N), and de-ionized water as Control. Further, three moisture conditions were imposed: constant moisture (CM), drying-rewetting (DRW) cycles at 7 days interval, and soil drying (SD). Destructive soil cores samples were evaluated for top and bottom halves individually every 7 days over a 36-d period to measure changes on inorganic N and pH. There were no interaction effects for N rates and soil moisture. The main effect of the different rates of N on mineralization was significant throughout the incubation period, while the effect of the different moisture conditions was var-iable over time. The High N was associated with elevated NH3 concentrations and could explain that total N mineralization was partially inhibited. These results suggest that the presence of different nitrifying microorganisms in the soil under different chemical and physical conditions determines nitrification, thus, the oxidation of ammonia should be studied in more detail as the first step of nitrification, specifically in volcanic soils

    Triple Oxygen Isotope Measurements (Δ\u27\u3csup\u3e17\u3c/sup\u3eO) of Body Water Reflect Water Intake, Metabolism, and ή\u3csup\u3e18\u3c/sup\u3eO of Ingested Water in Passerines

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    Understanding physiological traits and ecological conditions that influence a species reliance on metabolic water is critical to creating accurate physiological models that can assess their ability to adapt to environmental perturbations (e.g., drought) that impact water availability. However, relatively few studies have examined variation in the sources of water animals use to maintain water balance, and even fewer have focused on the role of metabolic water. A key reason is methodological limitations. Here, we applied a new method that measures the triple oxygen isotopic composition of a single blood sample to estimate the contribution of metabolic water to the body water pool of three passerine species. This approach relies on Δ\u2717O, defined as the residual from the tight linear correlation that naturally exists between ή17O and ή18O values. Importantly, Δ\u2717O is relatively insensitive to key fractionation processes, such as Rayleigh distillation in the water cycle that have hindered previous isotope-based assessments of animal water balance. We evaluated the effects of changes in metabolic rate and water intake on Δ\u2717O values of captive rufous-collared sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) and two invertivorous passerine species in the genus Cinclodes from the field. As predicted, colder acclimation temperatures induced increases in metabolic rate, decreases in water intake, and increases in the contribution of metabolic water to the body water pool of Z. capensis, causing a consistent change in Δ\u2717O. Measurement of Δ\u2717O also provides an estimate of the ή18O composition of ingested pre-formed (drinking/food) water. Estimated ή18O values of drinking/food water for captive Z. capensis were ~ −11‰, which is consistent with that of tap water in Santiago, Chile. In contrast, ή18O values of drinking/food water ingested by wild-caught Cinclodeswere similar to that of seawater, which is consistent with their reliance on marine resources. Our results confirm the utility of this method for quantifying the relative contribution of metabolic versus pre-formed drinking/food water to the body water pool in birds

    Genetically engineered bananas resistant to Xanthomonas wilt disease and nematodes

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    Banana is an important staple food crop feeding more than 100 million Africans, but is subject to severe productivity constraints due to a range of pests and diseases. Banana Xanthomonas wilt caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum is capable of entirely destroying a plantation while nematodes can cause losses up to 50% and increase susceptibility to other pests and diseases. Development of improved varieties of banana is fundamental in order to tackle these challenges. However, the sterile nature of the crop and the lack of resistance in Musa germplasm make improvement by traditional breeding techniques either impossible or extremely slow. Recent developments using genetic engineering have begun to address these problems. Transgenic banana expressing sweet pepper Hrap and Pflp genes have demonstrated complete resistance against X. campestris pv. musacearum in the field. Transgenic plantains expressing a cysteine proteinase inhibitors and/or synthetic peptide showed enhanced resistance to a mixed species population of nematodes in the field. Here, we review the genetic engineering technologies which have potential to improve agriculture and food security in Africa

    The SECURE project – Stem canker of oilseed rape: : molecular methods and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance

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    N Evans et al, "The SECURE Project - Stem Canker of oilseed rape: Molecular methods and mathematical modeling to deploy durable resistance", in Vol 4 of the Proceedings of the 12th International Rapeseed Congress : Sustainable Development in Cruciferous Oilseed Crops Production, Wuhan, China, March 26 - 30, 2007. The proceedings are available online at: http://gcirc.org/intranet/irc-proceedings/12th-irc-wuhan-china-2007-vol-4.htmlModelling done during the SECURE project has demonstrated the dynamic nature of the interaction between phoma stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans), the oilseed rape host (Brassica napus) and the environment. Experiments done with near-isogenic lines of L. maculans to investigate pathogen fitness support field data that suggest a positive effect of the avirulence allele AvrLm4 on pathogen fitness, and that the loss of this allele renders isolates less competitive under field conditions on cultivars without the resistance gene Rlm4. The highlight of molecular work was the cloning of AvrLm1 and AvrLm6. L. maculans is now one of the few fungal species for which two avirulence loci have been cloned. Subsequent research focused on understanding the function of AvrLm1 and AvrLm6 and on the analysis of sequences of virulent isolates to understand molecular evolution towards virulence. Isolates of L. maculans transformed with GFP and/or DsRed were used to follow growth of the fungus in B. napus near-isogenic-lines (NIL) with or without MX (Rlm6) resistance under different temperature and wetness conditions. The results greatly enhanced our knowledge of the infection process and the rate and extent of in planta growth on different cultivars. Conclusions from work to model durability of resistance have been tested under field conditions through a series of experiments to compare durability of resistance conferred by the major resistance gene Rlm6 alone in a susceptible background (EurolMX) or in a resistant background (DarmorMX) under recurrent selection over 4 growing seasons. A major priority of the project was knowledge transfer of results and recommendations to target audiences such as plant breeding companies and extension services. CETIOM developed a “diversification scheme” that encourages French growers to make an informed choice about the cultivars that are grown within the rotation based on the resistance genes carried by the individual cultivars. Use of such schemes, in association with survey data on the population structure of L. maculans at both national and European scales will provide opportunities for breeders and the industry to manage available B. napus resistance more effectively.Non peer reviewe

    Tales of migration from the global south. The civilized and uncivilized migrant in the narratives of La Tercera and El Mercurio

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    Migration is not a new phenomenon in Chile as the country has long seen migrants coming from Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Colonial views about race and ethnicity adopted by Latin Americans as part of their class structure (Quijano 2000) established an early differentiation between the “civilized migrant” and the “uncivilized migrant” among groups that arrived on Latin America shores. Chilean news media has echoes of this binary vision between the “civilized = good” migrant and the “uncivilized = bad” migrant. The chapter aims to uncover the narratives of the civilized and uncivilized migrant within the printed news media, particularly in the two major newspapers El Mercurio and La Tercera, by focusing on how these ideas frame the way in which they cover migration.Published versio

    Historical Everyday Geopolitics on the Chile-Peru Border

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Geopolitics is increasingly seen by scholars as occurring in everyday spaces and performed by ordinary people. This paper extends this idea to historical work to examine how citizens themselves (re)produce geopolitics at the time of historical events. It does so through a case study of geopolitical tension on the Chile‐Peru border in the 1970s. Through oral histories and newspaper analysis, a historical everyday geopolitics approach reveals how those living in the Chilean border city of Arica played a part in promoting national and border security. This centres the embodied and emotional experiences of those affected by violence and conflict

    Preservice Elementary Science Teachers' Argumentation Competence: Impact of a Training Programme

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    The recent literature has shown the importance of Preservice Elementary Science Teachers (PESTs) having a deep understanding of argumentation, as this factor may affect the nature of the class activities that are taught and what students learn. A lack of understanding of this factor may represent an obstacle in the development of science education programmes in line with the development of scientific competences. This paper presents the results of the design and implementation of a training programme of 6 sessions (12 hours of class participation plus 8 hours of personal homework) on argumentation. The programme was carried out by 57 Spanish PESTs from Malaga, Spain. The training programme incorporates the innovative use of certain strategies to improve competence in argumentation, such as teaching PESTs to identify the elements of arguments in order to design assessment rubrics or by including peer assessment during evaluation with and without rubrics. The results obtained on implementing the training programme were evaluated based on the development of PESTs’ argumentation competence using Toulmin’s argumentative model. Data collection methods involved two tasks carried out at the beginning and the end of the programme, i.e., pre-test and post-test, respectively. The conclusion of the study is that students made significant progress in their argumentation competence on completing the course. In addition, PESTs who followed the training programme achieved statistically better results at the end than those in the control group (n = 41), who followed a traditional teaching programme. A 6-month transfer task showed a slight improvement for the PESTs of the experimental group in relation to the control group in their ability to transfer argumentation to practice, especially to the extent to which they mentioned argumentation in their practice portfolios.This work is part of the “I+D Excelencia” project “Development and evaluation of scientific competences through context based and modelling teaching approaches” case studies (EDU2013-41952-P), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance through its 2013 research call
