2,212 research outputs found

    Notas sobre especies del género "Cladonia" de Bosnia-Herzegovina y Croacia

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    Field studies in the south of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia have revealed six lichen species new to Bosnia-Herzegovina: Cladonia cervicornis, C. conista, C. phyllophora, C. pulvinella, C. subcariosa and C. subrangiformis. Two species are new to Croatia: C. cryptochlorophaea and C. humilis.Se aportan seis novedades para Bosnia y Herzegovina: Cladonia cervicornis, C. conista, C. phyllophora, C. pulvinella, C. subcariosa y C. subrangiformis y dos nuevas especies para Croacia: C. cryptochlorophaea y C. humili

    Experimental validation of an optical and thermal model of a Linear Fresnel Collector

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    2nd European Conference on Polygeneration – 30th March 1st April, 2011– Tarragona, SpainThis paper describes the design and validation of a mathematical model for a solar Fresnel collector. The function of the model is to simulate the optical and thermal dynamics of a Fresnel system for heating water. The model is validated using real data gathered from a cooling plant with double effect absorption chiller located in the School of Engineering University of Seville, Spain (Experimental cooling plant is also described in the paper). Comparison of calculated and plant measured data shows that the error is lower than 3% in the optical model and within 7% in the thermal model. The model uses a new approach to include a solar tracking mirror mechanism in one axis. This tracking has been designed to maximise the reception of available solar radiation by the absorption pipe. The thermal model used is based around classical models for solar receivers and it is validated with real operating data gathered from a supervisor system. The Fresnel model has been designed with sufficient flexibility to consider different geometries and thermal parameters, and may be used to simulate the performance of a proposed Fresnel collector system at any location

    Analytical approach to ground heat losses for high temperature thermal storage systems

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    A new approach to estimate the heat loss from thermal energy storage tank foundations is presented. Results are presented through analytical correlations based on numerical solutions for the steady-state heat conduction problem for thermal energy slab-on-grade tanks with uniform insulation. Model results were verified with other well-established benchmark problems with similar boundary conditions and validated with experimental data with excellent agreement. In addition to the TES foundation heat loss, new correlations for the maximum temperature and for the radial evolution of the temperature underneath the insulation layer are also provided, giving important information related to the tank foundation design. The correlated variables are of primordial importance in the tank foundation design because, due to the typical high operating storage temperatures, an inappropriate tank foundation insulation would lead not only to a not desired loss of energy but also to an inadmissible increase of the temperatures underneath the insulation layer, affecting the structural stability of the tank. The proposed correlations provide a quick method for the estimation of total tank foundation heat losses and soil maximum temperature reached underneath the insulation layer, saving time, and cost on the engineering tank foundation design process. Finally, a comprehensive parametric analysis of the variables of interest is made and a set of cases covering a wide range of tank sizes, insulation levels, depths to water table, and storage temperatures are solved

    Innovative concepts of Integrated Solar Combined Cycles (ISCC) using a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)

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    Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) is one of the most promising ways for electricity production of the upcoming years with high penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar-photovoltaics. This is due to the fact that CSP when coupled to Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system enables large, inexpensive and flexible energy dispatch, which contributes to energy grid stabilization. At the same time, TES allows for steady operation of the power block by reducing undesirable fluctuations due to weather transient conditions and increasing the number of hours that the power block operates at design conditions 1. Despite the abovementioned advantages of CSP systems, a step further is needed for increase overall system efficiency and decrease CO2 emissions. Several studies have been performed considering high efficiency plant layouts such as combined cycle. For the latter, several works have been investigated about solar integration of combined cycle using parabolic trough and solar tower technologies. In both cases, solar energy was used for water/steam preheating and evaporation steps of the Rankine cycle in combination with the exhaust gases of fossil-fuel gas turbine engine. However, no research has been performed considering ISCC coupled with a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). In this research, two innovative layouts of ISCC power plants will be analyzed. First considers a ISCC based on solar tower and second a ISCC with a parabolic trough collector field coupled to the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG). The objective of this research is analyze the energy behavior of both layouts, selecting the best ISCC scheme to be coupled with a SOFC. The simulations will be performed using Thermoflex software. In both layouts, a SOFC is introduced before the combustion chamber at the topping cycle, and a Rankine cycle (bottoming cycle) with 2 pressures is considered.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Sustainable health and wellness: effectiveness of a drama therapy program to improve the wellbeing of people affected by mental health decline

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    An increasing number of health professionals advocate for psychosocial attention as a vital part of treating mental health illnesses and not only a pharmacological intervention. Drama therapy offers a space where patients can improve socially, physically, and mentally, thus reaching a complete state of wellbeing. So, we aimed to design and evaluate a drama therapy program to develop assertiveness, quality of life, and social interaction in patients suffering from mental health decline. The study was performed under a participatory action design and a critical focus using a case study methodology that required a pretest–posttest and tracking of activities during the whole process. The results suggest that there was a rise in social interactions, an improvement in the quality of life and, significantly, assertiveness, perception of dependency, and isolation. The program improves the assertiveness of the participants and helps a person to feel less isolated and more independent. We conclude that the creation works help them to know themselves and favors their improvement

    Experiences in teaching Hydrogen Technologies in the framework of the International Campus of Excellence Andalucia TECH

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    The increasing importance of hydrogen technologies is demanding prepared professionals in the numerous topics related to this energy vector. Apart from some basic and advanced courses given by actual experts in these topics, universities must play an important role in the general formation of future professionals. In this way, the International Campus of Excellence (ICE) Andalucía TECH has created several degrees taught jointly by its participating universities of Seville (US) and Málaga (UMA). Among those degrees, Energy Engineering is the best suited to the field of this conference because this degree provide future engineers with specialized training in energy generation, transformation and management. In relation to hydrogen technologies this degree includes a cross sectional optional unit named Hydrogen Based Systems (4.5 ECTS/112.5 h), which is placed in the last term of the fourth year and sharing space with work placement and mobility courses. This paper will present some author’s experiences as teachers of that unit during its short history of only three years. In spite of being a joint degree, which is coordinated between both universities (US and UMA) trying to give similar contents, it is interesting to highlight the differential experiences coming from the teachers of both universities in relation to the teaching methodologies and academic results.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La importancia de las etiquetas EPC sobre las preferencias residenciales: un análisis para Barcelona

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    En España la Directiva Europea de Eficiencia Energética se ha traspuesto con retraso y ha coincidido de pleno con la crisis inmobiliaria. Por tanto, el análisis de las preferencias de los hogares en relación a la eficiencia energética medida a través de las energy performance certificates es difícil. Para salvar este escollo, en este trabajo utilizamos métodos afiliados a las preferencias declaradas para analizar hasta qué punto la eficiencia energética constituye un atributo relevante en la elección residencial. Los resultados sugieren que si los hogares son informados sobre las repercusiones económicas y ambientales en unidades ilustrativas comprensibles entonces es posible que la política energética tenga los efectos esperados en el mercado inmobiliario; y, por ende, que se forme una sobredisposición a pagar por las viviendas más eficientes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    [EN] The following research comes up f rom my artistic practise related to the research of an excessive figure of body and flesh. Which through certain plastic excess, expects to question the image of the comtemporary individual. In this way I want to stablish a meeting and distance point betwe en the pictures around us and the identity of the individual nowadays. My intention is to get close by the craft nature of painting and the technological dimension of photography, to the picture of a body in constant mutation and transformation, that bring s outside a troubled image, which goes beyond the limits of reality to the different[ES] La siguiente investigación surge de mi práctica artística en torno a la búsqueda de una figura hiperbolizada del cuerpo y la carne. La que a través de ciertos excesos plásticos pretende cuestionar la imagen del sujeto contemporáneo. En este sentido pretend o establecer un punto de encuentro y distancia entre las imágenes que nos rodean y la identidad del sujeto hoy en día. Mi intención es acercarme por medio del carácter artesanal de la pintura y la dimensión tecnológica de la fotografía, a la imagen de un cuerpo en constante mutación y tran s formación , que exponga una imagen conflictiva, la que sobrepasa los límites de la realidad hacia lo diferente.Alarcón Pino, NR. (2016). UNA IMAGEN HIPERBOLIZADA DEL CUERPO Y LA CARNE. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/74372.TFG

    Práctica artística: reflexiones sobre y desde la pintura

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    el siguiente texto aborda como he abordado la práctica artística que he desarrollado estos últimos años, una práctica intima, reflexiva en tanto contenido teórico como práctico. Por lo que nos invita a adentrarnos a ella, desde un punto de vista crítico, comprendiendo el quehacer pictórico, como un lugar, un acto, gesto, desde donde lograr surgir un acontecimiento. Que nos acercara a otras formas de ver y pensar. Como un aporte al contenido visual contemporáneo