103 research outputs found

    High-Performance Training Centers of Ecuador

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :사범대학 체육교육과,글로벌스포츠매니지먼트전공,2019. 8. 이용호.본 연구의 목적은 High-Performance Training Center가 에콰도르 엘리트 스포츠의 성공을 달성하는 핵심 요소가 될 수 있는 방법을 제시하는 것이다. 이를 위해 엘리트 선수, 엘리트 코치, 관리자 및 스포츠 과학 감독 및 주요 조직원을 대상으로 심층 인터뷰를 사용한 질적 연구로 실시되었다. 본 연구의 이론적 틀은 De Bosscher, Bingham, Shibli, Van Bottenburg 및 De Knop (2006)이 개발 한 국제 스포츠 성공 모델 'SPLISS' 과 Nikolai Böhlke와 Maja Neuenschwander (2015)이 제안한 가이드라인이다. 스포츠 조직을 위한 관리 모델은 본 연구의 주제에 맞게 수정 보완 하여 '3 단계 프로세스' 로 재구성하였다. 본 연구 결과 핵심 자원을 구별하고 분석하여 다음과 같은 전략을 수립하였다. 모델은 1) Packianathan Chelladurai (2014)가 제안한 시스템의 입력 처리량 출력 개념화, 2) Robinson & Minikin (2012)의 경쟁 우위 조건, 3) 자원, 기능 및 경쟁 우위 간의 링크 Robinson & Minikin (2012)의 NOC. 분석을 토대로 명확한 전략과 정책이 실행되도록 제안하였다. the High Performance Training Centers 는 내부 자원과 지역 주체가 강점을 보완하고 발전을 위한 시너지 효과를 창출해야하는 전략 인 '지역 전략 스포츠의 우선 순위화' 전략의 실행을 통해 엘리트 스포츠 성공을 달성하는 핵심 요소가 될 수 있다. 선택된 스포츠는 지역의 고도 조건과 관련이 있으며 실제 엘리트 스포츠 성공을 달성 할 가능성이 가장 높은 스포츠이다. 또한 본 연구는 에콰도르의 the High Performance Training Center와 마찬가지로 스포츠 관리 이론과 모델을 어떻게 조합하여 개발 도상국의 특정 상황에 적용 할 수 있는지 보여준다. 이러한 요소들의 결합은 스포츠 매니저가 스포츠 조직, 특히 엘리트 스포츠 시설을 개선 할 수 있는 기반을 제공한다. 또한 이론과 모델의 적용은 스포츠 개발 자원이 제한적인 개발 도상국의 경우 스포츠를 개발하기 위해 해당 자원을 이해, 분석 및 조정하는 데 전략적 일 필요가 있는 전략적 관리로 판단된다. 본 연구 결과는 개발 된 시스템과 모델을 통한 학습의 중요성을 보여 주고 있을 뿐만 아니라 사회, 경제 및 문화적 현실에 따라 스포츠 시스템을 개발하는 방법을 찾는다는데 그 시사점을 두고 있다.This research aims to examine how the High-Performance Training Center can become a key factor to achieve success in elite sport in Ecuador. In order to do so, a qualitative research was performed using in-depth interviews with the main constituencies of the organization, who are: elite athletes, elite coaches, managers and sport science directors. The theoretical framework for the present research is the Sports Policy factors leading to International Sporting Success SPLISS model developed by De Bosscher, Bingham, Shibli, Van Bottenburg, and De Knop (2006) , the state of the art of training environment proposed by Nikolai Böhlke and Maja Neuenschwander (2015), they provided the guide to explore the subject of study. Management models for sport organizations were slightly adapted to the context of the subject of this study and combined in a three-stage process. According to the findings, key resources were identified and analyzed to develop a strategy. The models are 1) Input-throughput-output conceptualization of a system proposed by Packianathan Chelladurai (2014), 2) Conditions of a Competitive Advantage from Robinson & Minikin (2012), and 3) The Links among resources, capabilities and competitive advantage in NOCs by Robinson & Minikin (2012). Based on the analysis, a clear strategy and policies are suggested to be implemented. The research purpose was reached. It determined that the High Performance Training Centers can become a key factor to achieve elite sport success through the implementation of the strategy Prioritization of Regional Strategic Sports for what its internal resources, as well as regional actors, must complement strengths and work in synergy to develop selected sports related with the georeferencing (altitude/s) conditions of the region, which are actually the sports with the highest probabilities to achieve elite sport success. The study shows how sport management theories and models can be put together and adapted to the particular context of developing countries as it is the case with the High Performance Training Center of Ecuador. The combination of those elements provides a basis from where sport managers can improve their sport organizations, specifically, elite sport facilities. Moreover, the application of theories and models are part of strategic management, also, in the case of developing countries, where resources to develop sport are limited, it is necessary to be strategic on understanding, analyzing and coordinating those resources in order to develop sport according to own capabilities. The results show the importance of learning from developed systems and models but also highlights the importance of finding an own way to develop sport systems according to the social, economic and cultural reality.Acknowledgments i Abstract ii Table of Contents v List of Tables ix List of Figures x Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.2. Background 1 1.3. Research Question 4 1.4. Research purpose 5 1.4.1 Purpose of research 5 1.4.2 Main objectives 5 1.5. Significance 5 Chapter 2. Literature Review 8 2.1. Strategic Management in Sport 9 2.1.1. International Measurement of Success in elite sport 12 2.2. Success in elite sport 14 2.2.1. Factors to succeed in Elite sport 15 2.2.2. SPLISS model Sports Policy factors Leading to International Sporting Success 22 2.3. Training Facilities 26 2.3.1. Success factors of training facilities 27 2.4. Ecuadorian Elite Sport and Training Facilities 32 2.4.1. Elite Sport in Ecuador 34 Chapter 3. Methodology 44 3.1. Research Method 45 3.1.1 Respondents/stakeholders 47 3.1.2. Instrument: Interview Guide 48 3.1.3. Training the data collector 50 3.1.4. Data collection 50 3.1.5. Data analysis and disseminate findings 51 3.2. Validation method 51 3.3. Research Timeline 55 Chapter 4. Results 57 4.1. Theme 1: Infrastructure 57 4.1.1. Subtheme a. Sport Venues 57 4.1.2. Subtheme b. General Services 61 4.1.3. Subtheme c. Organization and daily logistics 64 4.2. Theme 2: Quality of daily training 67 4.2.1. Subtheme d. The uniqueness of the center for training 67 4.3. Theme 3: Specialized Services 69 4.3.1. Subtheme e. Sport Science Services (SSS) 69 4.3.2 Subtheme f. Integration of SSSs to athlete preparation 72 4.4. Theme 4: Internal and external environment 73 4.4.1. Subtheme g. Human resources 73 4.4.2. Subtheme h. National and international image 77 4.5. Theme 5: Strategic positioning and development 78 4.5.1. Subtheme i. Financing 78 4.5.2. Subtheme j. Functioning 83 4.5.3. Subtheme k. Orientation 85 4.6. Additional Findings 87 Integral services 87 SWOT analysis 88 Chapter 5. Discussion – Analysis 90 5.1. Findings 90 5.2. Analysis Phase 1: State of play 103 5.2.1. Critical Areas 108 5.2.2. Available Resources 116 5.3 Analysis Phase 2: Competitive Advantage 121 5.3.1. Valuable 123 5.3.2. Rare 124 5.3.3. Imperfectly imitable 125 5.3.4. Organizationally appropriable 125 5.4 Analysis Phase 3: Strategy 126 5.4.1. Resources 130 5.4.2. Organizational Capabilities 134 5.4.3. Competitive Advantage 135 5.4.4. Complementing key actors 136 5.4.5. Strategy 137 Limitations 145 Conclusions 145 Recommendations 148 References 150 Appendixes 161 국 문 초 록 164Maste

    Aproximación psicoanalítica a una narrativa de duelo, en una madre que ha perdido a su hijo adolescente a causa de un suicidio

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    Tesis (Magíster en Psicología Clínica)El presente seminario de investigación tiene como objetivo aproximarse y poder entender la narrativa de duelo de una madre que ha perdido a su hijo adolescente a causa de un suicidio, a partir de los aportes teóricos de Freud, Kübler-Ross, Aslan, entre otros autores contemporáneos. La revisión teórica de estos autores entrega las herramientas necesarias para poder analizar esta narrativa y así poder visualizar el proceso de duelo que vive una madre y toda su familia. Para poder llevar a cabo este objetivo se realizará una entrevista semiestructurada a una madre que asiste a la Fundación Renacer de Viña del Mar. La información obtenida permitirá aproximarse a esta experiencia y poder realizar un análisis de contenido acerca de la narrativa, para así poder comprender como funciona este duelo en específico.This dissertation explored the grief account of a mother, who has suffered the loss of her adolescent son on account of a suicide, through the theoretical basis and contribution of Freud, Kübler-Ross, Aslan, among others contemporary`s authors. The literary review of these authors provide the analytic tools in order to analyze this relate and in the same way, be able to visualize the grief`s process that front this mother and her relatives. In order to achieve the objective, there will conduct a semi-structured interview with a mother, who attends to a foundation called "Fundación Renacer de Viña del Mar". Results will allow being closer to this experience and be able to conduct an analysis of the collected information, in order to comprehend how works this kind of grief

    Generación de un visor ambiental GIS WEB mediante ArcGIS Online free para el Campus Sur UPS

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    The present study was carried out in the South Campus of the Salesian Polytechnic University located in the Quitumbe parish, Quito, province of Pichincha; with the purpose of generating an environmental viewer in ArcGIS Online free. For this purpose, it was required to take an orthophotography of the university campus with the use of a drone, the georeferencing and positioning of coordinates using GPS and total station, an action that helped to have greater accuracy when carrying out the work in countryside. Measures were taken of each of the spaces that are part of the south campus, as well as taking photographs of them. In addition, the AutoCAD survey was carried out of the spaces, which are part of the study area, thanks to which maps were generated in ArcGIS Desktop to finally add them to the ArcGIS Online computer tool, in which a map was generated web prior to the development of the environmental viewer that was obtained as a final product. In the same way, we proceeded to obtain all the information that could be georeferenced from the environmental monitoring part within the campus, this information was included and is now available in the viewer. As a final product of the investigation, the environmental viewer for the UPS South Campus was obtained, in which through a link and with Internet access it is possible to interactively navigate through the campus spaces, as well as visualize the environmental projects generated within the same. Keywords: viewer, ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Online, AutoCAD, orthophotography, environmental projects, georeferencing.El presente estudio se realizó en el Campus Sur de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, ubicado en la parroquia Quitumbe, Quito, provincia de Pichincha; con el propósito de generar un visor ambiental en ArcGIS Online free. Para el efecto, se requirió el realizar la toma de una ortofotografía del campus universitario con el uso de un dron, la georreferenciación y posicionamiento de coordenadas utilizando GPS y estación total, acción que ayudó a tener una mayor exactitud al momento de realizar el trabajo en campo. Se tomaron medidas de cada uno de los espacios que forman parte del campus sur, al igual que la toma de fotografías de estos. Además, se realizó el levantamiento en AutoCAD de los espacios antes mencionados, mismos que forman parte del área de estudio, gracias a lo cual se generaron mapas en ArcGIS Desktop para finalmente agregarlos a la herramienta informática ArcGIS Online, en la que se generó un mapa web previo al desarrolló del visor ambiental que se obtuvo como producto final. De igual manera se procedió a obtener toda la información que pueda ser georeferenciable de la parte de monitoreo ambiental dentro del campus, dicha información fue incluida y ahora se encuentra disponible en el visor. Como producto final de la investigación, se obtuvo el visor ambiental para el Campus Sur de la UPS, en el que mediante un enlace y con acceso a internet se puede navegar interactivamente por los espacios del campus, así como visualizar los proyectos ambientales generados dentro del mismo. Palabras clave: visor, ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Online, AutoCAD, ortofotografía, proyectos ambientales, georeferenciación

    Changes in soil erosion associated with the shift from conventional tillage to a no-tillage system, documented using 137Cs measurements

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    Caesium-137 measurements have been used to document changes in the rate and extent of soil erosion associated with the shift from conventional tillage to a no-till system on a farm in south-central Chile. The study site is located in the Coastal Mountains of the 9th Region (38°37′S 73°04′W), and is characterized by Araucano series Ultisols (Typic Hapludult), a temperate climate and a mean annual precipitation of 1100 mm year-1. A field, which was under conventional tillage until May 1986 and which was subsequently managed using a no-till system, was selected for the study. An approach for using 137Cs measurements to quantify the medium-term erosion and deposition rates associated with the periods of contrasting land management documented previously was employed. This approach involves both a standard method and a simplified method, which permits a larger number of sampling points to be used. In this study, emphasis was placed on application of the simplified method, which has the important advantage of requiring only two 137Cs measurements per sampling point. The results obtained for the study field showed that the implementation of no-till practices, including crop residue management, coincided with a reduction in the net erosion rate by about 87% and the proportion of the study area subject to erosion from 100% to 57%, and therefore significantly decreased soil and nutrient loss. Reduced soil and nutrient loss has important on-site benefits, in terms of sustainable management of the soil resource and maintaining crop productivity, as well as reducing off-site problems associated with the degradation of river water quality

    After Stroke Movement Impairments: A Review of Current Technologies for Rehabilitation

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    This chapter presents a review of the rehabilitation technologies for people who have suffered a stroke, comparing and analyzing the impact that these technologies have on their recovery in the short and long term. The problematic is presented, and motor impairments for upper and lower limbs are characterized. The goal of this chapter is to show novel trends and research for the assistance and treatment of motor impairment caused by strokes

    Multi-level modeling of social factors and preterm delivery in Santiago de Chile

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    Abstract Background Birth before the 37th week of gestation (preterm birth) is an important cause of infant and neonatal mortality, but has been little studied outside of wealthy nations. Chile is an urbanized Latin American nation classified as "middle-income" based on its annual income per capita of about $6000. Methods We studied the relations between maternal social status and neighborhood social status on risk of preterm delivery in this setting using multilevel regression analyses of vital statistics data linked to geocoded decennial census data. The analytic data set included 56,970 births from 2004 in the metropolitan region of Santiago, which constitutes about 70% of all births in the study area and about 25% of all births in Chile that year. Dimensionality of census data was reduced using principal components analysis, with regression scoring to create a single index of community socioeconomic advantage. This was modeled along with years of maternal education in order to predict preterm birth and preterm low birthweight. Results Births in Santiago displayed an advantaged pattern of preterm risk, with only 6.4% of births delivering before 37 weeks. Associations were observed between risk of outcomes and individual and neighborhood factors, but the magnitudes of these associations were much more modest than reported in North America. Conclusion While several potential explanations for this relatively flat social gradient might be considered, one possibility is that Chile's egalitarian approach to universal prenatal care may have reduced social inequalities in these reproductive outcomes

    Effect of periodontal treatment in patients with periodontitis and diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The evidence is inconclusive regarding the effect of periodontal treatment on glycemic control and systemic inflammation in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and periodontitis. Objective: To evaluate the effect of scaling and root planing (SRP) on the metabolic control and systemic inflammation of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D). Methodology: A literature search was conducted using the MEDLINE database via PubMed and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, from their oldest records up to July 2018. Only randomized clinical trials (RCT) were considered eligible for evaluating the effect of periodontal treatment on markers of metabolic control [glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C)] and systemic inflammation [C-reactive protein (CRP)] in patients with T2D. The quality of the studies was evaluated using the Cochrane Collaboration risk assessment tool. Meta-analyses were performed for HbA1c and CRP using random effects models. The size of the overall intervention effect was estimated by calculating the weighted average of the differences in means (DM) between the groups in each study. Heterogeneity was assessed using the Q-statistic method (x2 and I²). The level of significance was established at p<0.05. Results: Nine RCT were included. SRP was effective in reducing HbA1c [DM=0.56 (0.36-0.75); p<0.01] and CRP [DM=1.89 (1.70-2.08); p<0.01]. No heterogeneity was detected (I2=0%, p>0.05). Conclusions: SRP has an impact on metabolic control and reduction of systemic inflammation of patients with T2D

    Petiole extract chemical analysis to evaluate nutritional status in grapevine

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the relationship between N, P and K concentration in petiole extract, blades and roots, to determine the nutritional status in grapevine. The experiment was done between December 2006 and February 2007. Three fertilization trials with N, P2O5 and K2O in one‑year‑old Vitis vinifera 'Red Globe' plants, grown in containers, were established. Nitrate, phosphate and potassium concentration were evaluated in the petiole extract, and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were determined in blades and roots. Petiole extract analysis was more sensitive than blade and root analysis to determine nitrate and nitrogen status. Meanwhile, blade analysis showed better plant response to fertilization with phosphorus and potassium. Petiole extract analysis can indicate the antagonism between nutrients under high doses of fertilization.Tradicionalmente se han analizado pecíolos y láminas para determinar el estado nutricional en la vid, pero ambos análisis suelen presentar inconsistencias entre el potencial productivo y los niveles óptimos dado por los estándares. Esta razón ha motivado la búsqueda de otros tejidos para el diagnóstico nutricional, presentándose el extracto peciolar como una alternativa. Con el objetivo de establecer la relación existente entre la concentración de N-P-K del extracto peciolar, la lámina y la raíz, se desarrolló y validó la metodología de extracto peciolar para vid, en plantas de un año de edad autoenraizadas de la variedad 'Red Globe', creciendo en macetas, a partir de tres ensayos de fertilización utilizando N, P2O5 y K2O. En el extracto peciolar se evaluó nitrato, fosfato y potasio y en láminas y raíces, nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio. Se encontró que el extracto peciolar es más sensible que la lámina y la raíz para determinar el estatus de nitrato y, además, representa mejor que la lámina y la raíz el estatus de nitrógeno. Mientras que la lámina representa mejor la respuesta de fertilización con fósforo (R2 = 0,80) y potasio (R2 = 0,71). El extracto peciolar detecta antagonismos entre elementos en altas dosis de fertilización.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la relación existente entre la concentración de N, P y K del extracto peciolar, la lámina y la raíz, para determinar el estado nutricional de la vid. El ensayo se desarrolló entre diciembre de 2006 y febrero de 2007. Se validó la metodología de extracto peciolar para Vitis vinifera 'Red Globe', en plantas de un año de edad autoenraizadas, creciendo en macetas, a partir de tres ensayos de fertilización utilizando N, P2O5 y K2O. En el extracto peciolar, se evaluó nitrato, fosfato y potasio, y en láminas y raíces, nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio. El análisis del extracto peciolar fue más sensible que el de la lámina y la raíz para determinar el estatus de nitrato y nitrógeno. Mientras que el análisis de la lámina representa mejor la respuesta de la planta a la fertilización con fósforo y potasio. El extracto peciolar puede detectar antagonismos entre elementos en altas dosis de fertilización

    Actualización en aspectos clínicos y epidemiológicos sobre enfermedad de Lyme

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    69 p.La enfermedad de Lyme es una infección emergente causada por la espiroqueta Borrelia burgdorferi. Actualmente, es la enfermedad que se transmite por vectores más común en E.E.U.U y el proceso de transmisión es mediante la mordedura de garrapatas del género Ixodes. Presenta varios reservorios asociados, entre ellos se encuentran el venado cola blanca, ratón de patas blancas, aves y otros mamíferos pequeños como ardillas y conejos. El objetivo de la revisión es actualizar aspectos fundamentales de esta patología con información obtenida de diversas bases de datos que cumplan con un consistente criterio de calidad. Presenta tres estadios principales: enfermedad temprana localizada, temprana diseminada y tardía. Se describe también una cuarta etapa conocida como síndrome post – Lyme. Las manifestaciones clínicas son variadas y pueden comprometer desde regiones cutáneas a afectaciones cardiovasculares, neurológicas y musculoesqueléticas. Su lesión más característica es el eritema migratorio. El diagnóstico se basa en los signos y síntomas clínicos y es apoyado por el contexto e historial del paciente. La confirmación diagnóstica se realiza mediante estudios de serología, empleando técnicas como ELISA y Western blot. Hoy en día, se recomiendan esquemas de tratamiento de 10 a 14 días con antibioticoterapia (doxiciclina y amoxicilina) para la mayoría de los casos y su finalidad primordial es aliviar síntomas y prevenir las secuelas que se manifiestan en etapas tardías de la patología. Evitar la exposición a los vectores es la mejor estrategia de prevención de la enfermedad. Los estudios llaman a seguir analizando el comportamiento epidemiológico de la enfermedad de manera de controlar, prevenir y medicar oportunamente a los pacientes infectados

    Mejoramiento y aplicación del modelo del presupuesto participativo del H. Consejo Provincial de Chimborazo

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    El presente trabajo investigativo se lo realizó con la finalidad de plantear propuestas para el mejoramiento y aplicación del modelo del presupuesto participativo del H. Consejo Provincial de Chimborazo, mismas que van dirigidas para beneficio de la Institución y de los actores sociales de Chimborazo. En este trabajo hemos utilizado el Método Inductivo – Deductivo, el cual nos ha permitido contar con las herramientas para obtener conocimientos e información de hechos concretos; y el método descriptivo porque nuestro trabajo se orienta al presente. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron: la observación científica y la entrevista. La presente investigación permitirá mejorar muchas falencias existentes en el Manual del PPCH como: transparentar y hacer público el proceso de selección de obras a ejecutarse, asesorar y construir con los actores sociales cómo elaborar un perfil de proyecto, transparentar el proceso de adjudicación de obras, llamar a concurso o licitación pública,cuando los montos así lo ameriten, contar con el suficiente personal técnico especializado,mejorar el tiempo de ejecución de obras, realizar un mejor análisis y distribución de obras, monitorear el cumplimiento de los procesos, mejorar el diálogo con los distintos actores sociales, consolidar propuestas, y mejorar la ventanilla de información del PPCH.Para lograr el mejoramiento y aplicación del modelo del presupuesto participativo, se recomienda escribir y compartir las experiencias vividas, adecuar la metodología para que posibilite la construcción de propuestas desde las parroquias, desarrollar amplios procesos de consulta y consenso ciudadano respecto a lo que los actores sociales necesitan e instalar una plataforma de control ciudadano frente al accionar de la autoridad provincial; esto pasará por el reconocimiento y fortalecimiento de nuevas formas de representación de la ciudadanía (legitimidad), el H. Consejo Provincial de Chimborazo y sus representantes territoriales, la generación de nuevos liderazgos sociales e instancias más estables, con las cuales se puedan ampliar el campo de diálogo y la construcción de visiones compartidas para el desarrollo de la agenda pública provincial de Chimborazo.This research work was carried out to improve and apply a proposal of participative budget at the H. Consejo Provincial de Chimborazo directed to benefit the institution and Chimborazo social actors. The Inductive – Deductive method was used to obtain knowledge and information of concrete facts and the descriptive method to orient this work. The techniques were the scientific observation and the interview. This research work will improve errors in the Manual PPCH such as to transparent and make public the selection process labors, to assess and construct with the social actors a project profile, to transparent the adjudication of labors, to make a contest of public tender considering the amounts, to have enough technical personnel, to improve labor execution time, to make a better analysis and labor distribution, monitor the process accomplishment, to improve the dialog with different social actors, consolidate proposal and improve the PPCH information window. To achieve the improvement and model application of the participative budget, it is recommended to write and share experiences, to adequate the method to construct proposal from parishes, to develop wide consult process and citizen consent to social actor needs and install a platform of citizen control in front to the provincial authority; it will have the award and fortress of new citizen representation ways, the H. Consejo Provincial de Chimborazo and its territorial representatives, the generation of new social leadership to widen the dialog and vision constructions for the development of the province public agend