102 research outputs found

    El periplo de Manuel Garcia Atance a través de las fuentes históricas y hemerográficas (1898-1930)

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    La presente tesis doctoral es un trabajo de investigación centrado en la figura de un personaje de la historia de españa, Manuel García Atance, que desempeño una labor relevante en el campo político, pero sobre todo en el periodístico o informativo. Actuación que era conveniente sacar a la luz publica por la singular trayectoria del personaje, dada su clara vocación periodística o informativa. Contiene la tesis los datos más significativos sobre su nacimiento, educación e historial académico, junto con su formación universitaria y primeras experiencias periodísticas. Describe también la actuación publica de García Atance en los tiempos de la dictadura de primo de rivera, donde desempeña importantes responsabilidades y se analiza minuciosamente su gestión política y publica. Igualmente, la tesis presenta el trabajo periodístico de García Atance centrado en el semanario que la funda en Guadalajara, "renovación", y del que se realiza un análisis hemerográfico que estudia en profundidad los diferentes aspectos de dicha publicación y en el que se incluye el análisis especifico de algunos artículos escritos por él. La importancia de este semanario reside, sobre todo, en que puede ser presentado como un modelo muy claro de prensa local y de partido.Depto. de Periodismo y Comunicación GlobalFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEpu

    Treatment of Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy (IMN)

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    We present a 59-year-old patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus and massive nephrotic syndrome (anasarca) and biochemical syndrome. The renal biopsy showed a membranous nephropathy (MN). In the blood analysis the patient presented antibodies against M-type phospholipase A2 receptor (anti-PLA2R) positive at a very high titer. Given the existence of idiopathic membranous nephropathy (IMN), treatment was started with a modified Ponticelli regimen, with no response, requiring periodic ultrafiltration sessions. Rituximab induces nephrotic syndrome (NS) remission in two-thirds of patients with IMN, even after other treatments have failed. We proposed treatment with rituximab based on published evidence. In IMN, the presence of M-type anti-receptor antibodies of A2 phospholipase is considered highly specific to idiopathic forms, but the presence of such antibodies has not been shown to be associated with a particular clinical profile. Assessing circulating anti-PLA2R autoantibodies and proteinuria may help in monitoring disease activity and guiding personalized rituximab therapy in nephrotic patients with IMN

    Microplastic pollution in wastewater treatment plants in the city of Cádiz: Abundance, removal efficiency and presence in receiving water body

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    Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been appointed as one of the main sources of microplastics (MP) into marine ecosystems. The aim of this research work has been to study the influent and effluent of two WWTPs, both located in Cádiz, with different wastewater source (industrial and urban), as well as the receiving water bodies where the facilities discharge their sewage. MP were collected, extracted from wastewater matrixes and analysed according to the abundance, shape, size, and type of polymer, along with the removal rates of MPs in the plants. Subsequently, the data obtained on both WWTPs were compared, the main difference among the WWTPs was the amount of microplastics found in the wastewater, as well as the presence of polymers with resins from industrial activities. The results from this study established that the most representative form was fibers; about the size, 100–355 μm fraction was the most abundant, followed by 355–1000 μm and finally the size among 1000–5000 μm. Regarding to the type of polymers, 17 were identified using attenuated total refraction Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). Further, PVC, PE, EAA and HDPE were the largest found polymers. The presence of MPs in the influent varied from 645.03 ± 182.24 MPs/L to 1567.49 ± 413.18 MPs/L in the urban and industrial WWTP respectively; in the effluent, it varied from 16.40 ± 7.85 MPs/L to 131.35 ± 95.36 MPs/L. The removal rate overcome the 90% in all the samples. Receiving water bodies presented heterogeneous abundance of microplastics 6.64 ± 2.71 MPs/L and 0.83 ± 0.26 MPs/L in the zones close to IWWTP and UWWTP discharge point. The results obtained shows that despite the elimination efficiency in the WWTPs studied, these facilities act as a significant source of MPs into aquatic ecosystem due to large flow of water discharged.9 página

    Intervención psicológica con corredores de maratón : características y valoración del programa aplicado en el maratón de Madrid

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    12 psicólogos del deporte participaron en un programa de intervención psicológica con los corredores del Maratón de Madrid. En los días anteriores al maratón, 1457 corredores recibieron asesoramiento a través de un folleto informativo con recomendaciones prácticas para preparar su participación en la carrera (incluyendo establecimiento de objetivos, planificación de la carrera, anticipación de dificultades, control de pensamientos negativos y control de la activación), información relacionada con sus puntuaciones en el cuestionario CSAI-2 (ansiedad somática, ansiedad cognitiva y autoconfianza) y atención de demandas concretas. Después de la carrera, los psicólogos proporcionaron apoyo psicológico a corredores que acudieron al servicio de Fisioterapia. Así mismo, antes de la prueba, el personal sanitario (fisioterapeutas y enfermeros) recibió algunas recomendaciones prácticas para optimizar su trabajo con los corredores. Unas semanas más tarde, 452 corredores contestaron a una encuesta valorando la eficacia de esta intervención psicológica, recogiéndose, también, los informes globales de los psicólogos participantes y de un reducido número de fisioterapeutas. Los datos senalan que el asesoramiento realizado antes de la carrera fue considerado útil por la mayoría de los corredores y bastante útil para un considerable número de ellos, sobre todo para aquellos que lograron el objetivo deportivo que habían establecido para este maratón, destacando la información recibida para el control de pensamientos negativos y en relación con la autoconfianza. Las valoraciones globales de corredores, psicólogos y fisioterapeutas también avalan la utilidad del apoyo psicológico proporcionado después de la carrera. En el artículo se explican las características de este programa de intervención psicológica con corredores populares de maratón, y se discute su aportación a la Psicología del Deporte, al papel de los psicólogos del deporte en equipos interdisciplinares y a la contribución de los psicólogos en los maratones populares.12 sport psychologists conducted a programme of psychological intervention with the participants at the Marathon of Madrid (Spain). In the days prior the marathon 1457 recreational runners were helped with psychological counselling using both a handout with practical recommendations to prepare for the race (including goal setting, planning for the race, anticipating main difficulties, preparing to control negative thoughts, and arousal control), information related to their scores in the CSAI-2 (somatic anxiety, cognitive anxiety and self-confidence), and attention to specific demands. After the race, psychologists provided psychological support to runners who attended the service of Physiotherapy to receive massage. Likewise, before the race, the medical personnel involved in te marathon (physiotherapists and nurses) received from sport psychologists practical guidelines to improve their work with the runners. Few weeks after the marathon, 452 runners answered to a survey to assess this programme. Data were also obtained through global reports from the sport psychologists and a reduced number of physiotherapists. Most runners found useful, and many of them very useful, the counselling provided before the race, especially runners who achieved their goals for the marathon, highlighting the information to control negative thoughts and related to selfconfidence. Global reports of runners, sport psychologists and physiotherapists, also supported the utility of psychological intervention after the race, especially to help runners to relax, to tolerate pain while receiving massage, to show their feelings and to gain control over the experience. The article explains all the characteristics of this programme and pinpoints its contribution to Sport Psychology, the role of sport psychologists within multidisciplinary teams, and the contribution of sport psychologists in recreational marathons

    Grabación y visionado de clases impartidas por profesorado novel y experto como instrumento de mejora de la docencia universitaria

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    [SPA] El presente trabajo se basa en el empleo de grabaciones de clases, tanto de profesorado novel como de experto, como herramienta para la mejora de la calidad docente de dicho profesora. Este tipo de herramientas se engloban dentro de los llamados procesos de mentorización de profesorado universitario. La mentorización por profesorado experto de profesores y profesoras noveles es una de labor muy importante en la formación profesional como docente dentro de las universidades. El objetivo fundamental de estas experiencias fue utilizar las grabaciones como elemento eficaz de mejora en el aspecto expositivo de las clases. Se llevaron a cabo varias grabaciones de las clases que impartían cada uno de los profesores implicados, sin preparación especial a un determinado grupo de alumnos. Para llevar a cabo un análisis óptimo de las grabaciones, se ha utilizado un cuestionario para los participantes, dividido en diferentes bloques de aspectos a valorar, que permite llegar a unas conclusiones y detectar posibles puntos de mejora. El cuestionario tiene una parte de ayuda al autoanálisis y otra de ayuda al análisis en grupo. [ENG] This work is based on the use of recordings of classes of both expert and novice teachers as a tool for improving the teaching quality of the teachers. These tools are included within the mentoring processes of university teachers. The mentoring of novice teachers by experienced teachers is very important in training as teachers work in the universities. The main objective of these experiments was to use the recordings as an effective element for improving the exhibition classes. Several recordings were conducted of the classes taught each of the teachers involved, without special preparation to a particular group of students. In order to perform an optimal analysis of the recordings, we used a questionnaire to participants, divided into different aspects, which allows to get conclusions and identify possible areas to improve. The questionnaire is a part of self-analysis and other assistance to help the group analysis

    Grab and composite samples: Variations in the analysis of microplastics in a real wastewater treatment plant in the South of Spain

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    In recent years, plastic pollution has become one of the most concerning problems. It has been demonstrated that microplastics (MPs) can be found in most environmental compartments and that wastewater discharges have been identified as one of the main pathways for these pollutants to enter the natural environment. Knowing the amount of MPs coming from wastewater is important to establish appropriate pollution management and mitigation. Most studies analyse grab samples collected at a specific time, whose MPs content can be affected by outlier events that deviate from the average values and may give a distorted picture of the number of MPs in wastewater, either by over- or underestimation. This study deals with the collection and analysis of grab and composite samples collected throughout the day and in different months of the year to determine the variability of MPs in a wastewater treatment plant in southern Spain. No relevant differences were observed in the predominant size range or microparticle morphology, but the results confirm the differences in the amount of microparticles and MPs between the grab samples collected at different times of the day, being advisable to collect composite samples to obtain values more representative of reality. The variability in the number of MPs associated with the time of the year when the sample is taken is also observed, a factor that may be considered when sampling and which is affected by human behaviour and climatic conditions.9 página

    A method to remove cellulose from rich organic samples to analyse microplastics

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    Knowing the amount of microplastics that currently reach wastewater is extremely important today. Furthermore, carrying out a good quantification and detection of the type of plastic provides valuable information. However, the wastewater is loaded, in addition to a high concentration of organic matter, with a high concentration of cellulose at the treatment plant influent, which seriously hinders detection, quantification and classification of microplastics. The abundance of cellulose materials makes them possible to become false positives for microplastics. Numerous studies on the analysis of microplastics in different matrices show how to remove organic matter from samples, but there are very few studies on the removal of cellulose, which is also found in the samples and hinders their analysis. This study offers a method that combines, for the analysis of microplastics, the already known advanced oxidation treatments for the elimination of organic matter with the novel cellulose removal treatment of the samples with the aim of reducing the amount of cellulose in the influent samples of conventional wastewater treatment plants. To remove the cellulose, 40 mL of a solution of urea 8%, sodium hydroxide 8% and thiourea 6.5% (by weight) were added for every 100 mg of dry sample. The beakers were placed in the freezer at minus 20 °C for 40 min and were then placed in agitation until they reached room temperature. After that, the samples were passed through a 53 μm mesh sieve. They were washed 15 times with 30 mL of ultra-pure water. The method is called UTS because of the acronym of its reagents (Urea/Thiourea/Sodium Hydroxide). By using the UTS method it is possible to reduce almost completely the cellulose residues from the influent sewage, and sludge samples by 97.6% in a second UTS treatment and 98.2% in a third UTS treatment. In all cases analyzed, the microplastics were identified as high density polyethylene (HDPE) with correlation indices higher than 0.97, which shows that the treatment is harmless for this type of plastic material. The UTS method in combination with the WPO is an efficient and effective method for the analysis of microplastics in different matrices where cellulose and organic matter may cause possible interferences.8 página

    Influence of tourism on microplastic contamination at wastewater treatment plants in the coastal municipality of Chiclana de la Frontera

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    The tourism is one of the most important sources of the economy in the Bay of Cadiz. Specifically, the municipality of Chiclana de la Frontera, with a population lower than 90,000 citizens, located in the southeast of Spain. During the summer season the population duplicates leading to an increment in flow at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). These facilities have been reported as a source of microplastics (MPs) into marine ecosystems, therefore the aim of the present study is to investigate if the tourism affects the presence, discharge and in the receiving environment. Samples were taken at the influent and effluent of the municipal WWTPs (one located at the urban area and other located at resort area) during 2021 (including low and high season). MPs were collected and extracted from wastewater matrixes following the method recommended by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and UTS treatment to reduce organic matter and cellulose, respectively. The analysis of the samples was performed according to their abundance, shape, size, and type of polymer, along with the removal rates of MPs at WWTPs. The results showed heterogeneous MPs abundance ranging from 1246.4 to 345.7 MPs/L and 72.9 to 4.2, in the influent and effluent, respectively, increasing the presence of MPs at resort WWTP during high season. Fibers were the predominant shape within all the samples. A total of 17 polymers were identified, by ATR-FTIR, where Acrylates, PE and PA were the largest polymers found. Despite the high MPs retention performance of the WWTPs analyzed (84.1–99.3 %), a combined contribution of approximately 1.4 × 107–5.9 ×108 MPs/d to the aquatic environment was estimated. Finally, these results indicate that the increase of MPs in the wastewater at WWTP-B was related with the population increase as a consequence of summer tourism9 página

    Inhibidores selectivos de la monoamino oxidasa. 1. Hidracinas de formilimidazoles 1-sustitudos

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    Se ha preparado una serie de hidracinometilimidazoles I-sustituidos y estudiado su actividad IMAO. Los ensayos in vitro revelan que los I-arilimidazoles son inhibidores selectivos de la MAO A a bajas concentraciones.A series of hydrazinomethylimidazole I-sustituted was prepared and evaluated for their monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitory activity. In vitro testing revealed that the 1- arylimidazole derivatives were selectively inhibitors of MAO A at low concentrations