1,972 research outputs found

    Cutaneous adverse reaction during lithium treatment: a case report and updated systematic review with meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVES: To present a new case of adverse cutaneous reaction during lithium treatment and to update the systematic review and meta-analysis of the incidence of this adverse reaction. METHODS: We conducted a systematic search (performed in September 2016) for peer-reviewed articles in English indexed in Medline (2011-present). Meta-analytical estimates were obtained using the "Metafor" package. CASE PRESENTATION: Ms. H., a 31-year-old Caucasian woman with BD1, was admitted to the inpatient unit for a full-blown psychotic episode and treated with carbamazepine 400 mg q.d., lithium carbonate 450 mg q.d., and risperidone 4 mg q.d. with clinical improvement. After 12 days from the start of psychopharmacological treatment, she manifested a cutaneous reaction that motivated the stop of carbamazepine treatment, as well as the increase in lithium carbonate dose (750 mg q.d.). Risperidone dose remained unvaried. Since the skin lesion persisted after 8 days from withdrawal of carbamazepine, the private practitioner stopped also lithium carbonate treatment (de-challenge), maintaining risperidone treatment. The cutaneous reaction resolved spontaneously after six days from withdrawal of lithium carbonate. Subsequently, the worsening of psychopathological conditions motivated a new admission during which lithium carbonate was reintroduced (16 days after its suspension) (re-challenge). On the following day, we observed an itching erythematous maculopapular rash involving the trunk, the four limbs, and the oral mucosa. CONCLUSIONS: Our case of an erythematous maculopapular rash during lithium treatment was the first to present a challenge-de-challenge-re-challenge sequence that suggests causality. Although meta-analysis does not point to an increased rate of adverse skin reaction during lithium treatment, clinicians should not neglect to monitor cutaneous symptoms during lithium treatment

    The University of Pisa and its assets in the area, in relation to the historical evolution of the university

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    In questo contributo si dà conto, facendo ricorso a una serie di fonti primarie – dati catastali e statistiche fornite dagli uffici amministrativi d’ateneo – e fonti secondarie, dell’impatto esercitato dall’Università di Pisa sul bacino territoriale di proprio riferimento. Questo ateneo, con una storia ultracentenaria, insiste infatti su di una città di dimensioni medio-piccole (88 mila abitanti nel 2022); generando di fatto, a partire dalla poderosa crescita del numero di studenti avvenuta a partire dalla fine degli anni ’60 (ad oggi si contano 47 mila iscritti e poco meno di 5.000 dipendenti), una profonda trasformazione del tessuto urbano sia in merito all’occupazione di edifici a uso abitativo del centro storico, sia relativamente al settore dei servizi che ha risentito fortemente di questi andamenti, sia ancora della necessità di spazi funzionali alla stessa università (aule, biblioteche, uffici, mense ecc.). Per poter pienamente apprezzare queste dinamiche si è ritenuto utile ricorrere a strumenti GIS per spazializzare i dati catastali e individuare come le diverse componenti dell’università (relative alle differenti aree disciplinari) insistono tanto sul tessuto cittadino quanto su quello esterno a quello municipale e pure provinciale.The aim of this article is to assess the impact exerted by the University of Pisa on its own territorial basin, by resorting to a series of primary sources - cadastral data and statistics provided by the university’s administrative offices - and secondary sources. This university, with a history of more than a six centuries, is located in a small to mediumsized city (88 thousand inhabitants in 2022). A powerful growth in the number of students since the end of the 1960s (to date the University has 47 thousand enrolled and just under 5,000 employees) has led to a profound transformation of the urban structure, with regard to the occupation of buildings for residential use in the historic centre, to the service sector, as well as to the spaces required for the university itself (classrooms, libraries, offices, canteens, etc.). In order to fully appreciate these dynamics, GIS tools were used to spatialise the cadastral data and identify how the various components of the university (relating to the different disciplinary sectors) insist on the structures of the city as well as outside the city and even the province

    Improvement in Hemodynamic Responses to Metaboreflex Activation after One Year of Training in Spinal Cord Injured Humans

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    Spinal cord injured (SCI) individuals show an altered hemodynamic response to metaboreflex activation due to a reduced capacity to vasoconstrict the venous and arterial vessels below the level of the lesion. Exercise training was found to enhance circulating catecholamines and to improve cardiac preload and venous tone in response to exercise in SCI subjects. Therefore, training would result in enhanced diastolic function and capacity to vasoconstrict circulation. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that one year of training improves hemodynamic response to metaboreflex activation in these subjects. Nine SCI individuals were enrolled and underwent a metaboreflex activation test at the beginning of the study (T0) and after one year of training (T1). Hemodynamics were assessed by impedance cardiography and echocardiography at both T0 and T1. Results show that there was an increment in cardiac output response due to metaboreflex activity at T1 as compared to T0 (545.4 ± 683.9 mL · min(-1) versus 220.5 ± 745.4 mL · min(-1), P < 0.05). Moreover, ventricular filling rate response was higher at T1 than at T0. Similarly, end-diastolic volume response was increased after training. We concluded that a period of training can successfully improve hemodynamic response to muscle metaboreflex activation in SCI subjects


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    Il monitoraggio effettuato nel biennio 2002-2003 ha permesso di accertare la presenza della malattia in due areali della provincia di Torino. L’indagine del 2003 ha riguardato i comuni situati tra Pinerolese e Val Pellice ed ha evidenziato la presenza di sintomi riferibili ad AP in tutti i comuni censiti. I campionamenti sul vettore Cacopsylla melanoneura (Förster), eseguiti su un meleto campione, hanno permesso di approfondire le conoscenze sul ciclo dell’insetto e sulla sua presenza in meleto


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    Gli scopazzi del melo, causati da fitoplasmi, rappresentano una delle più pericolose avversità del melo. Negli ultimi anni si sono diffusi in molte regioni del nord Italia. Lo scopo del lavoro è stato definire le aree più colpite in provincia di Torino e studiare il ciclo biologico del vettore Cacopsilla melanoneura, nella prospettiva di un successivo controllo biologic

    Phosphorus Balance in a Saline soil Cultivated with Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. Vulgaris var. altissima Döll)

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    In irrigated valleys of Peruvian arid coast, on more than 30% of its area, soils are affected by salinity or bad drainage, and do not allows sugarcane development because that crop has low salinity tolerance. Sugar beet is an alternative sugar crop and is a proved crop with tolerance to high soil salts concentration, furthermore, its roots can store more sucrose (over 18% of its fresh weigh) than sugarcane and can produce more sugar per hectare year. The objective of present work was to quantify soil phosphorus balance in order to know if it is necessary the application of this nutrient in sugar beet. In this experiment five sugar beet mono-germ cultivars were evaluated. The study was carried out in alluvial soils (Entisols) that are highly saline (5.38 to 22.5dS/m), located at sugar cane enterprise Casa Grande. The experiment utilized a complete randomized block design with five treatments and six replications. Irrigation was with well water, and fertilization was with urea (180 kg/ha of N). It was found that in these marginal soils, sugar beets produce high root yields (81.73 t/ha) for sugar or alcohol production. P gains and loses balance shows that 94.4 kg/ha of P are incorporated to soil and 63.52 kg/ha of P are lost. Gains win to lost in 30.88 kg/ha of P, suggesting that it is not necessary the application of this nutrient in these soils, and in this crop.En los valles irrigados de la costa árida peruana, en más del 30 % de su superficie, los suelos están afectados por la salinidad o mal drenaje y no permiten el desarrollo de la caña de azúcar por tener baja tolerancia a la salinidad. Para esta región, la remolacha azucarera puede ser una alternativa para la producción de azúcar, ya que tiene tolerancia a altas concentraciones de sales. Además, sus raíces pueden almacenar mayor concentración de sacarosa (superior a 18 % de su peso fresco) que la caña y puede producir más azúcar por hectárea/año. El objetivo de este trabajo fue cuantificar el balance del fósforo en el suelo, con el fin de encontrar si es necesaria su aplicación en la remolacha azucarera. Se evaluaron cinco cultivares monogermen, desarrollados en un suelo aluvial (Entisols) altamente salino (5,38-22,5 dS/m) de la Empresa Azucarera Casa Grande. El experimento se hizo en bloques completos al azar, con cinco tratamientos y seis repeticiones. El campo se regó con agua de pozo y se fertilizó con urea (180 kg/ha de N). Se encontró que en estos suelos marginales la remolacha azucarera produce altos rendimientos (81,73 t/ha) de raíces para la producción de azúcar o alcohol. Realizado el balance entre las ganancias y pérdidas de P, se encontró que se incorporan al suelo 94,4 kg/ha de P y que se pierden del mismo 63,52 kg/ha de P, habiendo superado las ganancias a las pérdidas en 30,88 kg/ha de P, lo que hace innecesaria la aplicación de este elemento en este tipo de suelos y en este cultivo

    Additive Manufacturing applications within food industry: An actual overview and future opportunities

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    The food sector is one of the major economic sectors in Europe and beyond and produces nutrition for the world population. Food industry has a unique role in all countries economy as it is essential to people lives. In Europe it is the largest manufacturing sector in terms of value added, turnover and employment. On the other hand, several worldwide economic-social-technological trends are pushing organizations to embrace innovation as an integrated part of their corporate strategy, and to offer customized products tailored to market targets need. Embracing innovation became strategic in order to create a sustainable competitive advantage and to stay ahead of the competition in every industry, even in food one. Today, among all the most cutting-edge technologies, Additive Manufacturing (AM) has the potential to develop business paradigms to face an ever changing demand. AM comprises a group of technologies whose initial inception occurred over thirty years, characterized by a layer upon layer production directly from Computer-Aided Design (CAD) data. Over the past few years AM development has increased exponentially and has expanded to include new areas of research. Within all the innovative applications, one of the most promising under respect of social impacts and progress, has proved to be the technological application in the food industry. This scientific work aims at finding out potential touching points between additive manufacturing technologies and food market, either consumer and industrial, focusing on the actual and future applications

    How Soft Drink Supply Chains drive sustainability: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) identification

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    Even if sustainability is a relatively new research area, it has already shown an interesting number of measures and metrics mainly de-structured and at very different levels. Furthermore, a specific framework of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) has not yet been developed for soft drink supply chains (SDSC). This variety is creating confusion among industries when they attempt to select a set of indicators for assessing sustainability in manufacturing in practical terms. A company should be able to analyze each element of its strategy and business model in order to understand which factors influence sustainability. Therefore, to address this challenge, Authors have collected sustainability KPIs SDSCs. KPIs helps soft drinks companies to have a more complete vision concerning their sustainability impact and to point out potential best practices. Finally, in order to provide a practical view of the methodology, a sample is presented and discussed

    Dinámica del nitrógeno en un suelo aluvial salino, cultivado con remolacha azucarera

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    En el presente experimento fueron evaluados cinco cultivares monogermen de remolacha azucarera, en la costa árida del norte del Perú. Se trabajó en un suelo aluvial (Entisols) altamente salino (5,38 a 22,5 dS m-1) de la empresa azucarera Casa Grande con el fin de estudiar el comportamiento de la remolacha azucarera en dicho suelo, donde normalmente no prospera ningún cultivo. El experimento de hizo en bloques completos al azar, con cinco tratamientos y 20 repeticiones. El campo se regó con agua de pozo y se fertilizó con urea (180 kg ha-1 de N). Realizado el balance entre las ganancias y pérdidas de N, se encontró que se incorporan al suelo 421 kg ha-1 de N y que se pierden de este 374 kg ha-1 de N, habiendo superado las ganancias a las pérdidas en 47 kg ha-1 de N. Además se encontró que en estos suelos marginales, altamente salinos, la remolacha azucarera produce altos rendimientos (81,69 t ha-1) de raíces para la producción de azúcar o alcohol y altos rendimientos de hojas más coronas (40,77 t ha-1) para alimentación del ganado.In this experiment five sugar beet mono-germ cultivars were evaluated in Peruvian arid northern coast. Work was made in Alluvial soils (Entisols) highly saline (5.38 to 22.5 dS m-1), located at sugar cane Casa Grande enterprise where normally not a single crop develops. Experiment was done in a blocks complete randomized design with five treatments and 20 replications. Irrigation was with well water, and fertilization was with urea (180 kg ha-1 of N). N gains and loses balance shows that 421 kg ha-1 of N are incorporated to soil and 374 kg ha-1 of N are lost. Gains wins to lost in 47 kg ha-1 of N. Furthermore it was found that in these marginal soils, highly saline, sugar beets produce high root yields (81.69 t ha-1) for sugar o alcohol production and high leafs and crowns yields (40.77 t ha-1) for livestock aliment.Gerencia de Comunicación Institucional, DG SICyP, INTAFil: Valdivia Vega, S. Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Escuela de Ingeniería Agrónoma; PerúFil: Pinna Cabrejos, Jorge. Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Escuela de Ingeniería Agrónoma; PerúFil: Valdivia Salazar, Sergio. Agrolab, Asesor Agronómico; Per

    Impact of PLM system in the new food development process performances: An empirical research

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    open5Over the last few years, the food industry has become increasingly more relevant since it represents excellence not only at the European level, but also for the worldwide economy. Starting with this consideration, the main objective of this paper is to provide some elements that could support food companies to be successful in the market. In 2016, during the last PLM conference, the first results of a wider research were presented with the aim to understand how the PLM solution has been adopted into the food industry, and its limits and challenges of the deployment in this sector. This paper presents how the study has evolved through this year. Starting from this point, the impacts and effects from the use of the PLM solution on the New Food Development (NFD) process performances have been described. To identify these effects, a questionnaire was developed and used as a framework to support the data gathering process; each section of the questionnaire is described in the paper. Furthermore, the results of a preliminary empirical research based on a case study are shown. The results of this work will help both food companies and PLM vendors. Indeed, it will support PLM vendors to understand the food industry vision about their NFD process and performances. On the other hand, food companies will be able to better understand their NFD process, their NFD process performances and how they can use the PLM solution to affect their performances.openPinna, Claudia*; Plo, Laureline; Rossi, Monica; Robin, Vincent; Terzi, SergioPinna, Claudia; Plo, Laureline; Rossi, Monica; Robin, Vincent; Terzi, Sergi
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