414 research outputs found

    Integration of Topology Optimisation and Design Variants Selection for Additive Manufacturing-Based Systematic Product Redesign

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    The development of additive manufacturing allows the transformation of technological processes and the redesign of products. Among the most used methods to support additive manufacturing, the design can be optimised through the integration of topology optimisation techniques, allowing for creating complex shapes. However, there are critical issues (i.e., definition of product and process parameters, selection of redesign variants, optimised designs interpretation, file exchange and data management, etc.) in identifying the most appropriate process and set-ups, as well as in selecting the best variant on a functional and morphological level. Therefore, to fully exploit the technological potentials and overcome the drawbacks, this paper proposes a systematic redesign approach based on additive manufacturing technologies that integrate topology optimisation and a tool for selecting design variants based on the optimisation of both product and process features. The method leads to the objective selection of the best redesigned configuration in accordance with the key performance indicators (KPIs) (i.e., functional and production requirements). As a case study, the redesign of a medical assistive device is proposed, previously developed in fused filament fabrication and now optimised for being 3D printed with selective laser melting

    Development and characterization of anti-icing and anti-fouling coatings for overhead lines

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    La ricerca si è focalizzata sullo sviluppo di coating anti-ghiaccio per superfici di zinco e alluminio, usati per conduttori e funi di guardia nelle reti elettriche, e anti-sporco per superfici di vetro, usato per gli isolatori. Una macchina per la caratterizzazione dell’adesione del ghiaccio è stata ideata, progettata, costruita e usata. Coating super-idrofobici e anti-ghiaccio per superfici di Zn a base di ZnO nanorods sono stati prodotti e sono risultati in una pubblicazione. Questi materiali sono stati testati in termini di idrofobicità, proprietà anti-ghiaccio e durabilità. Una fune di guardia di 15m esposta al laboratorio WILD con questo trattamento ha dato buoni risultati contro le precipitazioni nevose. Le proprietà anti-ghiaccio degli elastomeri sono state studiate. Gli effetti delle modificazioni chimiche e fisiche sul PDMS sono stati studiati. Sono stati ottenuti buoni risultati di riduzione dell’adesione del ghiaccio sia dai test di laboratorio che dai test condotti in campo. Sono stati studiati dei coating a base di nanoparticelle di titania con proprietà fotocatalitiche. Sono stati condotti test in particolare sulla loro durabilità. Coating a base sol-gel sono stati sintetizzati e testati, sia come anti-ghiaccio che come anti-sporco. Sono necessari caratterizzazione ulteriore e miglioramento della durabilità. Sono stati formulati coating per tutti i materiali di interesse.Research has been conducted on formulating anti-icing and anti-snow coatings for aluminum and zinc, materials used for wires on power lines. Anti-fouling solutions have been proposed to avoid dirt accumulation on glass insulators. An ice adhesion testing machine has been built and used. Superhydrophobic anti-icing ZnO Nanorods coatings have been produced and also resulted in publication. Tests on hydrophobicity, anti-icing and durability have been conducted. A 15m zinc plated steel guard wire has been exposed in WILD station to assess its effect against real snow, reporting a reduction in both load and accumulation. Research on elastomers brought understanding of many properties underlying the anti-icing behaviour of PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane). Tests on anti-icing of chemically and physically modified PDMS have been conducted in laboratory. Open field testing have been conducted as well as snow laboratory testing, reporting satisfactory results. Photocataylitic TiO2 coatings for glass insulators has been studied, in particular adhesion and durability conditions, aside photocatalytic efficacy. Sol-gel based coatings, using TEOS or derivatives, have been synthesized, also. Improvements in durability and more characterization are needed. Coatings for all materials of interest have been purposed

    I Mestieri del Marketing

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    Obiettivo – La presente ricerca si prefigge di individuare quali opportunità professionali, oggi e in prospettiva di medio termine, si aprano per coloro che desiderino intraprendere la strada del marketing, con focus particolare per i laureati e i diplomati master in curricula fortemente caratterizzati, appunto, da insegnamenti di marketing. Disegno/Metodologia/Approccio – Anzitutto una ricerca teorica e bibliografica andrà a individuare funzioni, organigramma, ruoli e tutto ciò che di altro concerne il marketing in senso lato. Grazie a tale ricerca sarà possibile identificare come era, come è e come ci si aspetta che sarà il marketing nei prossimi anni. La ricerca ispezionerà poi nello specifico la situazione italiana. Tramite una analisi dei principali portali di lavoro online operanti nel territorio italiano sarà possibile individuare quali figure lavorative, tra quelle precedentemente individuate, sono maggiormente richieste dal mercato italiano e quali siano gli aspetti principali che il mondo del lavoro richiede da ogni professione. Per approfondire l'argomento verranno redatti dei casi aziendali: grazie all'ausilio di interviste in profondità rivolte a professionisti del marketing e a selettori del personale di realtà operanti nel mercato italiano sarà possibile avere una visione più concreta dell'oggetto in analisi. Infine verranno fatte le debite considerazioni riguardo al marketing nelle sue forme di accademia e professione, aiutati dalla letteratura, dai risultati numerici individuati grazie alla ricerca sui portali e dalle interviste in profondità. Risultati – Ciò che deriva dal presente lavoro è una mappatura completa delle opportunità professionali che si aprono per gli studenti di marketing. Letteratura e business cases evidenziano un gap tra mondo accademico e mondo professionale, da ridurre con una maggior collaborazione tra le due realtà. I numeri emersi dalla ricerca sottolineano come l'offerta di diplomati e laureati marketing sia inferiore alla domanda di lavoro nel marketing in senso lato, ma emerge comunque la difficoltà nell'incontro domanda/offerta, riflesso del più vasto problema occupazionale italiano che tocca moltissime professioni, in particolar modo quelle che richiedono una elevata qualificazione

    Varianti del codice Vossiano Latino Q10 al testo del Timeo

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    Robotic implementation of the slide method for measurement of the thermal emissivity of building elements

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    A significant interest exists in measuring the thermal emissivity of building surfaces since high values combined with high solar reflectance allow rejecting solar energy absorbed by irradiated surfaces, whereas intermediate or low values permit to limit condensation of humidity, heat loss to the sky, or heat transfer through airspaces. The most used measurement method is probably that described by the ASTM C1371 Standard, which correlates the thermal emissivity to the radiative heat flux exchanged in the infrared between the sample surface, kept at ambient temperature, and the bottom surface of a hot emissometer head. With samples showing a low thermal conductivity, the 'slide method' modification is generally used: the hot head is allowed to slide above the sample in order to prevent this from warming up. The slide movement, however, is carried out by hand and time is needed to achieve a stabilized output, therefore the measurement may be time-consuming and also affected by the operator. In order to solve both problems, an automated approach is proposed here, in which the head is moved by the arm of a robot. This manages either the slide movement or the calibration with reference samples, interacting with a computerized data acquisition system that monitors the emissometer output

    Replicon-dependent bacterial genome evolution: the case of Sinorhizobium meliloti

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    Many bacterial species, such as the alphaproteobacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti, are characterized by open pangenomes and contain multipartite genomes consisting of a chromosome and other large-sized replicons, such as chromids, megaplasmids, and plasmids. The evolutionary forces in both functional and structural aspects that shape the pangenome of species with multipartite genomes are still poorly understood. Therefore, we sequenced the genomes of 10 new S. meliloti strains, analyzed with four publicly available additional genomic sequences. Results indicated that the three main replicons present in these strains (a chromosome, a chromid, and a megaplasmid) partly show replicon-specific behaviors related to strain differentiation. In particular, the p SymB chromid was shown to be a hot spot for positively selected genes, and, unexpectedly, genes resident in the pSymB chromid were also found to be more widespread in distant taxa than those located in the other replicons. Moreover, through the exploitation of a DNA proximity network, a series of conserved "DNA backbones" were found to shape the evolution of the genome structure, with the rest of the genome experiencing rearrangements. The presented data allow depicting a scenario where the pSymB chromid has a distinctive role in intraspecies differentiation and in evolution through positive selection, whereas the pSymA megaplasmid mostly contributes to structural fluidity and to the emergence of new functions, indicating a specific evolutionary role for each replicon in the pangenome evolution. © 2013 The Author(s)

    Non-self-similar light transport in scattering media

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    Transport processes underpin a wide variety of phenomena, ranging from chemistry, to physics and ecology. Despite their pervasiveness, however, several distinctive features of these processes are still elusive, making it difficult to recognize and classify the associated transport regimes. Using light scattering as a probe to explore different propagation regimes, we report on the experimental observation of non-self-similar light transport through turbid membranes. Our results show that a breakdown of self-similarity can arise for light waves even in the presence of isotropic and homogeneous disorder, and can be tuned by varying the turbidity of the system. By introducing the concept of self-similarity for light propagation, we provide a unified framework for the classification of light transport regimes—overcoming the dichotomy between normal and anomalous diffusion—and show that non-self-similar propagation is a common and experimentally accessible phenomenon. This insight can help to understand and model other scenarios where light transport is dominated by rare propagation events, such as in nonlinear and active media, but also in other fields of research beyond optics
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