102 research outputs found

    Brachiaria híbrida (syn. Urochloa híbrida) sob distintas estratégias de corte

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    The work was developed with the aim of characterizing the brachiaria hybrid, submitted to different pre and post cut conditions for forage canopy maintenance in different grazing methods and different conditions of forage canopy maintenance. The experiment was conducted in the forage sector of the Federal University of Uberlândia in 2015. For evaluation of brachiaria hybrid was used a completely randomized design with 36 plots, in three management protocols, 12 plots with 4 treatments and 3 replications. In the intermittent stocking, treatments 10, 15 and 20 of post-cut height were established and both under conditions of 95% of pre-cut light interception and treatment Fixed / 15 cuts every 28 days in the waters and 56 days in the dry ones with 15 cm Simultaneously. In the continuous stocking the treatments were plots maintained at 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm of height respectively. For the deferment, the initial heights were used the same maintained in the continuous stocking differing the parcels by a period of 100 days. According to the data the treatment 20 had a lower production of forage. Treatment 30 had the lowest stem yield over treatment 10. Treatment 40 had a higher standard of FP responses compared to treatment 10 and a higher standard of response in PL compared to treatment 10 and 20. In the delay there was no difference Among treatments in the evaluated parameters. The plots submitted to the treatment 20 presented lower forage yield and stem yield during the water period. In the droughts, the plots submitted to the treatment 10 had the pattern of response to leaf production lower than the other treatments. Treatments 30 and 40 had the percentage of crude protein in the bromatological composition similar in the water period. The bromatological composition in the dry season did not differ between treatments. According to the proposal, the management strategies of the brachiaria hybrid interfere in the morphological characteristics in the different pre and post cut conditions.Dissertação (Mestrado)O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de caracterizar a brachiaria híbrida, submetida a diferentes condições de pré e pós corte de manutenção do dossel forrageiro em diferentes métodos de pastejo e condições diferentes de manutenção do dossel forrageiro. O experimento foi conduzido no setor de forragicultura da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia em 2015. Para avaliação da cultivar foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 36 parcelas, em três protocolos de manejo, 12 parcelas com 4 tratamentos e 3 repetições. Na lotação intermitente foi estabelecido o tratamento 10, 15 e 20 cm de altura pós corte e ambos nas condições de 95 % de interceptação luminosa em pré corte e o tratamento Fixo/15 cortes a cada 28 dias nas águas e 56 dias nas secas com 15 cm de resíduo simultaneamente pós corte. Na lotação contínua os tratamentos foram parcelas mantidas a 10, 20, 30 e 40 cm de altura respectivamente. Para o diferimento, utilizou-se as alturas iniciais a mesma mantida na lotação contínua diferindo as parcelas por um período de 100 dias. De acordo com os dados, o tratamento 20 teve uma menor produção de forragem. O tratamento 30 obteve a menor produção de colmo em relação ao tratamento 10. O tratamento 40 obteve maior padrão de respostas da PF comparado ao tratamento 10 e maior padrão de respostas na PL em relação ao tratamento 10 e 20. No diferimento não houve diferença significa entre os tratamentos nos parâmetros avaliados. As parcelas submetidas ao tratamento 20 apresentaram menor produção de forragem e de colmo no período das águas. Nas secas, as parcelas submetidas ao tratamento 10 teve o padrão de resposta a produção de folha inferior aos demais tratamentos. Os tratamentos 30 e 40 tiveram o percentual de proteína bruta na composição bromatológica semelhantes no período das águas. A composição bromatológica no período das secas não diferiram entre os tratamentos. De acordo com o proposto, as estratégias de manejo deste material interferem nas características morfológicas nas diferentes condições de pré e pós corte

    Fluoride intake from drinking water and dentifrice by children living in a tropical area of Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess fluoride (F-) intake from water and toothpaste by children aged 18 to 36 months and to monitor the F- concentrations in the drinking water system in a tropical city of Brazil. METHODS: Children (n=58) aged 18-36 months, all lifetime residents of Penedo, state of Alagoas, Brazil, participated in this study. Water F- analyses were carried out in 7 different occasions at least a week apart. For 2 days all the water drunk by each child was accounted for. Fluoride intake from water for each child was estimated using the mean F- concentration of water in 7 different occasions. Fluoride intake from toothpaste was estimated by subtracting the recovered post-brushing F- from the original amount placed in the toothbrush. The F- intake from water and toothpaste was estimated by dividing the total amount of F- ingested by the weight of each child. RESULTS: The mean F- concentration in the drinking water was 0.94 ppm (mean range 0.78-1.1 ppm), which is above the 0.7 ppm recommended for this area of Brazil. Mean total F- intake from water and toothpaste was 0.128 mg F-/Kg Body Weight/day. The daily means of F- intake from water and toothpaste were 0.021 and 0.107 mg F-/Kg Body Weight, respectively. Ninety six percent of children showed F- intake above 0.07 mg F-/Kg Body Weight/day. CONCLUSIONS: Children in Penedo are at risk for developing dental fluorosis due to high F- intake from fluoridated toothpastes. Water fluoridation showed low contribution to the total F- intake. However, high water F- concentrations in the water indicate the need of surveillance of the artificial water fluoridation system.OBJETIVOS: determinar a ingestão de flúor (F-) pela água e creme dental em crianças de 18 a 36 meses de idade que moram em uma cidade de clima tropical no Brasil e monitorar as concentrações de F- no sistema de água potável. MATERIAIS MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo crianças (n=58), 18-36 meses, todas residentes vitalícias de Penedo (Alagoas), Brasil. As análises de F- em amostras de água foram realizadas em 7 ocasiões diferentes em semanas separadas. Durante 2 dias toda a água bebida por cada criança foi considerada. A ingestão de fluoreto para cada criança foi calculada pela média de flúor na água nas 7 ocasiões diferentes. A ingestão de F- pelo creme dental foi calculada subtraindo a saliva recuperada do expectorado pela quantidade de F- colocada na escova dental. A ingestão de F- de água e pasta de dentes foi calculada dividindo a quantia de F ingerida pelo peso de cada criança. RESULTADOS: A concentração média de F- em água potável foi de 0,94 ppm (variando de 0.78-1.12 ppm) estando acima do recomendado para esta área do Brasil que é de 0,7 ppm. A ingestão de F- total (água + creme dental) foi de 0,128 mg de F/Kg peso/dia. As médias diárias de ingestão de F- pela água e creme dental foram de 0,021 e 0,107 mg F-/Kg de peso corporal dia, respectivamente. Noventa que seis por cento das crianças demonstraram ingestão de F- superior a 0,07 mg de F-/Kg peso/dia. CONCLUSÕES: crianças em Penedo estão sob risco de desenvolver fluorose dental devido a elevada ingestão de F- pelo creme dental fluoretado. Adição de flúor à água de água mostrou baixa contribuição ao flúor total ingerido. Porém, altas concentrações de F- na água indicam a necessidade de vigilância do sistema de fluoretação artificial das águas


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    Given the notorious slowness of the judicial branch, opposite the delivery needs of adjudication swiftly, reasonable, efficient and the doctrinal and jurisprudential differences, the question arises, namely, what is the legal nature of the liability of the State in case of delay the provision of legal protection? This work allows us to infer, despite legal understanding to the contrary, that the duty of the State to promote the speedy and efficient justice comes down into positive action, the omission of which is specific, which attracts the objective liability.Diante da notória morosidade do Poder Judiciário, frente às necessidades de entrega da prestação jurisdicional de forma célere, razoável, eficiente e as divergências doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais, surge o questionamento, a saber, qual a natureza jurídica da responsabilidade civil do Estado em caso de demora na prestação da tutela judicial? Este trabalho permite inferir, em que pese entendimento jurisprudencial em contrário, que o dever do Estado em promover a justiça célere e eficiente se resume em ação positiva, cuja omissão é específica, o que atrai a responsabilidade civil objetiva. &nbsp

    Mapeamento fitogeográfico do Parque Natural Municipal da Lagoinha do Leste, Florianópolis – SC

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    O Parque Natural Municipal da Lagoinha do Leste é uma Unidade de Conservação situada na Ilha de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis – SC. A UC foi instituída em 1992, mas, antes disso, a área foi ocupada pela comunidade local. A UC está inserida no Bioma Mata Atlântica, abrigando uma variedade de formações vegetais que se encontram em fase de regeneração. O trabalho tem como objetivo identificar e mapear a sucessão vegetal dessa UC com base Resolução CONAMA nº 10 de 1 de outubro de 1993. Por meio de ortofotos, imagens de satélite e trabalhos de campo são definidos os estágios de sucessão: inicial, médio, avançado e floresta secundária. Além de áreas de espécies exóticas, urbanizadas e de pastagens. Por fim, apresenta-se o mapa fitogeográfico da Lagoinha do Leste


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    Estradas-parque são vias com características especiais que, no Brasil, ainda carecem de normatização acerca das suas implantação e gestão. Esse trabalho busca traçar um cenário atual sobre a gestão destas estradas no país. Inicialmente, foram obtidas informações sobre as estradas-parque brasileiras e os seus possíveis administradores. Em seguida, foram disponibilizados questionários aos gestores identificados das estradas-parque, complementando as informações previamente obtidas. Foram identificadas 54 estradas-parque, a maior parte delas sob a responsabilidade de órgãos governamentais voltados para a gestão rodoviária. A maioria das estradas-parque apresentava atrativos paisagísticos, embora contasse com incipiente infraestrutura para visitação pública. Grande parte dessas estradas, porém, estava equipada com instrumentos de controle rodoviário, especialmente de limitação de velocidade. Importante destacar que a existência de normatização sobre as estradas-parque poderia evitar interpretações particulares de cada órgão gestor sobre a forma mais adequada de implantá-las e administrá-las, contribuindo para o aumento de sua eficácia

    Effect of starvation and subsequent feeding on glycogen concentration, behavior and mortality in the golden mussel Limnoperna Fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)

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    The success of Limnoperna fortunei as an invasive species is related to its physiological plasticity that allows them to endure adverse environmental conditions. Starvation tolerance is considered to be an important trait associated with bivalve invasiveness. In natural ecosystems, food resources can vary during the year, exposing mussels to variable periods of starvation or limited food availability. Thus, mussels have developed physiological strategies to tolerate fluctuations in food availability. Glycogen concentration has been used in different monitoring studies as an indicator of the nutritional condition of bivalves. The aim of this study was to investigate the physiological responses of L. fortunei based on the glycogen concentrations of specimens under four treatments, comprising differentcombinations of feeding and starvation, during 125 days. The experiment was carried out in two phases. In the phase I, mussels were divided in two treatments: starvation (S) and feeding (F). After 100 days, tissue samples were collected to quantify glycogen concentrations and, each phase I group was divided in two subgroups: starvation (S) and feeding (F), resulting in four treatments. In the phase II, that lasted 25 days, starvation specimens (S) from phase I were allowed to feed (starvation-feeding treatment, or S-F), or continued to undergo starvation (starvation-starvation treatment, or S-S) and the feeding specimens (F) continued feeding (feeding-feeding group, or F-F), or were subjected to starvation (feeding-starvation treatment, or F-S). Behavior (valve-closing) and mortality were recorded in 24 h intervals. After the 25 days (phase II) all specimens were killed, and thei r soft tissue was removed to quantify glycogen concentrations. The glycogen concentration of the S-F treatment was lower than that of the F-S treatment, which was initially allowed to feed (phase I) and then subjected to starvation (phase II). Stability in the glycogen concentrations was observed when the phase II feeding conditions were maintained during the experiments, as observed in the S-S (continued starvation) and F-F (continued feeding) treatments. Based on our glycogen concentrations results, the golden mussel shows a higher tolerance to starvation (125 days) than has previously been published, which suggests that its tolerance strongly influences its invasive behavior.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Effect of starvation and subsequent feeding on glycogen concentration, behavior and mortality in the golden mussel Limnoperna Fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)

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    The success of Limnoperna fortunei as an invasive species is related to its physiological plasticity that allows them to endure adverse environmental conditions. Starvation tolerance is considered to be an important trait associated with bivalve invasiveness. In natural ecosystems, food resources can vary during the year, exposing mussels to variable periods of starvation or limited food availability. Thus, mussels have developed physiological strategies to tolerate fluctuations in food availability. Glycogen concentration has been used in different monitoring studies as an indicator of the nutritional condition of bivalves. The aim of this study was to investigate the physiological responses of L. fortunei based on the glycogen concentrations of specimens under four treatments, comprising differentcombinations of feeding and starvation, during 125 days. The experiment was carried out in two phases. In the phase I, mussels were divided in two treatments: starvation (S) and feeding (F). After 100 days, tissue samples were collected to quantify glycogen concentrations and, each phase I group was divided in two subgroups: starvation (S) and feeding (F), resulting in four treatments. In the phase II, that lasted 25 days, starvation specimens (S) from phase I were allowed to feed (starvation-feeding treatment, or S-F), or continued to undergo starvation (starvation-starvation treatment, or S-S) and the feeding specimens (F) continued feeding (feeding-feeding group, or F-F), or were subjected to starvation (feeding-starvation treatment, or F-S). Behavior (valve-closing) and mortality were recorded in 24 h intervals. After the 25 days (phase II) all specimens were killed, and thei r soft tissue was removed to quantify glycogen concentrations. The glycogen concentration of the S-F treatment was lower than that of the F-S treatment, which was initially allowed to feed (phase I) and then subjected to starvation (phase II). Stability in the glycogen concentrations was observed when the phase II feeding conditions were maintained during the experiments, as observed in the S-S (continued starvation) and F-F (continued feeding) treatments. Based on our glycogen concentrations results, the golden mussel shows a higher tolerance to starvation (125 days) than has previously been published, which suggests that its tolerance strongly influences its invasive behavior.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Effect of starvation and subsequent feeding on glycogen concentration, behavior and mortality in the golden mussel Limnoperna Fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia: Mytilidae)

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    The success of Limnoperna fortunei as an invasive species is related to its physiological plasticity that allows them to endure adverse environmental conditions. Starvation tolerance is considered to be an important trait associated with bivalve invasiveness. In natural ecosystems, food resources can vary during the year, exposing mussels to variable periods of starvation or limited food availability. Thus, mussels have developed physiological strategies to tolerate fluctuations in food availability. Glycogen concentration has been used in different monitoring studies as an indicator of the nutritional condition of bivalves. The aim of this study was to investigate the physiological responses of L. fortunei based on the glycogen concentrations of specimens under four treatments, comprising differentcombinations of feeding and starvation, during 125 days. The experiment was carried out in two phases. In the phase I, mussels were divided in two treatments: starvation (S) and feeding (F). After 100 days, tissue samples were collected to quantify glycogen concentrations and, each phase I group was divided in two subgroups: starvation (S) and feeding (F), resulting in four treatments. In the phase II, that lasted 25 days, starvation specimens (S) from phase I were allowed to feed (starvation-feeding treatment, or S-F), or continued to undergo starvation (starvation-starvation treatment, or S-S) and the feeding specimens (F) continued feeding (feeding-feeding group, or F-F), or were subjected to starvation (feeding-starvation treatment, or F-S). Behavior (valve-closing) and mortality were recorded in 24 h intervals. After the 25 days (phase II) all specimens were killed, and thei r soft tissue was removed to quantify glycogen concentrations. The glycogen concentration of the S-F treatment was lower than that of the F-S treatment, which was initially allowed to feed (phase I) and then subjected to starvation (phase II). Stability in the glycogen concentrations was observed when the phase II feeding conditions were maintained during the experiments, as observed in the S-S (continued starvation) and F-F (continued feeding) treatments. Based on our glycogen concentrations results, the golden mussel shows a higher tolerance to starvation (125 days) than has previously been published, which suggests that its tolerance strongly influences its invasive behavior.Fil: Cordeiro, Nelmara I. S.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Andrade, Jennifer T. M.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Montresor, Lângia C.. Fundación Oswaldo Cruz; BrasilFil: Luz, Dalva M. R.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Martinez, Carlos B.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: Darrigran, Gustavo Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Invertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Pinheiro, Jairo. Universidade Federal Rural Do Rio de Janeiro;Fil: Vidigal, Teofânia H. D. A.. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Brasi