1,142 research outputs found

    General Cram\'er-Rao bound for parameter estimation using Gaussian multimode quantum resources

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    Multimode Gaussian quantum light, including multimode squeezed and/or multipartite quadrature entangled light, is a very general and powerful quantum resource with promising applications to quantum information processing and metrology involving continuous variables. In this paper, we determine the ultimate sensitivity in the estimation of any parameter when the information about this parameter is encoded in such Gaussian light, irrespective of the exact information extraction protocol used in the estimation. We then show that, for a given set of available quantum resources, the most economical way to maximize the sensitivity is to put the most squeezed state available in a well-defined light mode. This implies that it is not possible to take advantage of the existence of squeezed fluctuations in other modes, nor of quantum correlations and entanglement between different modes. We show that an appropriate homodyne detection scheme allows us to reach this Cramr-Rao bound. We apply finally these considerations to the problem of optimal phase estimation using interferometric techniques

    Configurable unitary transformations and linear logic gates using quantum memories

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    We show that a set of optical memories can act as a configurable linear optical network operating on frequency-multiplexed optical states. Our protocol is applicable to any quantum memories that employ off-resonant Raman transitions to store optical information in atomic spins. In addition to the configurability, the protocol also offers favourable scaling with an increasing number of modes where N memories can be configured to implement an arbitrary N-mode unitary operations during storage and readout. We demonstrate the versatility of this protocol by showing an example where cascaded memories are used to implement a conditional CZ gate.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    ¿Un sistema educativo comprensivo?

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    Any good educational system tries to keep the maximum number of students in the educational system for as long as possible, where he or she will receive a quality education which will prepare him or her for higher education and the labour market. In other words, they fight for a comprehensive educational system. The LOMCE is going to achieve the complete opposite. We shall analyze this more deeply in the following paragraphs. Keywords: Vocational training, higher vocational training, educational method, scholar evaluation, exam, income test, scholar dropout, basic education, secondary education, postsecondary education, higher education, private school, public school.Ningún sistema educativo intenta mantener el máximo número de estudiantes en el sistema educativo durante el mayor tiempo posible, donde el o ella recibirá una educación de calidad la cual los preparará para la educación superior y el mercado laboral. En otras palabras, ellos luchan por un sistema educativo comprensivo. La LOMCE va a lograr todo lo contrario. Nosotros analizaremos esto más profundamente en los siguientes párrafos.ReiDoCrea. Departamento de Psicología Social. Universidad de Granada

    A mirrorless spinwave resonator

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    Optical resonance is central to a wide range of optical devices and techniques. In an optical cavity, the round-trip length and mirror reflectivity can be chosen to optimize the circulating optical power, linewidth, and free-spectral range (FSR) for a given application. In this paper we show how an atomic spinwave system, with no physical mirrors, can behave in a manner that is analogous to an optical cavity. We demonstrate this similarity by characterising the build-up and decay of the resonance in the time domain, and measuring the effective optical linewidth and FSR in the frequency domain. Our spinwave is generated in a 20 cm long Rb gas cell, yet it facilitates an effective FSR of 83 kHz, which would require a round-trip path of 3.6 km in a free-space optical cavity. Furthermore, the spinwave coupling is controllable enabling dynamic tuning of the effective cavity parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Spatial mode storage in a gradient echo memory

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    Three-level atomic gradient echo memory (lambda-GEM) is a proposed candidate for efficient quantum storage and for linear optical quantum computation with time-bin multiplexing. In this paper we investigate the spatial multimode properties of a lambda-GEM system. Using a high-speed triggered CCD, we demonstrate the storage of complex spatial modes and images. We also present an in-principle demonstration of spatial multiplexing by showing selective recall of spatial elements of a stored spin wave. Using our measurements, we consider the effect of diffusion within the atomic vapour and investigate its role in spatial decoherence. Our measurements allow us to quantify the spatial distortion due to both diffusion and inhomogeneous control field scattering and compare these to theoretical models.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Dihydroxyacetone conversion into lactic acid in an aqueous medium in the presence of metal salts: influence of the ionic thermodynamic equilibrium on the reaction performance

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    International audienceThe catalytic conversion of dihydroxyacetone (DHA) to lactic acid (LA) via pyruvaldehyde (PA) in aqueous media was studied using different homogeneous metal salts. A kinetic model was developed and the parameters corresponding to each reaction steps were estimated. Agreement between experiments and simulated results was excellent and the performance of the different catalysts was consistent with previous studies described in the literature. Aluminium salts, which show the best performance, were tested in a whole range of concentrations and at different pH, in order to identify the catalytically active ionic species. It was confirmed that the DHA to pyruvaldehyde (PA) dehydration step is catalyzed by both Brønsted and Lewis acids whereas the consecutive reaction of PA to LA is solely catalyzed by Lewis acids. Moreover, comparing thermodynamic analysis of the reaction media and kinetic parameters demonstrated that cationic hydroxyl-aluminium complexes [Al(OH)h] (3-h)+ formed in situ by the hydrolysis of the aluminium aqua complexes like [Al(OH2)6] 3+ are the most active Lewis acids

    Thin GaAsSb Diodes With Low Excess Noise

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    Thin avalanche layers have been adopted to achieve low excess noise and high gain bandwidth products in InP and InAlAs avalanche photodiodes. In this work we report the excess noise characterization in a series of Al1-xGaxAs0.56Sb0.44 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15) diodes with avalanche layer thickness of 110-116 nm. These alloys, lattice matched to InP, showed lower excess noise than InP and InAlAs. Dark current, most probably originating from surface leakage, was observed to be lower in composition with higher Ga concentration. Avalanche gain and excess noise measurements using lasers of 543 and 633 nm wavelengths indicated that at a given electric field, the electron ionization coefficient is larger than the hole ionization coefficient. Using the 543 nm laser, low excess noise data corresponding to an effective ionization coefficient ratio of k = 0.1 in the conventional excess noise theory was measured in Al1-xGaxAs0.56Sb0.44 (x = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15), although pure electron injection was not achieved. Our results demonstrated the potential of using Al1-xGaxAs0.56Sb0.44 (x = 0.05, 0.1, 0.15) as replacement for InP and InAlAs for high speed and low excess noise avalanche photodiodes. The data reported in this paper is available from the ORDA digital repository (https://doi.org/10.15131/shef.data.5155822)

    Multiple effects of ice load changes and associated stress change on magmatic systems

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    Ice retreat on volcanoes reduces pressure at the surface of the Earth and induces stress changes in magmatic systems. The consequences can include increased generation of magma at depth, increased magma capture in the crust, and modification of failure conditions of magma chambers. We review the methodology to evaluate each of these effects, and consider the influence of ongoing ice retreat on volcanoes at the Mid-Atlantic divergent plate boundary in Iceland. Evaluation of each of these effects requires a series of assumptions regarding the rheology of the crust and mantle, and the nature of magmatic systems, contributing to relatively large uncertainty in response of a magmatic system to climate warming and associated ice retreat. Pressure release melting due to ice cap retreat in Iceland may at present times generate a similar amount of magma as plate tectonic processes; larger than realized previously. However, new modelling shows that part of this magma may be captured in the crust, rather than being erupted. Gradual retreat of ice caps do steadily modify failure conditions at magma chambers, which is highly dependent on their geometry and depth, as well as the details of ice load variations. A model is presented where long-term ice retreat at Katla volcano decreases the likelihood of eruption, as more magma is needed in the magma chamber to cause failure than in the absence of the ice retreat

    Réponses de trois espèces sentinelles aquatiques à la contamination en métaux traces dans deux rivières de l'Abitibi, Québec

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    La métallothionéine (MT) est un ligand protéinique intracellulaire important à cause de son implication dans les processus de régulation des métaux traces essentiels et non-essentiels. Bon nombre de travaux ont été conduits en laboratoire pour bien comprendre les mécanismes de synthèse de cette protéine, mais les études réalisées en milieu aquatique sont beaucoup plus rares, particulièrement dans les rivières (milieu lotique). Dans ce contexte, la présente étude avait deux objectifs principaux : (1) identifier en milieu lotique les métaux traces (argent "Ag", cadmium "Cd", cuivre "Cu", nickel "Ni", plomb "Pb" et zinc "Zn") susceptibles d'induire la synthèse de la MT chez trois espèces sentinelles, soit le mollusque bivalve Pyganodon grandis, la larve d'éphémère Hexagenia limbata et le grand brochet du nord Esox lucius ; (2) définir les variables physico-chimiques ou toxicologiques pouvant influencer la prise en charge des métaux traces et conséquemment les concentrations en MT chez le mollusque P. grandis et l'éphémère H. limbata. Deux rivières de la région de l'Abitibi ont été échantillonnées à l'été 2001 afin de récolter les espèces sentinelles à 21 stations. Les concentrations en métaux traces, ainsi qu'en métallothionéine, ont été mesurées dans les branchies des mollusques, dans le rein des brochets et dans le corps entier des éphémères. La métallothionéine a été mesurée à l'aide d'une technique de saturation au mercure. D'après nos résultats, le cadmium tissulaire semble être le meilleur prédicteur de la concentration de MT chez les trois espèces sentinelles. Cependant, l'implication d'autres métaux est également possible. Dans le cas de P. grandis, la concentration de manganèse (Mn) dans les sédiments pourrait influencer la prise en charge du Cd et la synthèse de MT.Metallothionein (MT), an intracellular metal binding protein, is recognized for its role in the regulation of essential and non-essential trace metals. The mechanisms of synthesis of this protein have been studied in the laboratory but much less work has been carried out in the field, particularly in lotic environments. According to the literature, metallothionein protects tissues from metal damage, and may be used as a direct measure of the biochemical state of the affected tissue. Metallothionein shows high affinity for group IB and IIB metals ions (e.g. Cd, Cu, Zn), and consequently can sequester and detoxify metals. The use of MT as a biomarker for elevated levels of trace metals in aquatic environments has therefore been proposed as a tool in ecotoxicological studies. Changes at the biochemical level offer distinct advantages as biomarkers, since molecular alterations are normally the first detectable responses to environmental changes.The present study focused on two objectives, the first of which was to identify which trace metals (silver "Ag", cadmium "Cd", copper "Cu", nickel "Ni", lead "Pb" and zinc "Zn") may induce MT synthesis in three sentinel species collected in two northern Quebec rivers (Colombière River, close to Val d'Or, and Matagami River close to the town of Matagami) in a mining region (Abitibi, Québec). The three sentinel species were the adult bivalve Pyganodon grandis, the larval mayfly Hexagenia limbata, and the adult great northern pike Esox lucius. The second objective was to define variables that could influence the uptake of these trace metals and consequently the concentrations of MT in the sentinel species. The selection of these sentinel species was based on the following criteria: their relative abundance in the aquatic systems studied; their relative immobility; the ease of sampling; metal tolerance; metal bioaccumulation capacity; dynamics of metal accumulation; capacity to synthesize metallothionein; and availability of physiological and behavioural data.In 2001, physico-chemical conditions (e.g.: temperature, oxygen, transparency, phosphorus, chlorophyll a, etc.) were monitored during two sampling campaigns at 21 stations. Trace metals were measured in water and sediment in all stations, and in tissues of the sentinel species that were collected when present at the station (P. grandis - gills; H. limbata - whole body; E. lucius - kidney). Dialysis cells were used to collect water samples for the determination of concentrations of total dissolved metals, major anions and cations, humic and fulvic acids, and dissolved organic carbon. At each sampling site, divers collected three replicate sub-samples from two sediment cores for metal analyses. The cores were extruded in the boat and samples taken from the uppermost 0.5 cm, i.e. from the oxidized layer.The two rivers differ in their morphometry, their physico-chemistry, and their biology. The Allard River is larger (200 m vs. 7 m) and deeper (30 m vs. 3 m) than the Colombière River. The Colombière River is slightly more acid (pH: 6.2 - 6.7) and less productive (14 - 32 µg total P L-1) than the Allard River (pH: 6.7 - 7.4; 24 - 45 µg total P L-1). However, the rivers present some similarities such as slow current conditions and limited water transparencies. The range of Ag, Cu and Ni concentrations in water and sediment was greater in the Colombière River, whereas Pb concentrations were higher in the Allard River and Cd concentrations were similar in the two rivers. Zinc was the dominant metal in both rivers, but variations were more significant in water in the Colombière River. Although trace metal and MT concentrations were highly variable among species, stations and rivers, no consistent spatial gradients were detected in animals collected downstream from mining activities.As was the case for the ambient environment, Zn was also the dominant metal in organisms of both rivers. Zinc concentrations were similar in mayflies from the two rivers, but higher in molluscs and lower in pike collected from the Colombière River than in comparable animals from the Allard River. Following Zn, Cu was the second metal in importance in species from the two rivers, whereas the concentrations of Ag were low in all organisms and were undetectable in pike. Cadmium was more concentrated in mayflies and molluscs from the Colombière River than in those from Allard River, and also higher in the pike collected in the contaminated zone of the Colombière River. The concentrations of Ni in all species were comparable between rivers, but were more elevated in mayflies than in the other sentinel species.The range of Pb concentrations was comparable between rivers for all species, but concentrations were lower in the pike (kidney). The concentration of MT was higher in the pike than in the two other species. Mayflies had higher MT levels in the Allard River, while MT concentrations were higher in molluscs of the Colombière River. The relationships between metals and MT were very variable between rivers and species. Nevertheless, MT concentrations were most strongly related to those of accumulated Cd in the three sentinel species. The relationships between MT and Cd for all three species were stronger in the Allard River than in the Colombière River. In the case of P. grandis, because the number of stations where the bivalves could be collected from the Colombière River was low (n=4), no statistically significant relationship was observed between MT and Cd in the tissues, in spite of the high correlation coefficient (r=0.98). For the bivalves, manganese (Mn) concentrations in the sediment were negatively correlated with accumulated Cd concentrations and with MT levels. In H. limbata, in addition to Cd, other metals such as Cu (-) and Zn (+) also exhibited weak relationships with MT. Finally, in bivariate analyses, Pb concentrations in pike liver were significantly correlated with those of MT in this species, but based on multiple regression models, no variable other than Cd affected the level of MT in E. lucius