79 research outputs found

    Historical and paleo-tsunami deposits on Kamchatka, Russia: long-term chronologies and long-distance correlations

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    Along the eastern coast of Kamchatka, at a number of localities, we have identified and attempted to assign ages to deposits of both historic and prehistoric (paleo-) tsunamis. These deposits are dated and correlated using tephrochronology from Holocene marker tephra and local volcanic ash layers. Because the historical record of earthquakes and tsunamis on Kamchatka is so short, these investigations can make important contributions to evaluating tsunami hazards. Moreover, because even the historical record is spotty, our work helps add to and evaluate tsunami catalogues for Kamchatka. Furthermore, tsunami deposits provide a proxy record for large earthquakes and thus are important paleoseismological tools. The combined, preserved record of tsunami deposits and of numerous marker tephra on Kamchatka offers an unprecedented opportunity to study tsunami frequency. Using combined stratigraphic sections, we can examine both the average frequency of events for each locality, and also changes in frequency through time. Moreover, using key marker tephra as time lines, we can compare tsunami frequency and intensity records along the Kamchatka subduction zone. Preliminary results suggest real variations in frequency on a millennial time scale, with the period from about 0 to 1000 A.D. being particularly active at some localities

    Does Kamchatka belong to North America? An extruding Okhotsk block suggested by coastal neotectonics of the Ozernoi Peninsula, Kamchatka, Russia

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    International audienceThis paper addresses one part of an outstanding tectonic problem regarding the nature of the plate boundary between Eurasia and North America in northeastern Russia. In this region, the northwestern corner of the Pacific plate interacts either simply with the North American plate, or more complexly with one or more blocks independent of North America. North of this corner, evidence of uplift, tilting, and convergence contradicts the prevailing, simpler model. On the Ozernoi Peninsula, ;150 km north of the subducting Pacific plate, marine terraces indicate uplift rates of 0.1 to 0.3 mm/yr, with faster rates to the east. Historic and paleoseismic records provide evidence for recurring tsunamigenic, thrust earthquakes offshore of the Ozernoi Peninsula, the most recent a Mw 7.7 earthquake in 1969. A multiplate model where an eastward-moving Okhotsk block, including most of Kamchatka, is converging with a clockwise-rotating Bering block better explains these observations than does the unbroken North American plate model

    Slip Distribution of the 1952 Kamchatka Great Earthquake Based on Near-Field Tsunami Deposits and Historical Records

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    We explore the magnitude and slip distribution of the 1952 Kamchatka earthquake (MW 8.8–9.0) using constraints from the 1952 Kamchatka tsunami. Our new field data provide more comprehensive coverage of the near-field tsunami than had been available to date. We examine the effects of internal slip distribution within complex earthquake ruptures on near-field tsunami runup and evaluate some of the limitations of this approach. Our approach compares tsunami-deposit distribution with simulated runup from tsunamis generated by different configurations of seafloor deformation from hypothetical earthquakes resembling that of the 1952 Kamchatka earthquake. We identify areas of high slip because different distributions of seafloor deformation result in variations in tsunami runup in the near field. Mapped deposits and local observations of the 1952 Kamchatka tsunami indicate that near-field runup in central Kamchatka was consistently less than 10 m (averaging 6 m), while south Kamchatka to the northern Kuril Islands had more variability and higher average runup (8 m runup in South Kamchatka and 10 m runup in the northern Kuril Islands). Our simulations show that in order to produce the distribution of runup indicated by tsunami deposits and historical observations, the 1952 earthquake had regions of high slip off the coast of southern Kamchatka, and the location of high slip is shallower in the subduction zone than previously interpreted

    A nexus of plate interaction: Vertical deformation of Holocene wave-built terraces on the Kamchatsky Peninsula (Kamchatka, Russia)

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    Kamchatsky Peninsula lies within a complex meeting place of tectonic plates, in particular, the orthogonal interaction of the west-moving Komandorsky Island block with mainland Kamchatka. Examining the Holocene history of vertical deformation of marine wave-built terraces along the peninsular coast, we differentiated tectonic blocks undergoing uplift and tilting separated by zones of stable or subsided shorelines. We analyzed ~200 excavations along >30 coastal profi les and quantifi ed vertical deformation on single profi les as well as along the coast using paleoshorelines dated with marker tephras. For the past ~2000 yr, the average rates of vertical deformation range from about –1 to +7 mm/yr. Uplift patterns are similar to those detected from historical leveling and from mapping of the stage 5e Quaternary marine terrace (ca. 120 ka). Average vertical deformation in the Holocene is highest for the shortest studied time period, from ca. A.D. 250 to 600, and it is several times faster than rates for marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 5e terraces. Vertical displacements observed along the coast are most likely coseismic and probably have included subsidence as well as uplift events. Because subsidence is generally associated with erosion, almost surely more prehistoric large earthquakes occurred than are recorded as topographic steps in these terraces. We suggest that the distribution of coastal uplift and subsidence observed along the Kamchatsky Peninsula coastline is qualitatively explained by the squeezing of the Kamchatsky Peninsula block between the Bering and Okhotsk plates, and the Komandorsky Island block

    Problems of Cooperation between Credit Institutions and Insurance Companies for Managing the Loan Consumers’ Matters, Affected by Flood in the Territory of Khabarovsk Region

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    Developed by the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in the Khabarovsk Territory was the algorithm for establishing cooperation between bank institutions, insurance companies, and other organizations on the basis of debt restructuring and payment adjourning. Compiled was the handbook for loan borrowers as regards their rights fixed in the current normative regulations. Displayed was the information on the preventive procedures for consumer financial and insurance protection that were being carried out by the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in cooperation with other agencies and services, allowing for relief of social tensions on the part of the population affected by flood

    Инвазивный микоз с поражением центральной нервной системы, обусловленный редкими дрожжевыми грибами Malassezia spp., у пациентов с острым лейкозом: описание клинических случаев и обзор литературы

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    Malassezia spp. is a commensal yeast that represents normal microflora in humans and some animals. However, Malassezia spp. can cause life-threatening invasive mycosis. Evidence on Malassezia spp. infections is limited mostly to a case reports describing disease in newborns and premature infants, because lipid infusions (total parenteral nutrition) given through central venous catheter is a major risk factor. Here, we report two cases of CNS infection caused by Malassezia species in non-neonates with acute leukemia.Malassezia spp. — дрожжевые грибы, которые представлены в составе нормальной микрофлоры кожи человека и как симбионт препятствуют развитию инфекций, обусловленных опасными патогенами. Однако Malassezia spp. также может стать причиной тяжелого инвазивного микоза и привести к летальному исходу. Данные литературы ограничены, представлены преимущественно публикациями об инфекциях у новорожденных и недоношенных детей, что, в первую очередь, связывают с известным фактором риска — применение парентерального питания, включающего в себя жировую эмульсию, с использованием центрального венозного катетера. Мы представляем клинические случаи инфекции центральной нервной системы, обусловленной редкими возбудителями, дрожжевыми грибами рода Malassezia, у детей с острым лейкозом

    Клинико-иммунологическая характеристика больных клещевым энцефалитом в острый период в Томской области

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    Results of complex research of features of clinical and immunological profiles tick-borne encephalitis during the sharp period in Tomsk Region are resulted in the article. Last years redistribution of a parity of clinical displays of the sharp period in favor of prevalence of feverish forms of disease and a tendency to increase in cases of long circulation of an antigene of a virus tick-borne encephalitis is marked. One of the important reasons of such effect is decrease in immunological reactance of an organism with development of cytokine’s disbalance and expression infringement receptors of cytokines with lymphocytic cages.Представлены результаты комплексного исследования особенностей клинического и иммунологического профилей клещевого вирусного энцефалита в острый период в Томской области. В последние годы отмечаются перераспределение соотношения клинических проявлений острого периода в пользу преобладания лихорадочных форм заболевания и тенденция к увеличению случаев длительной циркуляции антигена вируса клещевого энцефалита. Одной из важных причин такого эффекта является снижение иммунологической реактивности организма с развитием цитокинового дисбаланса и нарушение экспрессии цитокинов рецепторов лимфоцитарными клетками


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    The results of the study outcomes of tick-borne encephalitis in adults in the Tomsk Region. Patients conducted a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination. Revealed the prevalence of autonomic disorders in individuals who have had at different periods of tick-borne encephalitis, which is regarded as the effects of tick-borne infection. Residual effects of tick-borne encephalitis occurs mainly in the form of light paresis after suffering a focal forms. Among the chronic (progredient) forms of tick-borne encephalitis often formed hyperkinetic options. Most of the study revealed the presence of precipitating factors that could have an influence on the outcome. Fundamental diffe rences in all-clinical and immunological analyses at patients with various outcomes of tick-borne encephalitis it wasn't noted. KEY WORDS: tick-borne encephalitis, Tomsk Region, the outcomes.Представлены результаты изучения исходов клещевого энцефалита у взрослого населения Томской области. Пациентам проведено комплексное клинико-лабораторное и нейропсихологическое обследование. Выявлено преобладание вегетативных нарушений у лиц, перенесших в разные периоды клещевой энцефалит, что расценено как последствия клещевой инфекции. Остаточные явления клещевого энцефалита проявляются преимущественно в виде спастических и (или) вялых парезов разной степени выраженности после перенесенных очаговых форм. Среди хронических (прогредиентных) форм клещевого энцефалита чаще формируются гиперкинетические варианты. У большинства обследованных выявлено наличие провоцирующих факторов, которые могли оказать влияние на формирование исхода. Принципиальных отличий в общеклинических и иммунологических анализах у пациентов с различными исходами клещевого энцефалита не отмечено.