12 research outputs found

    Programa de educación para la salud. Diversidad Sexual: la Transexualidad

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    Introducción: dentro del amplio concepto de la sexualidad se encuentra la transexualidad. Concepto que no es nuevo, pero en la actualidad, está cogiendo visibilidad. Clasificado como enfermedad en diversos manuales, existe un movimiento en contra de esta patologización. Los adolescentes transexuales, además de estar pasando por la etapa dificultosa de la adolescencia tienen que sumar la situación de transexualidad y, por lo tanto, las conductas discriminatorias que pueden sufrir. Para terminar con esas discriminaciones la formación es esencial, por ello, en este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se plantea un Programa educativo desde el punto de vista de enfermería. Objetivo: diseñar un Programa de Educación Para la Salud sobre sexualidad y transexualidad dirigido a los adolescentes con el fin de formarlos en este tema. Metodología: se realizó mediante búsquedas bibliográficas en diversas bases de datos y páginas webs relacionados con el tema. También se ha recopilado y analizado documentación relacionada con la elaboración de Programas de Educación para la Salud. Planificación: en este Programa se han planteado unos objetivos pedagógicos y unas actividades programadas con sus contenidos educativos, estrategias metodológicas y recursos tanto organizativos, materiales y humanos con el fin de alcanzar dichos objetivos. Además, también se han planificado las herramientas de evaluación correspondientes a la estructura, el proceso y los resultados del Programa. Aportación personal: la formación y educación en sexualidad y transexualidad es esencial para fomentar conductas sexuales sanas y seguras y evitar las conductas discriminatorias y sus consecuencias, de ahí la necesidad de elaborar Programas de Educación para la Salud. Si bien el Programa que se plantea está dirigido a un grupo de adolescentes en el ámbito escolar, esté puede ser una manera para visibilizar la profesión de enfermería y una vía de conexión del adolescente con el sistema sanitario para recibir una atención individualizada en la consulta de enfermería

    Changes in classroom assessment practices during emergency remote teaching due to COVID-19.

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    This study explores the effects of the shift to emergency remote teaching on assessment practices due to COVID-19 lockdown. A total of 936 Spanish teachers from all educational levels ranging from early childhood to university participated in this nationwide survey. Four aspects were explored: (1) changes in the use of assessment instruments (e.g. exams); (2) changes in assessment criteria, standards and grading; (3) changes in the delivery of feedback and use of rubrics; and (4) changes in students’ involvement in assessment (i.e. self- and peer assessment). In general, results are mixed, with some areas undergoing certain changes with the aim of adapting to the new situation (e.g. primary education teachers lowering their grading standards), whereas many other assessment practices have remained similar, especially among higher education teachers. Unfortunately, some of the assessment practices have worsened, such as students’ involvement in assessment which has decreased.pre-print764 K

    Development of non-destructive analytical strategies based on Raman spectroscopy and complementary techniques for Mars Sample Return tested on Northwest Africa 1950 Martian meteorite

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    The Mars Sample Return (MSR) is a near future mission to return samples from the surface of Mars to the Earth. The field operations to carry out data collection, selection of the samples, and sampling procedure, mainly related to the CanMars MSR analog mission, are well-studied and published. In contrast, studies related to the methodology implemented to characterize the mineralogy of the returned samples are scarcer and focused on biosignature detection. This work presents a non-destructive analytical methodology based on Raman microscopy (single point and imaging), micro-energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence imaging analysis, and scanning electron microscopy coupled to energy dispersive spectroscopy that could be used as a first analytical characterization for the Martian samples that will be returned to the Earth in the upcoming MSR mission, before any destructive analysis. The analytical methodology has been tested on a fragment of the Northwest Africa 1950 Martian meteorite, which gives us a mineralogical characterization of the meteorite. This methodology also allowed to define several chemical reactions taking place in some of the mineral phases (olivines and ilmenite) of the meteorite. In addition to the geochemical characterization of the samples, the fact that this methodology allows to assess the chemical transformations in several minerals gives important clues for describing mineral processes and geological evolution that took place on Mars. This work also shows the advantages and disadvantages that each of the techniques employed has when performing a mineralogical characterization, the information that each one can provide and the importance of combining them.This work has been financially supported through the RamOnMars project: “Contribution of the Raman spectroscopy to the exploration of Mars and Martian Moons: ExoMars, Mars 2020, and MMX missions” (Grant ESP2017-87690-C3-1-R), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and by the Spanish Agency for Research (AEI-MINECO/FEDER) through the Project Science and Instrumentation for the Study of (bio)geochemical processes in Mars (Sigue-Mars), Grant no. RED2018-102600-T. C. García-Florentino is grateful to the Basque Government for her Postdoctoral Grant. J. Huidobro is grateful to the Basque Government for her Predoctoral contract. I. Torre-Fdez acknowledges his predoctoral contract from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). J. Aramendia is grateful to the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754513 and The Aarhus University Research Foundation for her fellowship. The authors thank the General Service of Electron Microscopy and Materials Microanalysis Laboratory from the SGIker (UPV/EHU, MICINN, GV/EJ, ERDF and ESF) of the University of the Basque Country for their collaboration in the analyses

    Itsas ingurumenerako mikrokutsatzaile organiko hidrofobikoen presentzia eta eraginak aztertzeko estrategien taxutzea

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    The efects of hydrophobic microcontaminants such as alkylphenols, organophosphorus compounds, organochloride pesticides, phthalates and musk fragances were studied in mussels. The proposed analytical strategy is based on the combination of passive sampling studies, bioconcentration measurements of micropollutants in mussels, environmental NMR metabolomics of two tissues (gonad, muscle) and hemolymph of mussels and histological analysis. By means of this work, it was verified the feasibility of this strategy in controlled conditions with intent to use it in future environmental studies. The micropollutants mixture was responsible of early spawning in mussels. In fact, the most significant metabolic changes were observed in the same day that spawning took place.; Lan honetan, ingurumen analisirako metodologia planteamendu berri bat proposatu da. Horretarako, kimikariek eta biologoek baldintza kontrolatuetako esposizioa egiteko elkarlanean jardun genuen. Esperimentu honetan, muskuiluak eta lagin-biltze pasiboko tresnak hainbat mikrokutsatzaile hidrofoboren eraginpean jarri ziren. Batetik, kutsatzaileen kontzentrazioak neurtu ziren, lagin-biltze puntualen zein lagin-biltze pasiboen bitartez. Bestetik, muskuiluetan kutsatzaileen kontzentrazioak neurtu ziren. Biologoek, euren aldetik, muskuiluen azterketa histopatologikoa egin zuten. Azkenik, NMR-n oinarritutako metabolomika erabili zen muskuiluek kutsatzaileen aurrean ematen zuten erantzuna aztertzeko. Lau estrategien konbinazioarekin, kausa (kokteleko mikrokutsatzaileen kontzentrazioak eta muskuiluek metatutakoa) eta eragindako efektuak (histologia azterketetan behatutakoak) hobeto uler ditzakegu. Kutsatzaileek eragiten dituzten aldaketak ulertzeko eta ondorioak azaltzeko metabolomika baliabide erabilgarria dela ondorioztatu genuen. Kutsatzaileen koktelak errute goiztiarra eragin zien muskuiluei; izan ere, NMR metabolomika erabiliz, aldaketa metaboliko nabarienak errute-egunean ikusi ziren

    Teachers’ Well-Being, Emotions, and Motivation During Emergency Remote Teaching Due to COVID-19.

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    This study explores the effects of the shift to emergency remote teaching (ERT) on teachers’ levels of well-being, emotions, and motivation. A total of 936 Spanish teachers participated in this nationwide survey from all educational levels, thus allowing comparison among levels, which is a novelty and strength of our study. Four aspects were explored: (1) instructional adaptation to ERT; (2) well-being changes and the main challenges in this regard; (3) changes in emotions; and (4) changes in motivation and the main factors. Importantly, we explored a number of teacher characteristics (e.g., gender, age) for the three last aspects. Our results show that teachers felt the impact of ERT on their well-being, emotions, and motivation. Additionally, female teachers, teachers with students of low socioeconomic status (SES), in public schools, and primary and secondary teachers were the most affected groups. This indicates that the impact of ERT differed and some populations of teachers are more at risk of suffering burnout because of ERT.post-print768 K

    Instrument to report the characteristics of rubric design and implementation

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    Instrument to report the characteristics of rubric design and implementatio

    MA rubrics

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    Assessment design decisions in practice: Profile identification in approaches to assessment design

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    This study aims to identify different profiles of higher education teachers based on the way they design their assessment methods. It also explores differential characteristics in each profile and differences in the assessment methods preferred by the teachers and those implemented in their subjects. Seventeen teachers from four universities participated carrying out a think-aloud simulation task: designing the assessment methods for a set of learning outcomes. Teachers’ testimony during the task was transcribed and categorized using content analysis and an open-coding procedure. Three different patterns were identified: (a) focus on the feasibility of the assessment tasks, (b) on the alignment with the learning outcomes, or (c) alignment with teaching methods. Most of the participants focused only in one of the three elements. Teachers also designed different assessment methods in the simulation task in comparison with the ones they use in their subjects, despite the guidelines of assessing the same learning outcomes. A lack of resources is claimed as the reason of these differences. Implications for future research are discussed.Sin financiación4.984 JCR (2020) Q1, 17/265 Education & Educational research1.947 SJR (2020) Q1, 51/1544 EducationNo data IDR 2020UE

    El 'fracking' : un atentado contra el territorio y la soberanía alimentaria

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    A pesar de que el proyecto llevaba urdiéndose desde 2006, fue en octubre de 2011, en medio de la vorágine informativa sobre el cese definitivo de la actividad armada de ETA, cuando la opinión pública vasca conoció, debido a un viaje del Lehendakari a Estados Unidos, el último negocio que se tramaba en -o en contra de- su territorio: el fracking

    Enpresa-fisioterapeuta: ongizatea eta aurrerapen eremuan

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    OBJETIVOS: 3.1. Analizar los aspectos legales del fisioterapeuta de empresa en España.- 3.2. Analizar la figura del fisioterapeuta de empresa en España, Europa, y en otros países.- 3.3. Establecer las funciones del fisioterapeuta de empresa en el ámbito de la prevención de riesgos laborales.- 3.4. Analizar los posibles beneficios socio-económicos que conlleva la implementación de la fisioterapia de empresa.- 3.5. Estudiar el ámbito laboral actual y el futuro del fisioterapeuta de empresa.-- HELBURUAK: 3.1. Espainian enpresa-fisioterapeutaren aspektu legalak aztertzea.- 3.2. Enpresa-fisioterapeutaren irudia aztertzea Espainia, Europa eta beste herrialde batzuetan.- 3.3. Enpresa-fisioterapeutaren funtzioak ezartzea lan arriskuen prebentzio eremuan.- 3.4. Enpresa-fisioterapeutaren inplementazioak ekar ditzaken onura sozio-ekonomiko posibleak aztertzea.- 3.5. Gaur egungo lan eremua eta enpresa-fisioterapeutaren etorkizuna aztertzea.[SPA] El objetivo principal de este trabajo es hacer un balance de la situación actual de los fisioterapeutas de empresa en España, en otros países del mundo y la Unión Europea, y analizar los aspectos legales de esa figura en los territorios en los que ya está consolidada, así como el posible ámbito de actuación en el que se podría encajar este profesional en España, donde el marco normativo básico sobre la prevención de riesgos laborales y ergonomía deja abierta la posibilidad de participación de esta profesión. Sabedores de que la Fisioterapia en materia de prevención de riesgos laborales en España, no se encuentra al mismo nivel de desarrollo que en otros países, se tratará, mediante este documento, de impulsar la figura del fisioterapeuta de empresa analizando el papel fundamental del fisioterapeuta en el tratamiento y prevención de los trastornos músculo-esqueléticos que afectan al conjunto de la clase trabajadora.[EUS] Lan honen helburu nagusia Espainiako laneko fisioterapeuten gaur egungo egoera aztertzea da, ez bakarrik Espainian baita Europa eta munduko beste herrialdeetan ere. Horrez gain, enpresako fisioterapeutaren lana finkatuta dagoen herrialdeen aspektu legalak ikertzen ditu, Espainian fisioterapeutaren lanak arlo honetan izan dezakeen garapena ikusteko. Arrisku laboralen prebentzio arloan fisioterapeutaren lana beste herrialdeetan bezain garatuta ez dagoenez, lan honen bidez hau sustatzen saiatu nahi dugu. Horretarako fisioterapeutak nahasmen muskulu- eskeletikoen prebentzioan eta tratamenduan duen papera aztertuko dugu