8 research outputs found

    Quantifying effects of long-range transport of NO2 over Delhi using back trajectories and satellite data

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    © 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Exposure to air pollution is a leading public health risk factor in India, especially over densely populated Delhi and the surrounding Indo-Gangetic Plain. During the post-monsoon seasons, the prevailing north-westerly winds are known to influence aerosol pollution events in Delhi by advecting pollutants from agricultural fires as well as from local sources. Here we investigate the year-round impact of meteorology on gaseous nitrogen oxides (NOxCombining double low lineNO+NO2). We use bottom-up NOx emission inventories (anthropogenic and fire) and high-resolution satellite measurement based tropospheric column NO2 (TCNO2) data, from S5P aboard TROPOMI, alongside a back-trajectory model (ROTRAJ) to investigate the balance of local and external sources influencing air pollution changes in Delhi, with a focus on different emissions sectors. Our analysis shows that accumulated emissions (i.e. integrated along the trajectory path, allowing for chemical loss) are highest under westerly, north-westerly and northerly flow during pre-monsoon (February-May) and post-monsoon (October-February) seasons. According to this analysis, during the pre-monsoon season, the highest accumulated satellite TCNO2 trajectories come from the east and north-west of Delhi. TCNO2 is elevated within Delhi and the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) to the east of city. The accumulated NOx emission trajectories indicate that the transport and industry sectors together account for more than 80% of the total accumulated emissions, which are dominated by local sources (>70%) under easterly winds and north-westerly winds. The high accumulated emissions estimated during the pre-monsoon season under north-westerly wind directions are likely to be driven by high NOx emissions locally and in nearby regions (since NOx lifetime is reduced and the boundary layer is relatively deeper in this season). During the post-monsoon season the highest accumulated satellite TCNO2 trajectories are advected from Punjab and Haryana, where satellite TCNO2 is elevated, indicating the potential for the long-range transport of agricultural burning emissions to Delhi. However, accumulated NOx emissions indicate local (70%) emissions from the transport sector are the largest contributor to the total accumulated emissions. High local emissions, coupled with a relatively long NOx atmospheric lifetime and shallow boundary layer, aid the build-up of emissions locally and along the trajectory path. This indicates the possibility that fire emissions datasets may not capture emissions from agricultural waste burning in the north-west sufficiently to accurately quantify their influence on Delhi air quality (AQ). Analysis of daily ground-based NO2 observations indicates that high-pollution episodes (>90th percentile) occur predominantly in the post-monsoon season, and more than 75% of high-pollution events are primarily caused by local sources. But there is also a considerable influence from non-local (30%) emissions from the transport sector during the post-monsoon season. Overall, we find that in the post-monsoon season, there is substantial accumulation of high local NOx emissions from the transport sector (70% of total emissions, 70% local), alongside the import of NOx pollution into Delhi (30% non-local). This work indicates that both high local NOx emissions from the transport sector and the advection of highly polluted air originating from outside Delhi are of concern for the population. As a result, air quality mitigation strategies need to be adopted not only in Delhi but in the surrounding regions to successfully control this issue. In addition, our analysis suggests that the largest benefits to Delhi NOx air quality would be seen with targeted reductions in emissions from the transport and agricultural waste burning sectors, particularly during the post-monsoon season.Peer reviewe

    Investigation of the summer 2018 European ozone air pollution episodes using novel satellite data and modelling

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    In the summer of 2018, Europe experienced an intense heat wave which coincided with several persistent large-scale ozone (O3) pollution episodes. Novel satellite data of lower tropospheric column O3 from the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) and Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) on the MetOp satellite showed substantial enhancements in 2018 relative to other years since 2012. Surface observations also showed ozone enhancements across large regions of continental Europe in summer 2018 compared to 2017. Enhancements to surface temperature and the O3 precursor gases carbon monoxide and methanol in 2018 were co-retrieved from MetOp observations by the same scheme. This analysis was supported by the TOMCAT chemistry transport model (CTM) to investigate processes driving the observed O3 enhancements. Through several targeted sensitivity experiments we show that meteorological processes, and emissions to a secondary order, were important for controlling the elevated O3 concentrations at the surface. However, mid-tropospheric (~500 hPa) O3 enhancements were dominated by meteorological processes. We find that contributions from stratospheric O3 intrusions ranged between 15&ndash;40 %. Analysis of back trajectories indicates that the import of O3-enriched air masses into Europe originated over the North Atlantic substantially increasing O3 in the 500 hPa layer during summer 2018.</p

    Adding Value to Waste Minerals in a Circular Economy Framework: Ochre-Derived Layered Double Hydroxide Catalysts in Fatty Acid Ketonisation

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    Mineral carbonation is known to be among the most efficient ways to reduce the anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide. Serpentine minerals (Mg3Si2O5(OH)4), have shown great potential for carbonation. A way to improve yield is to thermally activate serpentine minerals prior to the carbonation reaction. This step is of great importance as it controls Mg2+ leaching, one of the carbonation reaction limiting factors. Previous studies have focused on the optimization of the thermal activation by determining the ideal activation temperature. However, to date, none of these studies have considered the impacts of the thermal activation on the efficiency of the aqueous-phase mineral carbonation at ambient temperature and moderate pressure in flue gas conditions. Several residence times and temperatures of activation have been tested to evaluate their impact on serpentine dissolution in conditions similar to mineral carbonation. The mineralogical composition of the treated solids has been studied using X-ray diffraction coupled with a quantification using the Rietveld refinement method. A novel approach in order to quantify the meta-serpentine formed during dehydroxylation is introduced. The most suitable mineral assemblage for carbonation is found to be a mixture of the different amorphous phases identified. This study highlights the importance of the mineralogical assemblage obtained during the dehydroxylation process and its impact on the magnesium availability during dissolution in the carbonation reaction

    Quantifying the tropospheric ozone radiative effect and its temporal evolution in the satellite era

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    Using state-of-the-art satellite ozone profile products, and a chemical transport model, we provide an updated estimate of the tropospheric ozone radiative effect (TO3RE) and observational constraint on its variability over the decade 2008-2017. Previous studies have shown the short-term (i.e. a few years) globally weighted average TO3RE to be 1.17 ± 0.03 W m-2. However, from our analysis, using decadal (2008-2017) ozone profile datasets from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer, average TO3RE ranges between 1.21 and 1.26 W m-2. Over this decade, the modelled and observational TO3RE linear trends show a negligible change (e.g. ± 0.1 % yr-1). Two model sensitivity experiments fixing emissions and meteorology to 1 year (i.e. start year - 2008) show that temporal changes in ozone precursor emissions (increasing contribution) and meteorological factors (decreasing contribution) have counteracting tendencies, leading to a negligible globally weighted average TO3RE trend.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Investigation of satellite vertical sensitivity on long-term retrieved lower tropospheric ozone trends

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    International audienceOzone is a potent air pollutant in the lower troposphere and an important short-lived climate forcer (SLCF) in the upper troposphere. Studies investigating long-term trends in tropospheric column ozone (TCO3) have shown large-scale spatiotemporal inconsistencies. Here, we investigate the long-term trends in lower tropospheric column ozone (LTCO3, surface-450 hPa sub-column) by exploiting a synergy of satellite and ozonesonde datasets and an Earth System Model (UKESM) over North America, Europe and East Asia for the decade 2008–2017. Overall, we typically find small LTCO3 linear trends with large uncertainty ranges from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI), while model simulations indicate a stable LTCO3 tendency. Trends in the satellite a priori datasets show negligible trends indicating year-to-year sampling is not an issue. The application of the satellite averaging kernels (AKs) to the UKESM ozone profiles, accounting for the satellite vertical sensitivity and allowing for like-for-like comparisons, has a limited impact on the modelled LTCO3 tendency in most cases. While, in relative terms, this is more substantial (e.g. in the order of 100 %), the absolute magnitudes of the model trends show negligible change. However, as the model has a near-zero tendency, artificial trends were imposed on the model time-series (i.e. LTCO3 values rearranged from smallest to largest) to test the influence of the AKs but simulated LTCO3 trends remained small. Therefore, the LTCO3 tendency between 2008 and 2017 in northern hemispheric regions are likely small, with large uncertainties, and it is difficult to detect any small underlying linear trends due to inter-annual variability or other factors which require further investigation

    Quantifying the tropospheric ozone radiative effect and its temporal evolution in the satellite era

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    International audienceUsing state-of-the-art satellite ozone profile products, and chemical transport model, we provide an updated estimate of the tropospheric ozone radiative effect (TO3RE) and observational constraint on its variability over the decade 2008–2017. Previous studies have shown the short-term (i.e. a few years) globally weighted average TO3RE to be 1.17±0.03 W/m2, while our analysis suggests that the long-term (2008–2017) average TO3RE to be 1.21–1.28 W/m2. Over this decade, the modelled/observational TO3RE linear trends show negligible change (i.e. ±0.1 %/year), so the tropospheric ozone radiative contribution to climate has remained stable with time. Two model sensitivity experiments fixing emissions and meteorology to one year (i.e. start year – 2008) show that ozone precursor emissions (meteorological factors) have had limited (substantial) impacts on the long-term tendency of globally weighted average TO3RE. Here, the meteorological variability in the tropical/sub-tropical upper troposphere is dampening any tendency in TO3RE from other factors (e.g. emissions, atmospheric chemistry)

    Quantifying the tropospheric ozone radiative effect and its temporal evolution in the satellite-era

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    Using state-of-the-art satellite ozone profile products, and chemical transport model, we provide an updated estimate of the tropospheric ozone radiative effect (TO3RE) and observational constraint on its variability over the decade 2008–2017. Previous studies have shown the short-term (i.e. a few years) globally weighted average TO3RE to be 1.17±0.03 W/m2, while our analysis suggests that the long-term (2008–2017) average TO3RE to be 1.21–1.28 W/m2. Over this decade, the modelled/observational TO3RE linear trends show negligible change (i.e. ±0.1 %/year), so the tropospheric ozone radiative contribution to climate has remained stable with time. Two model sensitivity experiments fixing emissions and meteorology to one year (i.e. start year – 2008) show that ozone precursor emissions (meteorological factors) have had limited (substantial) impacts on the long-term tendency of globally weighted average TO3RE. Here, the meteorological variability in the tropical/sub-tropical upper troposphere is dampening any tendency in TO3RE from other factors (e.g. emissions, atmospheric chemistry)