336 research outputs found

    Structural basis of RNA polymerase I pre-initiation complex formation and promoter melting

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    Transcription of the ribosomal RNA precursor by RNA polymerase (Pol) I is a prerequisite for the biosynthesis of ribosomes in eukaryotes. Compared to Pols II and III, the mechanisms underlying promoter recognition, initiation complex formation and DNA melting by Pol I substantially diverge. Here, we report the high-resolution cryo-EM reconstruction of a Pol I early initiation intermediate assembled on a double-stranded promoter scaffold that prevents the establishment of downstream DNA contacts. Our analyses demonstrate how efficient promoter-backbone interaction is achieved by combined re-arrangements of flexible regions in the 'core factor' subunits Rrn7 and Rrn11. Furthermore, structure-function analysis illustrates how destabilization of the melted DNA region correlates with contraction of the polymerase cleft upon transcription activation, thereby combining promoter recruitment with DNA-melting. This suggests that molecular mechanisms and structural features of Pol I initiation have co-evolved to support the efficient melting, initial transcription and promoter clearance required for high-level rRNA synthesis. RNA polymerase I (Pol I) catalyses the transcription of ribosomal RNA precursors, and its transcription initiation mechanism differs from that of Pol II and Pol III. Here the authors present the cryo-EM structure of a trapped early intermediate stage of promoter-recruited Pol I, which reveals the interactions of the basal rDNA transcription machinery with the native promoter, and discuss the mechanistic implications

    Oxalate metabolism by the acetogenic bacterium Moorella thermoacetica

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    Whole-cell and cell-extract experiments were performed to study the mechanism of oxalate metabolism in the acetogenic bacterium Moorella thermoacetica. In short-term, whole-cell assays, oxalate consumption was low unless cell suspensions were supplemented with CO2, KNO3, or Na2S2O3. Cell extracts catalyzed the oxalate-dependent reduction of benzyl viologen. Oxalate consumption occurred concomitant to benzyl viologen reduction; when benzyl viologen was omitted, oxalate was not appreciably consumed. Based on benzyl viologen reduction, specific activities of extracts averaged 0.6 μmol oxalate oxidized min−1 mg protein−1. Extracts also catalyzed the formate-dependent reduction of NADP+; however, oxalate-dependent reduction of NADP+ was negligible. Oxalate- or formate-dependent reduction of NAD+ was not observed. Addition of coenzyme A (CoA), acetyl-CoA, or succinyl-CoA to the assay had a minimal effect on the oxalate-dependent reduction of benzyl viologen. These results suggest that oxalate metabolism by M. thermoacetica requires a utilizable electron acceptor and that CoA-level intermediates are not involved

    Solute channels of the outer membrane: from bacteria to chloroplasts

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    Chloroplasts, unique organelles of plants, originated from endosymbiosis of an ancestor of today's cyanobacteria with a mitochondria-containing host cell. It is assumed that the outer envelope membrane, which delimits the chloroplast from the surrounding cytosol, was thus inherited from its Gram-negative bacterial ancestor. This plastid-specific membrane is thus equipped with elements of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin. In particular, the membrane-intrinsic outer envelope proteins (OEPs) form solute channels with properties reminiscent of porins and channels in the bacterial outer membrane. OEP channels are characterised by distinct specificities for metabolites and a quite peculiar expression pattern in specialised plant organs and plastids, thus disproving the assumption that the outer envelope is a non-specific molecular sieve. The same is true for the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, which functions as a permeability barrier in addition to the cytoplasmic membrane, and embeds different classes of channel pores. The channels of these prokaryotic prototype proteins, ranging from unspecific porins to specific channels to ligand-gated receptors, are exclusively built of P-barrels. Although most of the OEP channels are formed by P-strands as well, phylogeny based on sequence homology alone is not feasible. Thus, the comparison of structural and functional properties of chloroplast outer envelope and bacterial outer membrane channels is required to pinpoint the ancestral OEP `portrait gallery'

    Medienverhalten und -erleben von Kindergartenkindern

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    Im Überblick der vorliegenden Forschungslandschaft zu Mediennutzungsstrukturen von Kindern zeigt sich ein Bild, welches besonders junge Kinder und deren Perspektiven vernachlässigt. Das Projekt Mediengarten, auf welchem die vorliegende Arbeit basiert, schließt diese Forschungslücke ein Stück weit, indem es die medienkulturelle Selbstwahrnehmung von Kindergartenkindern in den Fokus nahm. In Kooperation mit Bildungsanstalten für Kindergartenpädagogik wurde zwischen 2009 und 2011 eine qualitative Forschung durchgeführt, in welcher das Medienverhalten und –erleben von Drei- bis Sechsjährigen in Anwendung verbaler und nonverbaler Erhebungsmethoden untersucht wurde. In dieser Arbeit erfolgt die Triangulation der Bild- und Textdaten zu vier Fokuskindern aus dem Projekt. Diese werden zunächst aus einem medienpädagogischen Blickwinkel betrachtet. Grundlage dieser Auseinandersetzung bildet das Habitus-Konzept von Bourdieu (2009) und dem darauf aufbauenden Konzept eines medialen Habitus nach Kommer (2010). Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, welche medialen Praktiken und Einstellungen in den erhobenen Daten sichtbar werden. In Rückbindung an die Theorie wird weiter diskutiert, inwiefern die erhobenen Daten Anlass zur Annahme eines bereits gefestigten medialen Habitus bei Kindergartenkindern geben und inwiefern eine spezifische Typenbildung vorgenommen werden kann. Aufgrund experimenteller Herangehensweisen und der daraus resultierenden Datendiversität beschäftigt sich ein zweiter Schwerpunkt mit dem methodischen Vorgehen im Projekt. Erschlossen wird, welcher spezifische Mehrwert sich aus der Bild- bzw. Interviewanalyse ergibt und wie sich die Ergebnisse zueinander verhalten. Darüber hinaus wird die wissenschaftliche Anschlussfähigkeit dieser heterogenen Daten diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die verwendeten Methoden geeignet sind, um mediale Nutzungsformen und Einstellungen von Kindergartenkindern zu erheben. Im Hinblick auf den Mediengebrauch werden Affinitäten zwischen den vier analysierten Fällen erkennbar, welche sich zudem mit den Ergebnissen angeführter Studien decken. Die sichtbar gewordenen Einstellungen zu Medien zeigen, dass es bereits zur Inkorporation kulturellen Kapitals im Sinne Bourdieus gekommen ist. Die Bewertungsschemata der Kinder orientieren sich im Wirken des Habitus als strukturierende Struktur an jenen der Familie. Auf der Basis der Analysen ist anzunehmen, dass die Bedeutungszuschreibungen zu Medien damit zwar angelegt, aber nicht gefestigt sind. Eine Habitustypbestimmung kann infolge der kleinen Untersuchungsgruppe nicht geleistet werden, wobei diese im Zuge des unabgeschlossenen Inkorporationsprozesses allgemein als verfrüht erscheint. Hinsichtlich der verwendeten Methoden erwies sich die Kombination verbaler und nonverbaler Verfahren als geeignet, einen Zugang zur kindlichen Perspektive zu erreichen. Während die Zeichnungen den offenen Charakter der Forschungssituation betonen, liefern die Interviews wichtige Ergänzungen zu den Bedeutungen der Darstellungen und der sozialen Einbettung des Kindes. In Anlehnung an die bestehende Methodendiskussion erfolgt die Einschätzung, dass die Daten aufgrund eines methodisch kontrollierten Vorgehens durchaus im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs anschlussfähig sind und die Perspektiven für weiterführende Forschungen öffnen können

    Neue Indolderivate als FLT3-Inhibitoren und chimäre FLT3- und HDAC-Inhibitoren: Synthese und biologische Testung

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    Eine neue Generation selektiver FLT3 Inhibitoren wurde dargestellt, die zusätzlich auch in den Therapie-assoziierten FLT3-ITD Mutationen wirksam sind. Zusätzlich wurden chimäre Inhibitoren, die sowohl eine FLT3i Aktivität als auch eine HDACi Aktivität aufweisen, entwickelt und deren biologische Aktivität evaluiert

    Oxalate metabolism by the acetogenic bacterium Moorella thermoacetica

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    Whole-cell and cell-extract experiments were performed to study the mechanism of oxalate metabolism in the acetogenic bacterium Moorella thermoacetica. In short-term, whole-cell assays, oxalate consumption was low unless cell suspensions were supplemented with CO2, KNO3, or Na2S2O3. Cell extracts catalyzed the oxalate-dependent reduction of benzyl viologen. Oxalate consumption occurred concomitant to benzyl viologen reduction; when benzyl viologen was omitted, oxalate was not appreciably consumed. Based on benzyl viologen reduction, specific activities of extracts averaged 0.6 μmol oxalate oxidized min−1 mg protein−1. Extracts also catalyzed the formate-dependent reduction of NADP+; however, oxalate-dependent reduction of NADP+ was negligible. Oxalate- or formate-dependent reduction of NAD+ was not observed. Addition of coenzyme A (CoA), acetyl-CoA, or succinyl-CoA to the assay had a minimal effect on the oxalate-dependent reduction of benzyl viologen. These results suggest that oxalate metabolism by M. thermoacetica requires a utilizable electron acceptor and that CoA-level intermediates are not involved

    Reconstitution of the RNA polymerase I initiation complex from recombinant initiation factors and regulation of its activity

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    In fast growing cells, up to 60% of total transcription is devoted to ribosomal RNA synthesis. In eukaryotes a specialized enzyme, RNA polymerase I (Pol I), synthesizes a polycistronic precursor rRNA which is the 35S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in the yeast S. cerevisiae. Whereas Pol II and Pol III use similar mechanisms to initiate transcription, the processes underlying Pol I promoter recognition, initiation complex formation and DNA melting substantially diverge. The transcription initiation factor CF (core factor) together with Pol I and the Pol I-bound initiation factor Rrn3 initiates in vitro transcription at a basal level. Binding of Upstream-Activating-Factor (UAF) and TATA-Binding-Protein (TBP) to the upstream promoter element (UE) enhance Pol I transcription initiation in vitro and are essential for Pol I-dependent rRNA synthesis in vivo. I reconstituted Pol I transcription initiation from highly purified factors to understand molecular mechanisms underlying this process. I combined biochemical characterisation of Pol I and its transcription factors with electron cryo microscopy (cryo EM). We obtained a cryo EM density of a highly active Pol I/Rrn3 complex at 7,5 Å and compared it with monomeric and dimeric Pol I. Rrn3 binds at the Pol I stalk and contacts subunits AC40 and A190. Rrn3 binding occludes A43-connector association and thereby prevents dimerization. Rrn3-bound and monomeric Pol I differ from the dimeric enzyme in cleft opening, and localization of the A12.2 C-terminus in the active center. Rrn3 stabilizes monomeric Pol I and drives pre-initiation complex formation (PIC). I used a fully reconstituted transcription system to better define contributions of individual PIC components to highly efficient Pol I initiation. My results suggested that UAF recruits TBP to the promoter, UAF and TBP stabilize CF and form a stable ‘committed’ complex. Net1-C might be associated with this complex, and acts as an activation domain which could be functionally conserved in mammalian UBF. Further, re-investigation of Pol I promoter elements allowed a more precise description of cis-acting elements and their interaction with Pol I transcription factors. Finally, we obtained a high-resolution cryo-EM reconstruction of a Pol I early initiation intermediate at 3,5 Å resolution. Our analysis showed, how efficient promoter-backbone interactions were achieved by re-arrangement of flexible regions in CF subunits Rrn7 and Rrn11. Destabilization of the melted DNA region correlated with a contraction of the polymerase cleft upon transcription activation, thereby combining promoter recruitment with DNA melting

    A blue light receptor that mediates RNA binding and translational regulation

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    Sensory photoreceptor proteins underpin light-dependent adaptations in nature and enable the optogenetic control of organismal behavior and physiology. We identified the bacterial light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) photoreceptor PAL that sequence-specifically binds short RNA stem loops with around 20 nM affinity in blue light and weaker than 1 µM in darkness. A crystal structure rationalizes the unusual receptor architecture of PAL with C-terminal LOV photosensor and N-terminal effector units. The light-activated PAL–RNA interaction can be harnessed to regulate gene expression at the RNA level as a function of light in both bacteria and mammalian cells. The present results elucidate a new signal-transduction paradigm in LOV receptors and conjoin RNA biology with optogenetic regulation, thereby paving the way toward hitherto inaccessible optoribogenetic modalities

    Реализация цифрового фильтра на основе сглаживающего штрафного P-сплайна

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    Проведен синтез рекурсивного цифрового фильтра с использованием штрафного P–сплайна. Аналитически получены и исследованы частотные и временные характеристики сплайн–фильтра для данных, поступающих в режиме реального времени. Исследовано влияние параметров штрафного P–сплайна на показатели эффективности интерпретации входной измерительной информации.A recursive digital filter was synthesized using a penalty P – spline. The frequency and time characteristics of the spline filter for real–time data are analytically obtained and investigated. The influence of the parameters of the penalty P – spline on the efficiency of interpretation of the input measurement information is investigated